Rebirth of the Arch-nemesis

Chapter 34: wild ambition


Duan Qingming smiled and said, "What are you afraid of?"

This person followed him to do something bad. Seeing that Li Moqing had already entered the door, there was no time left, so Gu Pinglin put away his anger and asked, "What do you think I'm afraid of?"

Duan Qingming did not answer, but pulled Lian Feiyu and said with a smile: "Little friend surnamed Lian, although he does not want to accept you as his apprentice, it does not matter, as long as you are willing, you will still find a good master."

Lian Feiyu was shocked and looked at Pinglin: "Won't Daxiu accept me?"

Gu Pinglin really had no such plan, he just wanted to find an excuse to get him away. Not to mention that this boy had a special identity and would definitely bring big trouble, just looking at his wolfish ambitions in his previous life, he could not stay in the Lingxin Sect.

"Don't think about it," Duan Qingming turned Lian Feiyu's head to the side, "Look, how about that?"

Gu Pinglin tried to remain calm, stood up and bowed to the visitor: "Brother Li."

Li Moqing was wearing a black and white robe today, looking elegant and steady. Although his face looked pale and sickly, he had a peaceful temperament. He bowed to Gu Pinglin, then covered his mouth and coughed. He stopped for a long while, glanced at Duan Qingming, and said with a smile: "I was just looking for you two to talk, please."

Duan Qingming had already sat to the left of Gu Pinglin, Lian Feiyu retreated behind them, and Li Moqing sat down opposite Gu Pinglin.

Gu Pinglin held out his hand: "Wine."

"Alas, you treat me but let me pay for it. How can this be?" Duan Qingming sighed and took out another gourd.

As soon as he pulled out the cork, Li Moqing praised: "Good wine!"

Gu Pinglin poured wine for him and said, "From what Brother Li just said, could it be that Brother Li also has something to ask us?"

Li Moqing said: "I want to find Brother Duan."

Duan Qingming was surprised: "Oh? Looking for me?"

Li Moqing sighed: "You all know my situation. The Heavenly Sword is in my hands. It's really unfair to it."

"Brother Li, why do you say that?" Gu Pinglin said, "The Heavenly Sword has its reasons for choosing its master. Brother Li is belittling himself."

"Swordsmanship is not just about confidence, it also requires talent. You two are both swordsmen, so there's no need to be polite," Li Moqing smiled bitterly, put the black sword on the table, looked at Duan Qingming and said, "Such a good sword, and it treats me so well, how can I let it be covered in dust? This sword should belong to you."

Duan Qingming said: "Then you should also choose Junior Brother Gu."

Li Moqing laughed: "I believe this, Brother Duan himself doesn't believe it either. Only you can make it worthy of the name of Heavenly Sword."

Duan Qingming leaned back in his chair: "Sorry, I already have a sword that's better than this one."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Heavenly Sword on the table suddenly slid out of its sheath, a clear light flashed, and the majestic sword intent rushed straight towards him! The wrath of the Heavenly Sword was well-deserved. Gu Pinglin, who was standing next to him, was startled and immediately released the sword intent to protect the people around him.

Li Moqing hurriedly reached out to close the scabbard, and the sword intent disappeared.

Gu Pinglin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Duan Qingming coldly.

It is not easy to anger the sword. This person seems to be unaccustomed to not seeking death every day. If he had not blocked it in time just now, I am afraid that he would have been mentally hurt by the sword's intent.

"Oh, you have such a bad temper," Duan Qingming laughed. "Look, even if I want to, it won't work for me."

Unexpectedly, he would easily anger Tianjian. Li Moqing was helpless: "This..."

Gu Pinglin said: "The intention of the Heavenly Sword is clear. If Brother Li refuses again, he will not only fail it, but also despise it."

"But I..." Li Moqing was silent for a moment, and said, "I can't use it to perform the strongest Yinlan swordsmanship. I really can't bear to see such a good sword become a useless thing with me."

Gu Pinglin said: "Brother Li is worried about nothing but pulse disease."

It's nothing but a pulse disease? Li Moqing shook his head. Pulse disease has troubled the Li family for generations. He has a good relationship with the Medical Saint, so he barely took a few more pulses, but it can only go this far.

"Brother Li, don't worry." Gu Pinglin handed him a pottery bottle. "This thing may help you."

Li Moqing was puzzled and picked up the pottery bottle: "This is..."

