Rebirth of the Abandoned Woman: Godly Doctor Taizi Fei

Chapter 88: Dig a hole


"What are you talking about?" Yuan Qiu came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes. Seeing the lively conversation between the two, he couldn't help but interrupt and asked.

Zimo grinned and said, "We were talking about taking you siblings to the capital."

Yuan Qiu was slightly stunned, not knowing why: "Who said you want to go to the capital?"

Zimo's smile never diminished: "Yuan Hao wants to go, don't you want to go?" His eyes were full of expectation, but he didn't know what he was expecting, and he didn't understand why he was so disappointed after Yuan Qiu refused.

Of course Yuan Qiu refused. Xia Zimo was an unknown person. Regardless of other things, just saying that there were people chasing him several times. If she and Yuan Hao went to the capital with him, would they still be able to live a peaceful life? She didn't want to cause trouble.

The topic of going to the capital ended like this. Yuan Qiu checked Zimo's arm and found that it had almost recovered, and the skin wounds on his body had also healed.

"Your injury has healed, it's time to go, right?" She felt that she had made a loss-making business, saving him twice, but not getting any benefit at all, and she had served him for so many days in vain. He was given food and drink, free medical treatment and bandaging, and new clothes were bought for him.

Zimo shook his head subconsciously: "No, I can't leave yet. If I leave, I might encounter those killers again. Can you bear to watch me die in their hands? Then why didn't you save my life in vain? "

Xia Zimo's reluctance to leave was what Yuan Qiu had expected. The boy had been living a comfortable life recently and had no intention of leaving in a hurry. She offered to let him go, not because she really wanted him to leave, but because she wanted him to leave. It's just a foreshadowing for what I will say later.

"It's okay if you don't leave. From now on, you have to start working. My family doesn't support idlers."

Xia Zimo agreed readily: "Just do the work. At the worst, I can go into the mountains with you to pick wild vegetables next time."

But Yuan Qiu waved his hand: "No, you don't need to go. Yuan Hao and I are enough. I have other things for you to do."

Looking at Yuan Qiu's mysterious smile, Zimo's heart trembled slightly. He suddenly crossed his arms across his chest and made a horrified expression: "Could it be that you want me to want me to—"

Yuan Qiu rolled his eyes at him: "Go away, who are you kidding? I really have something for you to do."

She led Zimo to the backyard. At this time, there was no vegetable patch in the backyard. The ground had been trimmed by the villagers who were working, and it was very smooth. However, the mark of the original vegetable patch could still be clearly seen, because that patch The ground is very wet and very different from other places.

She pointed to the wetland and said, "Your task is to dig in the ground every day, along this circle."

Looking at the circle, which was at least two rooms in size, Zimo couldn't help but frown: "How deep should you dig?"

Yuan Qiu shrugged: "I don't know, let's dig into it first."

"What are you digging for? A tomb?"

"Get out of here, you're the only one digging a grave for yourself. I don't have this hobby."

Zimo shrugged: "I don't have this hobby either. It's just a custom. There's nothing wrong with it. At least I know where I will live after I die and arrange it in advance."

Yuan Qiu frowned, took a deep look at Zimo, moved his mouth, and finally said nothing. He just dropped the work tools and walked away.

The yard is very big, and the soil dug out at one end can be piled at the other end without causing any problems, and no one outside will know.

Although Zimo had never done farm work, he was very strong. It only took him three days to dig down to a depth of three meters.