Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 4: destiny


Although she was surprised, Gu Shiba Niang insisted, and Mrs. Cao had to let her wash the dishes.

Leaving Gu Hai to accompany her at home, Cao hurriedly went out.

When she saw Mrs. Cao carefully bringing a bowl of water mixed with grass ash in front of her, Gu Shiba Niang couldn't help but feel a little excited.

She was once again excited to see what she had experienced reappear before her eyes, confirming once again that she was truly reborn.

The memory of the past is as clear as magic. She was injured this time because she followed her brother up the mountain to collect firewood. She accidentally fell down the ravine and injured her head. She spent a lot of money on seeking medical treatment. Her mother, Cao, who loved her dearly, was worried about her daughter. She lost her soul and specially invited her to drink Talisman water. After drinking this bowl of Talisman water, she began to have vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night and became seriously ill. In order to treat her illness, her mother sold her only medicine. Property is this shelter.

It was precisely because of the sale of the house that their mother had to take them to live with their relatives, and everything started from here.

"Mom, I'm a little dizzy now. I'll drink again later." Gu Shiba Niang supported her head and said in a low voice.

Ms. Cao was startled, put down the water bowl, touched her forehead, and carefully helped her lie down on the bed.

"Lie down. When you feel better, call me mother, and she will feed you." Mrs. Cao ordered a few words and sat in front of the bed to accompany her, holding her shoes in her hand.

Seeing her mother sitting peacefully next to her, listening to her mother humming an unknown tune, and looking at her with concern from time to time, Gu Shiba Niang couldn't help but feel sore in her eyes again, and she closed her eyes.

"Eighteenth Mother?" Ms. Cao glanced at her and called in a low voice.

Gu Shiba Niang was afraid that she would cry again when she opened her eyes, so she pretended to be asleep. Mrs. Cao pulled the thin quilt up for her, touched her face lovingly, and then took the shoes in her hand, with the uppers The last dragonfly gradually became lifelike with her needlework.

"Sister-in-law from the Gu family...Sister-in-law from the Gu family..."

A loud voice sounded outside the door. Ms. Cao was startled, put down her shoes, and took a few steps out.

"Here we come...Ms. Liu, please don't shout," Mrs. Cao lowered her voice and opened the door, "Mother Eighteen just went to bed..."

Of course, Gu Shiba Niang was not asleep. She opened her eyes, rubbed them, and listened to the muffled chatter in the yard.

There was a pottery vase in front of the brass mirror with a handful of young willows inserted. Gu Shiba Niang poured the talisman water into the pottery vase and looked into the yard through the window pane.

A fat woman wearing a burnt red short skirt with the same color waist was talking lively. Although her voice was lowered under Cao's reminder, some of it still reached Gu Shiba Niang's ears.

"...Zhang Dahu has already set a high price..."

"Oh, Madam Gu, how can you sell this house for a hundred taels of silver..."

"... Your place doesn't face the street... and it's at the end of the alley... Yes... Yes... I know this is your family's ancestral property... But no matter how old your ancestral property is, it's dilapidated, isn't it?"

Gu Shiba Niang heard her uncontrollable heartbeat speeding up and wanted to sell the house...

The conversation in the yard ended quickly, and Mrs. Cao personally escorted Aunt Liu out.

"...Mrs. Gu, please make your decision quickly..." Aunt Liu asked again before going out.

Ms. Cao nodded, "I know, thank you madam for taking the trouble..."

"This is just an outsider, isn't it... the neighbor's... seeing you orphans and widowed mothers having a difficult life, I feel bad..." Aunt Liu wiped her tears as she said this.

Ms. Cao also wiped her tears after being told that she was sad.

Gu Shiba Niang stood in front of the window, with a hint of ridicule on her lips. Now she is no longer a thirteen-year-old child. She has ten more years of life experience. In these ten years, she has seen the warmth and coldness of people, conspiracies, and conspiracies. Aunt Liu How could that little mind escape her eyes

Aunt Liu was just worried that her life would be very easy. Their house...

Gu Shiba Niang looked around the small yard through the window panes. This house was left to them by their grandfather. Although it was small, it had an excellent layout. Now that her father is gone, there are many people who covet their house.

