Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 25: The most handsome schoolmaster in history!


"Wu Yunfei, where is the math test paper at my table?"

Lin Shuyi quickly found his own paper in the test paper passed down from above, but he couldn't find Fang Zhe no matter how he turned it through, so he had to shout in the air to ask for clarity.

Wu Yunfei has been suffocating for the past few days, especially seeing his favorite monitor and Fang Zhe eyebrows, almost like a gunpowder barrel being lit.

At this moment, he heard the monitor take the initiative to ask himself, it was like drinking a bottle of cold Sprite in summer, and he was very refreshed.

So he didn't even look at the squad leader, and smiled coldly, "Hehe! Probably he did a bad test, so he didn't have a face to show up."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Shuyi's face became cold on the spot.

"With your IQ, do I need to explain it a second time?"

Although this was not the result Wu Yunfei wanted, but seeing the squad leader taking the initiative to look for him, and he was about to get angry, it felt really cool.

Lin Shuyi just remembered that the deskmate had just been called to the teacher's office. If no surprise, it should have been called by the math teacher to give a lecture.

Did he really do poorly in the exam

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Shuyi bit her lower lip lightly, with a charming appearance.

There was even a mist of tears in her beautiful eyes.

Wu Yunfei only took a look at the squad leader and did not dare to look at it again. There was still a bit of pity and pity. His tone was not as tough and cold as before, but he did not forget to make up for it, "Squad leader, in fact, sometimes I really don’t think about it. Understand, what can that guy have to be your deskmate. If you continue like this, I am worried that he will drag you back..."

"Don't worry about it!"

Lin Shuyi glared at Wu Yunfei fiercely, then turned his head quickly, ignoring the latter again.

Wu Yunfei was a little stunned, and quickly let out a sneer without saying anything.

And this conversation between him and the monitor was heard by many of the classmates, and it seemed to have ignited gossip, and immediately became excited.

Many students rushed to ask Wu Yunfei, wondering if Fang Zhe's math grades were really scumbags

Other girls ran to comfort the monitor, even if Fang Zhe's grades were poor, as long as he was so handsome.

Ye Dabai and Gao Xin naturally heard them too, and they looked at each other immediately and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, that bastard, I still tried my best to deal with him, but I didn't expect it to be a scumbag? Whoops, laughed at me."

Ye Dabai laughed exaggeratedly, clutching his belly, if it weren't for the consideration of being in class, he really wanted to buy some firecrackers to celebrate.

"Cut! Looking at him like that, I thought it was a high school tyrant, but I didn't expect it to be a scumbag. It almost made me shivering with fear..."

Gao Xin laughed from the side, full of disdain, "I'll just say, handsome guys don’t usually have very good academic performance. This is like someone who has a unique knowledge of the world, which one is a martial arts master? It's a guy who fell in one move..."

"The hero sees the same thing. I've seen that little white face not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago."

"Yes! It doesn't matter if you take the class flower. If your academic performance is still so strong, it won't make sense."

At this time, the voices of two other classmates came from nearby.

Ye Dabai followed the sound, knowing that these two guys like to play basketball in the class, and their academic performance was average. Unexpectedly, they were not pleasing to each other's eyes, and he was overjoyed and started talking.

As a result, the four became more and more vigorous, and they wanted to worship their brothers.

"Look at it, the Lord is coming..."

When all kinds of voices sounded in the class, most of them were discussing Fang Zhe, a boy suddenly shouted.

All the sounds disappeared immediately.

All the students raised their heads and looked at the handsome figure who walked in from the outside of the classroom, and their eyes moved with the movement of the latter.

As Fang Zhe lowered his head when he walked in, he did not realize that he had become the focus of the class.

In his mind, the scene that he saw just now was still playing back.

148 points!

Not only the highest score in the class, but also the highest score in mathematics for the whole year!

As a scumbag of the'last life', being able to get this result in this life is like a dream.

So when Fang Zhe walked into the classroom, he lowered his head, but clenched his fists secretly, feeling happy and excited for the result.

That is this scene.

In the eyes of other students, it was like a poor student who had failed the exam, with his head down and no energy.

The classmates in this class are no longer familiar with such a scene.

Many classmates immediately covered their mouths and laughed. They went to verify with Wu Yunfei just now and determined that Fang Zhe really failed the exam this time. Looking at Fang Zhe's appearance at this moment, there was no doubt that there was no doubt.

Wu Yunfei was also watching Fang Zhe's figure. Seeing the latter's dejected look, he felt that all the grievances he had held before had been vented. He was so refreshing all over his body, and he couldn't wait to groan~ groan!

Ye Dabai and Gao Xin, as well as the two boys who like to play basketball, looked at Fang Zhe together, then glanced at each other, showing a tacit smile.

At this moment, the class bell rang.

Not long after Fang Zhe sat down, the math teacher Zeng Qingming followed into the classroom, holding only a math test paper in his hand.

To Fang Zhe's surprise, Lin Shuyi took the initiative to hand over a small note with a line written on it.

"It doesn't matter if you fail the exam this time, and the next time, come on at the same table, I am optimistic about you."

Smashed the test

Fang Zhe blinked, and quickly looked up at Lin Shuyi who was listening carefully to the class, and his gaze fell on the words "at the same table" again.

If she was not sure that her deskmate was herself, Fang Zhe thought this note was for someone else.

When did you fail the exam

Just when Fang Zhe was about to say something, he heard the mathematics teacher with a divided smile on his face. He knocked on the table and evaluated the math test. "You did a good job this time. The grade average score is 86.5. The average score of your class is 92.3 points, ranking third in the whole year."

Unsurprisingly, there was an uproar in the class, mixed with surprises and inconceivables.

You know, the average mathematics score of this class in the past can be considered as good without dragging the grade.

As a result, not only did he not hold back his legs this time, he also squeezed into the top three

For a while, most of the classmates had their eyes shining brightly, and there was endless hope. They felt that it would not be difficult to squeeze into the first place next time.

I heard Zeng Qingming continue to say with a smile, "Of course, the main reason is that there are more than a dozen in your class who scored more than 120 points, and even two of them scored more than 140, and they scored the highest in mathematics throughout the year. The points are among you."


These words of Zeng Qingming were like a stone, falling on the calm lake, and instantly bursting into countless waves, which also caused an uproar among the classmates.

"There are more than a dozen with a score of 120 or more? Isn't this too great?"

"Damn! There are two with 140 points or more? Who? This is too sharp, I want to worship him as a teacher!"

"The monitor must be one, but I don't know who the other is?"

"Are you a mathematics representative?"

"It can't be him. Although his math scores are excellent, he hasn't reached such a top notch yet?"

"Who would it be?"

When all the classmates looked at the math teacher with doubts and curiosity, they saw the latter smile slightly, without telling the truth, and continued to throw a "bomb", which made everyone in the class dumbfounded.

"Before telling who this classmate is, I have a suggestion for him to explain to you this math test paper."

Zeng Qingming did not ask his classmates this time, but instead set his gaze on Fang Zhe, showing a spring-like smile, "Fang Zhe, what do you think?"