Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 77


Tang Jiao bought two large scarves and then asked the shopkeeper how many pins she wanted.

When she went out from the back door, she spread the scarf around her head and face, and briefly buttoned it with a pin. The scarf hung down to cover her upper body. She spread the other one and wrapped it around her body, but it looked like It looks like a unique skirt.

But even so, walking down the street dressed like this is really... weird.

Normal people really don't dress like this.

However, Tang Jiao didn't care about that. She covered her whole body with her school uniform. She thought it was no problem. She turned around and left without thinking. She quickly returned to the door of the coffee shop. Sure enough, the Zhou family's car stopped in a swagger. It's very conspicuous there, and it looks like a good thing!

Tang Jiao held the pin and approached the car. After a few fiddles, the car lock opened.

Tang Jiao sneered and got into the car directly.

Zhou Yuxuan and Tang Heng were not in a position to see the car being driven away. Tang Jiao stepped on the accelerator. She didn't drive for a long time. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she knew how to do it and soon got used to it.

Tang Jiao drove back to the area around Jixiang Tailor Shop. It was also close and these people hadn't left yet. Several people were wandering around the street, seemingly wanting to find Tang Jiao.

Tang Jiao lowered her head and sneered. She looked at the angry look of the little brat in the lead, and suddenly thought of his previous life, where he talked about how fair his skin was, how delicious he tasted, and how he met them again when he was wandering, and saw that they were vicious and sinister, bullying the weak. , molesting good women... all kinds of evil things suddenly rushed into Tang Jiao's mind.

Tang Jiao became more and more angry. Almost without thinking, she stepped on the accelerator and drove directly towards the person.

Before a few people could react, the car had already rushed over.

The leader of the little gangster was lucky enough to escape at the last moment, and he cursed loudly.

"Don't you have eyes? Come down here! Damn it, I won't give you money..."

Tang Jiao moved quickly and quickly backed up the car, then rushed forward again. It was made clear that it was not an accident at all, but that he was going to be killed.

Now he was afraid, yelling and dodging. Tang Jiao sneered and stepped on the accelerator.


The person was knocked away directly.

Several of his companions were already scared to death. Tang Jiao thought that these people were running rampant on Shanghai Beach and doing all kinds of bad things, so she rushed towards the second one.

Now everyone finally understood that this was not directed at any one person, but at all of them.

Tang Jiao became more and more skillful, and almost without thinking, she bumped into the second person with a bang.

Several people felt that this was not possible and immediately dispersed and ran away.

There were also people who wanted to rush up and take control of the car, but Tang Jiao was not polite and swung her tail and threw them out.

Seeing that there were more and more people at the scene, a whistle sounded, Tang Jiao calmed down, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

She drove away quickly. When she turned to a secluded riverside, Tang Jiao gritted her teeth and stepped on the accelerator. She rushed forward a full third. She jumped out of the car. Due to the inertia of the car, she suddenly The child fell into the water.

Tang Jiao sat alone on the shore and kept panting. She took off the big towel from her body and stuffed it into her bag. She didn't stay at the scene, but quickly turned into the alley and came out of another street. There was a tram stop here. She didn't care about her destination and got on the tram directly. Tang Jiao was sitting on the tram with her fingers clenched in her fists. She suddenly I found that I was actually not nervous at all.

She just... attempted murder.

But now that I am sitting here properly, I am definitely not nervous.

Tang Jiao thought, she was really becoming more and more perverted.

But suddenly she thought of the evil things these people had done, and she gently told herself that this was called eliminating harm for the people.

It would be better if they all died. If they die early, they will be clean.

This kind of trash lives to cause trouble for others.

But after telling herself this, she smiled softly, because she realized that even if she wanted revenge, there was nothing she could do to eliminate the harm.

So selfish.

But there are so many good girls in the world, and even if she is bad, it doesn't matter, right

Tang Jiao thought for a while and then smiled brightly.

"S-little sister."

Tang Jiao looked up and saw a seven or eight-year-old boy approaching her. Tang Jiao tilted her head slightly and asked, "Is something wrong?"

The smile is particularly clear.

The boy blushed, and then said softly: "My father said he knew you. I think he is lying. Do you, do you know him?"

He turned back and pointed at the man sitting at the end.

Tang Jiao followed his finger and looked over, uh... it looked familiar.

After another thought, I came up with it in a daze.

She nodded, smiled, and said, "Your father didn't lie to you. I once met your father at the Li family's reading club."

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Jiao smiled and asked, "It's Professor Yang, right? Professor Yang from Chengnan University."

The boy nodded as expected, but he quickly lowered his head, feeling very disappointed: "I'm going to cook tonight."

Tang Jiao: "..."

I don't understand. Are all children today so strange

He probably felt her confusion.

The little boy said: "My dad made a bet with me. If I lose, I will have to cook dinner at night."

Tang Jiao looked back at Professor Yang in surprise. The man was very happy, raised his chin, and smiled. This was the one who dragged Yue Jiawen away from Li's study club. He looked a little out of place. She thought he still had to pretend in front of the children, but it turned out not to be the case.

However, Tang Jiao didn't care how others taught their children: "What's your name?"

The little boy raised his head: "Yang Xiuyan, my name is Yang Xiuyan, and my father calls me Ayan."

Although the boy is young and looks a little sloppy, his eyes are clean and his whole person is very sunny. He asked with a smile: "What do you call your sister?"

