Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 116


Tang Jiao quickly contacted Zhou Shanshan, but she did not hide anything and explained the situation decisively. Although she complained that Tang Jiao was meddling in other people's business, Zhou Shanshan still gave Tang Jiao the phone number of Qi Baye's home, made an appointment with Tang Jiao to go shopping together tomorrow, and then hung up the phone.

Tang Jiao wrote the phone number and address to Hu Yici and said, "This is the phone number and address of his old home. You can go and have a look. He should be at home recently."

Hu Yici's tears kept coming, and she couldn't wipe them away. She said seriously, "I know, thank you, thank you, Miss Zhou."

She never thought that Zhou Shanshan would actually give her his address and phone number. She always thought that a young lady like Zhou Shanshan would hate her. After all, she also liked Ba Ye very much. But it turns out that she is actually a kind-hearted girl.

Tang Jiao: "Don't delay, go find someone quickly."

Tang Jiao called Lao Wang: "Send Miss Zhou to where she wants to go."

Help people to the end, send Buddha to the West.

Hu Yici thanked her again and again, bowed repeatedly, and then hurried out the door without rejecting Tang Jiao's kindness. She herself knows that if she buys more time at this time, her mother will suffer less.

Shen Lianyi looked at her daughter, hesitated, and asked, "Why don't you ask Master Qi?"

I wanted to ask Zhou Shanshan, but this was wrong.

Tang Jiao laughed and said slowly: "He can only owe me, not me. I can't use this little thing to waste away his debt to me!"

Seeing that her mother didn't know him very well, Tang Jiao went upstairs with a smile on her face.

She made an appointment with Zhou Shanshan on the second day, and sure enough, when they met on the second day, Zhou Shanshan pinched her cheek and said, "You damn girl, why are you so kind-hearted everywhere! You are just too naive. "

Tang Jiao smiled and dodged, but said softly: "She cried so pitifully, and besides, no one is looking for her."

She actually guessed what Zhou Shanshan would say, and she wasn't unsure about calling her at that time. Although Zhou Shanshan was arrogant, she had a sassy temper. Even if she was interested in Qi Baye, she wouldn't hide it. Small moves, this is why Tang Jiao likes her.

Zhou Shanshan is actually an upright girl.

Zhou Shanshan heard what she said and pinched her cheek again: "How do you think I know a little fool like you? Hey! You are really worrying me to death. What will I do if you go out and let others bully you?"

Tang Jiao laughed softly. She actually didn't understand that several of her friends, Zhou Shanshan, Li Yunchao, and Xu Jing, seemed to have concluded that she was a pathetic little person who was easy to bully. It seemed like she was going to be targeted by bad guys every minute, and I was worried about her all day long.

She said seriously: "No one will bully me, I will fight back. Moreover, I still have my dear Shanshan to protect me!"

Tang Jiao put her arms around Zhou Shanshan and said, "I was shopping with my mother yesterday and saw a skirt. We agreed that it would suit you very well, but I'm not sure what size you should wear. So, come with me. Let's go. Walk."

Zhou Shanshan was pulled by Tang Jiao, and they came to a store together. Zhou Shanshan laughed when she saw it. It was indeed a good fit for her.

She likes girly pink the most, and this dress happens to be pink, and the style is pretty and lively, which suits Zhou Shanshan's personality very well. Zhou Shanshan happily tried on the clothes and came out. Seeing that Tang Jiao had already paid the bill, she said, "Just wear it and go."

Then she turned around and told the clerk to wrap up Zhou Shanshan's original dress. Zhou Shanshan was helpless: "Tang Jiao, why do you always give me clothes every time we go shopping? I'm embarrassed."

In fact, Zhou Shanshan was not without money, but she felt very comfortable after receiving the gift from her friend. Tang Jiao didn't care: "You're treating me to lunch!"

Although she often gives Zhou Shanshan clothes, when the two of them go out to eat, Zhou Shanshan usually pays for them, so the two of them actually reciprocate. Although no one took too much advantage, in the end it made Zhou Shanshan feel particularly comfortable.

Wearing new clothes, she muttered happily: "Of course I want to treat you, even if you don't let me treat you! Lala, our local tycoon Tang Jiao is the best. If I go out with you, I feel like I'm going out with my cousin. .Every time someone gives it to me, I’m so happy.”

