Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 87


A gust of wind blew by, Gu Tingyun's clothes were tied up, and his hair moved with the wind. Tang Jiao was stunned for some reason.

She had always known that this man was good-looking, but just for a moment, she suddenly heard the sound of her own heartbeat.

A very loud beating sound.

"What's wrong? You didn't expect me to be sitting here?" Gu Tingyun's voice was clear and cold, but also with a smile.

Tang Jiao shook her head, lightly swept her lips with the tip of her tongue, and asked softly: "Then why are you sitting here?"

Her eyes fell on him and she couldn't help but take a step forward.

But she felt something was wrong when he took a step forward. She seemed to smell a smell of blood, and it was unreasonable to look at his pale face. Tang Jiao's expression immediately changed, and she immediately stepped forward, "Let me see what's wrong with you?"

Gu Tingyun did not move, but opened his hand and smiled: "Here you are, I promise to pay you back, and the rest will be regarded as interest."

Tang Jiao didn't look at the bullet in his hand and knew: "I don't care, tell me, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Tingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "It's nothing, it's just a small wound."

Tang Jiao lowered her head to inspect carefully and found that his dark shirt had been stained with a lot of blood. She took a breath, looked up with a cold face, and said seriously: "Your wounds must be taken care of properly."

Gu Tingyun groaned, but did not move. He just sat on the balcony and said softly: "Did you see that position?"

He pointed to his yard.

Tang Jiao was worried about his injury and pulled him: "Come back with me and bandage it properly, this won't work."

Gu Tingyun smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I used to stand there and look at this balcony when I was a child."

Tang Jiao was stunned.

He continued, "At that time, I often wondered if the people sitting on this balcony could see me? I just thought about it for a long time. Later I learned that actually I could, I just pretended not to see it. I just don’t want to see it.”

Tang Jiao didn't know about the past, but she knew that he was injured. She squatted down and begged softly: "Can you follow me back to the house and bandage him properly?"

Gu Tingyun looked down at her, her little face was full of worry.

Gu Tingyun laughed, nodded her forehead, and said, "This is such a little girl, I'm fine."

He looked up at the sky and said immediately, "I can't die."

Seeing that he didn't listen, Tang Jiao didn't care about that and pulled him stubbornly: "You must come into the room with me to bandage. I have never seen a patient who is so uncooperative as you."

She pulled Gu Tingyun hard, and he looked at her funny. The little girl was like this, she really felt extra cute.

He asked, "Why do you care about me?"

He whispered: "I have nothing for others to care about, right?"

Gu Tingyun was never seen like this. Many years later, Tang Jiao's heart would still ache when she thought of this scene. She suddenly took action and punched Gu Tingyun hard on the shoulder: "Where is there so much nonsense? ? Why are you showing me sorrow here? Hurry up and get bandaged up."

Gu Tingyun was stunned: "..."

He didn't get it at all.

Tang Jiao saw that he was stunned and dragged him into the house. Gu Tingyun actually let her drag him.

Tang Jiao pulled Gu Tingyun to her room and said seriously, "Let me see your wounds."

She didn't care whether men and women were allowed to kiss or not, and directly opened his shirt. A wound under the shirt was bleeding. Tang Jiao glared at him and said, "You can't do this. We don't have any suitable bandages at home. You go to the hospital immediately and I'll go with you."

As she spoke, she took out her coat, thought for a moment, and then pulled out her small purse: "Let's go!"

Gu Tingyun: "..."

Tang Jiao pulled him: "What are you doing!"

Gu Tingyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said seriously: "I really don't mean anything."

How could Tang Jiao be willing to listen

"Where's Gu Si? Is this how he takes care of you? Is he blind when he sees you getting hurt?" Tang Jiao pulled Gu Tingyun and slapped him again: "You can't leave!"

Gu Tingyun suddenly fell on Tang Jiao's bed and laughed.

Tang Jiao: "..."

What kind of habits does this person have? It’s really bad. Laughing even after being beaten

Gu Tingyun looked at Tang Jiao with a half-smile, and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't bleed to death because of this wound, but I would have been beaten to death by you."

Tang Jiao blushed a little, but soon, her eyes turned red, and she threw her purse directly on him, staring at him like that, very angry.

Gu Tingyun looked at Tang Jiao and was stunned again.

Tang Jiao's big tears fell down, but she bit her lip and didn't make a sound, shedding tears quietly. Such a little look made people feel heartbroken.

Gu Tingyun slowly sat up and whispered: "Don't cry."

Tang Jiao said nothing, just stared at him without relaxing.

Gu Tingyun moved his fingers and finally had no choice but to whisper: "I'll go back and deal with it now, okay?"

Tang Jiao still didn't move. Seeing that she was about to faint from crying, Gu Tingyun couldn't help but gently pulled her to his side, patted her back gently, and coaxed: "Don't cry, okay? Look, you I cried so much that I didn’t even know what to do.”

The first time a girl cried like this, he was at a loss. He thought he didn't care about anything, but it turned out not to be the case.

He said softly: "I was really wrong. Our family has good medicine. I will deal with it when I get back now. Why don't you cry?"

He patted her gently and said, "Don't cry, dear."

He really didn't know how to coax people. Thinking of how others coaxed him when he was young, he coaxed Tang Jiao softly.

Tang Jiao said decisively: "Go to the hospital."

Gu Tingyun laughed: "I can't go to the hospital."

Tang Jiao asked, "Why can't I go to the hospital? Is it possible that I can't go to the hospital now that I'm injured? If so... "

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Tingyun said seriously: "I really can't go to the hospital, as it will alarm a lot of people. I guarantee that we have good ointment at home, or... you come with me and watch me handle it myself?"

