Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 85: tear


Gu Changchun's motorcade headed straight for Yangzhou, which was not far from Jiankang. Coupled with Guo's eagerness to travel, he soon entered Yangzhou City.

Looking at this majestic and luxurious mansion in front of him, even Gu Changchun, who had seen the mansions of important ministers in the capital, couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time, he felt even more proud.

This mansion was the residence of Gu Yu, the first champion of his Gu family and the future second most important minister in the court.

Gu Yu, after two years of hard work, finally got an official position commensurate with his status as the number one scholar. The Yangzhou Prefecture inspected and promoted the official, and the most important thing is that the Yangzhou Prefect was also transferred before he was transferred, and he has not yet Suitable candidates have been recruited, so in addition to Tongzhi, he can be regarded as the most important official in Yangzhou Prefecture.

Regarding the sudden arrival of this young official, the Yangzhou magistrate had obviously already received some advice. He had a very good attitude towards Gu Yu and personally arranged for this mansion that was originally used by the former Yangzhou magistrate.

Mrs. Guo raised the curtain in the car and looked at the house with mixed feelings in her heart.

At this time, the door opened wide, and Gu Yu, wearing a sapphire blue cotton robe and a pair of black-soled pink cotton boots, came out quickly and paid homage to Gu Changchun.

"Don't be too polite..." Seeing him being so respectful, Gu Changchun felt relieved and hurriedly reached out to help him.

"It should be so..." Gu Yu replied respectfully, extending his hand to invite, "Clan leader, please..."

Gu Changchun nodded and looked twice at the servants lined up in Yanyi. They all saluted and called the patriarch, Grandpa, and a warm feeling spread from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, okay," he nodded, took Gu Yu's hand and stepped forward.

Guo was left alone in the carriage outside the door.

"Madam..." The little girl got out of the car timidly and reached out to help her.

This little seemed like he was worse than a dog in front of me back then, but now he didn't even see her in his eyes.

Mrs. Guo cursed bitterly in her heart, but she couldn't help it. Firstly, Gu Yu's status in the clan was much higher than hers. Secondly, he was now in an official position and she could no longer criticize him casually.

"Madam, please..." Four or five beautiful maids rushed over and saluted Mr. Guo.

Mrs. Guo felt a little more comfortable now, hummed, raised her hands and followed them in stride.

The decorations in the magistrate-level hall are extraordinary. The four smoke cages placed in the room make the room full of warmth.

The three of them sat down indoors. Gu Yu first asked about the current situation of the Gu family, and then recounted many chores since taking office. Finally, when introducing Mingqian Longjing tea to them, Guo couldn't help but interrupt.

"... Brother Yu, what are you going to do about your father and your brother?" She asked straight to the point.

Gu Changchun glanced at Mr. Guo with some dissatisfaction, but thought that this incident was really a big deal and might even smear their entire clan, so he also asked: "Yes, Brother Yu, The county magistrate of Gaoyou has locked them up, what should we do if this continues?"

Gu Yu nodded, "I already know. I've already asked someone to take care of it..."

"Take care of them?" Guo said, "What else do you need to take care of? Release them quickly and ask the Gaoyou County Magistrate to kowtow and apologize..."

Gu Yu's eyes fell on her for the first time, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Madam, you don't know who the Gaoyou County Magistrate is, right?" he said, and then looked at Gu Changchun, "Gaoyou County Magistrate Ning Zide, nicknamed Ning Citou, he dared to stand as a scholar Master Zhu scolded him outside the door..."

"I know that..." Gu Changchun nodded, saying that there was a notorious Master Zhu in the dynasty, but because of this, many famous ministers had already become famous for scolding the traitors and being imprisoned. Of course, this was all It was meant to survive.

This Ning Zide was a tribute to Tiansheng for three years, and he is still working as a seventh-grade county magistrate. It can be regarded as the price paid for scolding him so hard back then. Even so, his fiery temper of hating evil as much as hatred has never disappeared. Change, but this person strictly abides by the law, is self-denial and serves the public, and cannot find any fault.

"Besides, this time it was my father who was unreasonable..." Gu Yu smiled bitterly, "It doesn't matter if it's someone else, it's fine if you talk a little bit, but this guy..."

