Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 22: in advance


Seeing this woman appear, Gu Shiba Niang immediately lowered her hands and took a step back.

Only children born to royal emperors can be called princes and princesses, while daughters from princely families are only princesses. Although there is only one word difference, the status is obviously different. Today's Longqing Emperor has no heirs, so there is no princess in the royal family at this time.

Although Princess Baiyu is not a princess, her status is incomparable to the daughters of ordinary wealthy families. And precisely because Emperor Longqing has no children, Princess Baiyu is deeply loved by the royal family because of her birth, so she is treated as a princess. Average treatment.

Hearing the name appear, Gu Shiba Niang's heart was shaken, and she couldn't help but look up slightly.

In that life, Prince Zhe came to the throne, and the queen was Princess Baiyu. I really didn’t expect that in this life she would have the opportunity to meet the empress whose mother was the queen of the world. Then I thought about it, she was very likely to become the emperor’s benefactor. There is nothing more surprising than this. Something

Sensing her gaze, Princess Baiyu's gaze suddenly turned around, like a sharp spear piercing the air.

Gu Shiba Niang hurriedly lowered her head.

"Well, it's a little inconvenient to see guests." Prince Wen's voice sounded, and he turned slightly and took a step forward, blocking Princess Baiyu's view.

"What happened?" Princess Baiyu smiled slightly.

"I accidentally caught the wind and cold." King Wenjun replied.

"Really?" Concern appeared on Princess Baiyu's face. She took a few steps forward, stood in front of him and looked carefully. She nodded, "She really doesn't look good..."

"So, I don't want to see guests for the time being. I didn't know that Sister Baiyu is here." Prince Wenjun replied calmly.

"I also heard people say that Brother Wen is in ill health, so I came here to take a look because I was worried..." Princess Baiyu gently covered her mouth with her hand and whispered.

Prince Wen's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at Princess Baiyu and nodded, with a smile on his lips.

"What do you think of Sister Baiyu now?" He smiled.

Princess Baiyu smiled, glanced at Gu Shiba Niang who was standing with her head bowed, and patted Prince Wen's arm meaningfully, "It doesn't seem to be anything serious now..."

Prince Wen smiled, his voice clear.

"Now that you're here, do you want to sit down?" He looked at Princess Baiyu and asked.

"Okay." Princess Baiyu grinned and nodded, holding his arm with the joy of a child.

Looking at the two people playing chess opposite each other in the pavilion, Gu Shiba Niang couldn't help but frown, and a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes.

"No... are you okay?" Waiter Huang passed by with tea in hand and asked in a low voice with a voice that was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Today is the first day out of bed. My original plan was just to walk around and get used to it.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have admired any flowers. I had saved my energy to come here..." Gu Shiba Niang bit her lower lip and whispered. Princess Baiyu's clear laughter came from the pavilion. The two looked over and saw her. He raised his pink fist and hit King Wenjun on the shoulder.

Gu Shiba Niang and Huang Huang's faces trembled at the same time.

"Hey, the savior is here," Gu Shiba Niang whispered with a bit of joy, looking to the other side of the corridor, where a middle-aged man who had not been seen for several days was hurriedly coming with a solemn expression.

Waiter Huang recited the Buddha's name softly, held the tea and stepped out of the way to let the middle-aged man go first. He happily followed in.

Gu Shiba Niang also breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face.

Sure enough, not long after, Princess Baiyu stood up, said goodbye with a smile, and walked out surrounded by a group of maids.

Gu Shiba Niang lowered her head and stepped aside. Her eyes fell on the skirt at her feet, which was like flowing clouds. The skirt drew an arc and stopped.

"You..." Prince Baiyu's voice sounded.

"Princess..." Gu Shiba Niang smiled, raised her head and was about to speak, when a slap came with a sharp breath.


The long-nailed hand swept across Gu Shiba Niang's cheek fiercely, and traces of blood immediately seeped out from her face, but because of the right force, she did not fall out.

Not sure whether it was because she was beaten or because she was angry, Gu Shiba Niang felt her head pounding and she was confused.

"Are you so ignorant of the rules?" Princess Baiyu stared at her with a superior look, and said coldly: "You don't kneel down when you meet this princess? Where did you, a maid who doesn't know etiquette, come from?"

The burning pain has made Gu Shiba Niang calm down. Princess Baiyu is right. For a person of her status, even the first-class ladies of the current dynasty would not dare to neglect her. A lady from an ordinary official's family would not hesitate to meet Yingying. It’s not an exaggeration to kneel down.

This woman, no, this little girl, probably wanted to teach herself a lesson because she saw that she had just become so close to Prince Wenjun.

"Yes, the princess will atone for her sins." She knelt down heavily and put her head on the ground, saying in a trembling voice.

"I have seen a lot of maids like you, so please stick to your duties and don't forget your identity." Princess Baiyu's cold voice came from above.

"Yes..." Gu Shiba Niang responded in a low voice, and the sound of her footsteps gradually faded away.

She raised her head, her expression calm, and she seemed not to feel the pain on her face. She saw Peng Yizhen, who was dressed at home, running towards her. She quickly stood up and ran towards the pavilion.

"How is it?" Looking at Prince Wen who fell asleep under the quilt, the middle-aged man Huang Neiwei and Gu Shiba Niang asked at the same time, unable to hide their worries.

Peng Yizhen raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's okay, it's okay." He nodded and praised sincerely, "The county prince is really powerful. If it were anyone else, he would have been in pain, but he can still talk and laugh. No wonder People often say that the son of a true dragon is different from ordinary people..."

