Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 112: I bought a car by the way (please subscribe! Please give me a monthly pass


When Xu Yiyang came to Guangcheng, he was just an ordinary multimillionaire.

When I left, I felt a little like a future billionaire.

But he, the future billionaire, was sitting in the economy class waiting area of Guangcheng Airport.

He is still a bit stingy about himself and is reluctant to buy himself a first-class or business-class ticket.

If you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are, who knows how much cash you will need to invest in Tengxun in the future

What's more, he is still squatting with Ali's boss Ma.

If you succeed, it will be like starting another money-burning machine.

If these two companies are compared to two children, Tengxun is definitely the kind who went out to work early to support the family before reaching adulthood, and then gradually reached the peak of life.

Ali, on the other hand, was like the kind of person who spent his time at home until he was thirty-five, and then suddenly had an epiphany and went out to make a lot of money.

The reason why I say this is because Tengxun did not burn money for a long time.

It started its business in 1999. From 2001 to 2002, it relied on the operator's Monternet and various value-added services to achieve profitability. It was listed in Hong Kong in the first half of 2004.

As for Alibaba, it was still financing from Yahoo until 2005, and the amount was US$1 billion.

Xu Yiyang had just sorted out the place where Alibaba raised funds from Yahoo, when he saw a dozen foreigners wearing uniform Yahoo T-shirts passing by.

Because they are all dressed in the same uniform, this group of people looks very conspicuous.

Xu Yiyang recognized the Yahoo logo at a glance. With so many people wearing such uniform clothes, they must be Yahoo employees.

He couldn't help but secretly wonder, in his mind, Yahoo hadn't landed in China yet, right

Or are the people already here, but the product hasn’t been launched yet

Seeing a dozen people sitting down near the boarding gate next door, Xu Yiyang paid attention to the sign at the boarding gate next door and discovered that the plane they were on was bound for Yanjing.

This made Xu Yiyang sure that Yahoo has now entered China, but Yahoo China's website may not be online yet.

In fact, in the Internet industry, Yahoo is not a big deal. This company is quite strange. It typically starts high and then sells low, and it goes lower and lower.

In fact, within a few years, Yahoo as a whole would begin to decline.

However, these dozen Yahoo employees still gave Xu Yiyang a reminder.

Overseas capital and overseas companies will soon enter China's Internet industry in a big way, and these Yahoo employees are the vanguard.

Now, Sina, Sohu, and NetEase have already taken overseas capital and are preparing to collectively go public in the United States next year.

In the future, Tengxun, Alibaba, Baidu,, Ctrip, and Shanda in the future will successively raise funds from overseas venture capital institutions and investors, and all of them will be listed in the United States except Tengxun.

Even New Oriental and Xueersi, which are engaged in education, have successively gone public in the United States.

For a long time, domestic Internet companies have been inseparable from overseas capital.

The pervasive penetration of foreign capital made Xu Yiyang feel a strong sense of crisis.

If you want to make more money from the Chinese Internet industry in the future, whether you continue to invest or start your own business, you must confront overseas capital and overseas investors.

If you don't reserve enough fat and muscle in advance, you will be uncompetitive in the face of overseas capital.

After more than two hours of flight, the plane landed safely at Quancheng Airport.

As soon as Xu Yiyang left the airport, he saw Zhang Chong waiting here.

When the two met, they immediately took a taxi and went to Quancheng City first.

Although Xu Yiyang will report to China Overseas International Studies University in more than two months, buying a car still seems to him an urgent matter.

Because this summer vacation, his goal is to open at least four branches in four new cities in Qilu, and it is impossible to run without a car.

Today is Wednesday, and Xu Yiyang has to go back to Yingzhou for school in the afternoon, so the two of them started shopping at the car market without stopping.

At present, there are indeed not many models in the domestic car market. The three main pillars are Santana, Jetta and Xiali, but Xu Yiyang is not interested in any of these cars.

He really wants to buy a Buick GL8. Anyway, he doesn't drive a car, and a business car is more comfortable and practical.

But when I arrived at the Buick store in Quancheng, I learned that there is no GL8 car at all, and it has not yet been launched in China.

At the moment, Buick doesn't have a few models of its own. The main model is the Buick Regal, which is equipped with a V6 engine that drinks oil like water and a four-speed automatic transmission. The price is about 300,000 yuan.

With 300,000 yuan, if you go to Yanjing now, you should be able to buy a three-bedroom apartment within the third ring road.

More than ten years later, a three-bedroom apartment will be worth eight million, and a Buick Regal will probably sell for $15,000.

Therefore, buying a car now is extremely cost-effective.

But you still have to buy something if the price/performance ratio is low, otherwise the business will be delayed and the loss will be greater.

In addition to Buick Regal, the options are Honda Accord, Toyota Crown, and Audi 200.

Xu Yiyang has no interest in the Accord. The Audi and Crown are good, but these two cars are too expensive now, with prices around 500,000.

But both Audi and Crown are too ostentatious and not suitable.

The safety factor of a Chari Jetta is not very high either. It doesn’t matter whether it has airbags or not. If something happens, you won’t have time to regret it.

Xu Yiyang weighed it again and decided to buy a Buick Regal.

This car is actually quite solid, and compared to the Audi and Crown, it's a little more low-key.

