Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 51


Gu Tingyun took half a day off to sit here and... eat some sweets.

I don't want such an annoying fly to fly over.

He didn't disturb the store's business and never did anything to clear the store, but he gave this man a chance.

Gu Tingyun was eating ice cream slowly, while Lu Yulin stood not far away and kept apologizing.

He looks very kind, but whether a person is kind or not is not just based on appearance. He has understood this since he was a child, but now he looks pitiful. Gu Tingyun only felt that this person was pretentious. However, this man had been beaten. There were bruises on the corners of his eyes and mouth, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Lu Yulin stood not far away, looking at Master Gu Qi with a low eyebrow. He wanted to speak further, but Gu Si next to Master Qi was not easy to mess with, so he was stopped for a step. So and so, I didn't dare to say anything more, I just kept apologizing.

He didn't reach out to hit the smiling man, he just hoped that Master Qi could put aside his past grudges.

However, Gu Qiye obviously didn't care about him and felt very comfortable leaning there.

Lu Yulin was embarrassed when he heard a girl's voice chirping.

Lu Yulin looked over, his eyes flashing... Tang Jiao!

Although Tang Jiao didn't know him, he knew Tang Jiao.

After all, knowing yourself and your enemy is his consistent way of doing things, but he didn't want to, but it was so narrow.

But at this moment, he was almost stimulated by a cry.

As if he was hallucinating, he heard Tang Jiao say "Seventh Master" with a full smile.

What happened next was even more mysterious. Gu Qiye, who had never had any women around him, actually greeted Tang Jiao.

Lu Yulin felt that it was a little difficult to breathe.

He gasped hard and tried to force out a smile, but Tang Jiao spoke again.

Tang Jiao smiled and shook her head. She stepped forward and said, "I invite you."

Gu Tingyun couldn't help but want to laugh. He hummed and looked at Tang Jiao.

Tang Jiao said seriously: "I agreed before that I would treat you."

Gu Tingyun raised his eyebrows: "I remember what I said at the beginning was... you make money. Is this the money you make?"

Tang Jiao felt a little ashamed all of a sudden, but she was confident: "This is not the same thing. I still owe you that. This time I gave it to you as a gift."

Gu Tingyun didn't know why, but he felt very good just by looking at her smile.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, you invite me."

Tang Jiao took advantage of the situation and leaned on another chair, turning to look at Lu Yulin.

Looking at it carefully like this makes you want to laugh a bit. Did you get beaten up

Could it be her father

After thinking about it carefully, it became more and more possible. Tang Jiao seemed to suddenly think of something. She suddenly looked at Xu Jing and said, "Xu Jing, is the newspaper still there?"

Xu Jing was intoxicated with thoughts of handsome men and beautiful women, when she heard someone calling her.

The two stood together like movie stars.

She mechanically took out the newspaper from her bag.

Tang Jiao took it and unfolded it. She pressed the newspaper on the table and smoothed it out. Then she looked up at Lu Yulin and then looked down at the newspaper, as if to compare whether it was the same person.

To be honest, this behavior is really shameful!

Even Gu Si, who was always cold-faced, felt that this behavior was really humiliating.

Look at Lu Yulin's face again, he looks like he's constipated!

However, Gu Tingyun didn't think so, and just sighed: She is still a little girl, very curious!

Tang Jiao looked at it for three minutes. She seemed to have had enough comparisons and finally smiled: "So it's you. You are very famous! It has been in the newspapers."

Tang Jiao Yang held up the huge newspaper in her hand and her smile became even brighter: "You are so photogenic. The photos I took of you are very beautiful."

I am ugly!

Lu Yulin wanted to squeeze this damn girl to death.

He took a deep breath and smiled: "Such gossip and tabloids are nonsense. I will definitely sue them. I..."

Before she could finish speaking, Tang Jiao had already handed the newspaper to Gu Tingyun and smiled: "Master Qi will definitely not read this kind of newspaper. Here, give it to you!"

Gu Tingyun really looked at it seriously.

Tang Jiao smiled: "I'm going to eat ice cream with my classmates."

Think about it and tell her again and again: "You have to wait for me to pay."

Gu Tingyun smiled softly and said yes.

Seeing Tang Jiao flying back to his classmates like a little butterfly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Yulin.

At that time, the resentment in Lu Yulin's eyes had not yet disappeared, and Gu Tingyun's smile suddenly turned cold.

He stared at Lu Yulin. Lu Yulin was shocked and immediately said: "Seventh Master, Seventh Master, this matter..."

I originally thought it was just a grudge against "fate" accidentally, but looking at it this way, is Tang Jiao's matter involved? That’s right, that’s right! Otherwise, why would they pursue and fight like this!

I can only hate that idiot Tang Heng spent the whole day with Tang Jiao and didn't even know that Tang Jiao was hooking up with Gu Qiye.

He was so regretful that his intestines were green. He still listened to that idiot and killed Tang Jiao. Wasn't he looking for trouble

Upon hearing this, Lu Yulin's eyesight went dark and he knelt down with a plop.

Tang Jiao turned around when she heard the sound.


This... this is too flexible, isn't it

Several girls were a little stunned, having never seen such a scene.

Li Yunchao had never seen anything like this before. She asked in a low voice, "What's going on!"

Tang Jiao spread her hands: "Maybe this is his hobby?"


