Rebirth of the Beloved Princess

Chapter 94: aware


Gu Mingyue had no contact with the Ning family at all, so why did she suddenly find a maid to get close to them? Could it be that there is a relationship between the Ning family and the Gu family that he doesn't understand

And the first time he and Gu Mingmou met, Gu Mingyue deliberately approached Bai Xinyi, but Gu Mingmou revealed her plan...

Thinking about it carefully, it's not just Gu Mingyue who seems to have something wrong, it seems that even his little girl seems to have some secret.

Shen Guiye narrowed his eyes. The girl had been silent recently. She had been too contented recently, probably because she had nothing to ask for from him recently. He is really a little white-eyed wolf. When he is needed, he runs diligently, coaxes softly, and comes with sweet words. When he is no longer needed, he discards him like a piece of shit, wishing he would never appear in front of his eyes again.

But who could tell that he just liked to see her heartless little appearance.

"Someone's coming."

"Your Majesty."

"Go and fetch Gu Mingmou."

The secret guard who received the order was immediately dumbfounded, "Now, now?" It's already almost time, why has the prince been thinking so often lately? "

"What?" Shen Guiye sounded impatient.

If he hadn't just passed fifteen and was still unwell, he would have gone there himself. Although Sanqi was there, it was still a bit risky to bring someone out rashly, but when he thought of her, he couldn't help but want to see her. He didn't want to wrong himself, so he could only torment Gu Mingmou.

When Gu Mingmou woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes and saw Shen Guiye holding him, he was completely confused.

The bed was changed as soon as I woke up, and there was an extra bed warmer. No matter how generous my heart is, I can't stand it!

Besides, there was the Ning family between her and Shen Guiye. This was the time when Gu Mingmou didn't want to see him the most, but he insisted on showing up.

Looking at this man's sleeping face, the surging emotions in Gu Mingmou's heart slowly calmed down. No matter how much resentment and grievance she had in her heart, she had to endure it because she couldn't afford to offend this person.

It was just hypocrisy and subterfuge, she could force herself to face Qi Lang, and there was nothing wrong with facing Shen Guiye, a person who had never harmed her. Wasn't it like this when she was in front of him before.

At most, it’s due to different stances and the feeling in my heart

It's just some unwillingness that has not dissipated. In the final analysis, it is still her self-righteous greed.

After thinking about it clearly, she was not as resistant as before, but she was also unwilling to get close to him. But now she was trapped in Shen Guiye's arms, and it was really difficult for her to escape without waking him up.

After exhausting all her strength and sweating on her forehead, she finally moved her legs out. Before she could make another move, Shen Guiye turned over and pressed her whole body back. **.

She couldn't bear the weight of an adult man. Gu Mingmou was on the verge of tears, which made her feel the crisis from the bottom of her heart.

Not to mention that she hasn't even grown hair yet, this man dares to steal her out of Gu's house in the middle of the night regardless of etiquette, and he still cares about her age

Because of fear, she did not dare to move even if she was overwhelmed. Afraid of waking someone up, he did this to himself.

But just because she didn't move didn't mean that Shen Guiye didn't move. Not only that, he was becoming more and more presumptuous. Gu Mingmou's face was so red that it felt like she could burn it. She finally couldn't help it, she bent her legs and was suppressed before she could make any move.

A joking low laughter came to my ears, "This can't be done."

The hand pressing her thigh moved restlessly on her leg, and Gu Mingmou realized that he had woken up a long time ago and had always done it on purpose.

Gu Mingmou secretly gritted her teeth, wishing to scratch the smile off his face. She smiled and said, "I heard the magpies chirping yesterday, so I only want good things to happen. Sure enough, I met the prince today."

Shen Guiye raised his eyebrows, "It turns out that in Tongtong's heart, seeing this king is a happy event, so why not just stay in the palace from now on."

Gu Mingmou's expression froze, and he laughed dryly: "The prince is joking."

Shen Guiye looked at him deeply, and the expression on his face did not look like he was joking. Gu Mingmu turned his head and refused to look at him.

Shen Guiye stared at her for a long time. Gu Mingmou felt uneasy in his heart. This person was moody and angry. If she was so ignorant of current affairs, she might make him angry again.

In the end, he was not angry, but just reached out and pinched the tender flesh on her face, and the weight on her body suddenly lightened.

Shen Guiye got up and didn't mention this matter again. Gu Mingmou was still a little confused. This didn't seem like it.

His character, maybe he was just joking? It was possible, after all, she had previously refused to enter Prince Heng's palace as a concubine to the Queen Mother, and he was not angry, and probably never thought of letting her enter the palace.

"Get up and have a meal, we have to go out soon."

"Go out, where are you going?" Gu Mingmou sat up, put her long hair to one side, raised her head in surprise and asked him, shouldn't she be sent home at this time

Shen Guiye smiled meaningfully at her, "Believe me, you will like it there."

"But if the family finds out that I'm not here..."

"Don't worry, no one will find out."

Out of his understanding of Shen Guiye, Gu Mingmou could only slowly nod his head and agree. Judging from his expression, the place he wanted to go to next probably had something to do with her.

She thought about it and couldn't figure out the key.

Breakfast was shared with him. Although he felt upset when he saw it, it did not hinder Gu Mingmou's good appetite. She must admit that Prince Heng's cooking skills were really good, which made her used to stop eating when she was eighty full. I have long forgotten this habit.

Finally, she realized that Shen Guiye had been staring at her, and Gu Mingmou put down his chopsticks unhappily.

"I made the prince laugh, because I was so happy to see the prince, so I ate more."

Shen Guiye smiled and said, "Eat more, you are too thin." After saying this, he glanced at her with meaning.

The smile on Gu Mingmou's face froze. It was normal for her to be flat even before she had haircut!

Seeing that she had finished eating, the waiter waiting at the side of the Hengqin Dynasty glanced at her. Not long after the waiter left, he came back with a small bowl of milk and placed it respectfully in front of Gu Mingmou.

Gu Mingmou touched his belly, picked up the milk and smelled it. A sweet fragrance came to his nostrils, and then he took a small sip, and then drank the rest of the milk in the bowl without anyone trying to persuade him.

"Take the prescription when you go back, and drink a bowl every day from now on."

Gu Mingmou nodded and accepted it happily. She really liked the taste, and she had heard earlier that milk was good for the body. It's a pity that she has lived two lifetimes and still can't understand the man's pursuit, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy to accept this gift.

(End of chapter)