Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 116: preparation


That day she accidentally called out that hers was Liu Gong's secret system. When asked about her master's inheritance, she said her master's surname was Liu...

This trick is very common in every drug market, it is not a strange thing...

If you become Liu Gong's disciple in this way, then wouldn't Liu Gong's disciples be all over the streets...

Gu Shiba Niang looked at Peng Yizhen in astonishment and smiled bitterly, "You mean, they really think this is the medicine made by Liu Bucai? No, I already said I made it... ."

"Yes, that's why they recognized you as Liu Gong's disciple." Peng Yizhen was also a little puzzled. The look on Gu Shiba's face didn't seem to be what he expected.

The young lady's reaction was the same as when she first heard the news. . . . .

"No way..." Gu Shiba Niang was a bit dumbfounded, "Which family are they from? It's not the first time they are buying medicine, right? There are so many people in the world under the banner of Liu Gong, they can't all be regarded as... He must be Liu Gong’s disciple.”

"But, but, they are a well-established medicine shop, and they say that yours is Liu Gong's craftsmanship..." Peng Yizhen was a little unsure at this time, and stammered.

"Which medicine shop?" Gu Shiba Niang asked.

"It's from Su'an, Baohe Hall..." Peng Yizhen said, and then added, "Su'an, where is the capital?"

Gu Shiba Niang was stunned, the events of the past few days passed quickly through her mind...

So that’s it… ..

If it's not that the people in the medicine shop are blind, then... that book is true

Of course, this book must be true. She has known it for a long time, but she has never believed that it is really the original work of Liu Gong.

Gu Shiba Niang couldn't help but get excited, turned around and punched the table. The strong pain made her realize that this was indeed true.

The most important thing is that her medicine has been made so that it can be recognized as Liu Gong's skill. Has she made such great progress

She didn't even know it, but when she turned to look at the bag of gold leaves in her hand, Gu Shiba Niang suddenly wanted to cry. It was different from the previous crying caused by suppressed grief and indignation, but a brand new emotion that she had never felt before. Heat stirred in my chest.

She did it, and her hard work and sleepless nights were not in vain...

Reaching this level that she had never thought of in her previous life, on her own...

Seeing Gu Shiba's expression changing and acting suspiciously, Ms. Cao felt worried.

Things have completely exceeded her imagination.

Who is Liu Gong or his apprentice? Who knows better than her whether her daughter has learned skills from an apprentice

"It's a misunderstanding." Mrs. Cao said, looking a little uneasy, "I'll give this money back to others..."

"No way," Peng scratched his head, "So many people have misunderstood?"

Gu Shiba Niang had calmed down by this time. She reached out and took the money bag in her hand and threw it away with a smile on her lips.

Go back? The rules of the medicine shop are: sell without refund, buy high and buy low, each is destiny.

"Eighteen Mother, isn't this good?" Mrs. Cao couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when she saw that her daughter really wanted to accept the money.

This was the first time she had seen so many gold coins. Could it be that she could only get them by selling some medicinal materials? What kind of medicine is this? It must be medicine made of gold. What's more, those people misunderstood that their daughter was the apprentice of a big shot. In fact, her daughter was not. . . . .

"Why is it bad?" Gu Shiba Niang said with a smile and weighed the money bag again, "I stole it? Robbed it? Cheated it? Cheated...Mother, most pharmaceuticals are named after the master's surname, Dong Gong Liu Mr. Zhang, besides, I’m not lying to anyone. My master’s surname is indeed Liu..."

It's just a book, not a person.

"I sell, people buy, I tell, people argue, mother, these medicine buyers, all of them have some sharp eyesight, they will never think what it is when I say it." Gu Shiba Mother smiled.

Mr. Cao nodded when he heard this. This is correct, but this is gold, gold, so much gold...

"Maybe my medicine is worth the price if it is well made." Gu Shiba Niang smiled, showing her thin white teeth.

She turned her gaze and looked at Peng Yizhen, who was obviously a little confused.

"Shopkeeper Peng, thank you for bringing it to me. I'm in a hurry to use the money." She said sincerely.

Peng Yizhen came back to his senses and said several times that this is what it should be. It was originally the medicine made by you, little lady...

"Um, is your master's surname really Liu?" he asked in a low voice.

Gu Shiba Niang nodded.

Sure enough, there is a master, there is an expert who can give guidance from behind, so Liu is fine. Even if it is not Liu Bucai, it must be related to Liu Bucai. Peng Yizhen was relieved, touched his head and laughed.

