Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 54


Mrs. Tang yelled these words angrily, opened the door of the ward with a bang, and said directly to Yue Jiawen: "Doctor Yue, Tang Zhiyong and I have decided to divorce. Please trouble the hospital to negotiate with them about the compensation. !”

Holding Tang Jiao's hand, he didn't say anything more and just shouted: "Give way!"

Just rush out!

Mrs. Tang's appearance was unexpected, but it made everyone confused at once.

Tang Jiao was quite happy as they walked out of the hospital.

Mrs. Tang looked at the sunset and suddenly said: "Actually, I should have figured it out a long time ago. How can I live with such a person?"

Tang Jiao nodded, always happy for her mother.

"Mom, the Tang family will definitely not agree to your divorce from Tang Zhiyong just to take advantage of my uncle." Tang Jiao was calm. She said softly: "In this case, it is better to work together to prevent others from interfering. My father is a very hard-edged person. Soft."

Tang Jiao made it very clear. When Mrs. Tang heard this, she nodded repeatedly: "You are right."

Tang Jiao smiled and held Mrs. Tang's arm: "Why are you angry with them? They are actually nothing to us."

Mrs. Tang’s daughter Bai: “A good girl shouldn’t say such things.”

Tang Jiao crossed her fingers and said, "Mother must not have read the newspaper yet. Let's go buy a copy of the Xinjiang Evening News and have some fun. But the newspaper company I found is very good!"

Mrs. Tang softened her voice and said, "Your uncle asked for it."

Tang Jiao nodded, understanding: "I guess it was my uncle who did it. Looking at these details, you can tell who did it. Her mother would never have thought of this."

"Miss, Miss..."

Yotsuba rushed forward with a clatter.

Tang Jiao stopped and Siye patted her chest: "I just stood in the crowd and listened for a while."

She raised her chin and said, "Lu Yulin is trying to persuade me again! But I won't listen, saying that I must divorce you."

She took a deep breath and added, "That Dr. Yue said the hospital's loss would be 5,000 yuan!"

When she said this, her eyes widened. This was probably money that he would never be able to save in his lifetime.

Not to mention Siye, even Mrs. Tang was surprised. She was confused and stuttered: "Th-so many?"

Tang Jiao said: "It must be because the instruments were damaged, right? Who knows which things in other hospitals are more valuable? But I guess Dr. Yue asked for more."

Mrs. Tang immediately said: "Don't say that, Dr. Yue is not such a person."

Tang Jiao burst into laughter. Her mother was definitely the most innocent person.

She whispered: "Why don't you understand, mother? Who does Yue Jiawen represent? He represents the hospital. If the compensation is less, the hospital will be troubled by everyone in the future. Believe it or not, as long as my father and the others The news about the compensation of 5,000 yuan spread, and no one rushed to the hospital to take action from then on. It's not like he was crazy and wanted to bankrupt his family."

Tang Jiao's analysis was clear and logical. Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tang nodded.

"What you said makes sense." She sighed again: "I didn't expect that through some strange combination of circumstances, I could save such a large amount of money."

Tang Jiao laughed and nodded quickly: "Yes. Why don't you take me to buy clothes?"

Mrs. Tang agreed with a smile, and then said: "It's too late today, tomorrow."

Tang Jiao was beaming with joy.

For some reason, although Tang Zhiyong and Mrs. Tang decided to divorce.

They didn't feel sad at all, but felt relieved.

Tang Jiao felt that there was really nothing wrong with this. Since her father loved Hu Ruyu so much, he should go live with Hu Ruyu. After all, without her mother's dowry, Hu Ruyu would not kill her father. Isn't this good? At least let Tang Zhiyong know what Hu Ruyu is.

Her father had already lost his judgment due to the unrequited relationship back then, and Hu Ruyu became a very strange existence in his heart, like a cinnabar mole that could not be touched.

What could be more interesting than experiencing it in person and watching the cinnabar moles in your eyes turn into mosquito blood

Tang Jiao thought maliciously.

"Call your uncle and ask him to come over for dinner tonight."

Tang Jiao sighed and said yes.

Shen Qing received Tang Jiao's call and rushed to Tang's house without saying a word.

As soon as he entered the door, he rolled up his sleeves: "Where is Tang Zhiyong?"

Tang Jiao saw her uncle's violent aura and greeted him with a smile: "Uncle, don't be angry."

Shen Qing almost squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "He dares to divorce my sister. I think he has had enough! I must let him..."

"Uncle!" Tang Jiao suddenly said seriously: "Don't worry about him. It's a good thing for my mother to get divorced."

After all, Shen Qing still has some old-school male ideas. He said: "You are still young, no..."

"Nothing wrong!" Tang Jiao said seriously: "My mother has had enough for so many years. It is a good thing to get divorced now. Can you be happy if Tang Zhiyong divorces? I think what uncle has to do now is to arrange for Tang Zhiyong and his wife as soon as possible. My mother is divorced. After divorce, my mother is truly clean. As for Tang Zhiyong and Hu Ruyu, do you think they can be happy?"

Tang Jiao stood coldly in the hall, with a gloomy look on her face: "Without the Shen Family Shipping Company, the Tang family is just as bad as shit. Do you understand? It's worse than anything else! If we don't get a divorce, Hu Ruyu coaxed my father into making custom orders." What happened?"

Shen Qing was also a smart man. He immediately looked at Tang Jiao and asked in a low voice, "Did you... know something?"

