Rebirth of Miss Jiao of the Republic of China

Chapter 93


"It depends on who you hate, just hit them."

Tang Jiao raised her head to look at him, her eyes flashed slightly, and she said softly: "But... what should I do if someone comes to my door! My mother will blame me."

Gu Tingyun laughed and joked: "Whoever taught you bad things, let him go to him. Isn't that good?"

Tang Jiao immediately said seriously: "Very good, very good."

What kind of person is this? A girl who was obviously a good girl was ruined by him all her life. Saying such things to her politely and allowing her to be domineering, how can he be a good person? Fortunately, this person is not a role model. Otherwise, the students might become dangerous elements.

Moreover, if she caused trouble and let the owner of the trouble come to him, what does that mean

This person will deceive himself and really think that she is a young girl who is not experienced in the world!


The chair creaked, and Li Yunchao kicked her chair.

Tang Jiao immediately looked up and saw the female gentleman looking at her. She sat down immediately and slept very well.

Sure enough, the female teacher continued to lecture.

When school was over, Li Yunchao said to her, "What were you thinking about during class? You made me laugh out loud. That means the teacher has a good temper. Otherwise, you will definitely suffer. If you were replaced by Yu from the next class, Sir, you will be beaten."

Tang Jiao thought that she was distracted in class, and she smiled even more when she thought of what happened the day before yesterday.

She said softly: "It doesn't matter if I hit the hand. I'm a rough-skinned person."

Her appearance really made Li Yunchao a little strange. She asked curiously: "Then what are you happy about?"

Tang Jiao shook her head, but didn't say much.

"The final exam will be in one month. How is your review going? Do you want to study together after school?" Xu Jing came over.

Since something happened at home, she is no longer in her original state. She used to seem to be the eldest lady who can do anything, but now she always has to think a lot more. Naturally, their family is still richer than many other families, but after this incident, Xu Jing has grown up.

The most obvious change was her determination to continue studying.

"Since we have to take the college entrance examination, we can't relax now, shall we do it together?"

She pulled the other two girls along with great enthusiasm.

Li Yunchao responded with a smile: "Why don't you all come to my house to study? I have a lot of reference books at home, and I think they are very good."

Tang Jiao and Xu Jing looked at each other and nodded.

But as soon as she left the school, she saw a car parked at the door. Tang Jiao recognized it as Master Qi's car. She didn't care about that and immediately abandoned her two friends. Arriving to the car excitedly, she lightly knocked on the car window and rolled it down slowly. Gu Tingyun smiled: "When I walked nearby, I thought you were probably after school, so I picked you up by the way."

The corner of Gu Si's mouth twitched. Well, by the way, this turned four streets by the way.

Tang Jiao immediately nodded and said yes. She turned around and waved to Li Yunchao. To hell with any study together.

Li Yunchao: "..."

Tang Jiao didn't wait for the two friends to answer, and got into the car directly.

Gu Tingyun retreated inside, and Tang Jiao took the opportunity to sit next to him. She smiled and said: "In such a cold weather, if someone meets me every day, then I will probably fly with joy."

Maybe it was unintentional, maybe there was something in the words, but Gu Tingyun didn't say anything.

He leaned slightly on the car seat with a slight smile.

To be fair, Gu Tingyun's temperament is not gentle, but cold. That's probably why he always smiles, which seems to soften the coldness, but there are some things that come out from the bones. Many people actually You can still feel it.

"What was taught in today's class?"

Tang Jiao spread her hands: "I was distracted in class today. I don't know what the teacher said."

Such self-righteousness made Gu Tingyun laugh again. He said slowly: "I thought you were the kind of person who can study well. You look very smart."

Tang Jiao recognized this, but she said with a half-smile: "Aren't I just thinking about what you said to me, so I got distracted? I can't help it, just because I got distracted, I have to review at night."

He looked at Gu Qiye accusingly, as if it was all his fault.

Gu Qiye has really never seen such a little scoundrel, but he is also very cunning and cute.

He raised his lips and nodded: "Since it's all my fault, why don't I treat you to a meal to apologize?"

