Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 63


There is something quiet about the summer afternoon.

Gu Tingyun went out with a kettle to water the flowers. Although these things were trivial, he rarely did it in other people's hands and always took full responsibility for himself. I actually enjoyed doing it.

When Master Qi arrived, Master Qi was watering the flowers.

In fact, he really didn't understand Seventh Brother. He raised dogs, watered flowers, played chess and drank tea. He lived like an old man every day, but he didn't know how energetic he was. Instead of going to Shanghai to find a little beauty to "bengcaca", even going hunting would be a good idea.

It's a pity that his seventh brother doesn't care at all and reads and writes every day, which is puzzling.

"Brother Qi, I've been here for a while and you haven't even said hello to me. Isn't that bad?" He felt aggrieved.

He sat down on the rocking chair near the dog house. As soon as he sat down, he didn't speak yet!

Gu Erniu rushed over and shouted at him: "Woof woof woof".

Mr. Qi Ba was startled. He uttered an ouch and waved his hand: "Er Niuer, go play by yourself."

Gu Erniu came to him, bit his trouser leg and started to pull it.

Qi Baye: "Hey, no... don't be like this. My pants are new, no... why do you have no sense of aesthetics like a dog?"

Seeing that he was thinking endlessly, Gu Tingyun glanced at him and warned lightly: "It's not very happy that you took my exclusive seat."

Master Qi Ba: "... I have watched this dog of yours grow up since he was a child. His snobbery has not changed at all since he was a child."

Gu Tingyun: "If you don't get up again, you will find that its biting habit has not changed."

Master Qi Ba couldn't argue with a dog, so he stood up aggrievedly. Sure enough, Gu Erniu twisted her fat buttocks and returned to lie down in front of the dog house, but her eyes were still fixed on Master Qi Ba! It seemed that as long as Qi Baye dared to sit down, he would dare to rush up and bite people again.

Master Qi Ba was wronged again.

He pulled the swing around and said, "Brother Qi, do you still remember that little cherry?"

Gu Tingyun did not raise his head and still watered the flowers, but his eyes flashed slightly and he asked: "What?"

Not to mention anything else.

Qi Baye immediately said, "I'm telling you, she's not as sweet as she seems. I'm telling you, she can hit people."

Gu Tingyun's movements finally stopped. He looked at Master Qi Ba, frowning slightly, with a hint of disapproval in his eyes: "Are you going to harass her?"

This immediately gave Master Qi Ba’s identity.

Mr. Qi Ba said, "I'm going to go" and almost fainted.

It's really annoying on a hot day.

He yelled: "Oh no! Brother Qi, why are you helping outsiders? I have nothing to do! Why are you harassing her little bean sprouts! It's not my type. I met that little one by chance. The girl looks gentle and gentle on the surface, but she is actually cruel and ruthless. You don’t know... "

"Wow!" Gu Erniu rushed up. Qi Baye let out a cry and dodged over. He said: "Gu Erniu, why are you always crazy? Did you not get the rabies vaccine? I said Brother Qi, we can’t save this money. If your Gu Erniu is like this, something will happen sooner or later, so why are you still biting people?”

Gu Erniu's hair exploded, and she stared at Mr. Qi Ba with a whimpering sound, as if she was about to come up and bite someone.

Gu Tingyun got down and called Erniu softly.

Gu Erniu immediately rushed to her master's feet and lay down.

Gu Tingyun rubbed Gu Erniu's thick long hair and said, "You said bad things about our Erniu's little friend."

Qi Baye: "..."

He felt that the world was a bit confusing to people, especially his seventh brother. His seventh brother was strange, and his dog was also strange.

Gu Tingyun gently rubbed Gu Erniu, and Gu Erniu squinted her eyes slightly, enjoying it very much.

"This dog of yours is too..."

"Old man!" Gu Tingyun looked up at him and said seriously: "You are not allowed to appear in front of Ayo in the future."

Qi Baye: "..."

