Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 28: Impermanent


That time when I received an invitation from the old monk to listen to Buddhist scriptures, not to mention Gu Yu was shocked when he saw Gu Shiba Niang, she was also shocked when she saw Gu Yu. With Gu Yu's intelligence, it would be strange not to think wildly. What's more terrible is that Gu Yu Hai actually beat Gu Yu in the provincial examination. Others may not feel it at all, but think that Gu Yu's score is really good, but for the reborn Gu Shiba Niang, there is always something strange in her heart.

Why did you just call Gu Yu to listen to the scriptures? The fate of their family has changed, and Gu Yu's fate has also changed, and this change...

Gu Yu's eyes full of jealousy suddenly appeared before her eyes, and the hostility that puzzled the two siblings seemed to have a source.

It must have something to do with this old monk

"The female donor thinks what I said is wrong?" Master Mingran said with a smile.

"Of course it's not right, why should we..." Gu Shiba Niang said coldly, and when she said this, she suddenly froze.

This old monk wants to trick himself

Gu Shiba Niang looked at Master Zhiran. No matter what the old monk saw, such absurd things could never be acknowledged by her own mouth.

"...Master also said that everything has its destiny, just let nature take its course, but you can't explain everything thoroughly, isn't it?" She said with a smile.

Master Mingran laughed and nodded, "The female donor is very enlightened."

"I wonder what the master has understood?" Gu Shiba Niang asked, wanting to explore his background.

Master Mingran pointed to his side, "What did the female donor see?"

It's almost winter, and the neatly manicured grass on the ground is still miserable and withered.

"Female benefactor, the way of heaven circulates, the four seasons alternate, and all things have laws that cannot be violated." He said slowly, lowered his body, and plucked the dead grass with his hands, revealing a beetle that was about to die, and recited the Buddha's name, " Does the female donor feel sorry for this beetle?"

Gu Shiba Niang didn't say anything, she looked at the beetle on the ground, stretching out its legs and struggling.

The old monk stretched out his finger and pushed it gently. The beetle turned over, crawled hard into the grass and disappeared.

"I stretched out my hands to help it, and it seemed to be able to survive, but the weather was approaching cold winter, and everything was in a chill. It could not escape this moment, but it could not escape the reincarnation of insects in this life." Master Lingran stood up, looked at Gu Shiba Niang and said with a smile. .

"Then it should accept its fate and die?" Gu Shiba Niang said calmly.

"Although Sumeru is high and vast, it will eventually be destroyed; although the sea is vast, it will be exhausted from time to time; although the sun and moon are bright, they will soon disappear in the west; although the earth is solid and can bear everything, after all the karma and fire, it will return to impermanence..." Master Mingran replied in a deep voice, "There is no right or wrong. This is impermanence. The female donor, the Buddha said that all dharmas are empty and empty. Only letting go is the truth. Don't be greedy, angry, ignorant, arrogant..."

Gu Shiba Niang suddenly laughed, and her laughter interrupted the old monk's words.

Master Liangran didn't show the slightest sign of being offended or displeased. As he looked at the little girl in front of him, his face was full of kindness.

"Thank you, Master, for your advice." Gu Shiba Niang stopped smiling, "I understand, but I can't let it go."

"In this case, the female donor is suffering." Master Mingran sighed.

"Buddha said that life is all suffering." Gu Shiba Niang smiled and said goodbye.

The carriage was sparkling and she looked at her daughter thoughtfully. Ms. Cao did not disturb her and gently placed the hand stove in her arms.

"Mom," Gu Shiba Niang came back to her senses and leaned against Ms. Cao, smelling the warm fragrance of her mother's body and feeling extremely happy.

As long as you can keep this happiness, no matter how much you pay, it is worth it.

"Your brother will be seventeen after the Chinese New Year, and he has passed the Gongshi exam. It's time to discuss the marriage..." Mr. Cao put his arms around her shoulders and thought of important things.

In that life, my brother died before getting married, which can be said to have ended the relationship of the Gu family.

"Yes." Gu Shiba Niang sat upright and nodded.

Only when a person who originally deserved to die marries a wife and has children can his destiny be truly changed.

"You can help mother take a look at it then." Ms. Cao said with a smile, thinking about her son's marriage, she couldn't help but feel excited.

Gu Shiba Niang nodded, smiled and said hello.

While they were talking and laughing, the carriage suddenly stopped. The street was much noisier than before, and faint sounds of crying could be heard through the curtains of the carriage.

"Madam, the road ahead is blocked," the coachman said.

