Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 35: A dear boyfriend?


After going downstairs, Fang Zhe walked casually on the street.

What happened just now can only be said to be a beautiful misunderstanding.

I happened to be out for a walk, and I happened to see Ye Qinqin in the corridor, and then happened to find my grandma was hospitalized.

In order to comfort his sister, Fang Zhe could only give her a stronger hug in addition to giving her a hug.

It happened that this scene was discovered by Ye Dabai again...

So this can be regarded as'self' misunderstanding oneself

Thinking of Ye Dabai's angry look just now, Fang Zhe knew that this misunderstanding would be insoluble for a while.

The corners of Fang Zhe's mouth rose up, not caring about it.

He didn't think too much about Ye Qinqin, and did what Ye Dabai wanted.

On the contrary, what Ye Qinqin said reminded Fang Zhe.

Grandma is hospitalized!

Fang Zhe glanced at the time. It happened to be dinner, and Ye Qinqin's family must be eating dinner too.

Maybe I can take advantage of this time to visit my grandma

As for the location of the hospital and the ward, even if Ye Qin didn't talk about it, Fang Zhe knew exactly what.

After all, this is the biggest regret of his'last life', it has long been unforgettable.

"Go buy some fruit first, and then visit grandma as a classmate Ye Dabai."

Fang Zhe just did it when he thought of it. He looked up across the road and wanted to find a fruit shop, buy some fruit first, and then take a ride to visit his grandmother.

As a result, when he found a fruit shop and planned to walk over the zebra crossing, he accidentally saw a familiar figure standing in front of a beverage shop.

"Hold the piano?"

Fang Zhe stopped and looked carefully, confirming that it was Lin Baoqin.

And beside Lin Baoqin, there was another boy in a white shirt who was half a head taller than her. He was handsome and straight.

After the boy paid the money, he took two drinks from the clerk, and then gave Lin Baoqin a glass of strawberry juice.

Lin Baoqin immediately stretched out his hand to hold the boy's hand, and smiled, as if the sun was scented, and even the air was a little bit sweeter.

And that smile fell in Fang Zhe's eyes, making him a little dazed.

Fang Zhe couldn't remember how many years he had never seen Lin Baoqin's sweet smile. He only knew that after she fell in love, she never smiled again.

Fortunately to see it now, Fang Zhe was very happy. This was Lin Baoqin he wanted to see.

But when he thought that the boy would break up with Lin Baoqin, Fang Zhe frowned, thinking that this boy still didn't know what to cherish.

Especially when he thought that the boy broke up with Lin Baoqin because his family did not approve of him and Lin Baoqin, Fang Zhe wanted to wake the boy up.

Why do two people who love each other clearly break up because of secular concepts

So when Fang Zhe stood on the side of the road, across a street, looking at the girl who was smiling happily on the opposite road, he made a decision.

Find a time to have a good talk with that guy!

But the most important thing at the moment is to buy fruit first to visit grandma.

Just when Fang Zhe walked into a fruit shop.

Lin Baoqin was holding her boyfriend's hand while drinking a drink. Suddenly he felt something. He raised his head and glanced across the road, but saw nothing.

The boy turned his head and asked with a gentle smile, "What's the matter?"

"It feels like someone is looking at me..."

Lin Baoqin murmured, did not think about it, smiled slightly at the boy, almost coquettishly said, "Then where are we going to play next? Yes, you are going to accompany me tonight."

The boy smiled and stretched out his hand and scratched Lin Baoqin's pretty nose, and said, "Of course, I always say what I say. I will accompany you wherever you want to play."

"Then I want to go to the End of the World?"

"Then I will stay with you forever."

"Hang on the hook."

"No change for a hundred years."

The First People's Hospital of Jiangdong City.

Room 6025.

There are only three beds in this ward, and there is a smell of disinfectant in the room.

Fang Zhe carried the fruits his grandma loved to eat and came to room 6025. He saw three sick people, only two elderly people, and the other one was empty and empty. Maybe he was out for a walk.

In the middle of the sick woman, there is an old woman with half-white hair, wearing uniform clothes from the hospital, watching TV, and communicating with the old man next to her from time to time.

Fang Zhe looked at the old grandmother, her nose was sour, and she felt an urge to cry.

Fang Zhe of the'previous life', I don't know how many times he prayed, hoping that God could bless his grandma and survive this catastrophe safely, but all hopes were lost.

After his grandma left, Fang Zhe didn't know how many times he had dreamed, so he hoped to look at his grandma again and listen to her voice again.

Now standing in this parallel time and space, standing at the door of the ward, looking at the familiar face that had been awakened for an unknown number of times in his dream, Fang Zhe felt his footsteps seem to be tens of thousands of kilograms heavy, and he couldn't step out for a while.

"Young man, who are you looking for?"

Just as the old lady looked over and saw Fang Zhe standing motionless by the door, she asked curiously.

Fang Zhe took a deep breath, carried the fruit, and tried to show a smile on his face, and said softly, "Grandma, I am your grandson Ye Dabai’s classmate and his neighbor. I happen to listen to your granddaughter Ye Qin I said you were sick and hospitalized, so I thought about coming to visit you."

Hearing Fang Zhe repeatedly say the names of Ye Dabai and Ye Qinqin, the old lady couldn't help but smile, "That's really intentional. Even the girl who kissed hasn't even come to see me. Your neighbor came first. ."

"I also happened to pass by this hospital, so I wanted to come and see you."

Fang Zhe put the fruit on the table, took out an orange from it, and began to peel it off, "How is your grandma feeling?"

"It's okay, boy, you are interested, and you still look so handsome, what's your name?"

"My name is Fang Zhe. Grandma, you can call me Xiao Fang or Xiao Zhe."

"It's a coincidence. You and my son's wife are from the same family, and she is also surnamed Fang. That's a fate..."

The grandmother seemed to be in a good mood. When she talked about this, she began to talk to Fang Zhe about how his son, Ye Hongwen, married Fang Lian.

There are three versions of this story.

Grandpa here is one.

Grandma, here is one.

Another one from Mom and Dad.

Fang Zhe is familiar with these three versions of the story.

But at this moment, watching his grandma telling the story of his parents, Fang Zhe felt that time had suddenly slowed down. What he saw in his eyes was his grandma’s happy smile, and what he heard in his ears was the voice he longed for the rest of his life. .

Even Fang Zhe wanted to freeze this moment of time and keep it in his memory forever.

"Grandma, speak slowly, I listen slowly."

Fang Zhe pulled the peeled orange into one petal, then stuffed it into his grandma's hand, and said with a smile.

"Haha, okay, young people nowadays, rarely have you so good patience, and bought my favorite fruits, and look so handsome..."

The old grandma stuffed the orange into her mouth, laughing and looking at Fang Zhe, the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became.

For a moment, I even thought, could this be the boyfriend made by the girl

How else would you come to visit yourself

Of course, the grandmother knew the matter in her heart, she didn't say it, but she thought that when the kiss came, she had to adopt her tone anyway.

After all, grandma was someone who came over this matter, and her heart was clear.