"Sure enough, a famous teacher will give birth to a good disciple, and a famous teacher will give birth to a good disciple. If the little lady doesn't take action, it will be fine. Once she does, she will become famous all over the world..."

Gu Shiba Niang was amused by him. How could she become famous all over the world as soon as she made a move? First she was looked down upon by Shopkeeper Zhou, and then she was rejected by Master Dong...

The road has been walked step by step, and the skills have been developed minute by minute, but every bit of this is completely hers, and no one can take it away.

"Shopkeeper Peng, you are really timely." She looked at Peng Yizhen and said with emotion.

She tightened her hands on the money bag and raised a smile on her lips.

When Gu Hai came home in the evening, he was pulled into the house by Madam Cao. Looking at so much money and hearing what his mother said, he was shocked and speechless for a long time.

He looked up at his sister who was standing quietly on the side. The candlelight cast a layer of pale yellow light on her body, which was dim and somewhat unreal.

She was thinner but taller. Seeing her brother looking over, she raised her head and pursed her lips with a smile, and the radiance poured out like mercury...

Gu Hai didn't hear what Cao said in a low voice. He looked at the sister in front of him and felt an unprecedented confidence.

"Do you want to destroy our shop now?" he said suddenly.

Ms. Cao, who was speaking, was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled by her son's sudden lack of beginning and end.

Gu Shiba Niang smiled and shook her head, "Of course she will come back, but not now."

Now she can make money, but it's nothing, not enough to be proud in front of the clan leader.

She still needs to do more and become more powerful.

Gu Hai nodded, "We are ready to go. My sister has thought about it very much. So I feel relieved. What better plans does my sister have?"

Mrs. Cao looked at her son and daughter for a moment, and sighed quietly.

"I plan to buy a medicine shop..." Gu Shiba Niang said with a smile, "But the most important thing right now is that each of us buys some new clothes. It's the Chinese New Year. This time, dad is not here. In order not to let the good intentions People are worried about us, we want to have a good year.”

Gu Hai smiled and reached out to pat his sister on the head.

"You don't need outsiders to see if it's good or not," he said with a smile.

"Yes, I want us to see for ourselves." Gu Shiba Niang also smiled, "Also, brother, it's time for you to give me a generous gift when you first become a teacher."

"Etiquette is less important than affection. Sir, you don't value this. It's enough for me to read the book well." Gu Hai said with a smile.

"High courtesy does not necessarily mean light affection." Gu Shiba Niang said with a smile.

This is an era where people only look at people based on money and status, so let her use money to kill those who are waiting to see their jokes. They must be very happy.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, people on the streets are unconsciously filled with joy. The sound of firecrackers coming from nowhere adds to the joy.

Ms. Cao looked at Gu Hai's new dark gold cotton robe again, with a mixture of happiness and sadness on her face.

"Mom, the son you gave birth to will look good no matter how you look at it..." Gu Shiba Niang came in wearing an azure cloak, looked at Ms. Cao and said with a smile.

"You girl..." Mrs. Cao looked at her angrily, her eye circles couldn't help but turn red, "I have wronged you all these years..."

She is really a useless mother. She hasn’t bought new clothes for her children in two or three years...

"Mom." Gu Shiba Niang reached out to stop her and rested her head on her mother's shoulder, "...You will never feel wronged when you have a mother..."

As soon as she said these words, her nose also felt sore. So what if she had new clothes to wear every day in that life? Will she ever be happy one day

Watching Gu Hai put on his cloak, Gu Shiba Niang handed him three beautifully packaged boxes.

"This is a new year's gift for my husband." She smiled.

"What is it?" Gu Hai asked, his hand felt heavy...

"Nothing, just deer breasts or something." Gu Shiba Niang said with a smile.

In the past, taking out ten pieces of bacon was already the limit...

"Where are you going? Are you going to make medicine today?" Gu Hai watched his sister put on the same newly made aqua blue cloak, obviously going out.

"I'm going to take a look. We've run out of medicinal materials..." Gu Shiba Niang said vaguely.

I wonder if the old man is back? Gu Shiba Niang wanted to ask him something she had been holding back...

The brother and sister walked away along the street together. Cao stood at the door and did not turn around until they were out of sight.

When Gu Hai approached the school, Gu Long was jumping out of the carriage, shouting and cursing, urging Gu Yu to hurry up and get the New Year's gift for his husband.

"Huh?" Gu Long didn't recognize Gu Hai at first sight.

