Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 80


There was thunder, and Tang Jiao curled up and hugged her legs, watching a burst of lightning outside the window.

After sitting for a while, she felt a little quiet, so she got up and turned on the light. She sat cross-legged on the bed and took out the Browning.

She turned the phone again and saw...

There is only one.

Tang Jiao confirmed that she had only opened the four-wood warehouse, and used one to hit Hu Ruyu and three to warn. Logically speaking, she should still have two bullets here.

But there is only one!

Tang Jiao wasn't sure what went wrong. The more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

If it was really a trap set by Gu Tingyun, how should she deal with it? If it weren't for the trap set by Gu Tingyun, he would simply have been thrown out by this idiot Gu Erniu...

Tang Jiao bit her lip. Gu Tingyun would find out when he was cleaning the dog house, right

Tang Jiao thought about it, walked around the room countless times, and after thinking about it for a while, she decisively decided to take a look again.

Tang Jiao changed into black clothes, put on a poncho, and walked out silently while everyone was resting.

As expected, there was no one around in the middle of the night. Tang Jiao opened the door of Gu's house and groped back again.

The Gu family was quiet. She bit her lip and walked on tiptoe unconsciously. When she arrived at the dog house, she knelt down and began to inspect it carefully. Gu Erniu's nest is a little luxurious. She is petite and has no problem getting into it.

Tang Jiao turned on the flashlight and searched inch by inch... Nothing.

still none!

"What are you doing?" The man's clear voice sounded. Tang Jiao suddenly raised her head and hit the doghouse with an ouch.

She rubbed her head and squatted down. The storm was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed to be turning into a typhoon. Where Tang Jiao was sitting, her face was full of grievances, but she was still thinking about it in her heart!

How to explain!

How to say it is reasonable!

Gu Tingyun half-crouched down, holding an umbrella, but the wind was too strong, so he couldn't hold it.

He chuckled softly, took a few steps forward, and stretched out his hand: "Come on, get up."

Tang Jiao sighed and stood up. She bit her lip and stared at Gu Tingyun.

The rain fell on his body, and the black cardigan clung to his skin. The rain ran down his black hair. He smiled and asked, "Did the cat bite off Ayo's tongue? Tell me, what are you looking for here?"

Tang Jiao lowered her head and then touched the ground with her toes: "Um... I'll get Gu Erniu's mat."

She seemed to think this was a good idea. She immediately raised her head, smiled and said, "Didn't you say that Gu Erniu doesn't like living in a strange place? I was afraid that she would have insomnia, so I came here to get a mat for her."

Tang Jiao explained very well, with bright eyes and sincerity.

Gu Tingyun smiled slightly and said oh.

It's hard to tell whether you believe it or not.

"Ha Qiu!" Tang Jiao sneezed, then rubbed her little nose and said softly: "I..."

Her eyes fell on him. His whole body was almost wet. The umbrella was almost useless, not as good as her wearing a poncho.

She whispered: "Hurry up and get in the house, it's very cold."

The wind and rain became heavier and heavier, and Tang Jiao turned to leave: "I'll go back first..."

Before the word "go" came out of his mouth, Gu Tingyun spread his hands. He smiled and said, "I thought... you were looking for it."

Tang Jiao followed his line of sight and looked over. She was stunned for a moment, and then she felt the fire rising. It was not the bullet in his hand, but the bullet that Tang Jiao came back to look for.

She stretched out her hand to grab it, but Gu Tingyun closed his hand and carried it behind his back.

He simply stopped holding an umbrella and just stood in the rain and asked with a smile: "Tell me, was it you who opened the wooden warehouse to warn?"

Tang Jiao felt her blood surge up, as if all the blood in her body was in her brain. Her eyes were a little red, a little confused, and she was looking for reasons as fast as possible.

But Gu Tingyun put his hand on her head and whispered: "A good girl can't lie. Come, tell me, are you the one who opened the wooden warehouse?"