Tang Jiao burst out laughing. From this look, she could be equated with Qi Baye.

Tang Jiao said softly: "I also like to go out with you. Every time someone invites you to a big dinner, I get fat. Oh, yes, I am fat. I need to eat less."

Tang Jiao's cautious look made Zhou Shanshan laugh.

"You are so stupid, why does my brother think you are the most scheming!" Zhou Shanshan held Tang Jiao's face and looked left and right, her smile getting bigger: "It seems that he is really stupid."

Tang Jiao's eyes flashed and she said softly: "It's natural for your brother to say bad things about me. He is Tang Heng's boyfriend. Naturally, he won't deal with me anymore."

Zhou Shanshan nodded and admitted: "You're right, my brother is just a fool. I don't know what he sees in Tang Heng. He is simply out of his mind!"

She pouted: "Fortunately, he is recuperating at home these days. My father took a look at him, and he finally can't find Tang Heng. But although this idiot can't find Tang Heng, he still speaks ill of you behind your back. You say Is he suffering from mental illness?"

Zhou Shanshan was really puzzled. Everyone in their family seemed smart and knowledgeable. But the brother who reads the most is an idiot. I wonder if he has read too much and his brain is too funny!

She said: "If I had a sister-in-law like Tang Heng, I would probably die of vomiting."

Tang Jiao looked at Zhou Shanshan in confusion, with some disbelief: "Your brother plans to marry Tang Heng?"

If we talk about the previous life, Hu Ruyu's mother and daughter had different statuses. It’s not surprising that the Zhou family would choose Tang Heng. They have all been notorious in this life, and this one still won’t give up

That’s true love!

Tang Jiao said softly: "Your brother really loves Tang Heng!"

Zhou Shanshan nodded: "That's why I said he was stupid. Hey, hey, do you think my brother was beheaded by Tang Heng? If not, how could he be so mentally retarded?"

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Do you think we should go and pay homage?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her brother must have been raped. Otherwise, how could he be so stupid? There is no such precedent in their family.

"No, no, Tang Jiao, can you accompany me to find a place to pay my respects to my brother? It's not normal for my brother to be like this now. He must have been lowered." Zhou Shanshan became firm.

Tang Jiao raised her eyebrows and responded with a smile. The two of them didn't delay and arrived at the City God's Temple together.

Tang Jiao bowed briefly and looked at where Zhou Shanshan was kneeling devoutly and reciting some words. When she listened carefully, she found out that she was talking about her brother being beheaded. Tang Jiao couldn't help but laugh. With his thoughts in mind, he silently exited the hall first.

She stood in the courtyard. There were not many people today. Tang Jiao saw an old man walking in carrying incense and candles, and lowered his head.

Boss Gu, the adoptive father of Master Qi.

She leaned to the side, but despite this, the old man still stopped in front of her. He looked at her wrist and did not move.

Tang Jiao followed his gaze, then put her hands behind her back and smiled lightly.

Boss Gu's eyes were deep and he couldn't tell what he was thinking. He asked, "Where are you from?"

Tang Jiao hummed and replied softly: "It was a gift from a friend."

She knew he was talking about the string of Buddhist beads on her wrist.

The old man still didn't move and asked again: "What friend?"

Tang Jiao smiled lightly and said, "Master, this...has nothing to do with you, right?"

This sentence of the master inexplicably pleased Boss Gu, and he immediately asked happily: "What? Do I look like an enlightened monk?"

The eyes are bright.

Tang Jiao swallowed her saliva and wanted to say, you are nothing like me.

But what he said was... "Aren't you? I thought you were."

Boss Gu was very satisfied and nodded: "You are indeed a very discerning little girl. You are really smart."

He looked at Tang Jiao carefully, a little confused, and said, "I think you look familiar!"

Tang Jiao chuckled softly and said very sincerely: "You look very familiar to me. Maybe it's just a matter of eye contact. What do you call me, Master?"

Boss Gu was satisfied again.

He nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, this is the connection between eyes. I saw that you were very attracted to each other at the first sight, and I thought that you are an excellent little girl. Hey, what is the name? You call me master That’s it.”

He shook his head with a hint of arrogance.

