Rebirth of the Beloved Princess

Chapter 73: The Queen Mother makes the decision


"But mother-in-law, father-in-law said before that if Yongninghou refuses, this matter will be dropped. Will..."

"Don't worry. I will go to see the Queen Mother tomorrow and ask her to make the decision for you. I don't believe that you, a noble princess, can't compare to the daughter of a fourth-grade official."

After hearing Princess Jin's assurance, Shen Ying finally let go of her worries. The smile on her face was also brighter. Her face was full of expectations, looking forward to the day when she would become the wife of the Crown Prince of Yongning.

Gu Mingmou still didn't know that someone wanted to take over the identity she wanted to abandon immediately. At this time, she was sitting in Gu Yong's study, flipping through a miscellany on the desk, waiting for her father to appear.

Ever since Aunt Zhang's incident, Gu Yong suffered a lot of blows. In addition, Mrs. Gu threw a vase at her, and within a few days, she had white hair on her head.

Gu Mingmou didn't want to see him. Every time she saw him, she couldn't help but think of her mother who was forced to leave the Gu family. Although this was also related to her mother's deliberate indulgence, she still felt resentful in her heart.

After suffering enough losses from Aunt Ning and Aunt Zhang, she remembered her mother now. What had she been doing before

Gu Mingmou was naturally clear about Gu Yong's plan to find her today. Old Mrs. Gu collapsed, and the first and second bedrooms were in the same situation. Aunt Liu defended herself wisely, and the entire Gu Mansion lost its backbone in an instant. If it weren't for the fact that Gu Yong was still in the house to frighten her, we don't know what kind of chaos it would have become.

After only turning two pages of the miscellaneous notes in his hand, there was a knock on the door behind him. Sanqi, who was following Gu Mingmou, shook his hands, and a flash of white light flashed between his hands.

When the door opened and she saw that the person coming was Gu Yong, she casually put the things in her hands back into her sleeves.

The other two people in the room didn't notice her movements. Gu Yong saw his daughter sitting lazily on a chair, looking through miscellaneous notes, with extremely complicated eyes.

No father would want his daughter to see a joke. But this matter was unavoidable. Originally, his feelings for this daughter were very complicated. The father and daughter could not be said to be close, and were even very alienated. In addition, looking back at Jingxing's days, he had been suppressing his daughter for the sake of his son, and he was also a little cold towards her. But now I see my daughter’s lukewarm attitude

Du, there seemed to be a breath of anger brewing in his heart.

"What does father want from me?" Putting the book aside, Gu Mingmou sat on the chair and kept smiling.

Looking at the standard expression on the "guest" face, Gu Yong's heart froze, and he finally said after a while: "Your mother... is she okay?"

Gu Mingmou smiled when he heard the words, "Mom is very good in Zhuangzi. It is clean and cool there and the scenery is good. If she hadn't missed her grandmother and father, my daughter would also like to live there for a while."

These words made Gu Yong even more heartbroken. He could not feel the true feelings in his daughter's words at all, it was more like she was mocking him.

In fact, Gu Yong was really careless. Gu Mingmou didn't go to live with the Xue family. She was really just thinking about Mrs. Gu and Gu Yong. After all, there was a lot of fun at home. How could she miss such a good opportunity.

"No matter how good it is over there, it's not like it's in the mansion. Your mother has also been out for a while. I think..."

"My mother is not in good health. The doctor said that she should always be in a good mood. Zhuangzi is the best place to maintain her health. I guess my father is not in a hurry to bring my mother back, right?"

Gu Mingmou intercepted Gu Yong's words before they could finish, leaving him unable to say what he had not said.

Is it possible that he wants to refuse? This is ignoring his wife's health, but if he agrees, God knows when Xue's health will be restored.

With his wife's temper, if she can ignore him for more than ten years, it is entirely possible for her to live in Zhuangzi for the rest of her life.

When he thought of this possibility, Gu Yong's heart became empty and his face turned pale.

After a long time, he whispered: "Your mother's health is the most important thing. Let's wait until autumn to bring her back. After all, in winter, it's not as warm in the village as in the house."

Gu Mingmou smiled and nodded. Now he knew that he felt sorry for his mother. Why didn't he think so much when he had a son and drove his mother away

The so-called pitiable people must be hateful. In Gu Mingmou's opinion, her father is not worthy of pity. Even if he is unlucky now, it is his own fault.

Gu Mingmou had planned well for his mother, but an edict caused the plan to be completely disrupted.

The Queen Mother summoned Xue to enter the palace in three days.

With Xue's identity, there is currently no

Not qualified to enter the palace, let alone be recognized by the Queen Mother. This sudden decree caused chaos in the entire Gu family.

Gu Yong hurriedly sent someone to pick up Xue, but Gu Mingmou directly sent Sanqi to find Prince Heng.

Fortunately, Prince Heng has been staying in Bieyuan recently. That night, Xiuyue guarded her room at home, while Sanqi took her to Bieyuan under the cover of night.

After returning from the racecourse, Gu Mingmou deliberately avoided Prince Heng. Even if he revealed his intention to see her several times, she pretended not to hear him.

Sanqi was hypnotized by her once. After that, although she never deliberately controlled her, she would occasionally guide her. This will not cause a headache for oneself, and the control over people is not as powerful as the previous deliberate hypnosis, and it will not even be noticed by people. With Sanqi's sensitivity, he only feels unwell and occasionally dizzy.

Over time, Sanqi's hints gradually formed. In Sanqi's heart, she may not be comparable to Prince Heng, but she will not go against herself on some small things. So she didn't want to go. Sanqi never urged or forced her, or even mentioned it.

She believed that Shen Guiye must have noticed Sanqi's "rebellion", but there was no response from there, which made her feel relieved.

Sanqi's concealment plan at the racecourse made it difficult for her to trust the other person. If she couldn't control it, she would definitely not keep the person by her side.

A lot of pain in her previous life was caused by these eyes, and now they finally have a use. Although the effect is a little shallow, it is finally good for her.

People's hearts are fickle, and exchanging sincerity for sincerity is just a joke to her. She prefers to believe in safe means.

Probably because she was coming, Bieyuan didn't even arrange for patrolling guards. After sending her outside the main courtyard, Sanqi stopped.

Looking at the dark main courtyard, Gu Mingmou was really reluctant, but he had to go in. She wants things from others and is controlled by them. If she wants to get something, she needs to give something. She still understands this.

After all, it is a palace. The main courtyard alone is larger than several courtyards of ordinary people's homes. And I don't know what is wrong with Shen Guiye. He never puts out lanterns. As a result, the courtyard is dark. When Gu Mingmou walked inside, , I felt as if I was walking into the bloody mouth of a beast, and my hair stood on end all the way.

(End of chapter)