Tang Jiao looked into this person's eyes. Gu Tingyun's eyes seemed to draw people in. She bit her lip gently and whispered: "...Yes!"

If Tang Jiao didn't know that she had fallen into a trap at this time, Tang Jiao would have been in vain. But if you think about it carefully, it's not unfair for you to lose to this guy. He is shrewd after all.

Tang Jiao frowned and said seriously: "I am saving you!"

She thought for a moment, yes, she was meant to save people, why was she so guilty!

She raised her chin and said seriously: "If I call you, it will be too late!"

Think again, what else

"I thought that as long as I made some noise, you would hide, and that person couldn't hide either! That's why I opened the wooden warehouse!"

Speaking of this, Tang Jiao felt that she had worked so hard and accomplished so much, how could she still be interrogated by him at the door of the kennel in a stormy weather

It makes no sense!

Tang Jiao became angry. She poked Gu Tingyun's chest and said seriously: "I show kindness without expecting repayment, and you still want to plot against me. You are really bad! Why do you want to go out, what do you give the key to, what do you think of taking care of Gu Erniu? You're all trying to trick me! You clearly found my Browning and you didn't tell me yet. You secretly took a bullet and lured me to find it. Why are you so scheming! Do you know how worried I was at home just now? ? I really can’t even sleep!”

The more Tang Jiao thought about it, the angrier she became, and she said angrily: "You are just trying to trick people, you are such an old fox!"

Gu Tingyun saw her face turned pale and angry, and inexplicably he didn't think there was anything else.

He whispered: "Then how can I compensate you?"

Tang Jiao: "Compensation? I...hey."

Tang Jiao suddenly felt a cramp in her stomach.

She softened her voice and continued to accuse Gu Tingyun: "It's all your fault! Now you want to compensate me? Why don't you tell me how much burden you put on me... Ugh!"

Tang Jiao finally supported Gu Tingyun, biting her lip and saying nothing.

Gu Tingyun thought she was just faking it. This little fox was very thoughtful.

But upon closer inspection, her face indeed showed a hint of defeat. I don’t know if it’s the rain or the big beads of sweat on my forehead.

He immediately said: "Let's go home with me."

Tang Jiao pushed him and refused: "No, I... ugh."

She squatted down, her grandma was such a badass, she was so good, why did she lose her temper like this!

Tang Jiao felt aggrieved: "Is there something wrong with the hairy crabs you gave me today? You want to poison me to death!"

Gu Tingyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although he looked very shrewd, he was still a child and could say such childish things. Gu Tingyun was quite helpless.

Regardless of Tang Jiao's refusal, he picked her up.

Tang Jiao was so light that he could hardly feel the weight when he hugged her.

"Don't expect me to forgive you!" Tang Jiao was still shouting! It's just that the sound is much smaller and weaker.

Gu Tingyun walked in quickly. He put Tang Jiao on the sofa and turned to turn on the light.

The lights were brightly lit in an instant. Such bright lights made Tang Jiao very uncomfortable. She raised her hands to block the light and closed her eyes slightly.

Gu Tingyun immediately came to Tang Jiao. She was all wet and huddled there in grievance, looking extremely pitiful.

Gu Tingyun whispered: "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Tang Jiao raised her head and wanted to speak, but found that her voice was too soft, as if it was a little cat's gentle ugh. She felt that her stomach hurt so much that she was about to die. She held her stomach and said pitifully, "My stomach hurts..."

Gu Tingyun immediately said: "I will take you to the hospital."

Could it be that the hairy crabs are really bad? Gu Tingyun considered whether to crush that bastard Qi Ba to death.

He picked up Tang Jiao and coaxed her softly: "It doesn't hurt, doesn't it? We'll go to the hospital right away. After seeing the doctor, it won't hurt anymore... Huh?"

Gu Tingyun looked at the blood on his hands, feeling a little confused.

It was a rare thing that could make him confused, but he quickly asked: "Where are you injured? Why are you bleeding?"

