Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 26: Stay temporarily


When they rushed to the patriarch's house, the patriarch was still alive.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the three of them, as if they didn't expect them to arrive at this time.

"Oh? The Leyun family is here?"

The filial sons and grandsons standing in the hall were headed by the clan leader's second son, the future clan leader, Gu Changchun.

A hint of surprise appeared on his haggard and sad face. He didn't expect them to arrive so quickly. He originally thought they would miss the funeral, and at most they could catch up with the round grave.

He knew that his father wrote a letter to Mr. Cao. It was more than a month ago. He originally had no special feelings about Mr. Cao's family.

There are so many people in the clan, so those who have little contribution to the family will naturally be ignored, not to mention that the family will automatically alienate themselves from this place.

Gu Changchun was a little disdainful of his father's efforts to support the family when he was critically ill, but he did not want to stop his father's decision. However, after writing this letter, his father became seriously ill, and the family asked for help from doctors and gods. , he didn't take the matter of delivering the letter to heart. It took him a long time to remember it, and then he handed it over to the real head of the Gu family, the second uncle's family as Gu Shiba Niang said.

As for when the letter was sent, he didn't care at all, but that didn't mean that he didn't know that the content of the letter had been peeked, and the time of sending the letter had been manipulated.

Houses and shops are tempting to anyone, no matter how wealthy they are.

Furthermore, from the perspective of the entire family, from the bottom of his heart, Gu Changchun would rather have this property and shop fall into the hands of someone who is more suitable and able to create value.

"Grandpa..." Mrs. Cao hid her face and cried as she entered the door, saluting Gu Changchun.

Gu Changchun nodded as a courtesy. His eyes fell behind Mrs. Cao. The two children lowered their heads and wept. Regardless of whether they were genuine or not, it was considered intentional to come before the old man closed his eyes. His expression softened a bit unconsciously.

"Now that you are here, go and meet me. Father has been thinking about you..." He said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing the word "longing", Mrs. Cao burst into tears. She didn't care to look at the others in the room and stumbled into the inner hall. Gu Hai and Gu Shiba Niang hurriedly followed.

A group of women who had changed into plain clothes were sitting in the inner hall, all sobbing softly. One of them couldn't help but stand up in shock when he saw the Cao family coming in crying.

"Why are they here?" She couldn't help but murmured.

Gu Shiba Niang, who was helping her turn into the partition, turned her head and looked over accurately, and her eyes met with the woman's.

She was about forty years old, with a dignified face and a tall figure. She had already taken off her accessories and wore only plain flowers on her head. Her raised eyebrows and slight movements were all familiar to Gu Shiba Niang. I was so familiar that my heartbeat stopped at that moment.

long time no see. . . . .

"Auntie..." Gu Shiba Niang looked at her, her lips moved slightly, then turned her head and followed Cao in.

"This girl is...?" The woman was a little startled, and the look of the thin little girl was replayed in front of her eyes, "What did she think she called me?"

"This is not your fourth child's girl..." someone next to him whispered.

Oh, it's her, the woman remembered, a trace of disdain flashed across her lips.

"It's hard for them to know that they can catch up with the master..." The woman next to her wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "It seems like they have been here non-stop for days and nights..."

Hearing this compliment, the woman frowned and couldn't help but stir up her handkerchief.

"Humph, it's not because of the house and shop..." She whispered angrily.

Her voice was very low, but she was still heard by the people next to her.

"Then why are you here from the Leshan family?" a female voice said lightly.

I am not happy right now, and whoever is not smart would find it uncomfortable. . . . .

The woman turned around with raised eyebrows and glare, but she swallowed back the retort in time when she saw the person in front of her.

"...Third Grandma..." She hurriedly lowered her head and said.

Next to her was a woman who was no more than thirty years old. She was now dressed in plain clothes, which made her look even more like a fairy. She walked over without even looking at Mr. Guo, and only went to the inner room.

"Bah, little vixen..." Seeing the woman walking away, Mrs. Guo cursed in her heart.

When the raindrops fell, cries resounded in the house. In an instant, the cries spread, and the entire mansion was filled with cries.

Gu Shiba Niang stood in a corner of the yard and knelt down with everyone else. She raised her head and her face was wet with rain.

At a similar time and place, she also experienced a funeral. In that funeral, she was the main character crying...

Following the arrangement of fate, although it was not on time, it still came to Jiankang, so will the destined funeral come as scheduled? . . …

"My condolences..." the servant girl in charge of paying filial piety shouted repeatedly and quickly handed over the filial piety cloth.

Looking at this little girl lying on the ground crying and unable to control herself, I saw mostly wailing servant women along the way, so I couldn't help but look at her twice.

Commoner clothes and skirts, Jingchai hairpin and plain flowers, thin and thin Pingting.

"My condolences, young lady, the old man will be in bliss soon..." The servant woman couldn't help but say a few more words, and tied the little girl's head with her own hands.

After the round grave, except for the immediate family members of the clan leader, everyone else left Wuli Village, the ancestral home of the Gu family, and returned to Jiankang City.

Pushing open the creaking courtyard door, a cloud of dust fell.

"Because the matter is so urgent, we haven't had time to clean up..." the maid who led the way said with a flash of her hand, while glaring at the two girls who opened the door, "What are you doing here? Go and get someone to clean up..."

The two little girls pouted and said reluctantly: "...Everyone has just come back...find that one..."

Mrs. Cao, who was supporting Gu Hai, smiled quickly and said, "No need, we can do it ourselves. We come back twice a year. There is no way to clean up here. We are all tired. You should go and have a rest."

Seeing her say this, the woman and the girl were not polite. They said that if the Fourth Madam needs anything, they will tell us, and then they walked away.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Gu Hai helped Cao enter the door and saw that Gu Shiba Niang had already gone in and was standing in the yard, not knowing what to look at.

This is the home of my second uncle, and a small courtyard in the west courtyard is their residence.

When the family of the previous generation separated, their branch also shared the property. Later, because Shiba Niang’s grandfather settled in Xianren County, and the second uncle wanted to expand the house, he persuaded them to pay for the property. Of course, they considered that they would settle here. , so this small courtyard was allocated to them.

The yard is a little smaller than their house in Xianren County. Except for the missing well, everything else is complete.

In that life, Cao and Gu Hai passed away one after another, so Gu Shiba Niang was taken into the inner courtyard because of the excessive yin energy. It had been a long, long time since she had been here...

The year I got married, this place was demolished and a small stage was built...

"I haven't seen anything, I haven't been here for a long time..." Gu Shiba Niang murmured while stroking the pomegranate tree in the yard.