Rebirth of the Black-bellied Princess Mo

Chapter 838: Special physique


As the group of people gradually approached, Xia Chu had already stepped out of Shiliting Pavilion and greeted them.

As soon as the raven followed, he saw Xia Chu's figure flashing past, and he had already rushed up and hugged the leader tightly.

Under the torch, the familiar face turned out to be Zhao Xingwen.

"You kid, you know how many people have suffered so much that you have trouble sleeping and eating..."

Xia Chu cursed a few times and hugged him impatiently. After letting him go, he cursed a few more words and then hugged him again.

It wasn't until Xiao Mubai coughed twice that Xia Chu let go of his hand.

"I met grandpa secretly on my way back to Beijing. I wanted to give Wen Shu a surprise so I didn't report back to Beijing. The fifth prince even asked someone to escort me back. I don't need them to escort me." After speaking, Zhao Xingwen turned and pointed at the man behind him. Four people.

"Let's come in and explain what's going on." Xiao Mubai walked into the pavilion.

Xia Chu originally wanted to take Zhao Xingwen and go directly back to Zhao Mansion to see Huo Wenshu.

Seeing that Xiao Mubai had already spoken, she thought it was time for Huo Wenshu to rest at this moment, so within a moment and a half, she pulled Zhao Xingwen into the pavilion and asked him to explain the whole story.

It turned out that that night, Zhao Xingwen sent condolences all the way until he entered the outermost tent. He happened to catch up with Chi Na blowing smoke into the tent. He was still asking about his injuries and the soldiers were shouting in the tent.

In an instant, the Zhao family soldiers fell to the ground and fell unconscious one after another.

Only Zhao Xingwen was still conscious. In desperation, he blew a whistle and went out of the tent to check.

Chi Na was still blowing smoke in other tents, but something went wrong and alarmed Zhao Jiajun. In a panic, the remaining tents did not dare to make any more decisions, and quickly ordered his subordinates to kick the drum containing pine oil until the whistle sounded. Over there at the tent, quickly throw down a fire and then retreat.

The fire suddenly burst into flames.

Zhao Jiajun was alerted by the whistle and had already come to check. Zhao Xingwen saw that someone had come to check, so he rode up and followed Chi Na all the way.

The raging fire burning behind him made Zhao Xingwen's murderous intention burst into the sky. He chased all the way to Kangyi single-handedly and killed Chi Na on his own. However, because he had been entangled with the group of people led by Chi Na for too long, After hearing the news, the Mongolian army stationed in Kangyi came and captured him.

At that time, Zhao Xingwen was already covered with wounds after fighting hard. The Mongolian army wanted to keep him in charge because he had killed Chi Na.

Therefore, he did not kill him immediately and threw him into the prisoner's cell casually.

After Zhao Xingwen woke up, he touched his body and found that the rare medicine given by Xia Chu was still hidden in the inner pocket he carried. He swallowed it dry and did not die from his injuries.

As a captured general, he naturally would not reveal his identity and only planned to wait for an opportunity to escape. Little did he know that at that time, people in the Zhao family camp had already mistakenly thought that he had been caught in the smoke and perished in the sea of fire.

Later, he was imprisoned in Kangyi City. It was not until Wugetai returned to Kangyi after saying goodbye to Xia Chu and others in Fengwu and returned to the city in compliance with the agreement that someone mentioned him to Wugetai and reported him Killing Chi Na.

After hearing the cause and effect, Wu Getai became interested in him and asked, "Why didn't you get smoked?"

Zhao Xingwen turned his head away and said, "How do I know?"

Wu Getai saw that although his body was dirty, his body was still strong. It was not like what they reported, he had experienced a lot of fighting and was seriously injured and was about to die.

He became more and more interested in Zhao Xingwen's physique, so he asked someone to bring some smoke and smoke him inside the tent.

After about an hour when even an elephant would have fainted, Wugetai opened the curtain and went in. He saw Zhao Xingwen scolding anyone who came in, "What the hell? You Mongolian people treat the captives with the intention of killing them." , can you please be happy?"

"Fifth Prince, the smoke seems to have no effect on him. It's really miraculous." The soldier who lifted the curtain reported to the Wugetai.

When Zhao Xingwen heard that he was the fifth prince, he was stunned for a moment. On the day Wugetai entered the capital, he was picked up by Bingwen and he had seen him from a distance on Yayue Pavilion.

But the distance was too far, not to mention that he had been grounded for a long time and had just been released to meet Huo Wenshu. There was no room for others in his eyes.

Therefore, he knew Wugetai, but he was very vague about his appearance.

Later, when I followed General Zhao to Fengwu, I heard him mention that he had rescued the fifth prince of the Mongolian people and sent him back to Chang'an. Why did this man suddenly come to Kangyi

Zhao Xingwen called tentatively: "Wugetai?"

Wugetai was originally just interested in his special physique. Suddenly he heard that such a prisoner could call out his name. His brows tightened and his eyes became cold. He was pulled out and looked at carefully. Him: "Who are you?"

Seeing his hesitant expression and his wandering eyes, Wugetai shut out everyone and talked to him alone.

After finding out his identity, Wugetai was willing to repay General Zhao a favor.

What's more, Zhao Xingwen affects more than just General Zhao's favors.

To this end, he also specially arranged for someone to escort him all the way to show his sincerity.

After Xiao Mubai heard the whole story, he pursed his thin lips and glanced at the four people following him.

Wugetai showed this sincerity to him in a pretentious manner...

"Why didn't you get caught in the smoke?" Zhao Xingwen was seriously injured and survived after taking the medicine given by Xia Chu. Xiao Mubai could understand this.

But he never figured it out about the smoke.

"I really don't know. I smelled it, but I didn't feel anything at all. Maybe it's because their Mongolian smoke isn't refreshing?" Zhao Xingwen scratched his head.

"Not exciting? Everyone else in the tent fainted, but you're the only one okay?" Xiao Mubai snorted.

"I probably know the reason." Xia Chu stood there with his head held high and a look of pride on his face.

"What's the reason?" Zhao Xingwen and Xiao Mubai both looked at him and said in unison.

Xia Chu said to Zhao Xingwen: "Do you still remember that one time you came to the Hou Mansion for dinner and went to Yunqiyuan to wake me up."

Zhao Xingwen nodded. He naturally remembered that after the beating, he never wanted to stay in the Hou Mansion for dinner. But what does this have to do with the reason

Xiao Mubai's eyes lit up after hearing Xia Chu's question: "Could it be..."

Xia Chu nodded to Xiao Mubai, and Xiao Mubai also looked astonished. Seeing the mutual understanding between the two in Zhao Xingwen's eyes, he became more and more confused.

"You should tell me why. He said no, and you nodded. I don't know why?" Zhao Xingwen felt that his IQ had been crushed, and he was very frustrated.

Xia Chu turned to him and smiled narrowly: "Do you still remember how you spent the night after dinner at the Marquis Mansion?"

Zhao Xingwen slapped the stone table and suddenly stood up: "I squatted on horseback and smoked the hypnotic incense all night!"

(End of chapter)