Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 104: The domain name has been bought!


Xu Yiyang feels that if his operation can be well executed, the feasibility of investing in Alibaba will be at least 80%.

If this method still doesn't work, then you can't give up and think of other methods.

E-commerce is one of the pillar industries of the future Internet industry. If you cannot grasp it, you will be as uncomfortable as Tencent failed to grasp e-commerce and Alibaba failed to grasp social networking.

In the Internet industry, it is impossible to grow into a giant by relying on a single business. Only an industrial cluster like an aircraft carrier formation can become a giant.

For example, Tencent and Alibaba, in addition to their main social networking and e-commerce businesses, both engage in games, movies, novels, and online videos. They also engage in taxi-hailing, takeout, word-of-mouth, payment, financial management, cloud computing, and other businesses.

In addition, each of these two giants has invested in a large number of various companies outside, and is also incubating countless projects internally.

Only in this way can we ensure that our status as a giant is not affected.

The reason why these two giants have been fighting like rotten pears in the next ten years or so is that each of them has a core business that the other cannot handle.

Moreover, everyone wants to destroy the other party's core business while keeping their own core business unaffected.

In fact, this relationship is a bit like Hong Xing Chen Haonan in Young and Dangerous and Brother Crow from East Star.

No matter where you put these two, they can fight.

Even if they can't fight, they still have to overturn the table.

For such two people, as soon as their temper gets the better of them, even if they don't eat the meal, the table will be turned over.

In the end, everyone was hungry, and another table of good food was wasted. What was the point of

If Xu Yiyang successfully invests in Alibaba, it will be equivalent to putting Chen Haonan and Crow Crow in the same club, which is actually a good thing for them both.

After all, these two giants often fell into meaningless wars of attrition in later generations, biting each other and refusing to let go, but neither could kill the other.

At that time, I can at least mediate and reduce mutual consumption between the two companies.

There is no place to use your energy. You can expand overseas. There is no need to work hard at home.

Moreover, if Xu Yiyang fails to invest in Alibaba, Alibaba will definitely become Tengxun's trouble in the future.

And since he is the major shareholder of Tengxun, once Alibaba becomes a problem, it will naturally delay him from making money.

Therefore, if you cannot be a friend, you must be an enemy.

At this moment, Hangzhou.

Boss Ma talked nonstop with his team for half the night today.

Recently, because Cai Chongxin has just joined the team, Boss Ma is a little excited.

A Yeluzi who graduated from an ordinary university in a prefecture-level city conquered an academic who graduated from Yale University and came from Wall Street. This sense of accomplishment is unique in itself.

Cai Chongxin is worthy of being an experienced financial expert on Wall Street. In the past half month since his arrival, he has roughly sorted out an international capital path and equity structure for Ali.

Cai Chongxin did his best to think of the development route of a US dollar-structured company from beginning to end.

In the first stage, offshore companies are registered directly;

In the second stage, U.S. dollars are directly invested from overseas capital;

In the third stage, continue to raise funds from overseas capital markets and expand the business scale;

In the fourth stage, when the time is right, it will go public in the United States.

In addition, he considered that the equity of this team is already very dispersed, and continuous financing will inevitably dilute the shares. It is very likely that after two rounds of financing, the founding team will have no say.

That’s why he designed the partnership system to ensure that even if the shares are continuously diluted in the future, the founding team composed of partners will not lose their voice.

In this way, we can avoid Boss Ma from repeating the mistakes of the founders of Cisco and Apple who were driven out of the company by the board of directors.

Before the plan was fully written, Cai Chongxin briefly explained it to everyone at the meeting.

But in Alibaba, except for Cai Chongxin, no one else understands it very well, and some even don’t understand it at all.

After all, most people will not know what an offshore company means and what it does twenty years later, let alone now.

As for various equity interests, IPOs, and listings, everyone is even more confused.

Although Boss Ma didn't understand some parts, he was excited about it.

Because he knows a truth: to run a company, you need to find people who can make you confused.

Otherwise, if you know everything within your employee's capabilities, wouldn't you become the ceiling of the company

Therefore, Cai Chongxin brought things he did not understand and also brought new possibilities.

Cai Chongxin told him that the Internet is currently very hot internationally.

Money all over the world is pouring into the Internet industry. The capital pool of each Internet fund is pouring in faster than the speed of spending money, so investment managers are under great pressure to spend money.

For example, Lin Xiaru is only a middle-level and high-level person, and has the power to make his own decisions on projects under five million US dollars.

The reason is that Goldman Sachs has too much money.

Most of the money in the fund belongs to the investors.

Investors give money to funds in the hope that the funds can invest in popular projects, so that they can see benefits.

If the money continues to fail to be invested, investors will invest in other funds.

Therefore, Cai Chongxin feels that it is not difficult to raise funds at this time.

Not only is it not difficult, it is actually quite optimistic.

I know many capital investment managers myself. After the company structure is set up, I can just go to them and chat with them directly with a detailed business plan. It shouldn't be a big problem to get an investment of several million US dollars.

It was now past nine o'clock in the evening. Cai Chongxin felt tired, so he saved the file he was working on and closed the computer.

Although today is Sunday, most employees are still working overtime in the company.

Cai Chongxin stretched, stood up, twisted, and said to Boss Ma who was not far away from him: "Jack, I'm going back first, and I'll continue working tomorrow."

Boss Ma nodded and said with a smile: "I've been working hard for a week. Otherwise, don't come here tomorrow and take a day off."

Cai Chongxin said with a smile: "There are still a lot of things at hand, and I won't feel at ease until I finish them."

Boss Ma smiled slightly and said: "Oh, I found that you are a workaholic like me. I am the kind of person who will feel very irritable if I am not working."

Cai Chongxin nodded and said: "I just introduced our situation to Lin Xiaru in an email. She is still a little interested. When I finish sorting out everything that needs to be sorted out and make a plan, we can talk to her Make an appointment to meet.

Boss Ma quickly asked: "Are there any shows in August?"

Tsai Chongxin said: "She was in the United States in August and should be back in early September."

Boss Ma thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I'm not in such a hurry, as long as I can see the top in September!"

Cai Chongxin nodded: "September will definitely be fine. Jack, I will go back first."

Boss Ma waved his hand: "Bye."

After saying that, he lowered his head, subconsciously opened IE, entered on it, and then hit Enter.

For more than half a year, he has been coveting this domain name.

Although he was reluctant to do so, he also developed a habit of opening the domain name every once in a while to see if the information left on the domain name had changed. If it had not changed, it would prove that he had not changed hands.

This kind of mentality is very similar to a little boy who likes a toy placed in the window. Because he won't be able to afford it for a while, he can only save money while lying outside the window to take a look at it every day on the way to and from school.

As long as you see that toy still there, you can continue to save money steadily.

At this time, the web page opens.

He suddenly discovered that the information left on the page was different from before.

Although there was only an email left on this page before, he already knew the email address by heart.

And now the email address has become: ""

His heart immediately skipped a beat.

Why Isn't this NetEase's email address? Could it be that this domain name was bought by someone in China

JeremyXu, from this prefix, it seems that the other party is a person named Xu, or someone named Xu.

Jeremy should be his English name.

Combined with the suffix of, he can conclude that this domain name is now in the hands of a Chinese.

This shocked him!

He subconsciously blurted out: "It's broken! The domain name has been bought!"

It will be available on March 1st, fellows! Tonight!

(End of chapter)