She was absolutely not allowed to sell it. Gu Shiba Niang clenched her fists and never allowed her fate to reappear. But what was she going to do

Mrs. Cao also looked around the house in the yard, sighed quietly, and gently opened the door, only to see her daughter standing by the window, her small and shallow brows bunched together.

"But did it wake you up?" Ms. Cao said with a smile, her eyes falling on the empty bowl on the table, "Drink?"

Gu Shiba Niang nodded, and Mrs. Cao did not doubt that he was there, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's my brother? Have you gone to school?" Gu Shiba Niang asked casually, looking around the yard.

A trace of guilt and self-blame flashed across Cao's face, and she sighed, "Your brother... went to collect firewood..."

As a descendant of scholars, Gu Hai, like his father, naturally wanted to study in order to become an official. When he was a child, he studied with his father. Later, when he grew up, his father failed many times. Although he failed many times, he knew in his heart that he He was not very talented and was afraid of delaying his son's studies, so he handed him over to Shu Xiu and went to study in a school in the county. There was a Confucian scholar with a good reputation in the school.

After Gu's father passed away, life at home became more and more difficult, and Gu Hai became less and less interested in studying. He went from occasionally collecting firewood after school to supplement the family income, to regularly collecting firewood once every three days. He fell into a lot of trouble and was ridiculed by the younger members of the clan, which led Gu Hai to hate studying, and finally gave up on going to school completely.

For children from poor families like them, there is no other better way than studying and becoming an official.

Gu Shiba Niang bit her lower lip.

"I'm back." Gu Hai's voice sounded outside, "Mom, open the door."

Mrs. Cao hurriedly walked out and opened the door. Gu Hai came in sweating profusely carrying a bundle of firewood. He put Gebu's jacket on the pile of firewood, leaving him only wearing his undershirt.

"Brother, drink water." Gu Shiba Niang walked up to him holding water.

This was the first time that he drank water brought by his sister. Gu Hai grinned and hurriedly took the water and drank it in one go. He was obviously very thirsty. Mrs. Cao looked on with distress and twisted her face to wipe her tears.

"Mom, the firewood sold yesterday cost ten cents!" Gu Hai didn't pay attention to her actions and excitedly took out the money and handed it over.

Mrs. Cao hurriedly accepted it and praised him with tears in her eyes.

"...I will sell these tomorrow. Don't miss your homework again..." Ms. Cao naturally wanted her son to study in her heart and did not forget to tell her, "...Mr. I'm afraid he will be angry..."

This was the most money he had ever made from selling firewood. The excitement of contributing to the family occupied all his thoughts. After hearing what his mother said, Gu Hai immediately said nonchalantly: "You can't be mistaken. I have been studying the Analects these days. My father taught me this lesson a long time ago, but when I listen to it again, it sounds very verbose..."

"Brother..." Gu Shiba Niang suddenly interjected, "Master said that when you learn, you should practice it from time to time. Isn't it true that your father taught you and your husband teaches you again? Shouldn't you be happier?"

Gu Hai was choked, looked at his sister's shining eyes, and scratched his head unnaturally, "That... that... I didn't mean that, of course I wanted to go..."

Seeing that her daughter had stopped her son with one sentence, Ms. Cao not only smiled slightly, but was also a little surprised. What was surprising was not that her daughter knew the Analects of Confucius. Her husband had taught her to read when he was alive, and because of his weak body, he did not learn female celebrities. He spent all his free time Used to read a book, she was surprised by her daughter's behavior.

The Eighteenth Niang has a meek temperament and always does whatever others say. She has never taken the initiative to express her opinions. Now she actually knows how to persuade her brother to study.

It is said that only those who have experienced hardship can grow up. The son knows how to collect firewood to support the family, and the daughter also knows how to care for her brother...

Mr. Cao lowered his head and wiped away his tears quietly. The life at home was really difficult. If this continued, Gu Hai would no longer be able to read the book sooner or later. He had to look back on his relatives and protect his family so that his children would have a good future in the future.

"Brother Hai, Shiba Niang, let's go back to Jiankang." Mrs. Cao said, holding her children's shoulders and holding her son and daughter close to her.


Now I still have manuscripts saved, so I take pictures from time to time~

PIf the saved manuscripts are used up, Hitt will come back soon~~

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