Rebirth of the Arch-nemesis

Chapter 120: Strange things in the forest


Not long after Gu Pinglin returned, the storm arrived. The sky and the earth were all vast, and the scenery nearby became blurred. In the ancient forest full of dangers, no one was willing to waste mana to open the barrier. There were no grass and trees around to block the view, so everyone hid under a huge yellow stone. The rain gathered and flowed through the gaps between the stones. There was no trace of mud, and it was as clear as a mountain spring.

Yan Sen was meditating in a corner to heal his wounds. Qi Yanfeng became familiar with Cheng Yi and Xin Ji and they gathered together to discuss swordsmanship. However, the way of "discussing" was rather strange. Cheng Yi had no clue when he spoke, and he was probably the only one who understood what he meant. Fortunately, Qi Yanfeng was patient and asked him one sentence at a time. If he really didn't understand, he would try to communicate with the sword diagram. The two of them were talking at cross purposes and were very serious. This made Xin Ji who was standing next to him suffer. He originally wanted to learn swordsmanship from them, but he met these two talented people and ended up being completely confused.

Gu Pinglin stood at the outermost edge, with his hands behind his back, looking at the wind and rain outside.

Raindrops flew obliquely under the rocks, stained the black cloak, and then slid down the hem, but the cloak was not wet.

Talk about the immortal Jiao Pa to the Li Mo 7 Qiao Xi Lan Hui Yu Xiang Yu 夢 綜 綜 涜 涜 涜 涜 嶜 � ...

"Where is Duan Qingming?" Cheng Yi walked over and asked, his big eyes full of sincerity and worry.

Gu Pinglin couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

This kid is cutely silly. Duan Qingming brought him along purely for fun, but seriously speaking, he only cares about swordsmanship, not Duan Qingming. Duan Qingming uses him as a chess piece without mercy, but this kid is lucky despite his sillyness. He is able to turn danger into safety many times. It is a miracle that these two extraordinary people can meet each other.

"He..." Gu Pinglin stopped and looked up.

The sky was dark and the wind was strong. The rain curtain was slanting all over the sky, and a figure was vaguely visible among them. His white robe merged into the white rain curtain, but his aura was still hard to ignore.

"Duan Qingming!" Cheng Yi shouted happily, "You're back!"

Gu Pinglin stood under the stone and watched the man returning covered in wind and rain.

Her white boots were clean, her steps were calm, and her clothes were not wet at all. Only her long hair was a little messy, and a white headband and a few strands of hair were draped diagonally on her shoulders.

After he walked under the stone, Gu Pinglin said, "You're back."

"Yeah." Duan Qingming's expression was also natural.

"Sixth cousin," Qi Yanfeng stood up and waved to him timidly, "Come over and take a look..."

Duan Qingming stopped in front of Yan Sen and sighed, "You can tolerate being so close to me. You are really a broad-minded and kind-hearted person. It seems that many rumors are untrue."

"Don't provoke me," Yan Sen opened his eyes and said, "Hey," "Are you scared?"

"That's wrong. I'm worried about you, Senior," Duan Qingming said with a smile, "We'll each do our own thing inside. You're seriously injured, aren't you afraid that someone will take advantage of you to rob you?"

Yan Sen sneered: "What can a few bastards do to me!"

Duan Qingming nodded: "Yes, just a few people want to follow you, senior. They must be tired of living. Maybe they just come to get some information." After saying that, he walked away slowly.

Yan Sen gradually frowned, and his heart was shaken.

Seeing my identity, they still don't leave. These small fry are quite courageous and they really know how to deal with the current situation. But if there are people behind them... There are many people in the Demon Realm who covet the Soul Sword School. Now that I am injured, I have to be careful in everything. It is better to kill someone by mistake than to let him go.

With murderous intent in mind, Yan Sen stood up and walked out.

Duan Qingming turned around and said, "The other party's cultivation is not low. Senior's injury..."

"I don't care about this little injury," Yan Sen looked sinister, "The tail behind is annoying, it's better to chop it off first." After saying this, he disappeared.

Qi Yanfeng was surprised: "Someone is following us?"

Xin Ji was also surprised.

Cheng Yi blinked and said, "Two of them were with Yuan's group, and two more powerful ones came later, whom I don't know... Did they all follow us?" He turned to ask Gu Pinglin.

Gu Pinglin said: "Senior Yan has attracted the bats, they will not miss the opportunity."

It was expected that Yuan would send people to follow. As for the other two, they should have been attracted by the formation of ferocious bats. They were all great inner alchemy cultivators, and they followed from a distance and moved carefully, so they were not easy to detect. But Cheng Yi was very special. Duan Qingming and I judged them based on the traces.

Yan Sen came back not long after he left, with blood on his chest.

Xin Ji was surprised: "Even you, my old man, have suffered a loss?"

"The kid Huanletian's inner elixir exploded, and when he was about to die he still wanted to trick me, so I chopped him into three pieces." Yan Sen sneered, seemingly not caring about the injury. He lowered his head, opened his lapel, and washed the bloodstains with the rain.

