Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 22: Hahahaha


After the exam, Fang Zhe did not return to the house immediately, but went to the rooftop again.

If he guessed correctly.

Ye Dabai and others are now gathering on the rooftop.

This is also a habit that Fang Zhe developed in his senior year of high school.

After each exam, I would call Fat Dun, the orangutan, and the violent women to chat and relax on the rooftop together.

In the 2006 era, high school students in each school were relatively conservative and traditional, and they didn’t have much pocket money. The best way to entertain was to get friends, ride home together, or sit together on a certain grassland. Chatting.

Whenever the breeze blows, the girls’ long hair will fly freely in the wind. Often this time, it will be accompanied by the whistles and teases of some boys.

It's just that such a scene can never be seen again in college or after going out to work in society.

On the roof of the teaching building.

As expected by Fang Zhe!

Ye Dabai, Yuan Chongshan, and Gao Xin were sitting on the concrete pillar and chatting while looking at the sunset glow in the sky.

The violent woman lowered her head on the side, her pretty face was covered by three thousand blue silks, and she was strumming auspicious strings and playing tunes.

"Haha, this test is stable! I filled every question without leaving any blanks!"

Ye Dabai was the first to laugh. He felt that the topic this time was not particularly difficult, and he felt comfortable.

"Hey, I'm miserable. The answers to the last three mathematics questions are not sure, and there is not enough time to write the English composition. In general, it seems that a chemistry calculation problem is wrong..."

Gao Xin couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, annoyed that he didn't review it seriously this time.

"Haha, don't be discouraged. Anyway, this is only the first exam in the third semester of high school, and there are more important exams waiting for you later, look at the start, brother!"

Ye Dabai hugged Gao Xin's shoulders, smiled and comforted, then looked at Yuan Chongshan, "Pang Dun, how did you do in the exam?"

"The worst time ever."

Yuan Chongshan pushed his glasses, thought about it for a while, and then expressed his feelings about the exam in his heart.

It is still so concise and concise, as if it is a thousand words.

"Hehe, then you are miserable this time. When the results come out, you will definitely not be as high as mine." Ye Dabai smiled confidently.

"Dabai, how do I remember that you said this countless times in your first year and sophomore year, and it seems that our score was higher than yours in the end?"

Gaoxin is very loyal to make up for it.

Ye Dabai glared at the orangutan who had dismantled the platform, "What is countless times? Only two or three times in a semester, OK? Also, how did the ancients say that Feng Shui turns around! You guys are pressing me. I have reviewed this exam very carefully. It will definitely be my turn to crush you to death!"

"Well, it's possible."

Yuan Chongshan nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps a shit! Just confuse the little ink in your belly. He said that he will review it carefully. I think it is three minutes of heat, but you still believe it stupidly."

Lin Baoqin, who had not spoken much, finally couldn't stand it, and let out a sneer, mixed with endless mockery.

"Holding the piano, we are all familiar, but you mock me like this, be careful that I've been determined and slap you in the face!"

Ye Dabai didn't get angry either, and counterattacked back with a smile.

"Yeah! Still slapped? I put my face in front of you, I guess you wouldn't dare to do it." Lin Baoqin continued to sneer.

After all, violent women have not only fists, but also unmatched lips.

"Don't dare!"

"Absolutely not!"

This time before Ye Dabai could speak, Yuan Chongshan and Gao Xin yelled tacitly from the side.


Ye Dabai wanted to kick a kick on the spot, so it's called buddy, selling people is faster than flipping a book!

"Forget it, I am in a good mood after the exam this time, so I don't care about it like you."

Ye Dabai finally took a deep breath and comforted himself not to be of the same level as these guys, after all, he turned his head to look at Lin Baoqin, "Baoqin, didn't you mean that you prepared a song and planned to participate in it? Is it the New Year’s Day performance? Let’s play it to us first, and let us give you a comment."

"Yes! I have only heard you play recently, and it's only a small part. It's not fun to listen to!"

Gao Xin nodded his head again and again, but he wondered when to ask the big fat girl next door he likes out, and then go to the New Year's Day show with her.

"Play one."

Yuan Chongshan also urged, and then squinted his tiny eyes looking at the distant sky, revealing a faint light, as if wanting to see the gorgeous scenery in the skirt of the girl who was blown by the wind.

Lin Baoqin originally wanted to refuse directly, but thought that he had just finished the exam, so he might as well just play a song and relax.

"Okay, I'll play half of it for you. If you want to listen to them all, just wait for me to perform at the New Year's Day performance."

After Lin Baoqin finished speaking, he lowered his head again and began to pluck Jixian.

Ye Dabai and Gao Xin also began to squint their eyes, intending to listen carefully.

As Lin Baoqin's green and white fingers jumped back and forth on the guitar string, a soft prelude slowly sounded, and then turned into a paragraph of notes, beating briskly and brightly.

In the end, these notes all turned into lines of lyrics, which came out of Lin Baoqin's mouth and turned into a clear and beautiful song.

Ye Dabai and the three people listened utterly intoxicated, and like those well-known music critics, they shook their heads from time to time, and seemed to be very good at it and understand music.

Soon, the main song of a song was finished.

Lin Baoqin pressed the strings with his hands, the rhythm stopped abruptly, but did not speak, but looked up at the sky in the distance, startled.

The clouds that fell into her eyes seemed to have turned into a figure, smiling and nodding at her.

Then Lin Baoqin started to smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me how I play."

Lin Baoqin said casually without going to see the three of Ye Dabai.

Ye Dabai and the two buddies looked at each other, then each nodded and began to comment.

"Baoqin, I think this song you sang is full of sensual innocence, and with the longing and desire for beautiful love, it will make people feel very happy when they listen to it. It is a rare good song. "

Ye Dabai commented with a serious face, before sending flowers to Lin Baoqin and asking for his signature.

Hearing this comment, Gao Xin took a deep breath and felt that a mountain is really higher than a mountain. He also suppressed the smile on his face. The second commented, "My favorite thing is to hold the piano and your voice is clear and beautiful. , As if the sound of nature, once let people listen to it, they will linger, reluctant to leave, wishing to live in this kind of singing all their lives..."


Ye Dabai was choked on the spot, and at the same time cast Gao Xin a look of "you kid is ruthless".

Gaoxin smiled triumphantly, and compared to me, you are still tender.

Yuan Chongshan heard the flattery of two buddies, of course he didn't want to fall behind, but after racking his brains, he could only say such a sentence, "It sounds good... It sounds really good."

It's just that I didn't wait for Ye Dabai and Gaoxin to laugh this time, nor for Lin Baoqin to speak, when I heard a loud laughter from the side, it was a joyful laugh from the heart.
