Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 44: Encountered on the road


The revitalization of the family business depends entirely on the son.

Ms. Cao couldn't help but take a few breaths nervously and excitedly.

After waiting for the old patriarch's hundred days to go to the temple, she wanted to provide a good support for her son, and she must pay more for the sesame oil. Mrs. Cao thought to herself, and turned to look at her daughter.

The daughter seemed to be thinking about something, her little brows furrowed. After running around for days and staying up late crying and mourning, her face became paler and her figure became thinner, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

Mrs. Cao's heart was pricked and she felt raw. It was better to give her daughter a doll and offer it to gods and Buddhas to protect her from disasters and diseases.

"Eighteen Mother, you're tired, go and have a rest..." Mrs. Cao took her daughter's hand. The roughness of the tentacles made her feel even more uncomfortable. However, it will get better in the future. With a house, the most important thing is to have a shop. , which means that with a source of income, the daughter no longer has to work for a living.

"Just rest at home and rest peacefully from now on..." She patted her daughter's hand and whispered.

Gu Shiba Niang was thinking about Gu Yu. In that life, before she got married, she lived in the inner house. Not to mention the people in her clan, she didn’t even recognize the people in her second uncle’s family, let alone what happened to these people. According to the rules Gu Yu definitely has no chance to study in a clan school, so where did his knowledge of winning three yuan in a row come from? Could it be that Wenquxing came down to earth and was gifted

Then she thought about Gu Hai again, but she couldn't remember how Gu Hai entered the clan school in that life. Maybe it was specially approved by the clan leader. The difference from his current fate was that the clan leader at that time was not dead yet.

In that life, I was just a fool, living in vain, seeing nothing in my eyes, and remembering nothing in my mind...

Distracted by Mrs. Cao, she regained her composure. Now that her family had arrived in Jiankang, the fateful event was coming step by step. She had to brace herself to deal with it. What did Gu Yu's matter have to do with her? All those other miscellaneous things What does it have to do with the matter, so I threw it away.

Hearing what Cao said, Gu Shiba Niang knew what she meant. She was talking about the shop that was about to be assigned to their name. With the shop, they would have a fixed income. She also heard that this spice shop was doing well. The benefits are substantial.

Seeing that Mrs. Cao couldn't hide her joy even though she tried her best to restrain herself, Gu Shiba Niang couldn't help but sigh.

Will the house and shop really be obtained so smoothly

On the first day of the seventh day, before dawn, the street where Gu's family lived was filled with carriages. The men rode horses and sat in sedans and drove away, while the women's carriages drove slowly.

When Gu Shiba Niang, who was wearing a plain cloak, helped Cao out, she did not see the carriage waiting for them.

Ms. Cao's face looked ugly, and the two servants standing at the door were also a little uncomfortable.

"Fourth Madam, there are so many people here. The person in charge forgot for a moment. Let's go and hurry..." The servant woman said nonchalantly instead of panicking.

"Then you guys are here." Gu Shiba Niang said, taking out a bunch of money from her sleeve and giving it to the servant girl, "It's cold today, mothers, please buy some wine."

This is really the sun rising in the west. The servants are a little dazed. This is the first time they have been rewarded by the fourth lady's family.

"Hey, Miss, you are really kind-hearted..." The servants came to their senses and took the money with smiles on their faces.

Money means efficiency. After a while, a carriage was pulled over. Although it was a bit old, it was completely adequate for transportation.

Thanking her again, Gu Shiba Niang helped Cao get into the car.

"Why is the fourth lady so generous this time?" The servants and wives gathered together to murmur among the money.

"Isn't it time to get rich?" someone asked.

"How can these orphans and widowed mothers get rich? I said it should be the money from selling the house over there. They only have a little more money than before. It won't be long before..." Someone curled his lips and said, while giving away the money he got. Stuffed into sleeves, "It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to get some..."

After getting in the car, Mrs. Cao sighed. This is just the inconvenience of living in someone else's house. It would be fine. After today, their house will be divided.

There are a lot of things that need to be spent on moving to a new home, but they may not have enough on hand.

Ms. Cao couldn't help but make calculations in her mind.

"Eighteenth Mother, there is no need to give them reward money in the future..." She whispered, with a wry smile on her face, "Should we look down on us, we don't care about the money..."

"I know." Gu Shiba Niang nodded and gave Ms. Cao a comforting smile, "It's just to avoid unnecessary trouble..."

When she came back, Mrs. Cao was unexpectedly called away by her aunt to ride in a carriage with her.

"What did she ask my mother to do?" Gu Hai abandoned his horse and got into the carriage, looking at the long carriage queue.

If the guess is correct, they should be talking about the house and shop they will be assigned.

Gu Shiba Niang lifted the curtain and took a look, then sat back, "I don't know, brother, why did you take off your cloak? Put it on quickly."

The sleet had turned into snow particles at this time, and it came down very fast, and it stung painfully when it hit my face.

When he went out, Gu Hai wore an old blue cloak, which was now casually draped on his arm.

"How can you be so weak? This is in the car..." He laughed, not forgetting to reach out to help Gu Shiba Niang tie the cloak straps, "On your side, your face turned red..."

"Let's stay behind and let them go first." Gu Hai opened the curtain and ordered the coachman.

The coachman responded, and indeed let other carriages and horses go first, and then slowly urged the horses.

"Eighteenth Mother..." Gu Hai lifted the curtain and called to Eighteenth Mother with a smile on his face, "Come, take a look at the street view..." He then ordered the coachman, "...pass through Changgan..." Then he turned back to Shi Shi. Ba Niang smiled, "...Maybe we can see the monkey trick..."

Gu Shiba Niang smiled, sat next to Gu Hai, and followed his instructions with a look of surprise.

In fact, she is very familiar with this place. She has lived here for nearly eight or nine years. Although she is the daughter-in-law of the Shen family, she often has to show up and go out. She can walk through it all the time with her eyes closed...

Because of the snow, there were obviously fewer people on the street, and there were no monkey jugglers, etc. Gu Hai was a little disappointed. Seeing that the street was about to be finished, the wind carried snow particles and kept rushing in. Gu Hai Ba Niang's face turned redder and redder, and she wanted to put down the curtain.

"After a while, when the weather gets better, I will take you and your mother out to play..." he said.

"Wait a minute." Gu Shiba Niang raised her hand to stop her and looked at the street aside.

"What's so fun?" Gu Hai hurriedly looked over.

In the dense snow, a thin little girl knelt on the ground, holding a blood-stained boy in her arms, and kept crying at passers-by.

No matter how prosperous the place is, there are always people begging for a living, and Gu Hai feels sad.

"Eighteenth Mother..." He wanted to lower the curtain to prevent his soft-hearted sister from seeing such a scene.

"Stop the car." Gu Shiba Niang called loudly.

The coachman, who was accustomed to serving the master and his wife at the gate of the mansion, immediately reined in the reins, and the carriage stopped suddenly, causing the brother and sister to fall forward.

"Eighteen Mother, what's wrong?" Gu Hai asked worriedly as he supported his sister who fell on top of him.

Gu Shiba Niang did not speak, but opened the car curtain and stared blankly at the little girl who was kneeling in the wind and snow, crying and kowtowing. Her nose became sore, and tears fell down.

She saw herself in that life