Tang Jiao's stomach hurt so much that she felt like it would explode. She looked up at him in a daze and shook her head: "No, there's no bleeding, it's just a stomachache."

Gu Tingyun turned around and put Tang Jiao down again. If it was really bleeding, it would be better to deal with it first, otherwise he might not know what it would be like until the hospital.

He said: "Wait for me, I'll get the medical kit."

Tang Jiao murmured in confusion and agreed.

She wanted to get up, but for some reason, she just felt uncomfortable all over her body. She hummed softly, like a kitten.

It’s true that illnesses come like a mountain... That’s absolutely true!

It's all Gu Tingyun's fault. If it weren't for the hairy crabs he gave her, how could she be like this

It's all Gu Tingyun's fault. If he hadn't secretly replaced a bullet, how could it be like this

All... Tang Jiao thought to herself. Although it hurt like hell, she still had the energy to complain about others in her heart.

She muttered: "I will never be brave again for..."

Gu Tingyun heard Tang Jiao say this when he came carrying the medicine box. He paused and then said softly: "Don't be afraid, let me see where you are injured."

Although men and women are not intimate, Gu Tingyun can't care about that at this time. He can't watch her die of excessive blood loss, can he

Gu Tingyun untied her poncho, and Tang Jiao pushed him: "What are you doing?"

She pulled on her clothes, acting like Gu Tingyun was an old pervert.

Gu Tingyun saw that she was still acting like a monster at this time, and said seriously: "Don't be ridiculous, am I crazy? I will bully you like a little bean sprout, let me see your wound, where did you shave it just now? It's fine." Why is it bleeding?"

His fingers reached towards Tang Jiao again, but Tang Jiao finally did not dodge this time.

But she pushed out her chest hard and said angrily: "I'm not a bean sprout, I have breasts!"

Gu Tingyun poked her with his finger, and Tang Jiao squealed and shrank into a ball again.

Gu Tingyun: "No nonsense!"

His fingers are very long and white, um, very clean, and smell of soap when you get close to them.

Tang Jiao thought vaguely that her brain was a mess at this time. She tried hard to control herself, but she couldn't control her muddy mind. Sure enough, it's because I'm usually too tight, so I can't bear the smallest things

Tang Jiao drooped her head, looking pitiful.

"Seventh Master... I am a good person..."

At this time, don’t forget to reiterate that you are a good person.

"You have received a favor from me, and you must repay the favor..."

Tang Jiao bit her lip with an aggrieved face: "This is not the first time I have helped you, and the last time Duanmu Jingyu..."

Now that she had thrown out the bravery card, she was going to knock him out all at once.

In this case, we can get more benefits from him in the future.

Well, that’s it, there’s nothing wrong with it!

"you… "

Gu Tingyun suddenly interrupted her.

He was silent for a moment, and his old face turned a little red, and he said softly: "Are you like that?"

Tang Jiao looked up stupidly: "What?"

Gu Tingyun felt that this was a bit hard to say. To be fair, since he was sensible, nothing had ever made him so embarrassed.

But now, Tang Jiao has done it.

More importantly, she didn't do it unintentionally.

Gu Tingyun tried to calm down his mood, and he tried to sound like he was discussing what to eat tonight.

"Have you come to Yuexin?"

Tang Jiao looked at Gu Tingyun in confusion, but she still hadn't reacted.

Gu Tingyun really had a blood clot in his neck.

He looked down at Tang Jiao. The little girl's long eyelashes flickered, reflecting a small silhouette under her eyes.

She's really beautiful and vulnerable.


Gu Tingyun pinched himself and lowered his tone: "It's the kind of thing a girl would do... Yue Xin. Tang Jiao, you're not hurt, it's just Yue Xin!"

Tang Jiao: "...What? Ah! Ah! What did you say?"

Tang Jiao jumped up all of a sudden and was completely stunned. However, she was too hasty to jump up. She felt dizzy and passed out on the sofa with a bang...