Xin Ji laughed strangely: "That's a pity. Huanle Tian's dual cultivation secret technique is very famous. It will be very useful if you keep it. Brother, you really don't know how to be gentle with women."

"Fuck off, I don't like that!" Yan Sen said, "You're not a sword cultivator, you're not even qualified to give me a soul-nourishing sword, bah!"

Xin Ji laughed out loud.

The demon cultivators had no scruples when they spoke. Seeing Qi Yanfeng's face flushed, Gu Pinglin asked, "Are you all happy?"

Yan Sen said: "I also dealt with the two Huanletian boys and the two Yuan guys."

Qi Yanfeng uttered "ah", wanted to say something but didn't dare, and lowered his head and shed tears.

"What's the point of crying!" Yan Sen was even more hurt and felt irritated. "Whoever dares to attack me, I will chop him down without mercy. If you cry again, I will use you to refine my sword!"

Qi Yanfeng sobbed: "I... I didn't cry..."

Yan Sen was amused: "Girl, why do you cry for no reason?"

Qi Yanfeng wiped his red eyes and glared at him: "I said I didn't cry!"

Yan Sen laughed.

Jokes aside, the group did not dare to delay their journey at all. They followed the path of the ordinary people and did not delay their journey. They did not hesitate to take a walk, and did not hesitate to go out for a walk. The group did not hesitate to take a walk, and did not hesitate to go out for a walk.

This is a rare red sand field. The red sand grains are larger than ordinary white sand grains and feel very rough. No one dared to fly in the air to investigate. Just by looking with the naked eye, the sand field is endless and must be quite large.

"Oh my!" Cheng Yi stared with round eyes, turning around anxiously, "This is clearly where I live, how come it has turned into sand?"

Because Duan Qingming had said so before, Yan Sen just wanted to get away from the others and act alone as soon as possible: "Did you remember it wrongly?"

"It's here!" Cheng Yixu pointed around and defended, "My house is over there. Over there, there used to be a tree with a crow's nest on it, and there's an old man's grave next to it... How did this sand appear?"

Xin Ji said: "The fairy street is asking for the appointment of the cherry blossoms, the Xing Hai frequency Mu Yin Yin said, "the fairy street is asking for the appointment of the cherry blossoms, the Xing Hai frequency Mu Yin Yin said, "the Xian ...

"I won't go the wrong way!" Cheng Yi said with a sad face, "My house is gone, my house..."

Qi Yanfeng quickly comforted him: "Think about it slowly, maybe you will remember it."

Yan Sen didn't have the patience to wait for him to recall slowly, so he just carried him around in circles. Still, he didn't find the house, tree, and grave he mentioned. Instead, he made some other discoveries - for example, this piece of sandy land was not small, but not as big as everyone imagined, with a radius of no more than a hundred miles.

Everyone followed Cheng Yi all the way and never thought they would get lost. They also didn't know how far they were from the place of vision. They were all a little discouraged. Finally, it was Gu Pinglin who suggested that they rest for a night beside the sand before making a decision.

At night, the wind and sand were unusually strong. Under the cold bright light, sand was flying all over the sky like misty dew. The surrounding trees were short and sparse and could not block the view. Xin Ji used several sand piles to form a circle, and everyone sat in the middle of the sand piles to rest.

Yan Sen disliked Cheng Yi anyway, and Cheng Yi was so scared that he ran to hide beside Duan Qingming. Qi Yanfeng and Xin Ji were both meditating quietly.

Gu Pinglin saw it all but remained calm.

Of course Cheng Yi was not mistaken, because the Creation Cave was right on this piece of red sand.

Unexpectedly, the sandy land in my memory was actually a forest. This change should be caused by the power of the mechanism. I am afraid that the original forest has sunk into the ground forever.

Earlier, Gu Pinglin had heard Cheng Yi say that there was a "ghost under the ancient forest", and he had already guessed it. Now he is more certain that the Creation Cave is actually in Cheng Yi's residence. In the previous life, the agencies in various places were activated many years later, and Cheng Yi came out of the mountain late. Later, he was buried in the sea bone pit and had no chance to come back, so no one knew what happened here.

Once the mechanism is fully operational, the Creation Cave on the sand will appear. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait.

Gu Pinglin did not plan to take Yan Sen and the others with him. Although there were ways to avoid them after entering the cave, the temperament of demon cultivators was always erratic and there was always a variable. As for Duan Qingming...

Gu Pinglin glanced sideways and saw that he was talking to Cheng Yi. Unlike Qi Yanfeng's "talking at cross purposes", he was very smart and could really find the key points from Cheng Yi's messy words and continue the topic. No wonder Cheng Yi liked him. There was a reason why he was so popular in the cultivation world in his previous life - when talking to Duan Qingming, he always felt the pleasure of finding a confidant, but he didn't know that this was the result of his calculations on people's hearts.

The man stretched his body and leaned against the sand pile, his handsome face slightly tilted up, pearly light falling on his curved thin lips. The cold light and shadow, and the warm smile formed a strange contrast, and there was a kind of charming charm.

