Rebirth of the Age of Youth

Chapter 8: Eighteen-year-old Ye Dabai!


Ye Dabai actually didn't want to answer this question.

In the past few days, Fang Zhe’s name and this person seem to be everywhere and can be heard everywhere.

Isn't it just a tall, rich and handsome? What's so great about it.

Ye Dabai murmured in his heart, then finished eating the last orange, rubbed his head, and said helplessly, "How do you know him?"

"Don't you know? Now the whole school is discussing him. I heard that he is a fascinating handsome guy, and he is in your class, right? Brother."

The young girl holding Ye Dabai’s arm, with a ponytail and bangs on her forehead, has a slightly round face and a well-developed body. She is wearing a white short sleeve printed with Bikachu. When she smiles, she shows two tiger teeth and looks very It is cute.

This is Ye Dabai's sister, Ye Qinqin.

"This spread too quickly."

Although Ye Dabai was very jealous of that guy, he still had some envy in his heart.

Sure enough, tall, rich and handsome is famous. How can someone pay attention to him if he has bad grades and no talent like himself

"Brother, don't feel inferior. Although you think he is handsomer than you, more popular with girls than you, and more able to get rid of the state of being single, but..."

Ye Qinqin is worthy of being a sister, and he immediately heard what Ye Dabai meant, and hurriedly said comfortingly.

Ye Dabai's eyes lit up and immediately interrupted, "But I'm smarter than him and more talented than him, right? I know it's your sister that you love me."

"No, brother, what I want to say is..."

Ye Qinqin patted Ye Dabai on the shoulder pretentiously, and Liu Mei smiled curvingly, "Although you think you are not as handsome and charming as him, but... at least your intuition is right!!!"


Ye Dabai raised his head and looked at his sister who quickly ran away one meter away from him. There was an urge to call an ambulance because of myocardial infarction.

It's fine for Fang Zhe to hurt others so badly, why is his own sister so venomous

Is there still love in this world

Even at this moment, Ye Dabai almost raised the table with one hand, and then greeted her sister!

How can there be such comfort!

"Brother, don't be angry..."

Ye Qinqin took a step back again, like a shy and timid girl, quickly glanced at Ye Dabai, worried that his brother would pounce on him at any time.

After all, since I was young, I have never been teased by this brother.

"I'm not angry, I just..."

Ye Dabai clutched his chest with a pained expression on his face, and then glared at Ye Qinqin, "...You are about to die, do you know? You were mad at you!"

"It's not that serious, brother, don't scare me, actually I, I..."

Ye Qinqin panicked immediately, but soon laughed. It was obvious that what I said just now was acting, "I was just telling the truth, you are really not as handsome as him..."

"Ye! Kiss! Kiss!"

Ye Dabai was really irritated this time, "Believe it or not with one hand, I can throw you off the third floor!"

"Of course I believe!"

Ye Qinqin nodded quickly and admitted, and said a few good things, "Brother, you play basketball every day. You are such a great body. Picking me up is like a little chicken. It's too simple, but..."

When Ye Dabai heard this, he felt very useful. As expected, he was wearing nothing but flattering, especially his sister's compliment, which was about to go to the sky.

After hearing the words "but" said by his sister, Ye Dabai raised his eyebrows, with a bad feeling, but pretended to be calm and said, "But what?"

"But before you throw me down, can you tell me, is that Fang Zhe really in your class? Is he really more handsome than you?"

After Ye Qin kissed this sentence, before Ye Dabai got angry, he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and ran back to his room.

When Ye Dabai reacted, he could only stand outside the room and roar in pain.

Ye Qinqin couldn't help it when he thought of his brother being very angry, but acting as if he could not help it...

So she plunged her head into the quilt, her shoulders shaking with a smile, she couldn't stop rhythm.

Opposite housing.

After Fang Zhe came back, he first put down his schoolbag and lay on the sofa for a while, then got up and went back to the bedroom, sat at the desk, picked up a ballpoint pen next to him, and looked at some words crossed out on the white paper, startled in a daze. , Seems to be thinking about something.

Soon, Fang Zhe began to write on white paper.

After writing a line, Fang Zhe stopped to continue thinking, and then continued to write. If he felt unsatisfied, he would cross out the line.

Write while thinking, then cross out.

After repeating this for about half an hour, Fang Zhe stopped writing, rubbed his eyebrows, then turned on the light, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Under the shining of the light, lines of text appeared on the white paper pressed by the ballpoint pen on the desk.

Several lines of text are directly crossed out.

The words that were not crossed out were impressively written with inconsistent content.

For example, "Basketball Team Captain", "New Year's Day Talent Show", "Campus Autumn Games", "Zhao Xiaoai" and "Yangcheng University of Technology" and so on.

There is also the following line of words, which read "Grandma: Jiangdong First People's Hospital", "Parents are divorced", "Sister's knot" and so on.

no doubt.

These are all regrets from the past life that Fang Zhe can remember, and they are also a series of things he will do after he is reborn.

Of course, none of these things can get around one person.

Ye Dabai!

After several days of contact, Fang Zhe discovered that Ye Dabai was his eighteen-year-old himself, and his personality and thoughts were exactly the same as he remembered.


He was extremely loyal to his brothers.

Facing the girl I like, I feel a little inferior and dare not take the initiative to pursue it.

I want to be respected by others.

I hope that my academic performance can squeeze into the top ten in the class, and then I will be liked by teachers.

I also hope that I am versatile and perform at the New Year's Day performance, so that the teachers and students of the school will admire myself. It would be more perfect if a girl gave flowers.

Then in the sports meeting can be a blockbuster...

To sum it up, it is just one sentence. Eighteen-year-old Ye Dabai aspires to be the protagonist in everyone's life, and hopes to live the life that the protagonist of the novel admires.

Eighteen-year-old Ye Dabai may know that this is just a fantasy, and he also knows that he would never realize it in his life.

That's why Fang Zhe later came.

But the rebirth of Fang Zhe this time, will 18-year-old Ye Dabai's many wishes come to nothing

"Let's start with them..."

The steaming mist filled the entire bathroom. Fang Zhe looked at his perfect figure in the mirror, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve that fascinated thousands of girls, and murmured softly.