Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 33: The sky is falling and there is a brother against it!


Seeing his sister's so skillful movements, Fang Zhe was stunned.

Is there something wrong with the way the script is opened

And why did you come out just now

What's even worse is that when Fang Zhe thought this way, his body actually sat down honestly.

This is not the plot that I want to happen at all!

Fang Zhe yelled in his heart, but he was already sitting next to Ye Qinqin, and he could touch the outside of Ye Qinqin's arms and knees with a little movement.

For his sister, Fang Zhe naturally didn't think much about it.

But it's different for Ye Qinqin.

When he was most sad, there was a handsome guy not only sitting next to him, but also willing to speak with him to relieve boredom.

This is the happiness that is longed for but not obtained in the youth of any young girl.

Ye Qinqin was fortunate to get it at this moment, and there were many emotions in his heart, such as joy, satisfaction, and small happiness.

Of course it is more shy.

So Ye Qinqin moved her body with restraint, intending to get a little distance from Fang Zhe, otherwise the two of them accidentally touched their arms or calves, which would easily make people excited.

Fang Zhe didn't notice his sister's small movements, and asked directly, "Let's talk about it, what happened at home?"

Ye Qinqin was silent for a while, turned his head and glanced at Fang Zhe's handsome face, and said softly, "Can I trust you?"

"of course!"

Fang Zhe said without hesitation, and his tone was mixed with incomparable affirmation and determination.

It was like even if Ye Qinqin said he wanted the stars in the sky, Fang Zhe would not hesitate to pick them off.

Although he can't do it, he just has this kind of courage and determination!

Who made Fang Zhe's "last life" and this life, just such a younger sister, who didn't spoil her

Ye Qinqin didn't know the deep meaning behind Fang Zhe's two words, but when Fang Zhe said this, he felt quite settled. After brewing for a while, he spoke softly.

"Did you know? I lived in the country when I was a child. When my father went to work, my mother worked in the fields, and my brother and I played on the ground at my grandparents' home."

"Grandpa and grandma love my brother and me very much. Every time they have something delicious, they will call me two brothers and sisters over."

"And every time grandpa secretly gives money to my two brothers and sisters, grandma will find out, and then they will quarrel..."

As Ye Qinqin said this, he recalled what happened when he was a child, as if it happened yesterday and vividly remembered.

It's just that she didn't see that when she heard the words "grandparents", Fang Zheru was struck by lightning, and the whole person was blindfolded.

At the same time, the memory seal in his mind seemed to be torn apart, and scenes of childhood scenes emerged.

The two siblings when they were children squatted together on the ground of their hometown to play with stones, dragonflies, and butterflies. They had a great time.

The laughter and squawking voices of the two brothers and sisters turned around, as if the sun and the wind had become brisk.

Then a thin grandfather called the two brothers and sisters, like a trick, took out the candy and cookies from behind, amused the two brothers and sisters to cheer.

Then the grandfather secretly gave the two brothers and sisters money, was seen by the grandma passing by inadvertently, and immediately quarreled.

The two siblings hid behind the grandfather, poked their heads out to look at the angry grandma, at a loss for a while.

Later, it was grandma's turn to secretly give money to the two siblings. Grandpa saw it and started arguing.

It seems that the two people quarreled not because of money, but because they felt that the other party secretly gave money to their children, and that they would develop the habit of spending money on their children, so they quarreled with each other.

Later, the two brothers and sisters grew up and began to understand the good intentions of grandparents.

It turned out that when grandparents gave them pocket money, they were just doing it.

Because they were worried that the two brothers and sisters would not know how to cherish pocket money, they used the opportunity of quarreling to tell the two brothers and sisters not to spend money indiscriminately.

The two brothers and sisters who understand this truth feel dumbfounded at the same time, but also feel happy to have such lovely grandparents.

Of course, the two brothers and sisters have also developed a good habit, that is not to spend money indiscriminately.

Fang Zhe sometimes thinks that his sister always steals her own private money and saves it without spending it. Was it just at that time

Or maybe, after my sister wants to save a certain amount of money, she can honor her grandparents

one way or another.

In Fang Zhe's memory, when he was a child, he and his sister grew up under the care of his grandparents.

Even some of the qualities that Fang Zhe now embodies have been affected by his grandparents.

Such as care, affection, filial piety, gratitude and so on.

Therefore, Fang Zhe respected and loved them from his heart.

At the same time, it is also a pity that grandparents have always lived in the countryside and are reluctant to live in the city.

For this reason, their parents have spent a lot of attention and tried various ways to get their grandparents over.

In the end, it was helpless and was unsuccessful.

It wasn't until grandma passed away, after parents' persuasion, that grandfather finally agreed to live with his family.

"Grandpa and grandma are actually very cute. Every time they give pocket money to my brother and me, they are paid by one person. One person sees it by accident and then scolds."

"Later, my brother and I learned that the grandparents had deliberately quarreled so as not to let us spend money indiscriminately."

"By the way, handsome guy, you don't know why I like money so much. Actually, it was also influenced by my grandparents..."

"They told me not to spend money indiscriminately. When I have money, I remember to save it. When I need the money, I can use it. I always remember this."

"But my brother is different. Every time I have money, I will buy snacks, which makes me mad! That's why I thought about stealing his pocket money and saving it for him..."

"In this case, when my elder brother marries his wife, I can put all the money I saved into the red envelope as my best blessing to him."

When Fang Zhe fell into the whirlpool of memories, Ye Qinqin's voice continued to ring in his ears.

Fang Zhe couldn't help feeling funny and angry when he heard why Ye Qinqin liked money and why he kept stealing his own money.

Is this the real reason why you stole my brother's pocket money for more than ten years

But even so, the red envelope you gave me in the end is still my money!

While feeling good, Fang Zhe finally knew the secret of his sister, and a warm current could not help but flow in his heart.

It turns out that in my sister's heart, she has always had her own figure.

This is a feeling that Fang Zhe never experienced in his'last life'.

He always thought that his little sister, who was careless every day, lived heartlessly, never thought of others, let alone his own feelings.

I didn't expect my sister's mind to be so delicate and to see everything very clearly, that's why she pretended to be like that, because she didn't want to worry her family.


Fang Zhe sighed in his heart, feeling sorry for this younger sister, and wanted to reach out and hug Ye Qinqin and tell her that there is an older brother in everything, don't worry.

at this moment.

Fang Zhe finally understood why his sister was so depressed tonight and why she would think of grandparents.

Because what he had been worried about still happened.

Calculating the time, today is also the end of the National Day holiday, exactly the same time as I expected.


After Ye Qinqin told a lot of stories between his childhood and his grandparents, the emotion that had been brewing reached a critical point, and then when he talked about the important points, it broke out completely.

"Tell you so much, in fact, I just thought that grandparents could stay with us forever, how great it would be, but... But... Grandma was suddenly hospitalized, I, I..."

Ye Qinqin couldn't say anything anymore when he said "I".

At this moment, she had already cried and turned into a tearful person, but bit her lip, trying to suppress her crying, so that the mother and brother in the room could not hear it.

It is also at this moment.

Without any hesitation, Fang Zhe opened his arms, hugged Ye Qinqin, and hugged fiercely. At the same time, he softly comforted his sister's ear, "Cry if you want to cry, don't be afraid, I am here. ,everything will get better… "

In his heart, Fang Zhe silently added a word.

When the sky is falling, there are brothers holding it! !