Gu Changchun was silent. This man dared to scold even a first-class official. If Gu Yu, a small promotion official, was unreasonable, he might not be able to control him.

"Why is your father so unreasonable? He didn't steal or rob. He was doing a legal and reasonable business. It was the profiteer who deliberately made things difficult," Guo said with a snort.

Ever since he learned that Gu Yu was transferred to Yangzhou, a prosperous place like this where money is everywhere, Gu Leshan naturally expanded his business. With his own son as his backer, Gu Leshan had to go sideways even if he didn't want to. What's more, he didn't do anything What kind of illegal and disorderly things are rampant in the countryside is nothing more than legitimate business in silk and satin.

"Of course it's legal..." Gu Yu nodded, "It's just that if someone sells the goods, dad has to pay him. This... this really doesn't make sense..."

A few months ago, Gujiabao Dechang Silk and Satin Shop, which opened a new branch in Yangzhou, snatched a large amount of silk brocade from a silk brocade merchant in Gaoyou, and the price was very cost-effective. Of course, this process must be carried out. The Gu family's backers are Gu Shen'an, a senior member of the family who is far away in the capital, and Gu Yu, the boss of the Yangzhou area who is right in front of them. However, it is not an exaggeration to say this in detail. Whoever does big business does not have a big backer behind him.

"I'm very satisfied with the price of the goods dad bought..." Gu Yu said calmly.

Gu Changchun obviously knew this too. He coughed and changed the subject: "Never mind this, I already know that your father is really aggrieved this time. The rule has always been that the money should be divided into three installments and the last installment should be paid in the coming year. Who would want him?" It is against the rules to demand full payment on the same day..."

Gu Yuen sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll go talk to Lord Ning..."

Guo wanted to say something else, but Gu Changchun glared at him. He watched as Gu Yu called a chief attendant, whispered a few instructions, and the chief officer left casually.

Half a day later, the person came back and brought a very happy reply from Ningzhi County. It is natural to pay back the debt. He also hinted that the plaintiff said that he was coerced to sell at such a low price. He took the money to release the person, otherwise nothing would happen. No need to talk, he doesn't mind coming over to listen to the instructor's teachings, and he happens to have something to ask for advice.

"This stick." Guo gritted his teeth angrily, glanced at Gu Yu, and sneered, "Brother Yu is so young that he can't even control a small county magistrate... Grandpa, I'd better give this to the adults in Beijing. ….”

Gu Changchun frowned. In his eyes, this was really a trivial matter and could not alarm Jingli's son at all.

"Master Ning also said that their Gaoyou County is building embankments today, so all the people in prison, except for the felons, went to build river embankments..." Chang Sui added.

Now Guo couldn't stand at all. How about building a river embankment? That's a tiring job, not to mention it's cold and freezing now. Building a river embankment is obviously torture in disguise. Why did the living King of Hell bump into such a person? I'm afraid that Gu Leshan and Gu Long will become different by the end of the day. This back and forth. Even if they were released after sending a message to Beijing, the father and son might not be able to bear it anymore.

"Then give me money," Gu Changchun said. After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that Gu Yu, who had just taken office, could not be smeared. Speaking of which, when Gu Yu let Yangzhou go, Gu Shen'an did not agree. Although Yangzhou is a good place, Because it is a good place, it is difficult to achieve political achievements. Rich families and wealthy businessmen are entrenched here, and the relationships behind them are complicated. Therefore, a stable retirement is not suitable for official career experience. For Gu Yu, a young official who seeks a greater future in the future, it is better to go there. A land of barren mountains and rivers.

"Grandpa..." Mrs. Guo trembled unconsciously after hearing this.

"You don't lack that much money..." Gu Changchun looked at her and frowned. Looking at Guo's look, he felt a little uneasy, "How much is it?"

Considering the size of the Leshan silk and satin shop, it would only be enough to buy a thousand horses at most. This time, the price was said to be super low, and it would only cost two thousand taels of silver.

Guo's lips trembled as she slowly uttered a few words, "One hundred thousand taels..."

"What?" Gu Changchun was shocked, "One hundred thousand taels? Are you... you... are you crazy? Even at a low price of forty taels per catty, this is still twenty-five thousand catties of silk brocade."