Tang Jiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, just call me master. In fact, there is no need for a title! The title is just a nihilistic thing."

Boss Gu felt that the little girl in front of him was the most Buddhist-friendly person he had ever seen, which was really satisfying.

He said: "You are a very nice girl. What is your name?"

Tang Jiao said crisply: "Tang Jiao."

Boss Gu felt that the name was a bit familiar, but it didn't matter, none of that mattered, they were so destined. That’s why it feels both familiar and familiar.

"Can you show me your bracelet?" he asked again.

Tang Jiao sighed and stretched out her hand that was pinned behind her back. The old man was quite polite and didn't touch her. He just stared at the bracelet for a while, then raised his head and looked at Tang Jiao again.

Tang Jiao wasn't sure whether he recognized it as Gu Tingyun's, but after thinking about it carefully, he could probably identify it, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

She smiled and asked: "Master, do you have any questions?"

Boss Gu's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said slowly: "No!"

He chuckled and said, "No."

With a bit of gritted teeth.

Tang Jiao didn't know why his face changed, but she expected that she had not made any mistakes, so she felt calm.

She didn't know why Boss Gu was angry, but Boss Gu wanted to bite Gu Tingyun to death. Didn't this little bastard say he would give bracelets to children? Is this a kid in front of me? Do you think he is stupid

Haha, is this a kid

She's obviously a little girl!

Well, Gu Tingyun, you can fool me now.

Boss Gu's mind was spinning a thousand times now. He really wanted to crush that bastard Gu Tingyun to death, but it was hard to reveal anything in front of the little girl. He just forced a smile and said, "This bracelet for you... is a boy, right?"

Tang Jiao nodded.

Hey, it’s so hard to pretend!

"Master, you can see this!" Zhou Shanshan heard it when she came out of the main hall, and immediately asked, "You are so powerful! Then can you help me count my brother? My brother has been there since He feels a little stupid after returning from abroad. Is he possessed by evil spirits..."

Boss Gu: He really looks like an eminent monk! The fortune tellers are here!

He smiled without saying a word, feeling ecstatic inside.

Zhou Shanshan was still thinking: "My brother is so worried. I don't know why, but he especially believes in that bad woman..."

Tang Jiao thought, should she stop Zhou Shanshan

But he hasn’t spoken yet.

Just listen to Mr. Gu: "My store is right outside. Come on, I'll do the math for you. Don't worry, it's free!"

After saying this, Zhou Shanshan was even more convinced that Boss Gu was a true master. If he didn't care about money, he must be a true master!

When Tang Jiao and Zhou Shanshan came to "Yuan", they heard Zhou Shanshan complaining about her brother, back and forth, and there were many things that Tang Jiao didn't know about before. It turns out that Zhou Yuxuan said so many bad things about him behind his back, haha!

Damn this!

But looking at it this way, Zhou Shanshan is really good. After hearing so many bad words about herself, she still firmly believes that she is a pure good person, and her brother is the fool who was cheated. This is quite difficult.

Boss Gu quickly picked up on Zhou Shanshan's words.

It turns out that this is Zhou Laoer's daughter.

Zhou Shanshan was young and had never seen him before, so naturally she didn't recognize him.

After hearing this, Boss Gu coughed and said, "Is your family a business owner? You and your brother are the only two children in your family?"

Zhou Shanshan immediately said: "You can see this? That's right! Master, you are really amazing. Do you think my brother is possessed by evil spirits?"

Boss Gu: "That's right, you..."

Tang Jiao saw that the two people were chatting enthusiastically, and Boss Gu mysteriously handed Zhou Shanshan a dozen spells. She was stunned.

"One piece a day, burn it and mix it with tea for him to drink. On the 19th, he will slowly get better. But don't let him go out. Remember, these are mutually reinforcing." Mr. Gu said earnestly. He said: "I think we are very compatible. If it were an ordinary person, I would definitely not give her advice."

Zhou Shanshan nodded hurriedly: "I know, I know, master, thank you very much!"

Boss Gu: "Saving people from fire and water is what I should do..."

Zhou Shanshan was excited: "You are such an eminent monk!"

Tang Jiao looked at them and lowered her head silently: "..."

Zhou Yuxuan, wish yourself well!

Hey hey hey!