Tang Jiao nodded immediately: "Okay."

Not polite at all.

Gu Tingyun smiled and said: "How about Western food? I heard that there is a cafe near Jining Night School, and it tastes very good. Is it over there?"

His face was calm with a smile, which was quite normal, but Tang Jiao immediately narrowed her eyes slightly. She looked at Gu Qiye carefully, and then started laughing.

"It turns out that men also gossip."

It seemed that Master Qiba must have told Master Qi that although she didn't think it was anything, she still wanted to squeeze Master Qiba to death. How come there are such nasty people in this world! He was really annoying.

Tang Jiao leaned on the back seat and said seriously, "I think I should let Mr. Qi Ba know how powerful I am."

Gu Tingyun did not refute Tang Jiao's words. Instead, he laughed and said for a while, "You are overthinking."

Whether they were overthinking it or not, it was obvious to the two of them that Gu Qiye would never mention that store casually. Whenever this person speaks, he must have his own intention, and Tang Jiao understands it very well.

"Have it?"

Tang Jiao suddenly approached Gu Tingyun, "Master Qi, are you afraid that I will be confused by the handsome foreign guy there?"

She was so close to him that Gu Tingyun could almost see the tiny down hair on Tang Jiao's face. After all, she was a young girl who looked full of energy and her eyes were clear and clean.

He didn't move and asked, "Can you do it?"

Tang Jiao came closer, almost touching Gu Tingyun. She smiled and continued to ask, "What do you think I can do?"

Gu Tingyun felt that Tang Jiao's breathing was very close, as if she was going to press against him the next moment. No woman had ever been so close to him, but he didn't want to avoid it at all. The two looked at each other. Tang Jiao was smiling and staring brightly into his eyes. His eyes were dark. She smiled brightly and asked again: "Who do you think I look like...?"

Gu Tingyun was silent for a moment, then laughed, and gently put his fingers on her shoulders: "You won't be confused."

Tang Jiao raised her eyebrows and then asked, "Why?"

Gu Tingyun pushed Tang Jiao away inch by inch with his fingers, and said with a slow smile: "Because... you are Tang Jiao."

Tang Jiao burst out laughing, "Very good," this answer made her very happy.

She pulled away, sat on the car seat with her chin in her hands, and chuckled: "I don't know why, but I kind of like this answer."

Gu Tingyun reached out and gently rubbed her hair, "Little girl."

For some reason, Tang Jiao felt that there seemed to be some vague friendship between these three words.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling, Ding Ling..." The tram passed by and stopped.

Just at that moment - "Bang!"

Tang Jiao was shocked and hit the seat in front of her heavily.

Looking back, I saw a truck chasing me.

There were twenty or thirty people squatting in the carriage. The moment they collided, these people all stood up, holding knives in their hands. It seems like seeking revenge.

Seeing the tram leave, Gu Si started the car and drove off as fast as he could.

Then the truck that chased them followed quickly.

Gu Tingyun only glanced back and then raised the corners of his mouth, with a cold look on his face, he said: "Drive to the warehouse."

Gu Si: "Yes!"

Tang Jiao was sitting quietly. Gu Tingyun was still in the mood to comfort her at this time. He gently pinched Tang Jiao's moist face and asked in a low voice: "Are you scared?"

Tang Jiao burst into laughter. Are you scared

If she said her blood was boiling, would he believe it

Under his gaze, she lowered her head and took out her Browning from her boot. She turned it around and saw that the bullets were full. She said softly and waxily: "You gave it to me all."

Although Gu Tingyun knew what she was talking about, he always felt a little weird.

He raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled: "So?"

Tang Jiao: "Do you want to get rid of them?"

Gu Tingyun raised his eyebrows and asked her, "Do you think you can hit it?"

Tang Jiao sighed and asked him, "Why not? Didn't I hit the person who wanted to kill you last time?"

Tang Jiao raised her chin and said with an arrogant face: "Even if my accuracy is not good, I am still lucky."

All her bad luck was used up in her previous life, so she couldn't have had the best luck.