How could there be so many people on the street before they entered the twelfth month? The mother and daughter opened the car curtains and looked around. They saw a dense group of people in front of them, and the crowd was excited.

"What's wrong?" Ms. Cao asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, more people rushed over, shouting that General Ye is dead, General Ye is dead.

General Ye…

Still dead, Gu Shiba Niang raised her head and looked at the sky. The sky was gloomy, just like when the news of her previous life reached Jiankang.

"The sky will be bright and the sky will be bright."

"Treacherous ministers are in power and treacherous ministers are in power"

The cries and shouts were loud, and at this time, groups of government officers and soldiers also rushed over, trying to disperse the crowd, and the scene became chaotic for a while.

"Let's take a detour." Gu Shiba Niang lowered the curtain.

"General Ye... your father said that he was a very good official, how could he rebel?" Mr. Cao couldn't see life and death, his face turned pale, and he murmured to Buddha.

"He didn't rebel..." Gu Shiba Niang whispered.

Before she could finish her words, Mr. Cao covered her mouth and shook his head at her with frightened eyes.

This is the court's judgment, this is the emperor's Chrysostom.

Gu Shiba Niang understood and stopped talking. The news seemed to have spread throughout Jiankang City. Wherever she went, she saw groups of people gathering together and whispering. There were also some who were excited and spoke loudly, but they didn't say more than two or three sentences. , they will be kept away from others or pulled away by their family members.

After walking around in a circle and returning to the door, as soon as I turned into the alley, I saw four or five young men in Tsing Yi angrily shouting about traitors being executed, the sky has eyes, etc., and pulling a string of firecrackers from the front of their house. He ran past, turned around and ran back again.

The boys were laughing and joking. As soon as they arrived in front of Gu's house, they saw a carriage stop suddenly and a girl jumped out.

The boys naturally recognized the famous Gu Shiba Niang, and they all stopped and stopped talking.

"Get lost." Gu Shiba Niang glanced at them coldly.

As expected, the words were sharp, and the boys couldn't help but shrink their heads, but a few of them snorted boldly, stood up and said with a smile: "Miss Eighteen, this is a good place in front of your house, but this alley is not Yours, you have to let the little ones go..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the eighteenth lady waving her hands impatiently, and the two coachmen standing by the side immediately rushed over with riding whips in their hands.

"Hit you brats for talking to our lady like that."

Sure enough, the dog followed its master and was so rude and rude that the boys immediately dispersed with their heads in their hands.


After running for only two steps, they heard the girl shouting from behind. The boys stopped and looked sideways.

"Go back and tell your young master that we have received his message. The New Year is coming soon, so take a rest and don't bother yourself anymore." Gu Shiba Niang said coldly.

The boys were startled and looked a little panicked. They didn't dare to stop anymore and ran away without a trace.

Ms. Cao, who got out of the car, was a little confused when she heard her words. She wanted to ask about her daughter's expression of concern, but she didn't speak.

"Where is the young master?" Gu Shiba Niang asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Writing in the study..." the maids replied.

"Mom, I'm going to find my brother." Gu Shiba said to Ms. Cao.

"Let him go out for a walk more often. Don't be bored all the time." Ms. Cao ordered.

Gu Shiba Niang nodded and left.

The study door was closed tightly, and the two boys stood far away with their hands folded. When they saw Gu Shiba Niang coming, they hurriedly said hello.

Gu Shiba Niang opened the door directly and went in. The charcoal fire in the room was extinguished, there was a bit of cold air, and papers were scattered on the floor.

Gu Hai stood in front of the desk, writing quickly, seemingly unaware that Gu Shiba Niang came in, and one piece of paper kept falling down the other.

"Get the brazier." Gu Shiba Niang said to the outside.

The boy who was standing outside the door hurriedly responded before he had time to poke his head out.

The brazier was put in, and the room seemed to warm up suddenly. She dismissed the boy and closed the door. Gu Shiba Niang didn't look at Gu Hai, and Gu Hai didn't stop. The two siblings seemed to turn a blind eye to each other.

Gu Shiba Niang picked up the papers on the ground that were covered with Tianri Zhaozhao and put them into the brazier one by one.

The last piece of paper turned into ashes, and the room was filled with smoke. With the sound of footsteps, Gu Hai walked to the window and opened it with a bang. The cool air immediately rushed in and blew away the smoke.

"Do you still remember who said Tianri Zhaozhao?" Gu Hai said, his voice a little dry and hoarse.