After paying the money, the other party helped Xu Yiyang go through the relevant procedures. Xu Yiyang also wanted to save trouble and asked the people in the store to directly apply for a Quancheng license plate for him.

The process of getting a license plate is very maneuverable these days, and you can get it done quickly by spending a little more money.

After picking up the car and getting the license plate, Zhang Chong sat in the cab, looked here and there, and said with some embarrassment: "Boss, I've never driven such an expensive car. Please let me get familiar with it first. Don't worry." It will be damaged later.”

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "If it breaks, fix it. The car is just for use, so it doesn't need to be so expensive."

As he said that, Xu Yiyang looked at the time and said, "It's almost two o'clock. You have to leave quickly, otherwise you won't be able to make it to class."

Zhang Chong nodded and said, "We can drive a little faster than the bus. We should be able to get there in two and a half hours."

Zhang Chong drove very steadily. There were not many cars on the road, so the speed was relatively fast.

At about 4:30 in the afternoon, the car had already arrived at the downstairs of the Children's Palace.

The first thing Xu Yiyang did after going upstairs was to find Billy and ask him about the progress of finding foreign teachers in Quancheng on Monday and Tuesday.

Billy told him: "Boss, I have found a lot of classmates, and seven or eight of them are very interested. We will have summer vacation at the end of this week. I was thinking of asking them to come to Yingzhou to meet you on Friday, but I have to wait and see. See if you have time."

"Seven or eight people?" Xu Yiyang was a little surprised and said, "I have no problem on Friday. Let them come here quickly."

Billy asked in surprise: "We only have two large classrooms in total. Can we use so many people?"

Xu Yiyang said: "Even if you call me here, in addition to Yingzhou, we will soon expand to surrounding areas. The demand for foreign teachers is still very high."

After saying that, he reminded him: "Billy, these foreign teachers will be your team members in the future. The bigger your team is, the more commission you will get. If we have a team of fifty foreign teachers in the future, your income will increase." A five-fold increase from the current base.”

Billy nodded immediately and said, "Okay boss, then I will practice with some more classmates and ask them to introduce some classmates to me."

Xu Yiyang said: "Remember, the character quality must pass the test. When the time comes, you must also discipline your team of foreign teachers. We are all here to serve as teachers. You must not make any extraordinary behavior that is inconsistent with your status as a teacher. "

Billy solemnly said: "Don't worry, boss, I understand!"

At eight o'clock, Xu Yiyang finished class, and Zhang Chong drove him back home.

Because he did not have a driver's license, Xu Yiyang said to him: "Lao Zhang, please drive the car back and pick me up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's go to Weizhou. I plan to go there to find a venue."

Zhang Chong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be here on time tomorrow."

Xu Yiyang went upstairs and returned home. His parents and sister were watching TV in the living room.

Seeing Xu Yiyang coming back, Xu Yishan said excitedly: "Brother, you are back!"

Xu Yiyang nodded and asked with a smile: "Seeing that you are so happy, did you do well in the exam?"

Xu Yishan took the credit and said: "I feel like I performed very well. I must have passed the first grade in the exam. Brother, how are you going to reward me?"

Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "Didn't we agree that after I finish the things at hand, I will take you out to play for a few days."

"Awesome!" Xu Yishan cheered excitedly, and then asked nervously: "Brother, taking me out to play will not delay your business, right?"

"No delay." Xu Yiyang touched her head and said, "I'm going to Zhonghai to do some business in two days. I'll take you with me then."

Dad Xu asked curiously: "Son, the university is on holiday. What are you going to do at Zhonghai?"

Xu Yiyang said: "I want to buy a house in Zhonghai for future convenience."

Now that the housing prices in Zhonghai are very low, Xu Yiyang does have the idea to buy a house near the school before school starts.

From now on, going to school will go to school, and making money will make money. Without a base of my own, it will be inconvenient to do anything. If nothing else, the dormitories of China Overseas College will definitely not be equipped with network cables.

After hearing this, Xu’s mother exclaimed: “The house in Zhonghai must be very expensive, right?”

Xu Yiyang shook his head and said: "It's not that expensive, it's only two to three thousand yuan per flat."

Saying that, Xu Yiyang added: "By the way, Mom, let's change our house to another house. I haven't even had a bedroom in the past few years and can only sleep on the sofa. Buying a larger three-bedroom apartment will be more convenient for living in the future."

Xu's mother said: "The house in Zhonghai is so expensive, you should buy it in Zhonghai first. Anyway, you will go to college soon, and you won't be able to live in a bigger house in our house for a while."

Xu Yiyang said: "Let's change it. At least I can have my own room when I go home during the holidays."

Having said that, in fact Xu Yiyang mainly wanted to improve the living environment for his parents and sister.

This two-bedroom apartment is indeed too small. There is not even room for a decent wardrobe in my sister's room.

Dad Xu said: "Yangyang, it's better to listen to your mother and buy in Zhonghai first. There is too much pressure to buy a house in both places."

Xu Yiyang said calmly: "It's not a big pressure, I have quite enough funds on hand."

At this point, he remembered that he hadn't told his family about the car yet, so he said casually: "Oh, by the way, I was in Quancheng today and bought a car on the way back."

Sixth update! ! ! Keep asking for monthly tickets at the top of your lungs! ! ! Dear friends, please support me! ! !

(End of chapter)