He held her face, wiped her tears, and said, "Okay?"

Tang Jiao nodded: "Then let's go now."

Gu Tingyun smiled and nodded, and said, "But if I take you with me, how can we leave? Your uncle and your mother will go crazy if they see me, right?" He teased Tang Jiao gently, but Tang Jiao didn't care about that and said seriously: "What's the matter? Relationship? I can sit up straight and I'm not afraid of being criticized."

Tang Jiao stood there with bright eyes. Although she didn't say more, for some reason, Gu Tingyun suddenly felt very warm.

This warmth came from a woman, a little girl, which was enough to make him feel incredible.

But this feeling is not bad at all.

With a faint smile, he said: "You should be obedient and don't be so stubborn. I'll leave now."

He turned around and went out without saying anything more to Tang Jiao. Tang Jiao followed Gu Tingyun step by step. He came to the balcony and looked back at Tang Jiao: "It's going to rain. I'll go back by myself."

Tang Jiao looked at him quietly, thought for a while, gently hugged him from behind, and said softly: "You carry me, I'm very good at it, I can really help you bandage it."

Gu Tingyun was a little dumbfounded. He turned his head slightly and looked back at Tang Jiao. The wind blew her black hair. The little girl was wearing a knitted jacket and clung to his body without letting go at all.

The originally cold autumn day turned out to be inexplicably hot. Gu Tingyun held her hand.

Tang Jiao clung to her and said, "I want to go with you."

Tang Jiao was so willful.

But Gu Tingyun didn't say anything else. He just whispered: "Hold tight."

She turned around and climbed down along the rope beside the wall. The north wind blew by. Tang Jiao didn't say anything, she just pressed against Gu Tingyun's back and said softly, "Be careful."

Gu Tingyun's voice was a little erratic in the wind, and he said with a smile: "If you are more honest, I think I will be safer."

Tang Jiao was speechless and hugged her a little tighter. Soon, the two of them had landed on the ground.

Tang Jiao quickly checked Gu Tingyun's wound. He found that it was not more serious, but Tang Jiao was still worried. She whispered, "How do you feel?"

Gu Tingyun took her hand and walked to Gu's house.

As soon as the two of them entered the gate, they saw Gu Erniu rushing out, barking her teeth, and when they saw it was the two of them, they wagged their tails, shook their heads, and went back to sleep.

A very discerning dog.

Gu Tingyun led her through the door, and the Gu family's house was immediately brightly lit.

Tang Jiao watched him go get the medicine box and bandage his wound herself. Although she was careful, she still had no experience and the bandage was not very good. However, Gu Tingyun was warm. It was a rare experience for someone to treat him like this.

He just lowered his head, looked at her seriously and whispered: "Thank you."

There was no laughter this time, but a serious tone.

Tang Jiao said softly, "You're welcome, I've saved you several times anyway."

Gu Tingyun thought about this several times and smiled.

Tang Jiao added: "Well, I don't care, I want to take the credit by force, and this time I will help."

She was so confident that it almost made people laugh, but Gu Tingyun was relaxed. He leaned lazily on the sofa and raised the corners of his mouth as Tang Jiao tied the gauze with a bow.

When Tang Jiao heard Master Qi's deep laughter coming from above her head, she didn't even look up. She took it seriously and finished it, and then said softly: "Let Gu Si rebandage you tomorrow. I'll deal with it for now."

But I have to say that his medical kit is really complete.

Tang Jiao looked at the blood stains on her hands and clothes and whispered, "I'll go wash it off."

Gu Tingyun took Tang Jiao's hand and whispered, "Sit with me for a while."

Tang Jiao was a little confused, but she hesitated and sat next to him. The two of them sat quietly on the sofa.

Gu Tingyun suddenly asked: "You mentioned Duanmu Jingyu last time."

Tang Jiao sighed, then tilted her head to look at him: "What?"

The last time Tang Jiao wanted to admit, she was interrupted mid-sentence. Then she thought about it carefully and gasped. According to Tingyun's suspicious character, it would be better for her not to say anything. .

Otherwise, he would be suspected if he didn't take advantage of it. After all, how many people can really know the Gu family's home phone number!

If he really said it, it would be inappropriate.

He was so suspicious that he might have thought that he had been instructed to get close to him.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Jiao said, "What's wrong with Duanmu Jingyu?"

He has a questioning look on his face, and his acting is very good.

Gu Tingyun leaned there lazily and looked at her. After seeing enough, he smiled: "No... why."

Tang Jiao felt like she had goosebumps all over her body. This person's words were so confusing that she felt very uncomfortable! She didn't know what he meant, but she was worried that saying too much would make people suspicious.

In less than a second, Tang Jiao suddenly asked, "Are you in a bad mood today?"

Ending a topic can only start a new one.

Gu Tingyun looked at the rain hitting the glass outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and smiled as if there was nothing: "Not really."

Tang Jiao didn’t believe it!

It was clearly not like that, but she didn't ask too much. She raised her chin and whispered: "I might be finished."

We can't talk about this topic either, so let's change the topic again.

Tang Jiao whispered: " can I go home soon!"

She asked softly, with a confused face.

She came to the window, and the rain outside the window was already pouring down. She leaned against the glass, looked back at him, and said bluntly: "It seems that I have caused you trouble."

Even though Gu Tingyun's face was pale, he was not weak at all, but rather elegant with some weakness.

He smiled: "Didn't you just say that you helped me again? Since it was a help, how could it cause trouble?"

Tang Jiao burst out laughing. She pointed her fingers and said, "I'm talking nonsense. Do you believe it?"

Gu Tingyun said meaningfully: "Maybe... I believe everything you said."