Gu Shiba Niang laughed self-deprecatingly and shook her head, "Except for remembering that I took off the Zhu Chai jewelry in those days, I don't remember anything else, and no one told me."

"These are the four words that General Ye wrote in blood before he left. General Ye spent his entire life in the military, and ended up with these four words." Gu Hai's voice was choked with tears, "Is this the Gang of Heaven? Is this the Gang of Heaven?"

He couldn't speak anymore and punched the table.

"This is the law of heaven." Gu Shiba Niang walked over and held her brother's hand. "Wait another five years and the new emperor will give General Ye justice after he ascends the throne. Brother, the law of heaven is constant. Good and evil will be rewarded. Brother, I, the insignificant Gu Shiniang, died with a sense of injustice. If God gives me a chance to be reborn, he will give General Ye justice. "

After talking for a while, Gu Hai finally felt better and reached out to wipe the ash from Gu Shiba Niang's face.

"Brother, things are already like this. Don't think about it any more," Gu Shiba Niang said with a bit of worry, "Don't act impulsively. I still remember that even the Duke of the Shen family was implicated because of this. I I’m not saying that you don’t know right from wrong.”

"I know." Gu Hai smiled and interrupted his sister, "I know. I heard the noise outside the door. You see, brother, I didn't rush out to scold them with passion, nor did I pack up my bags and go straight to the capital. Go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and kneel.”

"I know my brother won't be fooled by Gu Yusan's words." Gu Shiba Niang smiled relievedly.

"That kid..." Gu Hai also smiled and shook his head with a bit of helplessness, "I sometimes feel that he is as naughty as a child out of anger."

These days, Gu Hai has told Gu Shiba Niang everything that happened in the capital, especially the quarrel with Gu Yu.

"After thinking about it, I always feel that he seems to be jealous of me," Gu Hai said with a smile, "Tell me, what should I be jealous of? He is better looking than me, has better literary talent than me, and is more popular than me. Such good luck was appreciated by the third grandma, who jumped out of the muddy situation and became the best in the clan. Even though he was a step behind me in the provincial examination because he entered school late, he became a Huiyuan at the age of fifteen or sixteen. This is our great Zhou Dynasty. The second case... Everyone in the world is jealous of him. Why should he be jealous of me

Gu Shiba Niang was silent for a moment.

"I think it's because the old monk from Xinglong Temple said something to him..." she said.

Gu Hai was stunned, "Master Qingran?"

Gu Shiba Niang nodded.

"Even if Master knows what you are doesn't have anything to do with him, Gu Yu, we are us..." Gu Hai smiled and suddenly laughed, thinking of something.

"Jie Yuan" the brother and sister said at the same time, looking at each other.

Gu Yu should be Jieyuan, but because of Gu Shiba Niang's rebirth, Jieyuan became Gu Hai. . . . .

"Is this because of me...?" Gu Shiba Niang murmured.

"No," Gu Hai said suddenly, patting his sister on the shoulder, "This has nothing to do with you, and has nothing to do with us."

Gu Shiba Niang looked up at him with some confusion in her eyes.

"Eighteen Niang, Jieyuan's grades were set by the examiner, based on every word in the article. This is different from your resurrection. I got it because I deserved it, and he didn't get it because he didn't deserve it. , This has nothing to do with you, it has to do with me and himself." Gu Hai said, "It is better to say that fate is determined by oneself than by fate. If he has such thoughts about us because of the old monk's words, That's his mistake."

"This is impermanence." Gu Shiba Niang thought thoughtfully.

"Besides, if he didn't win the first prize, maybe the top prize is still his, so why should he be jealous of me, who was left behind by more than a hundred places?" Gu Hai said with a smile.

Gu Shiba Niang also smiled, blinked and said, "Maybe he is jealous that you have such a good sister like me."

Hearing laughter coming from the study, Mr. Cao, who had been hiding behind the big tree in the yard, breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

"Let's go back," she turned around.

"I'm just saying, madam, you are worrying too much. The young lady and the young master are fine." The little girl smiled with her little tiger teeth.

"Yes, you're all fine. I'm just worrying about you, madam." Ms. Cao said with a smile.

The little girl smiled and held her arm, "Madam, you have bigger things to worry about. Let's go quickly. Aunt Zhou is here. Go and see if the young lady from the Lin family is going to be your daughter-in-law." ."

In fact, ever since Gu Hai came back after winning the tribute prize, the matchmaker and some women he knew, who had been silent for a while, started to cross the threshold again, picking and choosing. Now, there are three families that the Cao family likes, and among them is the Lin family.