He wore an azure cloak and a dark gold robe. Because of the filial piety of the old patriarch, the tall and thin boy did not wear any jade sachet. He came so slowly, with a calm expression and bright eyes.

Why did this kid seem to be transformed overnight

Gu Long stared blankly as he walked past him without even glancing at him.

"You brat won't know who you are when you put on new clothes." Gu Long came back to his senses and couldn't help but jumped up, pointing at the back of the figure who had already entered the school door and yelling.

Looking back, Gu Yu held two gift boxes and stared at the boy's retreating figure in a daze.

"What are you looking at? Pick it up quickly, young master..." Gu Long kicked him in anger without saying anything.

Gu Yu staggered, but fortunately he had already gotten used to it, and the gift box in his hand did not fall to the ground.

"Yes." He lowered his head and responded, following the cursing Gu Long into the school.

He raised his head, his face still filled with the shock he had just seen from the young man. Is the rude and stupid young man who barely left a clear impression in his memory the same person as just now

The last time I saw him was just a month ago. At that time, he was no different from before, and that was wrong. Gu Yu's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. There was a little difference, but he had overlooked it...

That time when they scolded him, he didn't jump up and fight with them like before, but turned around and left with his head down without saying a word...

Changed.. Sure enough, it changed...

Gu Yu's eyes turned to the many students who were joking and joking. Among them, the young man's weak aura, like a sword unsheathed, was gradually revealed...

Is this the credit of the school

Just like an inconspicuous stone, carefully polished by master craftsmen, the dazzling essence of jade is revealed...

Is Gu Yu destined to be a rock for the rest of his life

The big exam three months later is an opportunity to polish off his rough coat. However, he has not yet entered the school...

No chance

He used his hands unconsciously and pinched out several marks on the gift box.

"Young Master..." He took a few deep breaths, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and took a few steps to catch up with Gu Long, "...that boy has such an attitude when he sees you now..."

Gu Long gets angry when he thinks about it.

"No, this kid is getting more and more ridiculous," he said angrily, curling his lips, "... more and more like those bookworms... very boring..."

This is not good. No one knows Gu Long’s temper better than him. He is just a strong man among the outsiders. Now, he has already lost the battle before he even had a fight with Gu Hai…

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"...It's obvious that he is sorry, Master... Master, you haven't said anything yet. Look, he looks like he has met his enemy..." He whispered.

After a few words, Gu Long's anger finally couldn't be suppressed.

"You brat, let you hang around like this freely in front of me, my life has been in vain." Gu Long gritted his teeth and rolled up his sleeves, "...even if it's not for me, I will vent my anger for my father, grandma ’s…our family is so easy to bully…”

He stamped his feet and was about to rush over, but was blocked by Gu Yu.

"Young Master... if you make such a fuss, Mr. Careful will punish you..." He said with a worried look on his face.

"That's right..." Gu Long couldn't help but shudder when he thought of his husband. He was so cruel when he slapped the hand...

"In this way..." Gu Yu pursed his lips and smiled, drawing a beautiful arc, "... I am giving you a New Year's gift today... Master, you..."

The young man whispered a few words, and Gu Long looked very good.

"Okay, you still have something to offer." He laughed and patted Gu Yu on the shoulder, "...then daddy will show you his merit..."

Looking at Gu Long running away, Gu Yu smiled lightly, raised his chin slightly, and through the open window not far away, he found the figure of Gu Hai among the many students who was reading a book seriously, quietly After a few glances, he lowered his head and left.

Gu Shiba Niang stood in front of the hut for a while, sighed in disappointment, and turned back.

Where has this old man gone? How did he get that book? Does he know the book is true? Is he related to Mr. Liu

Has he already expected that he has already been regarded as Liu Gong's successor? That's why you asked her to go to a big drug store to sell medicine without asking for a price

She wanted to ask him many questions, but the old man left again as quietly as he came.

"Miss..." Lingbaoer held the bamboo basket and looked timidly at the girl standing in front of him, "I caught some more toads and was about to send them to you, miss..."

"No, no need for toads." Gu Shiba Niang smiled and glanced at this small ruined temple with air leakage from all sides, "Where is your brother?"

Lingbao looked a little uneasy, lowered his head and Nuonuo only said is out...

"Stealing again?" Gu Shiba Niang frowned.

"No." Lingyuan's voice sounded from behind, and he strode over with a bit of stubbornness on his face, biting his thin lips until they turned white.