Tang Jiao smiled: "Should I know? I just want to save my mother's life. As for Hu Ruyu... I want to watch her and my father grind away without any friendship. This is my father's punishment. .Do you understand?”

Shen Qing understood, but he didn't expect the little girl to be so cruel.

He whispered: "Ayo..."

Tang Jiao: "I will definitely kill Hu Ruyu, but not now.":

Tang Jiao turned around and entered the door.

Mrs. Tang didn't hear what the two people said in the foyer, but when they were having dinner, Shen Qing raised her head and said seriously: "I will tell Tang Zhiyong that you will go and complete the formalities tomorrow."

Mrs. Tang was surprised: "So fast?"

After another thought, he simply said: "That's right."

Tang Jiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, so as not to have a long night with too many dreams."

Shen Qing glanced at her nephew. Tang Jiao's expression was very innocent, but she thought of how fierce she had been in that moment. Shen Qing shook his head, Yoyo was forced to do so.

"Oh, by the way, what did the man named Lu say nonsense today? Who did he say you have a close relationship with?" Mrs. Tang finally recalled this incident.

Tang Jiao raised her head and shook her head innocently: "It's okay, he's crazy."

Mrs. Tang believed this, but Shen Qing did not.

He knew who Lu Yulin was, and he would never be aimless. He immediately asked: "Who is he talking about?"

This time I asked Mrs. Tang directly. Seeing Tang Jiao’s naughty little appearance, she wouldn’t say anything.

Mrs. Tang: "What are you talking about, Master Qi? This name seems familiar."

Mrs. Tang is a housewife who doesn't go out, so naturally she doesn't know that much. But Shen Qing looked at Tang Jiao and asked, "Master Gu Qi?"

He suddenly thought of the recent rumors. Everyone knew that the Lu family had offended Master Gu Qi. Although he didn't know why, the Lu family boating business was now in dire straits. This was one of the reasons why he decided to end his boat business.

The Lu family can be regarded as a veteran shipping family, but they are still vulnerable when they encounter a blow.

The Shen family originally started out in Shanghai, so it was even more difficult to do so. But with things like this, he had some intention of quitting.

Shen Qing stared at his niece and asked, "Is he talking about Master Gu Qi?"

Tang Jiao nodded, but waved her hands quickly: "Actually, he misunderstood. It's nothing at all. Master Gu Qi wouldn't like a bean sprout like me, right?"

Shen Qing immediately said: "Nonsense, our Ayo is so good, he is just blind when he doesn't like her."

Tang Jiao: "..."

Shen Qing patted his head: "I was confused by you. After all, it's not easy for those people to stay away from you. Don't be fooled. As for Lu Yulin, he can misunderstand if he wants to."

Tang Jiao pondered for a moment and asked softly: "Uncle, can you tell me about your grudges with him?"

Shen Qing fell silent.

Mrs. Tang immediately said: "Ah, eat well, why are children doing so many things?"

She winked hard at Tang Jiao.

Tang Jiao finally understood and remained silent.

Just when everyone was silent, the phone rang. Siye said: "Miss, I'm looking for you."

Tang Jiao immediately said, "Who is it?"

She answered the phone, and there was clear laughter on the other end of the phone, and Zhou Shanshan's voice came: "Guess who I am."

Who doesn’t know this

Tang Jiao smiled: "Maybe it's a little fairy?"

These words made Zhou Shanshan laugh.

Zhou Shanshan said: "You're so smart. You guessed it right right away. I'm back tonight. Do you want to go shopping together tomorrow? I brought you a gift."

Tang Jiao: "Okay."

Zhou Shanshan: "Then it's agreed, let's make an appointment at Madiel's restaurant tomorrow morning."

Tang Jiao said yes again and hung up the phone. She thought of the Madier Restaurant in Harbin and fell into memories.

But soon, she shook her head.

The night is dark.

Tang Jiao sat on the balcony eating snacks, the swing swaying gently. Her father did not come back tonight, and her uncle had already agreed to take her mother to the city hall to apply for a divorce from him tomorrow.

Many things are different, everything seems to have been restarted as if some strange switch has been pressed.

But despite this, Tang Jiao still felt a little dazed.

"Dong dong" the knock on the door sounded.

Tang Jiao: "Come in."

Mrs. Tang came in. Mrs. Tang was startled when she saw the snacks all over the floor. She was confused and asked, "Hey, this... where did you get this?"

After another thought, he asked, "Did you spend all your pocket money on snacks?"

Can her daughter see this stupid thing

Tang Jiao walked in with a smile, holding a box in her hand.

She smiled: "Someone gave it to me."

Mrs. Tang didn't believe it and glanced at her suspiciously: "Who can your friend give you so many snacks? Tell me the truth. Have you spent all your pocket money?"

Tang Jiao immediately went to grab her small wallet: "Look, they are all here! It didn't cost a lot. It was really a gift from someone else."

She puffed up her chest and said proudly: "Because I'm so cute, people give me gifts."

Mrs. Tang: "..."

She touched her daughter's forehead worriedly and said, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

Tang Jiao pouted, dissatisfied.

"How could mother say that to me!"

She pointed and said, "These are all given to me by Master Qi! They were given to me!"

Mrs. Tang's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said slowly: "Didn't you say... you have no relationship? You damn girl, are you lying to me now?"

Tang Jiao=口=

Why did I accidentally say it!