The Lin family is a native of Jiankang. Their family is not big and simple. Their father is the magistrate of Gaochun County. They have two sons and three daughters. The second daughter we are talking about now is fifteen years old. I heard that she is dignified and virtuous, and is good at embroidery. Skills.

Because they were both from Jiankang and both served as county magistrates, the Cao family had heard about their families before, so they seemed to be a good match, and the Cao family was the most satisfied.

Aunt Zhou, who was responsible for telling the story, was a distant relative of the Lin family, and she married into the Gu family. Since her situation was similar to that of the Cao family, of course, that was in the past, she had a good relationship with the Cao family.

Mrs. Cao walked into the hall and saw Mrs. Zhou holding a teacup and looking at the porcelain paintings on it, with a look of admiration on her face.

This tea cup is a high-quality official kiln custom-made by Gu Shiba Niang. The white porcelain outlines the plum branches on the magpie, which is very pleasing.

Since we were all a family, we didn't say any polite words. Aunt Zhou drank a few sips of tea, coughed and got to the point, saying that the Lin family was very satisfied.

"His father is gone a long time ago. It's good that people don't dislike him." Ms. Cao breathed a sigh of relief and said a little sadly.

A good family makes a good marriage if both parents are present. Those whose parents die young are always said to be tough.

"Okay, let's talk about this again. People don't know about the eldest brother yet..." Aunt Zhou pretended to be displeased and said, "Brother Hai has become more successful now, so it's the best."

"Don't dare, don't dare. In the future, I will be content with being a county magistrate like his father." Ms. Cao said with a smile.

Aunt Zhou smiled and complimented her a few times.

"Then the Lin family meant it intentionally?" Ms. Cao asked.

But I saw Aunt Zhou looking a little strange. She picked up the tea cup and took a few sips of tea. She moved on the chair, feeling quite restless and glanced at the maids standing around.

Mrs. Cao understood, "Go and ask the kitchen to add some dishes, leaving Lady Zhou to eat."

Aunt Zhou said no need, no need, but she didn't move. She watched the girls retreat.

She took a few more sips of tea, leaned toward Mrs. Cao, and said, "Sister, I wonder if Miss Eighteen mentioned this?"

Ms. Cao was startled, "What do you mean, Madam? Brother Hai hasn't said goodbye yet, so it's natural for Eighteenth Lady..."

"I said big sister..." Mrs. Zhou smiled, "Other people are certainly right about this, but we, the 18th Niang..."

Mrs. Cao's face darkened slightly. The identity of the Eighteenth Mother had always been a worry for her.

"What's wrong with our eighteenth mother?" she asked, with a hint of displeasure in her voice.

"The Eighteenth Mother is so amazing..." Aunt Zhou said with a smile, "People even say that our family is headed by a young lady. In the future, whether the sister-in-law will have to look at the younger sister-in-law's face..."

Before she finished speaking, Ms. Cao's face turned ugly. Just as she was about to speak, someone coughed heavily outside the door.

Aunt Zhou was startled. She and Mrs. Cao looked over together and saw the tall young man turning from the window.

"Brother Hai is here..." Aunt Zhou stood up a little embarrassed and said.

The children in this family are too unruly. This is about a major marriage matter. How could this child eavesdrop on it

But Mrs. Cao here did not speak. As everyone said, she was a clay figurine with a good temper. It is indeed best to have such a mother-in-law, but... . . .

Aunt Zhou turned her eyes and saw a girl standing behind Gu Hai, with delicate features and a face as clear as water. At this moment, her wrist was held tightly by Gu Hai.

As soon as she saw this girl, Aunt Zhou broke out in a cold sweat. "My dear, this evil spirit must have heard what she just said. Her feet became weak immediately and she wanted to run out immediately. Don't be scolded and look so coquettish. She shouldn't be able to hit anyone, right?" I wonder if she will hit herself with money. Should she pick up the money and run away, or run away without picking it up. . . . .

Aunt Zhou's thoughts fell into weirdness for a moment.

"We didn't eavesdrop." Gu Hai said, as if he could read Aunt Zhou's thoughts, "My sister and I came over to treat my mother to dinner. When we walked over, we heard the little girl say that we had guests. Just as we were about to turn around and walk away, we heard a few words. Words that shouldn’t be heard. .


Another 5,000 words, I admire myself so much, I am Hit, that’s right, future updates will be in the evening, I changed the time, there is not enough time to write at noon