Gu Tingyun added: "If you hang around Ayo for a long time, it will inevitably make her learn bad things. She is a very well-behaved girl. I promised to protect her."

Master Qi Ba looked at the sky. The sun did not rise from the west today, and nothing major happened this morning. But who could tell him that these people had taken the wrong medicine. The scary thing is not that they all say so, but that they really think so. Qi Baye feels that the most terrifying thing in the world is this.

These people are brainless.

It doesn't matter if others are brainless, but his seventh brother...

"Hey, no, Brother Qi, that little cherry is Tang Jiao. She really looks a bit weird, and she's not such a gentle little sheep. If you like that kind of little girl, I'll find it for you. I know a lot …”

"Baby." Gu Tingyun frowned slightly: "Don't say such stupid things. I don't want to hear you compare Ayo with other girls. There is no comparison at all. Ayo is the cutest girl in the world. From now on. Don't show up in front of her, if you let me know that you have bad intentions, I will kill you."

Gu Tingyun stared at Master Qi Ba, his voice was very soft, but his eyes were cold.

He said seriously: "Did you hear that?"

Master Qi Ba was confused. He felt really wronged. What he said was obviously true, but why did everyone think he was talking nonsense.

Him: "I heard it, I heard it!"

He felt extremely wronged.

Qi Baye didn't want to say anything more, and hung his head: "I have a headache, go inside and rest!"

No, it's hot. Why does your head start to hurt

He drifted silently into the room. Gu Tingyun rubbed Gu Erniu and said softly: "Erniu, go check on your eighth uncle. He doesn't seem to be in good condition."

Gu Erniu barked and immediately caught up with Qi Baye, wagging her tail and followed him into the house.

Gu Tingyun smiled, shook his head helplessly and continued to water the flowers.

Tang Jiao never thought about the Gu family's affairs, and more importantly, she didn't expect Qi Baye to be a gossip.

She accompanied Shen Lianyi to get her hair permed and worked hard all day, and didn't go home until evening.

Shen Lianyi changed into a dress and had her hair done again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

She asked again and again: "Oh, do I really look good?"

She felt that it was always a little strange for her to dress like this at her age. Isn’t this kind of dressing up what young people should do

Tang Jiao shook her head and said firmly: "It's very beautiful. Mother, you have to believe in yourself."

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Siye stumbling out and ran out. When he saw the two of them, he immediately rushed up: "Miss, madam, it's not good. My uncle, uncle, something happened."

Shen Lianyi's expression changed when she heard this, and she quickly said: "What's going on! Tell me quickly!"

Tang Jiao held her mother's hand and said, "What happened to uncle? Please calm down and explain clearly."

Siye was panting: "It's a phone call. I just got a call from the hospital, saying that my uncle had an accident and is now being treated in the hospital!"

Shen Lianyi felt dizzy and almost fainted. Tang Jiao immediately supported her and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Let's go to the hospital now. Mother, please be stronger."

Tang Jiao immediately asked Lao Wang to drive to the hospital. Shen Lianyi held her hand and whispered: "Your uncle, will your uncle be okay... How could something happen to him! He..."

Tang Jiao comforted her, "My uncle is definitely fine. We won't know until we go to see him. Mom, don't scare yourself. If you fall down, who will take care of your uncle?"

When Tang Jiao said this, Shen Lianyi nodded vigorously and just said yes.

Tang Jiao wanted to calm down her mood, but she couldn't calm down. She was so good, how could something happen to her uncle

She didn't know what the situation was, but she still felt a lot worried when she thought about what happened to her uncle in her previous life.

Isn’t it sometimes inevitable that you’ll be doomed? If you miss the shipwreck, there will be other things? For example, in this life, when my uncle was not on the boat, the boat docked safely and nothing else happened. No shipwrecks, no deaths.

Tang Jiao didn't know whether it was God's will or something else. She only knew that her mother must be comforted at this time, and her uncle would be fine.

