Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 88


Gu Tingyun is a very calm and stable person, and there is nothing wrong with him even on days like this. He looked at Tang Jiao, who was leaning on the sofa and had fallen asleep. She curled up gently into a ball, and her fingers tugged on the hem of his coat. A corner.

The pull was very tight.

Tang Jiao is not a very secure person, but she does have some feelings for Master Qi. When she was so down and out in her previous life, he never looked down on her. He saved her and helped her. He often said that he was only doing it for himself. They are exchanges of equal value.

But compared to Gu Qiye, he has more opportunities to choose, and this is just one time for him.

It was not an equal exchange, but she was grateful.

She probably knew this man's character too well, so she never put her guard up against Qi Ye, but she was not easy to trust people. She had some reservations about her uncle, but she was much kinder to Gu Tingyun.

She just leaned on the sofa and slept unconsciously.

Gu Tingyun felt Tang Jiao's trust. He felt a little chilly because of the blood loss, but seeing that she was sleeping so well, he didn't want to wake her up, so he covered her with clothes.

In fact, the two of them just chatted casually at first, but Tang Jiao seemed to be really tired, so she fell asleep and slept peacefully.

The sound of rain outside the window gradually became quieter. On this day every year, he was used to being alone. Gu Si would never appear in front of him, leaving the peace of this room to himself.

Gu Tingyun slid his fingers on the wound, smiled coldly, and then leaned gently on the sofa. He didn't say anything else, just looked at Tang Jiao and raised his lips gently.

"Hmm~" Tang Jiao turned over and sniffed, a little childishly.

Gu Tingyun smiled and smoothed her hair. She grunted and pressed her face against his big palm.

Gu Tingyun paused and then let her move.

The quiet and quiet night passed so quickly, making people feel extra warm.

Gu Tingyun felt that time passed too fast, as if it was already sunny in the morning in a blink of an eye.

He looked at the time and knew that this would definitely not work. He patted Tang Jiao gently and whispered, "Ayo."

Tang Jiao had difficulty getting up early, and Shen Lianyi had to wake her up every day. She turned around and muttered: "Mom, I still want to sleep..."

Gu Tingyun successfully became someone's "mother", which was a very subtle feeling.

He patted Tang Jiao gently and said again: "Ah..."

"I can't afford it!"

ten minutes later.

Gu Tingyun's expression became extraordinarily meaningful. He looked at Tang Jiao helplessly. This girl was simply a scoundrel. She huddled there and didn't move. What was even more ridiculous was that she covered her face with her clothes, as if not showing her face. , he couldn't find her and couldn't wake her up.

Gu Tingyun didn't expect Tang Jiao to be like this. He was helpless: "Ah, do you know where you are?"

Tang Jiao was in a daze and couldn't wake up at all. She slept too late last night, and it was naturally even more difficult to get up today.

Gu Tingyun stared at her. After seeing enough, he finally stood up and opened the door. The cold wind in the autumn morning made people feel chilly. Gu Tingyun himself was fine, but when he turned around, he saw Tang Jiao sitting up.

Her teeth were chattering and her eyes were filled with fire.

"Why are you opening the door in this cold weather?"

I woke up all of a sudden and there was no transition.

Gu Tingyun suddenly laughed when he saw her angry look. He said slowly: "Are you awake? If you don't go back, your family will be in trouble."

His voice was hoarse as if he hadn't slept all night.

Tang Jiao was really surprised now. If Siye went there in the morning and didn't see her, he might have done something terrible and alarmed her mother and uncle...

Tang Jiao felt that she was going to die!

She didn't care about anything else, and rushed to the door in a hurry, whispering: "It's over now, I'm dead."

Gu Tingyun raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you say last night that you are not afraid of slanting shadows if you are upright?"

Tang Jiao sighed and stamped her feet: "Aren't you looking for trouble? I can't brag, either?"

Besides, last night is last night, today is today, this time is the other time.

Seeing Tang Jiao's angry look, Gu Tingyun smiled softly and said, "It's okay, I'll take you back."

Tang Jiao's eyes widened even more, "You give it to me? It's a big deal if you give it to me! I don't care what others think. But my mother will make me doubt my life."

Gu Tingyun was amused by her. Although he knew he shouldn't laugh like this, he still couldn't control it. He stretched out his hand towards Tang Jiao. Tang Jiao looked down at his palm, which was fair and slender.

She bit her lip and blushed a little.

Gu Tingyun: "Let's go, I'll take you back, it really doesn't matter."

Seeing his calm eyes, Tang Jiao felt inexplicably at ease. She whispered, "Okay, let's go together."

She gently put her little hand on his. In fact, both of them knew that according to their current age and status, this was not so compliant. After all, Tang Jiao is not a little girl anymore. Most girls of this age are married. Even though she looks cute on weekdays, it cannot hide the fact that she is not a little girl. It was really inappropriate for them to hold hands like this.

But Tang Jiao didn't care about that. She smiled and said softly: "Then you have to help me deal with my mother and uncle. You know, I sneaked out last night because of you."

Having said that, I feel that my hard work has paid off.

Gu Tingyun smiled, and he led Tang Jiao out. But as soon as he left the door, he saw Siye squatting at the door. He didn't know how long he had been squatting, but it seemed to have been a while. When he saw Tang Jiao coming out, he stood up immediately.

She looked over her shoulder and said, "Xiao, Miss."

Tang Jiao raised her eyebrows and said, "Why are you here?"

Siye Xin said that it was difficult for me too. I was also very worried when I saw you were not around early in the morning!

"Miss, Madam hasn't noticed yet, let's go back quickly." There is no need to ask any more questions.

