Rebirth of the Beloved Princess

Chapter 71: Princess Jin comes to visit


Early in the morning, Yongninghou Mansion was busy.

Princess Jin handed over a greeting card the day before yesterday, saying she wanted to visit Mrs. Yongninghou. Since King Jin returned to Beijing, many aristocratic families wanted to make friends. However, King Jin kept a very low profile on weekdays, and even Princess Jin rarely showed up.

There must be some reason why he took the initiative to visit today.

Mrs. Lin has been a little uneasy since she received the post. Her son has been missing for the past few days, so she doesn't even have a chance to ask.

It was approaching noon when Princess Jin arrived belatedly. She was not the only one who arrived, but also Mrs. Zhongyongbo.

Mrs. Lin is somewhat related to Mrs. Zhongyong Bo. In terms of seniority, Mrs. Huang is still her cousin.

Princess Jin was wearing a lavender flowing brocade gown, a gold phoenix hairpin with beads on her head, and vertical wrinkles between her eyebrows, showing that this princess must be a serious person at ordinary times. And this is also true. Mrs. Zhongyongbo was chatting with Lin along the way, while Princess Jin just listened indifferently.

The Yongning Hou family welcomed them into the main hall, and after the maids brought them refreshments, Mrs. Zhongyong explained her purpose of coming, which was actually for the marriage of Crown Prince Yongning.

Hearing the mention of her son's marriage, Mrs. Lin looked at Princess Jin calmly, and then said apologetically: "Mrs. Uncle, maybe you don't know, but my son has already been engaged, and we will get married next year."

Princess Jin was obviously not very satisfied with this answer. She frowned, raised her eyebrows high, and asked, "I wonder which family's young lady Madam Hou has chosen for the prince's fiancée?"

"She is the legitimate daughter of Mr. Gu's family."

"Gu family? Never heard of it. Could it be that I've been away from Beijing for so long that I don't know about any prominent family in Beijing?" Princess Jin said with a hint of sarcasm.

Even if Mr. Lin has a good temper, he will inevitably be unhappy after hearing such words. She was the one who chose her daughter-in-law. Mr. Xue saved her life and they hit it off immediately, so she chose this marriage for her son with the consent of Marquis Yongning.

Although the Gu family is not a prominent family, their daughter is well-educated and her son is also very interested in this marriage. How could she be happy now that there was an outsider coming to point fingers

After all, the other party is the princess. Even if she is unhappy in her heart, Lin

Without showing it on her face, she just explained calmly: "When we first got engaged, the Marquis and I were only interested in the girl's character, not her family."

The smile on Mrs. Zhongyong Bo's face did not change when she heard this. Marriage between bad people was quite taboo, but Princess Jin found her way, and the uncle's house wanted to win over Prince Jin, so naturally they could not give up such a good opportunity.

One of her concubines is married to the second wife of the Gu family. Naturally, she knows a lot about the recent affairs of the Gu family.

Others might find this matter difficult, but for her it was easy.

"Mrs. Hou's words make sense. I have also heard of the girl from the Gu family. She is indeed a good one. But after all, this marriage is a matter of marrying two surnames. Good people are one thing, but the most important thing is that everything goes well with the family. It's not me. This elder likes to talk about people behind their backs, but something happened to the Gu family recently, which makes people really disagree. "

Mrs. Lin showed no emotion or anger and just said, "Mrs. Uncle, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Mrs. Huang glanced at Princess Jin with a hidden look and said, "It can be considered a family scandal. Madam Hou may know that I have a concubine who married the second wife of the Gu family. It was also my son-in-law who failed to live up to his expectations and married a woman. His eldest brother actually took him back to his house. Now that the incident has happened, the eldest brother refuses to acknowledge the child born to that woman, and actually wants to dispose of him privately. If that unsatisfactory girl of mine hadn't begged me to come here, he would have insisted on keeping her. That child had a life, but now that child is probably gone. "

After Mrs. Zhongyongbo finished speaking, Lin was speechless. Princess Jin glanced at the corner of her mouth, obviously disdainful of what happened to the Gu family.

Which family doesn't have such secrets in the backyard, but it is rarely known to outsiders. In the final analysis, it is not a big deal, but Gu Yong has always had a good reputation outside. Now it was suddenly reported that he and his second brother had robbed a woman, and even the child was not spared after the incident. No matter how good-looking his daughter is, everyone still has to weigh it up just because he has such a father.

Although Mrs. Lin knew a lot about the Gu family, she couldn't find out about this kind of thing. In addition, Mrs. Xue never went back after going to Zhuangzi, so Mrs. Lin didn't have any objections to the Gu family.

If no one knew about this matter, Mrs. Lin would just turn a blind eye. But if Mrs. Zhongyongbo knew about it, and Princess Jin also knew about it, it would soon be no longer a secret in the circle of nobles. .

If the son insists on marrying a daughter of the Gu family, if the news spreads, he will be laughed at, and the reputation of the Yongning Marquis Mansion and the Gu family will be bad.

After all, Mrs. Lin has been Mrs. Hou for many years. Naturally, she will not show what she is thinking in her heart. She just nodded calmly and said, "I would like to thank Madam Bo for telling me so much. I will verify this matter myself."

Although Mrs. Lin remained calm, Mrs. Zhongyong Bo could see that she still listened and immediately smiled, "I have no other intention, I just don't want Mrs. Hou to be deceived. Besides, Qian Qian, a woman with good moral character in this world, Wan, why should Mrs. Hou be obsessed with a young lady from the Gu family?"

"This marriage was originally approved by my Marquis, and I, a woman, cannot make the decision."

Mrs. Lin kept evading, and Princess Jin looked a little impatient and said, "Since Mrs. Hou can't make the decision, you might as well bring what I said to the Marquis. Originally, I, Prince Jin, have no interest in intervening in other people's marriages. It’s just that the prince of your house has a physical relationship with your daughter in full view of the public. Now that your daughter is afraid of being gossiped about, she won’t even leave the house. Your house should at least give me an explanation.”

"What?" Mrs. Lin was shocked. She never expected that Princess Jin would say such words.

She wanted to say that this was a lie. As Princess Jin, she would never lie to her in this regard. That was what her son had really done.

Why did she offend the people from Prince Jin's Mansion, and Princess Jin only had a son and a daughter, so the daughter she was talking about was naturally Princess Anyang.

Lin, who is known as Princess Anyang, has also been told by others that she is the best choice regardless of her appearance and virtue. With her status, she will definitely have no worries about getting married.

"I won't bother you now. I hope your mansion will give you an answer soon." Princess Jin stood up, nodded slightly to Mrs. Lin, and was about to leave.

Lin did not stay as a visitor. After sending Princess Jin and Mrs. Zhongyong Bo away, she hurriedly called the steward of the Hou Mansion to find her eldest son.

Qi Lang has been outside in the house these days. When his subordinates said that his mother was looking for him and that Princess Jin came to visit, his face suddenly became unhappy.

Xiuye stood obediently behind Qi Lang and beat his shoulders, pretending not to hear the two of them talking. It wasn't until Qi Lang left in a hurry that she touched her belly, with a smile on her face, and whispered: "Be good. Baby, just wait a little longer, mother will definitely let you be born safely."

(End of chapter)