Gu Tingyun: "Then let's make a bet. If you hit the target three times, I'll treat you to dinner; if you don't, you'll treat me to dinner."

At this time, the two of them could still play tricks like this. Gu Si felt that this life was too fantasy.

But he didn't say much,

Tang Jiao nodded in agreement with a smile.

In fact, she is no longer willing to hide herself in front of Master Qi. Hiding herself for a long time is always a bit boring. Moreover, for some reason, she vaguely felt that even if she exposed her true nature, this person wouldn't think anything bad about her.

She smiled crisply, rolled down the window, and almost half of her upper body was ejected. Tang Jiao raised her hand, aimed at the tire at the back, and pulled the trigger almost without thinking.

There was a wooden barn sound, but it missed.

Tang Jiao bit her lip. Actually, she wasn't too surprised. She was just unfamiliar.

Gu Tingyun chuckled.

Tang Jiao turned around and glared at him, and Gu Tingyun raised the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Tang Jiao almost did not hesitate, immediately adjusted her mood, aimed at the car behind again, and pulled the trigger again.

The car on the opposite side suddenly lost control and hit a tree on the side of the road. Tang Jiao took advantage of the situation and replenished another wooden warehouse.

Seeing that both front tires of the truck were hit, she immediately ducked back and sat on the car seat. She took a deep breath, then looked at Gu Tingyun with a smile: "Master Qi, am I great?"

This is a little kitten that begs for praise.

Gu Tingyun looked at Tang Jiao, smiled and nodded: "Sure enough, you are very lucky."

Tang Jiao nodded: "If you are beautiful, your luck will not be bad."

Gu Tingyun laughed, pinched the Buddhist beads in his hand, and then looked at the same model on Tang Jiao's wrist, and said slowly: "He is indeed a person favored by God."

Tang Jiao hehe: "So Master Qi should be nice to me, I can protect you."

Gu Tingyun laughed again. Looking at her face with a bright smile because of her pride, he couldn't say anything bad about her.

He suddenly reached out and touched Tang Jiao's face. Tang Jiao said, "???!!"

Gu Tingyun: "It's so dusty."

Gu Si also felt that he should not interrupt at this time, but he had to say this.

"Master Qi, how should we deal with people?"

Gu Tingyun glanced at Tang Jiao, who immediately reached out and covered her ears: "I won't listen, you can do whatever you want."

Gu Tingyun smiled slightly: "Let Lao Ba handle it."

Gu Si: "Yes."

The car quickly drove to the entrance of the coffee shop, Gu Tingyun smiled: "Please, my beautiful heroine."

Tang Jiao raised her head proudly and walked in with him.

Gu Si didn't come in. Tang Jiao knew that he must have gone to deal with the aftermath.

However, Tang Jiao didn't care about this. Enough was enough. There were some things that she shouldn't have to worry about.

Gu Tingyun and Tang Jiao found a seat and sat down. Tang Jiao smiled and said, "Master Qi, their sweets are great."

Gu Tingyun handed her the menu: "Here, let's see what you like."

Tang Jiao sighed happily and said, "It feels good to have someone treat me!"

Gu Tingyun: "Xia Xia, eat more, you are too thin."

He looked Tang Jiao up and down, his eyes stayed on her chest for a second, and then quickly left. Although it may not be intentional, Tang Jiao just felt inexplicably despised.

She waved her hand and asked the waiter to go down first, while she puffed out her chest and said, "I'm not small at all."

Gu Tingyun's expression immediately became subtle. He lowered his head slightly, almost resisting the urge to laugh, and said, "Yeah."

Tang Jiao held her chin and wondered what this "um" meant.

She looked at Gu Tingyun again and reiterated: "Even if he is small now, he will grow up!"

Gu Tingyun didn't quite understand the woman's stubbornness on this matter, but seeing the little girl's persistence, he agreed again.

Tang Jiao bit her lip and pointed at him: "You should say, what you said is really right, instead of um."

Gu Tingyun: "..."

He just looked at her jokingly, without saying a word, but with a smile in his eyes.

Tang Jiao slowly blushed under this sight...