Tang Jiao didn't expect anyone to answer her, so she immediately turned around and waved to Gu Tingyun: "Take some blood-replenishing food, take good care of yourself, and let Gu Si bandage it again."

After thinking about it again, I felt that there was probably nothing more to explain, so I quickly followed Siye and rushed in.

The two of them entered the door with stern looks. When they returned to the room, Tang Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, she couldn't wear her coat. In addition to Gu Tingyun's blood, it was also stained with dirt.

Tang Jiao warned Siye: "Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Siye nodded hurriedly, not daring to say more. How dare she say more!

Ying Ying Ying!

The Qi Ye next door looks scary!

"Ayo, are you up?"

As soon as Tang Jiao came out of the shower, she saw Shen Lianyi knocking on the door. She immediately said, "Get up!"

Shen Lianyi: "...Why are you so self-conscious this morning!"

Mumbling, he went downstairs and ordered the food to be prepared.

Tang Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling more and more lucky that she would be very lucky when she was ready to go downstairs.

"Ayo, you wrote very late last night, right? I saw your light was on for a long time."

Shen Qing felt a little guilty. Her nephew was still studying. In fact, she could wait until she was on vacation to discuss such matters with her. Now it has affected her rest. One look at Tang Jiao's expression and it was clear that she was not resting well.

Tang Jiao smiled, her eyes twinkling, and said, "It's not bad, I'll polish it up later."

Shen Qing nodded without urging Tang Jiao.

"We are not in a hurry."

Tang Jiao laughed softly and said yes.

But she also said again: "Actually, I still have some ideas. I think we may not all need the three shops. Why not redeem one?"

After saying this, Shen Qing was a little confused. He looked at Tang Jiao, who drank the milk and said, "I don't think the factory's output can supply the three shops. Is there something that can't be supplied? Of course, I still have I haven’t calculated it in detail, but it generally looks like this. Instead of having three empty stores with incomplete products, it’s better to focus on two of them.”

Tang Jiao was calm, but it made Shen Qing understand that Tang Jiao was definitely not aimless.

"Have you read their financial statements yesterday?" He also gave Tang Jiao the original financial statements of the Xu family. In fact, it was just to give her a reference. He did not expect that Tang Jiao could really understand it.

Tang Jiao nodded: "I've seen it. How could I be talking nonsense if I haven't seen it?"

Shen Lianyi saw that the two of them were talking about business, and said helplessly: "I'll save this for tonight, I have to go to school! Don't even look at what time it is. Come on, don't delay. Lao Wang, prepare to send it off soon. Miss, go to school."

Tang Jiao sighed.

Shen Lianyi said: "Buy two more candy figures when you come back from school today. I will bring Yang Xiuyan back for dinner today."

Tang Jiao sighed: "Who is your biological child?"

As soon as she said this, she was hit twice by Shen Lianyi, making Tang Jiao look pitiful and aggrieved.

Not to mention, Yang Xiuyan, the little guy, has been coming over every once in a while to finish the meal since he had sex with her mother, looking like he was familiar with her. Tang Jiao actually likes the little guy, but she doesn't delay at all when it's time to complain about jealousy.

Tang Jiao was looking for trouble with a smile on her face. What was Shen Lianyi unclear about

This little girl in their family is just a jealous and squeamish person.

Shen Qing: "Just in time, I'll go with Ayou."

He put down his chopsticks and went to get his coat, and the two of them went out together. Shen Qing asked, "Do you know that Tang Shijie was imprisoned in the patrol room?"

Tang Jiao nodded, of course she knew, "You haven't released it yet?"

Shen Qing shook his head, paused, and said, "The Tang family has searched for many people, but to no avail. They are still locked up. The Yuan family is not simple at all. How can it be so easy to just let it go?"

Tang Jiao smiled: "That's good."

Shen Qing paused, pondered for a moment, and said: "I asked an acquaintance to inquire about the information, and it was said that Tang Shijie told me that he once hired a few young men to follow you and find you and your mother, but... now these people except Those who are hospitalized have all been arrested for stealing. It’s such a coincidence that the victims all appeared at once. It will be difficult for them to get out in the short term.”

Tang Jiao blinked, not knowing what her uncle wanted to say.

Shen Qing smiled half-heartedly: "Does it have something to do with you?"

Tang Jiao immediately shook her head: "Uncle, do you think I have such energy?"

What a joke.

Shen Qing naturally knew that this was not within Tang Jiao's ability. But... He looked at the tightly closed door next door and said, "Is it related to this... friend of yours?"

Who can make the police station keep silent and lock everyone up

Moreover, what a coincidence, the people imprisoned this time are all related to their Ayo.

This has to make people think carefully.

Tang Jiao looked like she didn't know anything. She said softly: "Uncle, you think too much. If you walk too much at night, you will always see ghosts. It's natural for the bad guys to be arrested! We really don't need to have trouble because of this. What are you doubting? Just clap your hands and cheer!"

Shen Qing laughed and said, "Okay, let's get in the car."

Tang Jiao sighed and followed Shen Qing into the car.

At the same time, Gu Tingyun was sitting on the balcony on the second floor drinking, and Gu was in a dilemma: "Master Qi, your wound..."

Some hesitation.

Gu Tingyun shook his head and said calmly: "Nothing."

Gu Si was very worried, but finally said it: "You'd better go to the hospital to have a look."

Gu Tingyun said calmly: "Do you think I don't care about myself?"

Gu Si thought about it and understood, how could Master Qi be such a person without sense of measure

Just thinking of another thing, he whispered: "There is one more thing."

Gu Tingyun raised his eyebrows: "What's going on with you today? You've been hesitating."

Gu Si took a deep breath and finally said, "The Xu family's shop was hacked."

He smiled bitterly and added: "It's Shen Qing."