Tang Jiao loves to laugh, and her whole person is full of brightness, making it easy for her to make friends with others.

She smiled lightly and said, "My surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Jiao."

The boy was completely convinced now. He let out a sigh, drooped his eyes, and said, "My father said your name is Classmate Tang. It's true."

It turns out that this little thing hasn't given up yet, so he wants to test it out.

Tang Jiao pinched this cunning guy's face. Oh, it was really cute. She somehow understood why they liked to pinch her cheeks.

Tang Jiao smiled brightly and said, "There's nothing we can do about it. Since Ayan has already made the bet, he has to finish it with tears in his eyes."

She stood up, took out the little yellow hat from her bag and put it on her head. She said softly, "I'm getting off the car. Goodbye."

Yang Xiuyan nodded and simply said: "Goodbye, sister."

Tang Jiao smiled and waved, and quickly got out of the car. She was going to reverse at this station. When she saw her turning to the platform and changing to another tram, Yang Xiuyan waved his little hand to her.

Tang Jiao responded with the same little gesture.

Because of the delay today, Tang Jiao was a little late going home. The sun was setting, so Tang Jiao walked along the road.

The sound of a car was heard. Tang Jiao did not look back. Instead, she leaned towards the roadside. She had just done something bad, so she was naturally worried. Hey, what if someone hits her with a car

After all, sometimes some things are like a circle and cannot be explained clearly.

Hu Ruyu and Tang Heng forced her to wander the streets dressed as a beggar. It was precisely because of this that she learned some messy things.

The bad ones.

Opening locks, prying doors, etc. Now she uses these things on people related to them.

The car stopped next to Tang Jiao. The person in the car was very proud, with shiny hair, wearing a floral shirt, and was very coquettish.

This person is a fan of flowery shirts and has countless flowery shirts, tsk!

Tang Jiao called out obediently: "Master Qi Ba."

Qi Baye was a little confused. He looked Tang Jiao up and down and asked, "Why are you here?"

Tang Jiao raised her eyebrows and whispered, "I live here."

As soon as these words came out, Master Qi Ba's face was suddenly shocked, and his eyes almost bulged out.

He stared at Tang Jiao and stammered: "You, you, you... you live here? Ahhh... why do you live with my seventh brother!!!"

Tang Jiao=口=

She whispered: "You...did you misunderstand?"

Qi Baye felt that he had been in the north for more than half a month and so many things had happened here, which was a huge shock to him.

He pressed his heart and sang and sang beautifully: "Oh my God, such a good cabbage as my seventh brother has been raped by a pig!"

Tang Jiao: "..."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and then asked softly: "What did you just say?"

Her smile became brighter and brighter, and her whole person had a strange aura. She slowly moved forward, put her fingers on the car, and asked again: "What did you say?"

Tang Jiao suddenly approached him, and he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he said righteously: "Stay away from me!"

He frowned slightly, very dissatisfied: "Get away from me quickly."

Tang Jiao felt that this person was a bit inexplicable. She snorted slightly and decided to ignore Master Qi Ba. Who knows if there is something wrong with this man. She turned around and left without taking a single cloud with her.

Qi Baye saw that this man left by himself again. I felt more and more that Brother Seven had found a little monster. I was really worried for a while and didn't know what to do.

He looked at Tang Jiao's back sadly, wondering whether he should catch up with her and ask.

You know, any girl who likes Brother Qi will eventually fall in love with you, which shows that your personal charm is stronger than that of Brother Qi. What should I do if this little girl also likes me? Thinking of this, Qi Baye was very sad, but he didn't even want to move.

How can a girl like an old man like Qi Ge? Although he felt very guilty and told Brother Qi countless times, but... the situation did not get any better.

This Tang Jiao... doesn't she like me

This kind of girl who can fight and show off...

Master Qi Ba suddenly became very worried and really didn't want to say anything.

Seriously, what kind of vision do these people have

Huh? Huh

That Miss Tang has passed by!

He quickly restarted the car, drove over to Tang Jiao, and said to her, "You've passed."

Sure enough, they had just started living together, and they could even go to the wrong door.

Tang Jiao saw that he still seriously thought that she and Qi Ye were living together. She really didn't understand how those people in Hongmen could be such idiots!

It’s really not consistent at all!

She tilted her head and looked at Master Qi Ba, as if she could see a hole in him.

After thinking for a while, she asked seriously: "Outsiders say that the seventh master is the young master of Hongmen. Then I dare to ask, why did the eighth master join Hongmen?"

It's really naked, naked, without any rhetoric or twists.

Her straightforward question made Qi Baye a little confused, but he quickly said, "What does this have to do with you?"

Tang Jiao nodded and smiled: "Yes, it has nothing to do with me. So where I go, does it have anything to do with you?"

Tang Jiao asked him back, with a smile on her face. She said softly: "Eighth Master really takes care of too much. Man, how old you are can take care of things quickly. You look older than Seventh Master now, so you should not do so much." Feel good."

Tang Jiao continued to move forward, arrived at the door of her house, and quickly entered the door.

Qi Baye was shocked by the fact that he was very old. Before he could refute, Tang Jiao had disappeared.

He silently looked at the house Tang Jiao entered.

Shen Zhai!

Huh? Huh

When did the new family move here? Why didn't he know