"Grandpa, we have already placed a lot of orders. After the Chinese New Year, the money will be recovered..." Guo said timidly with a white face, "Moreover, besides, we are going to be married to that merchant. I didn't think…"

She suddenly thought of something when she said this, and looked at Gu Yu, "Brother Yu, is Xi'er hiding with you? Let her come out to see me quickly..."

"Xi'er?" Gu Yu frowned and shook his head, "No, she hasn't been here before. Isn't she in Jiankang?"

Mrs. Guo groaned and couldn't help but sit down on the ground in a panic, "My Xi'er... Oh my god, where have you gone?"

It turned out that the reason for such a low price and such boldness was because he had sold his daughter on the basis of his son. Gu Changchun glared at Mr. Guo angrily, and actually kept it to himself. He only said that Gu Yu had a grudge against the couple and did not protect them. Just coaxed myself to come

" are really..." Gu Changchun wanted to kick him, "I don't care."

After saying that, he walked away.

One hundred thousand taels of silver could not be collected within a few days. Mrs. Guo stretched out her arms and hugged Gu Changchun's legs, crying and begging.

"Madam..." Gu Yu knelt down and reached out to help her, "Don't worry about money, just make up for it, I have it here..."

"Yes, you do, why don't you go and get the money to save your father?" Guo glared at him angrily.

The richest person in the He clan is his... adoptive mother.

"What money do you have?" Gu Changchun coughed and glared at Mr. Guo, "You can use it from the bank first..."

The biggest industry in the Gu family is the bank, which has grown step by step with Gu Shen'an.

Mrs. Guo breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Gong Zhong was willing to help, they wouldn't have to go bankrupt.

"Thank you, Grandpa... We will make up for this money after the new year..." Guo stood up and lowered his head and said, shaking off Gu Yu's hand that was supporting her, and glared at him angrily. This pretty boy looked like a wolf with white eyes. , As expected, I couldn’t count on it, and I was as proud as if my master still treated it as a treasure.

Gu Yu just smiled and looked away without caring.

"Then where will Xi'er go? What's wrong with a girl like her? Hurry up and ask someone to find her." Mrs. Guo rubbed her hands anxiously thinking of her daughter and looked at Gu Yu and said.

"Yes..." Gu Yu responded respectfully and thought for a moment, "Will Xi'er go to the capital?"

Xi'er has a good relationship with Gu Luo'er. If such a big thing happened this time, she must have asked Gu Luo'er for support.

"Going to the capital? It's so far away. so brave." Guo was even more frightened. She originally thought that she would go to Gaoyou to quarrel with her father after hearing about the marriage, and finally asked Gu Yu for help. After all, she knew her well here. I also walked several times to the capital...

Along the way, there was a girl's house... Guo's feet softened and she sat on the ground again.

"Cry, cry, it's all your fault that you indulged her every day and made her so lawless." Gu Changchun shouted. He saw Gu Yu bending down to persuade him, but Guo pushed him away angrily, and he became even more anxious, "Yu'er, Leave her alone"

Guo didn't dare to make any more trouble, so she hid her face and cried.

"It's already like this. Send someone to look for it soon..." Gu Changchun said, raising his feet and walking out, "I'm going to get the money and I'll take care of these troubles."

Guo didn't dare to stay, so she quickly got up and followed them. Looking at their backs, the smile on Gu Yu's lips, which had always been pleasant, became even wider.

Already? Wrong, this is just the beginning.

When the snow stopped, the door of the Gu family opened. Two boys were holding brooms and sweeping away the snow. A carriage stopped.

"The young lady is back." The young man recognized the carriage and hurriedly stopped and ran over to greet it.

Gu Shiniang, who was wearing a bright red hooded cloak, helped Lingbao's hand get out of the carriage. Before she left, she heard another carriage rumble in and stopped in front of the door.

The master and servant turned around and saw Xin Chaoyang walking down wearing a cloak.

"Ms. Gu..." he called with a full smile.

Gu Shiba Niang glanced at him coldly and walked inward without stopping.

"What are you going to do?" Lingbao stepped forward to stop him and shouted.

"Ms. Gu, please take a step to speak." Xin Chaoyang said with a smile still, looking at Gu Shiba Niang.

Gu Shiba Niang turned around and said, "I'm sorry, I don't plan to sell medicine to your family."