"It's Lingshi Milk," Duan Qingming said, "You still have such a good thing."

“Spiritual Stone Milk!” Li Moqing lost his voice. Because of his excitement, he covered his mouth and coughed for a long time. He then put the Spiritual Stone Milk back in front of Gu Pinglin and said in a low voice, “This is too precious! No merit, no reward. Even if the Li family spent all their wealth, they might not be able to buy this.”

Gu Pinglin asked, "Brother Li, are you willing to exchange all your wealth for this bottle of spiritual stone milk?"

Of course, they are willing to do it if it can cure pulse diseases. The Li family can do without anything. As long as the Yinlan swordsmanship is still there, what are they afraid of? Li Moqing looked at the spiritual stone milk and did not answer: "This thing is too precious. It will be very beneficial to your future path. Why are you willing to sell it to me?"

He was not blinded by the immediate benefits and was on guard. This person was not simple. Gu Pinglin said, "I was only entrusted by a senior named Zhang Yan."

"Senior Zhang!" Li Moqing stood up excitedly, "He's still alive. Where is he?"

Gu Pinglin said: "We only met once, I don't know."

Li Moqing was silent and sat down again.

Gu Pinglin was telling the truth. Zhang Yan was the sworn brother of Li Moqing's father. He disappeared in a secret realm in his early years and his life or death was unknown. Gu Pinglin was just using his name to do this favor.

Li Moqing asked: "What does he look like?"

Gu Pinglin smiled and said, "Fair complexion, square chin, and a black mole on the corner of his eyebrow."

Seeing that he was right, Li Moqing breathed a sigh of relief and took the spiritual stone milk: "Thank you, Brother Gu. I will remember this favor."

There was hope that his pulse disease could be cured, and that the Yinlan family would be revived. He was truly delighted, his eyes were bright and brilliant, and his handsome face had a bit more color.

Lian Feiyu suddenly asked: "Are you the head of the Li family?"

Li Moqing was stunned for a moment, then said gently: "I am, you..."

Lian Feiyu quickly walked up to him and knelt down: "Please accept me, Li Daxiu. I am willing to be a slave of the Li family, and serve you like a cow or a horse."

"Oh?" Li Moqing was surprised, "Why do you want to follow me?"

"I want to learn Silver Orchid Swordsmanship."

Li Moqing looked at Gu Pinglin and the other man. Gu Pinglin did not say anything. Duan Qingming introduced him, "We just met. This kid was eager to learn the truth and was deceived by someone. Junior brother saved him."

Li Moqing thought for a moment and asked, "Why do you learn swordsmanship?"

Lian Feiyu clenched his fist and bowed his head, saying, "Revenge. Yinlan swordsmanship is the best swordsmanship in the world. I want to kill my enemy."

Li Moqing frowned and said, "Silver Orchid Swordsmanship is not for revenge. You are too violent and not suitable for learning it. Go somewhere else."

"I won't go!" Lian Feiyu suddenly raised her face and stared at him. "They caused our family to be hunted down for generations. We never had a peaceful day. Everyone in my family died and I am the only one left. I am still being bullied. If it weren't for them, how could I become like this! Why can't I take revenge?"

Seeing that he was in tattered clothes and had injuries on his body, he must have suffered a lot. Li Moqing was silent for a while and asked, "What's your name?"

Lian Feiyu saw hope and kowtowed, "My name is Lian Feiyu."

Li Moqing nodded: "Well, come back with me first."

He is indeed a kind-hearted person. In his previous life, he was almost ruined by this evil disciple, and he had no intention of killing him. Gu Pinglin watched this coldly and suddenly said, "Lan Feiyu, since you want to be my disciple, why don't you use your real name?"

Upon hearing this name, Lian Feiyu's face changed drastically.

The young monk in front of him didn't say anything else, but just stared at him with a smile, his cold big eyes seemed to have seen through everything. The feeling of oppression made him tremble with fear and he couldn't help but tremble.

"I..." He wanted to refute, but was too weak to continue, with cold sweat breaking out on his back.

