Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 113: Buy instead of rent


When they heard that Xu Yiyang bought a car, the family didn't even think about it.

Dad Xu subconsciously asked at this time: "Son, what kind of car should I buy? Should I go to Quancheng to buy it? A bicycle or a motorcycle?"

Xu Yiyang said: "Car, Buick Regal."

"A car?!" Xu's mother exclaimed, "A car with four wheels?"

"Yes." Xu Yiyang nodded.

Xu Yishan's eyes widened: "Brother, have you bought a car? Can you drive it?"

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "I can't, but Zhang Chong can. He will be my driver."

Xu’s mother hurriedly asked: “How much did it cost?”

"Three hundred thousand, maybe."

"Oh My God… "

The whole family was frightened.

Father Xu murmured: "Three hundred thousand can buy three big houses, son..."

Xu Yiyang smiled slightly and said, "I have to quickly expand Jiayang Education before the summer vacation officially starts. By then, it will be very inconvenient to travel back and forth to several cities without a car."

Xu’s mother asked: “Where do you want to expand?”

Xu Yiyang said: "The first step is to take our two surrounding cities, Weizhou and Penang, and the next step is Quancheng and Qingdao. Tomorrow morning I will go to Weizhou first to find a venue."

Both parents were so surprised that they were speechless.

After a long while, Xu's mother said: "Son, you want to buy a car, two more houses, and expand. Where do you get so much money?"

Xu Yiyang said: "The stock market was very powerful some time ago. I used the money from my pre-deposited card to wander around and made some money."

Xu's mother exclaimed: "Have you been trading in stocks?"

Xu Yiyang nodded: "I speculated a little before, but now I have sold it all."

Xu’s mother asked: “Did you make a profit or lose something?”

"Of course I made money." Xu Yiyang said with a smile: "And it's not less, probably several million."

Xu Yiyang didn't dare tell his family that he had earned more than 40 million just from stock trading.

Xu's mother couldn't help but exclaimed: "My son is really good. This is the God of Wealth living at home. He can make money by stock trading..."

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "There are quite a few people who make money by trading stocks."

"Not much," Xu's mother said, "I've heard a lot of people say that stock trading will result in losses in the end."

Xu Yiyang said: "Whether you can make money mainly depends on how fast you run."

Xu Yishan couldn't help but ask at this time: "Brother, where is the car you bought? Can you show me around and take me for a walk?"

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "I asked Zhang Chong to drive the car away. Your brother and I haven't taken the driver's license test yet."

"Then you go take the test!" Xu Yishan said excitedly: "You have a driver's license, can't you drive me out to play?"

Xu Yiyang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take the exam after I finish what I'm doing."

Xu Yishan nodded repeatedly and asked: "Brother, if you go to Weizhou tomorrow, can you take me with you? I'm bored at home during the holidays..."

Xu Yiyang knew that his sister could completely relax and rest after taking the high school entrance examination. She didn't even have any homework this summer.

So, he agreed without hesitation and said: "But I have to get up early and set off at eight o'clock. I have to come back to class in the afternoon."

"Great!" Xu Yishan suddenly became excited and danced happily.

Xu's mother hurriedly warned her: "Don't be naughty if you go along. Your brother is there to do business."

"I know, Mom, don't worry!" Xu Yishan agreed with a smile.

At this moment, Xu Yiyang suddenly thought of the dozen Yahoo employees he saw at the airport today.

These dozen people were wearing the same clothes with Yahoo's logo printed on them. It was really eye-catching and impressive.

He suddenly thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful if every student of Jiayang Education could wear a cultural shirt with Jiayang Education’s logo printed on it

After class, hundreds of children wearing the same cultural shirts were walking through every street in the city.

Who else is there in this formation

Especially since it is about to expand into a new city, Jiayang Education lacks a mass base in the new city. If it is paired with such a cultural shirt, it will be a large number of pedestrian billboards.

Thinking of this, his first thought was to find a clothing factory and customize a batch of cultural shirts!

Then, he remembered that his mother had been working in a clothing factory before the Chinese New Year, so he asked his mother: "Mom, can the clothing factory where you worked before make customized short-sleeved T-shirts?"

"Yes." Xu's mother said, "I have never seen clothes that are better made than T-shirts..."

After saying that, he asked curiously: "Why are you asking about this?"

Xu Yiyang said: "I want to order a batch of short-sleeved T-shirts with the logo of our Jiayang Education printed on them."

Xu's mother asked in surprise: "Are you going to sell it?"

Xu Yiyang said: "You can sell it, you can give it away, or you can sell it half and give it half. For example, if you sign up for two or three issues at once, you will get one piece. The cost is not high anyway, and it is mainly for advertising."

"The cost is indeed not high." Xu's mother said: "A short-sleeved T-shirt, including printing, costs less than ten yuan."

Xu Yiyang said: "That's okay. Give me your contact information and I'll take the time to order a batch."

Xu's mother said: "I have to ask Wenjuan about the situation of the garment factory first. A few years ago, the performance of the garment factory was very poor. I really don't know what the situation is now. Wenjuan knows more than me."

As she said that, she looked at the time and said, "It's a bit late today. I'll ask you tomorrow."

"Okay." Xu Yiyang nodded and said, "If I can give birth, I will go there."

Early the next morning, Xu Yiyang took his sister and got into the Buick Regal driven by Zhang Chong.

Xu Yishan was sitting in the Buick car, looking and touching, as excited as a six or seven-year-old child.

It's no wonder she's not calm. These days, except for Charade taxis, it's not easy for ordinary people to ride in a Santana, let alone a Buick worth 300,000 yuan.

