Rebirth of the Black-bellied Princess Mo

Chapter 840: Study backyard


The wind blowing from all directions caused the curtains to fluctuate, and the bright candles in the hall also swayed.

Xiao Mubai's stubborn face held back a look of unwillingness, and he bowed down and resigned angrily.

"Your Majesty, why are you doing this?" Xia Chu also hurriedly saluted, turned around and chased after him.

The emperor faced Xiao Mubai's back and repeated again: "You go, I will issue an order tomorrow morning after you leave."

When Eunuch Li saw the two of them leaving, he entered the Qingxin Palace and waited in front of them. Seeing the emperor with his arms akimbo, he quickly brought a cup of tea and offered it: "Why should the emperor be angry with these two children?"

The emperor snorted: "I don't believe it. With that girl Chu'er taking control, he can really be willing to pat his butt and return to Chongqing."

Eunuch Li followed his words and flattered him: "That's natural. His Royal Highness King Mo has a resolute temper. The emperor's trick to attack the heart is really wonderful."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly and took the tea cup with a very proud look on his face. After thinking about it, he put the tea cup back again: "I won't drink anymore. Go to bed. It's getting late."

Seeing that his anger was gradually fading, Eunuch Li originally wanted to ask Xiao Yanjun whether he could enter the imperial mausoleum now that he was demoted to a commoner, but when he saw that he was feeling sleepy, he swallowed his words again.

Under the long night, from a distance, the harem was shrouded in darkness. Only a few palace lanterns were lit in front of the Qingxin Hall behind it, illuminating the vermilion door walls and columns.

Han Sa held a lantern and led the way. Xia Chu and Xiao Mubai did not leave the palace, but went to the direction of Yongning Palace.

Although the emperor secretly encouraged Xiao Mubai to succeed to the throne, in the past few days, he did not openly show any dissatisfaction with Xiao Zimu.

As the crown prince, Xiao Zimu not only stabilized the hearts of his subjects during the period of quelling the chaos, but also did an outstanding job in pacifying them after the chaos was quelled.

In addition, he is humble and kind, and now he is praised both inside and outside the palace.

The emperor was also very satisfied with his behavior of not staying in the East Palace until today.

In the past few days, while pretending to be lying on the bed, Xiao Zimu also came to visit every day. In the heart of the cold emperor, he was very relieved by this filial piety.

The emperor asked himself, if Xiao Zimu was a ruler in the prosperous times, he could also be a benevolent king.

But if he were to dominate the world, he would inevitably be more than a little inferior to Xiao Mubai.

Xiao Zimu had already received the news of their two meetings today, but he didn't expect that he would wait until the end of the moonlight.

He leaned against the window of the study and looked at a rockery in front of the window. Under the rockery was a pool of clear water, and the moss on the rocks was green under the moonlight. Behind the rockery, there were continuous plum trees planted.

"Your Highness, the prince and the young master are here."

The thought of Xin Ya's slightly joyful report outside the room interrupted Xiao Zimu's thoughts outside the window.

With a creak, the door opened from the inside, and Xiao Zimu saw the two of them walking side by side.

Xia Chu saw him waving his hands warmly and said as he walked: "I'm a little late. I kept Zi Mu waiting for a long time."

Xiao Zimu's eyes swept across Xiao Mubai and landed on Xia Chu, with a gentle smile on his face: "Since you admit your mistake, you should punish yourself with three drinks."

Xiao Mubai's cold voice spoke from the side: "He can't drink today."

Xiao Zimu frowned suspiciously, and Xia Chu smiled shyly and said, "It's true that I can't drink. Let's talk about it after we go in."

The two of them had already arrived at the door of the study room. Xiao Zimu invited them in. Xia Chu saw the food and wine prepared on the table on the right, pursed his lips and said, "We are here to say goodbye. We have to travel all night. Today is the time." The wine is free, next time.”

Xiao Zimu's expression became more and more suspicious: "You are leaving Chang'an overnight? How could it be so sudden? Is it the emperor's order?"

Now everything is peaceful, the emperor has properly handled everything, and the rebellious Shi family army has been divided into the armies of Zhao, Gu and King Mo.

The replaced soldiers formed an army again, temporarily led by General Zhao, and stationed in the new city.

Xiao Mubai wouldn't leave Beijing overnight in order to retrain the tens of thousands of Shi family rebels who had been allocated, right

"Your Majesty doesn't know, and tomorrow, Zi Mu will have to pretend not to know." Although Xia Chu couldn't drink, he could still take a few bites of the food.

Xiao Zimu was awarded the title of Crown Prince and had been in a high position for four months. He was no longer the young man who had nothing to do with government affairs.

Although Xia Chu didn't say much, he could vaguely guess what was going on.

Although he didn't know about the promise the emperor had made to the Hou Mansion back then, he had heard Concubine Lian mention it. Could it be that the two of them left Beijing overnight because they couldn't resist the pressure from the emperor and were preparing to elope

"Ah Chu, there is a plum forest planted behind my study. Why don't you go take a look." Although Xiao Zimu was speaking to Xia Chu, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Mubai.

Xia Chu was still holding the delicacies from the imperial dining room. After hearing this, he knew that Xiao Zimu had something to say to Xiao Mubai alone, so he followed his wishes and agreed: "Then I would like to Go and enjoy it."

Xin Ya was still chatting with Han Sa outside the house. When he saw Xia Chu coming out of the house, he hurriedly greeted him: "Little master, what is missing? Just tell your subordinates to find it."

Xia Chu leaned forward and lowered her voice in his ear: "The two brothers want to have some secrets and send me out to see Merlin."

"That Merlin is a newly transplanted one. Please come here, young master."

Xin Ya went to the front to lead the way. When he saw Han Sa, he was about to follow him. He immediately stopped him: "Why are you following? We are waiting at the door."

Xia Chu also waved to Han Sa, making him take back the steps he had just taken.

Xin Ya deliberately stopped Han Sa, but it was actually a bit selfish. He led Xia Chu to the backyard of the study, and said as he walked: "When His Highness rebuilt the Qingxin Palace, he specially built a place to enjoy the scenery here for the young master. It’s arranged according to your past preferences.”

The garden consists of a row of hibiscus hedges, a bamboo forest on the left, and a promenade on the right with a grape vine trellis. A rockery is built in the middle, leading to the water channel from the outside. There is a small pond with running water and many red and yellow carps. There are several iris trees beside the pond, which are fresh and lovely.

There is a small garden next to it, with several borders of orchids and sycamore trees. The Jinshui River leads to the back of the palace, and the calamus trees are everywhere. To the back, at the end of the corridor is a plum forest.

"It's midsummer now, not flower season. His Highness said when he transplanted that when the plum blossoms are in full bloom, you can see her smiling among the bushes." Xin Ya tried to remind Xiao Zimu of early summer, which is why he didn't want to be cold The reason why Sa followed.

"Zi Mu is really interested. When the flowers bloom next year, let's invite Mu Bai to come with us to enjoy the flowers and make wine." Xia Chu Qiao smiled sweetly, not understanding the implication at all.

The corner of Xin Ya's mouth twitched. Seeing that he really knew nothing, he felt even more sorry for Xiao Zimu's sincerity. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward: "Little master, I want to take you to a place. "

(End of chapter)