Rebirth of the Craziest Female Student

Chapter 262: Military Department, new mission 5


Di Junxie was very satisfied.

[Ding! Peach blossom value +10!]

After changing into her pajamas, without waiting for anyone to respond, Di Junxie grabbed her slender waist, hugged her tightly, and rolled into the bed together.

"Hey you!"

"Shh, baby, go to sleep, be good."

Di Junxie closed his eyes in satisfaction, and the rest of Ye Yunxi really wanted to scratch Hua Hua's handsome face.



Rolling her eyes fiercely, she broke free from someone's claws, rolled to the side and closed her eyes to sleep.

Since she left school, her b-status is still rising, and +10+10 pops up from time to time. It has increased by more than 2,000 in just a few hours. It seems that Hades and Qiuqiu have helped her increase a lot of b-status .

That's not bad, people don't show up to pets, maybe she can consider raising a few more pets.

Thinking about it, Ye Yunxi yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until he fell asleep that the sleeping man next to him suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his long arms, and stubbornly pulled him into his arms. Then he hooked the corners of his mouth and closed his eyes to sleep.

After a good night's dream, when Ye Yunxi opened his eyes the next day, he found that there was nothing around him.

Di Junxie took the time to adjust his collar, and threw her a coat by the way.


And it's a long suit collar windbreaker that can cover all the way to the calf.

Yeyunxi: ...

"Wear it for me?"


"Then why didn't you give it to me last night??"

It made her think that she was going to go out and take a plane with her waist exposed! ! !

"Because I'm going out to meet people today."

Ye Yunxi laughed angrily at what Dijun said heresy.

You are not a human being, what do you mean?


Young Master Di shook his finger, I am your man, you can watch it, outsiders, no!


Suddenly I feel itchy and want to hit someone! !

"Set off!"

Young Master Di curled his lips in satisfaction, and strode away.

Ye Yunxi could only fasten her belt, wrap herself completely in the black windbreaker, and raise her legs to follow.

Luxury car, handsome and domineering man, glamorous and noble beauty, the combination of the two is a match made in heaven, attracting people in the airport to watch.


A few bodyguard-like people in black clothes and black sunglasses hurried over.

"Special Assistant Jin!"

Her current identity is the personal assistant of the president, Jin Yaojin's special assistant.

"Well, you came too late, according to the schedule, you should be ten minutes earlier!"

Ye Yunxi fully integrated into the role, criticizing these irresponsible bodyguards with his hips on his hips.

Bodyguards: ...

Do you want to get into the role so quickly

"Okay, let's go quickly, don't delay the plane!"

The bodyguards twitched their lips and looked at Young Master Di.

Di Junxie hooked the corners of his lips: "Whatever Special Assistant Jin says, you do!"

Typical Zhou Youwang! !

Everyone twitched their lips and followed silently.

The large troops boarded the plane in a mighty way, and the cabin was reserved.

Sitting comfortably on the seat, Young Master Di ordered a special assistant to serve him personally.

"Change the channel."

Ye Yunxi could only accept his fate and change the channel.

"This wine is not authentic, change it to coffee."

Put on cat feces coffee, and Ye Yunxi looked at it while stirring it, imagining that it could stir up a lump of oatmeal.

"Suddenly a little cold."

Di Junxie stared at someone's fair and slender neck with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I'm going to get the blanket."

Before the person moved, he was pulled into the warm chest, Di Junxie hugged him tightly, and smiled: "With you, what blanket do you want?"


Isn't this task done!

Don't let anyone stop her, she's about to run away! !

[Ding! Peach blossom value +10!]

Yeyunxi: ...

p! ! !

(here p zooms in and dominates the screen)