Hearing what he said was vulgar, the middle-aged man glanced at him slightly dissatisfied, but did not rebuke him.

"The date is set..." He glanced at the two of them with a somewhat solemn expression.

Is it the day for the canonization of the prince? The three people in the room stopped breathing for a moment.

"September thirteenth." The middle-aged man said solemnly.

There are only four days left, which is several days earlier than expected.

"How is that possible?" Huang Huang lost his voice in panic.

The middle-aged man exhaled with a solemn expression, "Someone has given advice to Your Majesty that Prince Wen is seriously ill..."

If the prince is not established for a day, everyone still has a chance. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, some people will not give up.

"We must ensure that the county king does not make any mistakes in the past few days until the canonization ceremony is successfully concluded." The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Peng Yizhen.

Peng Yizhen had a troubled look on his face.

"I originally thought there were still seven or eight days left..." He rubbed his hands unconsciously, "If...if we want to ensure that the prince does not make any mistakes in these few days..."

"How?" the middle-aged man asked.

Peng Yizhen took a deep breath, raised his head and said, "Then the final diagnosis and treatment must be done after the ceremony."

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed, "How is that possible?" he said in a voiceless voice.

According to their plan, the final step of diagnosis and treatment that determines life and death must be carried out at least seven days after the canonization ceremony.

"Did the county prince suffer so much just for this ceremony?" His face was extremely ugly, and the hands hanging by his side were clenched tightly. "Once the ceremony is over, if the county is very likely that he will not be remembered at all. Entering the imperial pedigree…”

"But now that things have come to this, is there any other way?" Gu Shiba Niang said.

Sooner or later, he will die. The key is that at this time, there is no other choice.

The middle-aged man naturally understood this. He looked at Gu Shiba Niang and let out a sigh of relief.

"So are you ready?" The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Peng Yizhen.

Peng Yizhen took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and looked at Gu Shiba Niang.

"It takes me three days to make the medicine, so I have just enough time." Gu Shiba Niang said.

The middle-aged man took a deep look at them and suddenly bent down to salute.

"Sir, I don't dare to be a young man." Peng Yizhen and Gu Shiba Niang hurriedly paid their respects.

"You're welcome, I'm thanking you for this greeting..." The middle-aged man looked at them with their hands behind their backs and said, "Maybe it's to say goodbye to you..."

If the prince is alive and you win, everyone will be happy; if the prince dies and you lose, everything will come to an end.

Peng Yizhen and Gu Shiba Niang didn't know what to say for a moment, and watched the man turn around and go out.

Prince Wenjun was forcibly awakened from his deep sleep. His spirit was extremely tired, and he seemed to be sleeping but not awake. He was leaning softly on the pillow, and the dim light of the candle lamp made everything in front of him unreal.

Someone was shaking in front of his eyes, and then the bitter medicine was put into his mouth, because while he was half awake, the tiredness he had been suppressing made him resist subconsciously.

"...Prince, I know it's hard to eat and suffer..."

"...If you eat this once, you won't have to eat for three days..."

The soft voice lingered in his ears, making him take the bitter and disgusting medicine one bite after another.

"...Prince, I'm going to give you some medicine..."

"...Prince, you must wait for me carefully..."

Gu Shiba Niang helped Huang Huang to help Prince Wen lie down, and just as she was about to step away, her hand was suddenly pulled. She looked down and saw that it was Prince Wen's hand stretched out from under the quilt.

"Prince?" She knelt down beside the bed and looked at Prince Wen, whose eyes were slightly open, "But what are your other orders?"

Prince Wen's mouth moved slightly, but no sound came out.

"Master Huang..." Gu Shiba Niang looked at Waiter Huang.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty..." Huang Huang put his head over and called softly, "What do you want to say?"

"Medicine...medicine...ointment...?" He raised his head and repeated with confusion, "What other ointment do you need?"

Gu Shiba Niang shook her head. Prince Wen fell into a deep sleep again. She gently pulled back her hand and stood up.

"The prince will wake up tomorrow. Let's talk about anything then." She whispered.

Huang Chamberlain nodded, straightened Prince Wen's bedding once more, and gently put down the curtain.

"Then I'll take my leave. I need to make some preparations, and then I'll start making medicine. I will close the doors and windows for these three days and nights. No one can disturb me." Gu Shiba Niang saluted Huang.

"Then I'll take care of you, madam." Chamberlain Huang nodded and returned the greeting.

Under the light, Gu Shiba Niang raised her head and smiled at him again, then turned around and left.

"Alas..." Waiter Huang extinguished a lamp, sat down on the footrest, sighed, and suddenly remembered that something was wrong with the girl's appearance just now.

"Oh," Chamberlain Huang clapped his hands, "No, half of his face is swollen, and there are still a few blood marks..."

Prince Wen fell into a coma after Princess Baiyu left. Everyone was busy with these things, but they forgot that Gu Shiba Niang received a slap from Princess Baiyu.

"Don't lose your appearance..." Waiter Huang said to himself, leaning on his chin with his hand. His hand suddenly slipped and he jumped up, "Oh..."

He shouted out loud, and immediately covered his mouth, fearing to disturb Prince Wen.

"I'm so stupid." He raised his hand and lightly slapped his face, "Plaster, plaster, plaster."

After saying that, he raised his feet and walked out, calling softly, "Mrs. Gu, please wait, don't go to make medicine yet."