The little wolf cub is still young and can be easily frightened. Gu Pinglin slowly poured another glass of wine. This boy is not called Lian Feiyu at all, but his surname is Lan. He changed his surname to avoid being hunted down by both good and evil. In the past, the eight major sects surrounded and suppressed the illusion of the sky. The devil Lan Gu escaped with the forbidden heart secret book and was severely injured by the sword formation of the Yinlan Li family. Lan Feiyu is the descendant of Lan Gu and has the forbidden heart secret book. In his previous life, he was taken in by Li Moqing by chance and became Li Moqing's only disciple. Li Moqing taught him with all his strength. This boy lived up to expectations. The Yinlan swordsmanship regained its glory in the world of cultivation. Everyone envied Li Moqing for having such a good disciple, but they didn't know that this boy came for revenge. On Li Moqing's wedding night, this boy killed the bride Wei, kidnapped Li Moqing, and defected to the Wanfamen of the magic sect. He became the famous guardian of the Wanfamen, which can be called a wolf ambition. Later, Li Moqing fled back to Yinlan Manor alone, and from then on, he closed the door to visitors and never mentioned anything. At that time, he was not tolerated by the righteous way of cultivation, and because of his master's teachings, he disdained to join the evil way. This boy took the initiative to find cooperation and help him deal with Duan Qingming, on the condition that he let him use the Creation Art to cure Li Moqing's pulse disease. At least he still had some humanity.

However, Li Moqing refused his own treatment.

Until he exploded, he had not completed the deal. In this life, he had the chance to repay the favor. The Creation Art must not be leaked. It would cause too much trouble. Only Lingshi Ru could help. The funny thing was that this favor came from Lan Feiyu in his previous life. If Lan Feiyu had a hint of remorse at that time, Li Moqing would probably have been comforted.

Gu Pinglin looked at Li Moqing. This man was not stupid and should understand what he meant.

Li Moqing was stunned for a while, then asked, "Is your last name Lan?"

Lan Feiyu trembled slightly and whispered, "Yes."

Li Moqing was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "Forget it, Lan Feiyu, if you are willing to stay with me in Shengong Valley for 20 years, I will accept you as my apprentice."

Lan Feiyu was still young, so he thought he hadn't discovered his identity. He breathed a sigh of relief and kowtowed repeatedly: "I am willing. Disciple greets Master!"

Li Moqing nodded to signal him to stand up, and then he also stood up: "Brother Gu, Brother Duan, let's say goodbye today. We will meet again when we are out of the valley."

Gu Pinglin did not agree with his choice, but did not persuade him. This result was the same as in the previous life. He and he were already close friends. Since he had made his decision, he had no reason to interfere in their master-disciple relationship. Fortunately, his pulse disease had healed, and he knew Lan Feiyu's identity, so he should be able to prevent any trouble.

Duan Qingming bowed and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Brother Li, for getting such a good disciple."

Li Moqing smiled and left with Lan Feiyu. As soon as he left, Gu Pinglin and the others also followed him out of the restaurant and went straight back to the inn.

"I'm curious. You know a lot."

"I'm more curious, when will you succeed in seeking death?"

"It would be difficult if you were to protect me."

Gu Pinglin glanced at him and taunted: "You want me to protect you, are you my senior brother or am I your senior brother?"

Duan Qingming immediately said, "Senior Brother."

Gu Pinglin was choked. He really couldn't connect this person with the one in his memory. After a while, he said, "Duan Liu is so shameless."

Duan Qingming smiled and said, "You always speak so harshly."

Gu Pinglin said nothing more, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly forward.

This person's reaction to the flaws he revealed was somewhat unpredictable. Ling Shi Ru, Zhang Yan, Lan Fei Yu, Li Mo Qing... Including the name "Zhi Yan Jiu", there should be no outside news at this time. When he called them out to his face, he didn't show any obvious reaction.

Could it be...

Ever since coming out of seclusion, this person's attitude seemed to have changed. The coincidence of the famous Feng Sword made Gu Pinglin doubt that his ability to live again meant that it was not impossible for him.

This person would not easily forget the flaws he accidentally revealed at the beginning. In this case, he might as well show him more flaws, but it was obvious that the test did not achieve the desired effect.

If he showed a hint of surprise and doubt, it would mean that he really did not remember anything about his past life. However, his reaction was too vague, half true and half false, as if he knew nothing, and yet as if he knew everything.

And who can guarantee that he is not pretending to be like this? He is deliberately using this to disturb his emotions.

Gu Pinglin smiled.

If it is a disguise, then my advantage is too great, because no matter how good the disguise is, it is still a disguise, and some things are always real.