Rebirth of the Abandoned Woman: Godly Doctor Taizi Fei

Chapter 149: The warmth of heaven


Please enter the text. But what he didn't expect was that when he saw Baili Yunyu again, he would be thanking his fateful wife above the Golden Palace.

He could never forget that year, that day, when she was dressed in festive clothes, with her hair in a complicated bun, her smooth forehead touching the ground, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the pair of breasts that would appear in his dreams every night. Her beautiful eyes were full of panic.

The woman he loved became someone else's wife, and he could only secretly lament and cry, only complaining that he didn't go to Yaowang Valley earlier to propose marriage, allowing others to take advantage of him.

And this other person is Zhuo Zhonghai.

At that time, Zhuo Zhonghai came from a poor family and had extraordinary knowledge. After passing the first prize, he stayed in Beijing to hold important positions. He did a few errands very well and was promoted one after another. In addition, there was a dark force secretly pushing him. He quickly climbed to the top. The position of Prime Minister.

It wasn't until he saw Baili Yunyu wearing the attire of a married woman in the main hall that he realized that the force secretly pushing Zhuo Zhonghai upward was the power of the Baili family, which was also given to his son-in-law by the owner of Baili Valley. Big gift.

Seeing that his father was in a trance and silent for a while, Zhu Yan seemed to be caught up in some unpleasant memory, so he called out: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

The emperor came back to his senses, a dry smile appeared on his lips, and his eyes were full of sadness: "It's okay, I just remembered some past events."

He sighed, looked at his son seriously, and said: "Yan'er, remember what my father said, if you like a woman, you must hold on to her and don't let her slip away. Once she slips away, she may one day You will become someone else's wife, and then it will be useless even if you regret it."

Zhu Yan smiled and said: "Father, don't worry, I will never let such a thing happen."

The emperor lamented that if he had been able to make a decisive decision like Yan'er without any hesitation, things would not have developed as they did later.

"Yan'er, maybe others will think that girl has a bad background and is not worthy of your status as a prince, but I don't care. I hope you are happy. I hope you can get along with the person you like day and night and grow old together, instead of being like your father. The emperor is like this, the garden is full of spring scenery, there are three thousand weak waters, but there is no one that truly belongs to him."

"You are already a prince and have great power of your own. You no longer need to rely on political marriage to consolidate your status in the court. Your wife only needs to meet one condition, and that is to love you wholeheartedly. That is enough."

Zhu Yan was very emotional, grateful, and even more moved. Since ancient times, the emperor's family has never been able to get married based on their own thoughts and consider more the benefits that marriage can bring.

His father had also experienced this. He first married a woman he didn't like as his princess, and now he married a lot of women he didn't like. Perhaps it was because of this that his father could better appreciate the love between husband and wife. important.

He knelt on his knees, knocked his forehead to the ground, and said respectfully: "My dear father, I thank you for your kindness!"

The emperor quickly helped him up and said with a wry smile: "It is said that the relationship between father and son in the emperor's family is estranged. It seems to be true. Is it necessary to pay such a grand gift for such a small matter?"

Seeing Zhu Yan's silly smile, the emperor was also happy. He happily took Zhu Yan's hand and walked around to the empty seat at the side of the palace. The serving eunuch immediately brought the hot tea that was warming on the stove.

"Tell me, Father, how is that girl's temperament? Where is she now? When will you bring her to Father to see?"

Zhu Yan's originally bright face suddenly turned gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "My son, I don't know where she is."