Lu Yulin really wished he could kill Tang Jiao with one knife.

It's just that he didn't dare to say a word at this time.

As soon as he saw that Tang Jiao had a close relationship with Master Qi, he quickly said: "Master Qi, I was wrong. I shouldn't have killed Miss Tang. I was wrong. This matter was all Hu Ruyu's idea. I really I was deceived. If I had known that Miss Tang was yours, I would never have done such a thing. I deserve to die. I am deceived by lard."

Lu Yulin gave himself two big mouths.

Now the Lu family's shipping business is in jeopardy, and what's even more detestable is that the people from Hongmen made a special trip to hint the reason to the Lu family.

He is in such a position now precisely because of the financial support of Dafang. If nothing else is available. He didn't dare think about what would happen next.

He took a deep breath and said: "It's my fault! I will never do anything to Miss Tang again, I deserve to die! That bitch Hu Ruyu, I will definitely give her a good look, I will definitely give her a good look!"

Gu Tingyun: "..."

Does he think he is related to Miss Tang

But... who was he talking about? Tang Jiao

Gu Tingyun thought that he didn't know Tang Jiao at all.

"Are you... okay?"

Gu Tingyun felt something flash past quickly, but he did not react. He gently turned the prayer beads in his hand and said seriously: "If you are not in good spirits, you should go and take a look."

Lu Yulin turned around and came to Tang Jiao. The momentary honor and disgrace was nothing. He coaxed them first, and there would be many opportunities for a comeback in the future.

Tang Jiao’s classmates were a little confused!

We were all female students. We had never seen such a formation before. As soon as we saw people, they rushed towards Tang Jiao.

Tang Jiao secretly thought: She is indeed capable of bending and stretching. Are you going to kneel to her

Before Lu Yulin could get in front of Tang Jiao, he suddenly felt a chill on his body.

A cold drink fell from the sky and hit him directly on the head.

He huffed, looked up blankly, turned his head slowly, and saw that the waiter was very embarrassed: "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean it."

She didn't know what hit her wrist, and she accidentally took her hand off.

Is this coincidence... too small

Lu Yulin was hit by a cup with ice. He didn't want it to be an accident. He turned back to look at Gu Qiye blankly. His eyes were deep and dark, as if he could not see the bottom of a cold pool.

In an instant, he understood.

Gu Qiye's face was calm: "Ayo, come and pay for me, I will take you home."

After a pause, he said to the others: "I can't accompany you anymore. You eat first, and I'll treat you on behalf of you."

He waved, Tang Jiao thought for a moment, nodded and said yes.

There is something strange about this scene.

Tang Jiao paid the bill for Gu Tingyun's ice cream;

Gu Tingyun ordered an ice cream for each of the other girls and then paid the bill.

Tang Jiao was very obedient this time. After all, she didn't mind being able to show off her power in front of a jerk like Lu Yulin.

Gu Tingyun put his hand on Tang Jiao's shoulder, gave it a gentle push, and said, "Let's go."

Whether intentionally or not, the beads on his hand echoed the string of beads hanging around Tang Jiao's neck.

It's clearly... the same style!

Apart from size, they look exactly the same.

Lu Yulin felt like he was going to faint!

He was panting like a drowning fish.

Gu Tingyun just pushed Tang Jiao into the car. The moment Tang Jiao got into the car, she turned around and waved: "See you next time!"

Li Yunchao: "... Oh, oh oh, oh oh oh!"

Wait for Tang Jiao and Gu Tingyun to leave.

Lu Yulin felt like he was standing here like a joke.

Big joke.

He smiled and held back.

Hehehe, turned around and walked away quickly.

Looking at his back, Xu Jing sighed: "So this person is so scary."

Li Yunchao nodded quickly, thought for a while, and whispered: "This man and my mother are colleagues. They are not like this at all on weekdays. Turns out he is so bad!"

She had also attended a cocktail party held by the city government with her mother, and she never expected that this person was like this behind his back.

This... is too bad and vicious!

Xu Jing immediately grabbed Li Yunchao: "Tell us what he is like in normal times..."

Li Yunchao: "This..."

Several other people chimed in: "Just tell me! It's really scary! Is this person going to be beaten up?"

"If you are such a bad person, you must be beaten!"

"You heard it, right? He also said killing people. Oh my god... Oh oh oh, he also said Hu Ruyu ordered him. But isn't Hu Ruyu Tang Heng's mother?"

For a moment, several girls felt that they had discovered a new world, and immediately started a heated discussion.

At this time, Tang Jiao was sitting in the car, her hands resting on her knees, and she smiled lightly: "Master Qi, I've spent a lot of money on you."

Gu Tingyun was quite relaxed and leaned on the car. He smiled: "Didn't you invite me? Is it good that I invite your classmates instead of you? After all, this matter happened because of me. But you are implicated. ”

Tang Jiao: "???"

In a daze, Tang Jiao suddenly understood that Gu Qiye had no idea who she was! could he not investigate

It turns out... he kept calling her Ayou because he just thought his name was Tang Ayou

This, this, this!

Tang Jiao lowered her head. She was caught in the cycle of whether or not to admit that she was Tang Jiao...

"What a pitiful little person who always gets implicated."

Gu Tingyun rubbed her head.

Tang Jiao decisively said: Let’s not talk about it!

"I am the most pitiful, Master Qi wants to make it up to me!"