"I'm not asking Mrs. Gu to make medicine..." Xin Chaoyang said with a smile.

"Then what else can we say?" Gu Shiba Niang said.

"Are we at odds?" Xin Chaoyang asked with a smile.

Gu Shiba Niang glanced at him.

"Now that we're done with each other, let's sit down and have a good talk after taking off the disguise." Xin Chaoyang said with a smile, and actually passed her and walked towards the door first.

"This man" Lingbao was furious.

In the snow-proof pavilion in the small garden, Lingbao put down a pot of tea.

Xin Chaoyang didn't take it seriously. He took it and poured it for himself. He looked at Gu Shiba Niang, who was sitting opposite with a calm expression. His eyes turned to her face and he suddenly smiled.

"This is the first time I sit and drink tea with you like this." He said, pushing a cup of tea to Gu Shiba Niang, "Please."

Gu Shiba Niang nodded, "Yes, this is the first time I have seen the young master be so shameless."

Xin Chaoyang laughed, "To each other, if you and I weren't shameless, we wouldn't have been so happy to get along with each other even if we were just showing false affection."

"Everyone can get along well with each other," Gu Shiba Niang replied.

"Yes, if I had said less words that day, you and I would have at least had an extra plate of dried fruits in front of us today..." Xin Chaoyang smiled and looked at the table with only a teapot and two cups on it.

"Yes, but it's a pity that the if you said is no longer if, but a fact." Gu Shiba Niang nodded.

"Yes, the facts are the facts. There is nothing to regret or blame yourself for." Xin Chaoyang smiled and raised his tea cup, "Please."

Gu Shiba Niang raised her glass and clinked it with him.

"Actually, you are right to do this. I don't blame you." Gu Shiba Niang said.

"Yes, I know. Mrs. Gu is right to push me like this. Why do you still pretend to be generous when you feel uncomfortable?" Xin Chaoyang said.

"Very good. Since the eldest young master can afford it, I won't be polite," Gu Shiba Niang said with a smile, "From now on, you will never get Liu's Pharmaceutical from me again."

Xin Chaoyang nodded and poured himself a drink.

"Actually, I was wrong." He said suddenly.

Gu Shiba Niang smiled sarcastically, "What's wrong with you? The young master is not here to admit his mistakes today, right?"

"No, no," Xin Chaoyang waved his hands, "I was wrong because I didn't face my own feelings..."

Gu Shiba Niang did not answer.

"I thought, just from a business perspective, I didn't want to lose you as a pharmacist, and I had to do everything possible to keep you..." Xin Chaoyang said.

"Isn't it?" Gu Shiba Niang smiled.

"No." Xin Chaoyang looked at her and replied, "Actually, I don't want to lose you."

Gu Shiba Niang looked at him and said nothing.

"I said you are really..." Lingbao raised his eyebrows and shouted, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Already lost." Gu Shiba Niang replied with a smile and stood up, "Although I don't know why the eldest young master came here today, but what I want to say is, first of all, you and I are right, so no There is mutual forgiveness, so those apologies..." She said, looking at Xin Chaoyang, "This is something that the young master would not do even if he thought about it. Let's go our separate ways. Although it’s a bit unpleasant, it’s not like we want to kill each other.”

"Eighteenth Mother..." Xin Chaoyang looked up at her, "Give me a chance..."

"What chance do you have? Why are you so shameless?" Lingbao said with raised eyebrows.

"I regret it. I broke off the engagement. I understand. From now on, I will not care about you in the slightest. You can do whatever you want. You can provide medicine to whomever you want. If you are happy, smile at me. If you're unhappy, you don't have to smile at me. I believe whatever you say. You don't have to think too much about what I say. I'm tearing my face apart and letting you see it for real. I'm not begging you to forgive me. I'm asking you to give me this. Give me a chance, give me a chance to get to know me again, not for one day, not for one month, not for one month, not for half a year, not for half a year, not for two years, not for two years, not for a lifetime..." Xin Chaoyang said after plastic surgery.

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The reason why I didn’t update yesterday was because I was so excited that I wrote it until midnight, hahaha. There’s another chapter to come. Suddenly I was in a super good mood and felt like I was soaring in the day. Don’t worry, I won’t stop. Update, usually when the update stops, it means I am in a state again and can’t stop.