The car quickly drove to the hospital.

The mother and daughter rushed directly to the building.

Shen Qing was giving first aid and the lights were not out yet. Shen Lianyi leaned against the wall and felt that he could no longer stand.

Tang Jiao helped her sit up and asked about the situation.

Fortunately, she was familiar with the nurse in the hospital before.

Xiaoli saw Tang Jiao and said to her: "It was a car accident. Someone hit him with a car. Fortunately, a passerby was kind and sent him over. If it had been a little later, we might not know what would have happened."

Tang Jiao took a deep breath. She leaned on the table and asked, "How about uncle? Is it okay? Is his life in danger? We..."

Xiaoli held her hand and whispered: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. The doctor is still saving people, nothing will happen. Your uncle is a good man, and nothing will happen to good people."

She kept comforting Tang Jiao, fearing that she wouldn't be able to hold on and fainted.

Tang Jiao bit her lip and continued to ask, "Who sent him here? Where was the person who hit him?"

Tang Jiao's fists were clenched tightly and her face turned pale.

Xiaoli was worried about her and said softly: "The person who sent the person here has left. I heard that the driver ran away as soon as he saw the person who hit him. Don't worry about it now. People are still giving first aid. These are things for the future. Son, nothing is better than anything else."

Tang Jiao couldn't ask anything, and when she saw the lights went out, she ran back.

Xiaoli was worried about Tang Jiao and followed her.

"Doctor, is this so?"

Shen Lianyi found that she couldn't move, and her whole body seemed to collapse. Fortunately, Tang Jiao rushed forward.

Dr. Yue Jiawen performed the surgery. He took off his mask and said in a tired voice: "The person's life is not in danger. He was given anesthesia and will wake up after a while. Don't worry, just rest for a while. Don't worry."

Tang Jiao nodded quickly and said, "Then what else do we have to do? Oh yes, we have to pay the fee, and we also have to..."

Yue Jiawen looked at her pale face and said seriously: "No."

He interrupted Tang Jiao and said seriously: "Send someone over to rest first. Don't be too stressed. Pay the fee... There's no rush at all. I also know that you can't run away. Your mother is not in a very good condition. You are the best." So I can find someone to come..."

Tang Jiao shook her head and said seriously, "It's okay, there's no need to find anyone else."

She seemed strong: "Thank you, Doctor Yue."

Yue Jiawen smiled: "Nothing."

He was too tired after all, so he didn't say more to Tang Jiao. He nodded to her and turned to leave.

Tang Jiao and the others sent Shen Qing to the ward. She told Shen Lianyi: "Mom, give me your wallet and I'll pay the fee. In addition, you can look after some uncles and I'll be back soon."

Although she didn't know what the matter was, Tang Jiao still knew how something could happen to such a good person. She always felt that the matter was not simple.

In the past, Tang Jiao would have thought it might be an accident, but now Tang Jiao didn't dare to relax at all.

Tang Jiao paid the fee and called her home. Siye prepared some food and brought it over.

Tang Jiao went upstairs with her.

It was a coincidence that when she went upstairs, she happened to meet Yue Jiawen coming downstairs. He had already changed into a suit and seemed to be getting off work.

Tang Jiao raised her head and smiled lightly.

Yue Jiawen stopped: "Dr. Xu is on duty at night. If you need anything, call him. Besides, it's not convenient for you to take care of a grown man. You can ask Xiaoli and the others to help you contact the nursing staff. Many nursing staff have their names here. .”

Tang Jiao knew that he meant well, so she smiled and nodded in thanks.

Yue Jiawen looked at her pale face and said, "Take care of yourself, don't let Shen Qing get better. You are exhausted."

Tang Jiao nodded again.

Yue Jiawen didn't want to delay others again, so he nodded and left after thinking that he had nothing else to say.

Tang Jiao hurried upstairs. He pushed open the door and saw Shen Qing's hand moving.

Tang Jiao immediately said: "Uncle."