Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 16: Began to doubt life


Fat Dun Yuan Chongshan, a science male, wears a pair of high myopia glasses, has a quiet personality, and his greatest interest in life is to play with mobile phones.

Fang Zhe still remembers this chubby man. Later he opened a mobile phone shop with good profits, but unfortunately he finally sold it and started an Internet business.

Unfortunately, until Fang Zhe was born again, this chubby man did not make any dazzling results.

But what Fang Zhe remembers very clearly is that this fat man has always wanted to create a mobile phone brand and sell it all over the world.

In 2006, the most popular mobile phones in China were mobile phone brands dominated by LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and the drop-resistant Nokia.

As for the following branded mobile phones such as Xiaomi, Huawei and Hammer, it is also a matter after 2008.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhe felt that there was much to be done.

At least in this life, he will no longer be like the'previous life'. He can only watch Fat Dun drinking and complaining about the unfair destiny without knowing what to say.

There are violent women...

A girl who dreams of becoming a singer all day.

Fang Zhe has a particularly deep memory of this buddy.

After graduating from high school, the violent girl filled out a music school in another province without telling her parents, and then she carried her bags and ran away alone, just to realize the dream of a singer.

What is helpless is that the water in the entertainment industry is too deep, not everyone can be as lucky as the queen of heaven, and they will be able to become popular as soon as they debut.

More entertainers can only sing in bars or sell in the streets to make ends meet.

Unless you are lucky, you may have a chance to get angry when you encounter Bole in your life, but it is only a small fire.

And it's harder to become a character like a heavenly queen and queen!

In the last life, Lin Baoqin refused to be unspoken by the industry's unspoken rules and stuck to his bottom line. As a result, he was secretly prescribed medicine. If he hadn't called Fang Zhe in time, he might have ruined his life in the future.

Although Lin Baoqin cheered up and continued to devote himself to singing, he was not well-known and could only barely support himself.

They were in their youth.

After they came out of social work.

In Fang Zhe's eyes at this moment, they are constantly overlapping and interlacing, and finally merged into the scene in front of him.

Ye Dabai, Gao Xin, and Yuan Chongshan were still heartless, laughing happily if they wanted to laugh, and cursing happily if they wanted to scold them.

Lin Baoqin hugged the guitar and lowered his head to play and sing. It was simply the most beautiful picture Fang Zhe had ever seen.

"that's nice."

Fang Zhe murmured softly, with the corners of his mouth rising, feeling that his heart, frozen to death by work, was gradually warming up.

In this life, he will not only change his own destiny, but also the destiny of his three best friends!

The dreams that sprouted during youth are no longer dreams, but will become reality!

When Ye Dabai and others saw Fang Zhe approaching, they thought that the latter was going to inquire about the crime.

After all, they were talking very loudly just now, and Fang Zhe was not far away from them, so he didn't hear it for no reason.

Lin Baoqin didn't stand up, but he didn't lower his head to sing. He just held the guitar and looked up at Fang Zhe who was walking step by step.

Especially when she saw Fang Zhe's handsome face, her heart began to beat faster unconsciously.

It seems that there is a very special charm in Fang Zhe's body, which firmly attracts her.

"Ahem, that... Actually we were joking just now..."

Ye Dabai rubbed his hands, smirked, and stared at the two buddies next to him, his eyes beckoning them to quickly say something to alleviate the embarrassment in front of him.

"Yes, yes, kidding."

"Just assume you haven't heard anything..."

Gao Xin and Yuan Chongshan nodded vigorously, and the latter murmured "How come there is such a handsome guy".

"It's okay, you guys are talking about you, I just want to come up and find someone."

Fang Zhe waved his hand indifferently, and didn't take Ye Dabai's plan to his heart at all. Thinking about his purpose of coming to the rooftop this time, he turned to look at the girl on his right and smiled and said, "I just learned the guitar. Right?"

Lin Baoqin was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Ye Dabai inadvertently, then nodded gently, "I started studying in the summer vacation of high school."

Of course she thought it was Ye Dabai who said this.

Otherwise, how could an outsider know about learning guitar

Ye Dabai was glanced at by the violent woman, a little blinded, and a big question mark appeared on his forehead.

"Dabai, you told him again, right? Okay, you! He even said that he didn't betray us, and even started telling him about holding the piano!"

Gao Xin began to imagine wildly imaginative things, and even looked at Ye Dabai with disgust.

"I do not have it."

Ye Dabai wanted to explain, but found that this incident was so weird that even he had to start to wonder, did he tell that guy these things when he was dreaming

Otherwise, how to explain all this in front of you

"Spring is here, and the cat barks."

Yuan Chongshan pushed his glasses with his middle finger, concise and concise, but revealed a lot of intriguing messages.

"The amount of information is huge!"

"People of my generation."

Ye Dabai and Gao Xin nodded to the side, agreeing with Chudun's view.

Because they found that Lin Baoqin, who has always used violence to persuade people, actually blushed when talking to Fang Zhe!

Lying in a trough!

Is this still the violent woman they know

And when they were glanced at by Lin Baoqin and realized that the latter was warning them to write down the account and change the day, they nodded tacitly. They were still the violent women they were familiar with.

"By the way, that guy said he came up to find someone?"

Ye Dabai’s reflex arc was a bit long. When he saw Fang Zhe and Lin Baoqin walking to one side, he came back to his senses, showing a look of astonishment, "Is he here to hold the Qin?"

"In addition to looking for violent women, do you think it is possible to find us?"

Gao Xin glared at Ye Dabai unhappily, and found that the IQ of this best buddy had dropped significantly recently, and he was almost unable to keep up with him.

"But... how did that guy know Baoqin?" Ye Dabai discovered another weird thing.

Gao Xin sneered indifferently this time, "I am ashamed to say, except if you betray her, is it possible for Yuan Zhongshan and I to do such a thing?"


Yuan Chongshan made up the knife next to him.

"No, I always think this thing is weird, let me stroke it first..."

In spite of the contempt of the two buddies, Ye Dabai grabbed his hair, sat on the concrete pillar, and began to remember that he saw Fang Zhe the first day, and then to the scene just now, he always felt that there was some connection in it.

And when Ye Dabai was thinking hard.

Fang Zhe and Lin Baoqin walked to the railing of the roof, blowing in the cold wind, and chatting about some things.

Lin Baoqin didn't want to chat with Fang Zhe alone, but when such a handsome guy invited him, it seemed that he couldn't say anything to refuse.

Or she wants to find out, what charm is in Fang Zhe that attracts herself

As a result, Fang Zhe's first words startled her.

"Are you still in touch with him?"