This was Xu Yishan's first time riding in such an expensive car, so she naturally felt strange.

It is more than 100 kilometers from Yingzhou to Weizhou and takes nearly two hours by car.

Weizhou's economy is much better than Yingzhou's. There are several large heavy industry enterprises, its GPD is more than double that of Yingzhou, and its urban area is larger and newer than Yingzhou.

The purpose of Xu Yiyang's visit to Weizhou this time was to find a suitable venue. If there was one, he would directly finalize it, and then carry out simple decoration and layout to put it into use as soon as possible.

As for the current training market structure in Weizhou, he doesn't care at all and has no extra energy to investigate.

In Xu Yiyang's view, his teaching methods, software and hardware levels, and teaching advanced level are among the best in the country. Therefore, in a city like Weizhou, it is just a dimensionality reduction attack, and it is impossible to have anything worth mentioning. competitors.

Moreover, summer is the hottest golden period for training. I can't delay, I have to seize the time and get in as soon as possible.

Xu Yiyang was not familiar with Weizhou, so he first found the Children's Palace in Weizhou. Unfortunately, the operation of Weizhou Children's Palace was much better than that of Yingzhou Children's Palace, and there was no free space for rent.

Then he found some second-floor shops near the Children's Palace and took a look around.

Shop prices in Weizhou are much more expensive than in Yingzhou. A shop with more than 200 square meters will cost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a year. If you want to buy a venue with 500 square meters, it will cost about 120,000 to 30,000 yuan a year.

The rent of more than 100,000 yuan doesn't matter. The key is that such a large venue is not easy to find.

Venues of four to five hundred square meters are basically under lease, and such large venues usually have long-term contracts, starting in two or three years, so it is difficult to find them.

After running around for noon, I finally found a venue of more than 500 square meters, but it was formerly a hot pot restaurant and had just moved.

Xu Yiyang took a look and saw that such a venue was going to be turned into a training class. It would take more than a month to disassemble and install it.

The hot pot smell inside probably won't go away in two months.

It is difficult to find a suitable venue, and Xu Yiyang does not want to lower the specifications, because a large classroom requires at least an area of more than 100 square meters. If the area is too small, the scale will not be possible at all.

Moreover, if the area is too small, the class efficiency will also be reduced.

A class could seat more than a hundred students, but only fifty or sixty were seated. It was myself who suffered the loss.

At noon, Xu Yishan saw a McDonald's in Weizhou, so she tentatively asked him if he could eat a hamburger. Of course Xu Yiyang pampered her and let her go.

The three of them sat in McDonald's. Xu Yishan happily ate French fries and burgers, and asked Xu Yiyang: "Brother, why doesn't McDonald's open a store in Yingzhou?"

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "People must feel that Yingzhou's economic development does not meet the requirements."

Saying that, Xu Yiyang added: "I heard that before McDonald's opens a store, there are requirements for the city's per capita GDP, urban population, and spending power. Only those who meet the requirements will open a store."

Xu Yishan asked again: "Then can you join one?"

Xu Yiyang shook his head: "They don't seem to allow individuals to join, they are all direct sales."

Xu Yishan asked in surprise: "So powerful? Do you open all the stores yourself?"

Xu Yiyang said: "I dare not say that all of them are, but I think most of them are. I seem to have heard that not only do I open the stores myself, but I also buy the shops that open the stores myself, and even the catering and real estate are developed together."

As he said that, Xu Yiyang suddenly thought: Yes, if you can't rent a suitable shop, why not just buy one

Nowadays, many newly developed communities have begun to use a circle of commercial buildings to surround the community.

This kind of shop usually has two floors. Most of the shops on the ground floor are small units with one or two rooms. Most of them are sold to others to open various department stores or life service shops. The second floor is usually open and the space is relatively large.

This is because if the second-floor shops are too small or too numerous, either a lot of stairs will have to be opened on the first floor, taking up valuable ground floor retail space, or a corridor will have to be designed on the second floor, which will lose some area.

Most of the large second-floor shops are specially prepared for businesses that open restaurants, teahouses, chess and card games. Not only are they large in area, but their prices are much cheaper than those on the first floor.

In Yingzhou, the price of a second-floor shop is less than 2,000 per square meter. In Weizhou, it may be a little more expensive, but it is limited, and it is estimated to be in the high 2,000 range.

If it's more than 2,000 yuan, the full payment of 500 square meters is only more than 1 million yuan, which is nothing to me. If you start a branch, you can probably earn the money to buy a house in one summer's tuition.

Moreover, there are many benefits to buying a store.

The first is stability. You don’t have to worry about renting out or taking over your own venue;

The second is that it is cost-effective. It is a one-time investment, saving rent, and the store itself can appreciate in value.

The 21st century is only half a year away. The past few years at the beginning of the 21st century have been a time for the Internet industry to explore its path, and it has also been a golden period for the rapid development of the real economy.

At this stage, the country's economy is developing rapidly and people's consumption power is increasing rapidly, so the retail industry, catering industry and other service industries have entered a stage of rapid growth.

At this stage, storefront shops are a very good investment channel, and the price growth is also very alarming.

If a house has several street-facing shops, it was nothing in the 1990s, but in the 21st century, it will immediately become a wealthy person.

Not only are prices rising, but rents are also rising.

If the future development of Jiayang Education in new cities is based on buying instead of renting, then in the next three to five years, the value increase of the shops alone will increase several times, which is more cost-effective than spending money to rent other people's venues. Much more, and it is absolutely stable.

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyang said to the two of them: "Let's go check out the newly opened properties later to see if there are any suitable second-floor shops. If so, just buy one!"

The seventh update! Monthly tickets come quickly! ! !

(End of chapter)