Since that day, there hasn't been much change in the relationship between the two. Of course, that's only on the surface. Gu Pinglin doesn't think he's sure about what this person is thinking.

Gu Pinglin thought about it and decided to send a message using the sound transmission technique.

The man was still chatting and laughing, without any reaction. I don't know if he heard it or not.

Gu Pinglin didn't wait for his response and closed his eyes to meditate.

The next day, everyone was still exploring around, hoping to find more clues. Gu Pinglin also cooperated and followed them around for a few rounds, but of course they found nothing. On the third day, Yan Sen and Xin Ji finally couldn't sit still anymore.

Yan Sen was furious: "If we keep searching like this, when will we get any results?"

"Brother Yan is right. This random search is not a good idea," Xin Ji agreed. "Our soul stones are all in Master Duan's possession. We are only looking for the inheritance for experience. We dare not have any bad thoughts. If Master Duan can trust us... why don't we split up and look for it?"

Duan Qingming shook his head: "Oh, I always keep my word. The two of you being able to find the inheritance is your chance, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Boy, don't be too arrogant." Yan Sen snorted.

If I really find the inheritance, of course I have to hide it secretly, and then find a chance to get the soul stone back, and it would be best to kill this bastard boy... Xin Ji rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I dare not have any delusions. If I am lucky enough to find the inheritance for you, I just hope that you can return the soul stone to me."

"No problem," Duan Qingming said generously, "Since you guys don't want to stay here to look for it, then we can split up and meet up in Fenglin Town later."

The two were overjoyed when they heard this. Yan Sen turned and left, but Xin Ji did not leave immediately. Instead, he went over to ask Cheng Yi, "Young friend, do you want to go for a walk with me?"

Cheng Yi refused absentmindedly: "No, I need to find my house first."

This idiot, compared to the ancestral inheritance, the house is nothing! Xin Ji advised: "There is no house here, I'm afraid you remembered it wrong, why don't we look for it somewhere else."

Cheng Yi pointed at Duan Qingming and said, "I want to look for it with him."

Xin Ji laughed and said, "Master Duan is busy, how can he have time to spare?"

Cheng Yi said unceremoniously: "I won't go with you, your swordsmanship is too poor."

… Damn it. Xin Ji couldn't laugh anymore. Originally, he thought this kid was silly and familiar with Gulin. If he could trick him into going with him, he could use him to explore the way when necessary. But he didn't want to be fooled.

Since he couldn't persuade Cheng Yi, Xin Ji had no choice but to leave. Qi Yanfeng looked at the direction he was going and was about to speak when Gu Pinglin stopped him with a look.

Duan Qingming smiled and said to Cheng Yi: "Senior Xin seems reluctant to let you go, why not ask him to come back."

Cheng Yi said "Oh", and immediately turned to the distance and shouted: "Hey, don't go, come back and help me find a house!"

No movement.

Cheng Yi said in frustration: "Leaving again?"

"That's such a pity." Duan Qingming sighed.

Qi Yanfeng moved to Gu Pinglin's side and said timidly, "I don't think Senior Xin is an honest man, and Senior Yan is also very fierce. You are with the demon cultivators... This is not good. Why do they claim to be serving my cousin?"

Duan Qingming heard this and turned around and said, "Of course they admire my talent and are willing to be my younger brothers."

"You're kidding me," Qi Yanfeng was amused, but he didn't ask too many questions, "They're all gone, aren't we going to look for them?"

"I have my own arrangements," Gu Pinglin said, "You can help Brother Cheng find a house first."

Qi Yanfeng was very smart and knew who was the most trustworthy. He agreed obediently and took Cheng Yi aside to discuss finding a house.

Seeing that Duan Qingming had no intention of asking, Gu Pinglin said, "Thank you very much."

Duan Qingming said: "You are so polite."

Gu Pinglin was indeed sincere. Yan Sen and Xin Ji wanted to get rid of the others, but they didn't know that he had already planned to get rid of them, so he agreed to act alone. No matter what his intentions were, he always saved himself the trouble: "The Cave of Fortune is on this sand. You and I just need to wait for the opportunity."

Duan Qingming was not surprised at all. He leaned over and picked up a handful of red sand. After a while, he stretched out his fingers to face the wind, watching the sand drip from his fingertips and fall to the ground. He exclaimed: "Using the earth's energy and veins to drive the mechanism, creating a sea change. If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to believe. Ancestor Baichuan, you have made me interested in breaking the boundary and fighting it."

Gu Pinglin asked: "Are you so confident that you can break through the realm?"

Duan Qingming asked back: "What about you?"

Gu Pinglin said: "I am as confident as you."

"Oh--" Duan Qingming raised his eyebrows, "Just because of your stagnant cultivation?"

Gu Pinglin was not angered. This was the nasty Duan Qingming in his previous life. No matter how eloquent he was in the outside world, he showed his sharp fangs in front of him and spit out his snake tongue tentatively. Gu Pinglin had long been accustomed to it. He ignored his provocation and hummed: "No need for you to worry."

Duan Qingming chuckled.