Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 24: Class officially begins


The next morning, Xu Yiyang's oral training class officially started.

The electronic classroom in the early morning was bustling with people, and a group of half-year-old children filled the entire electronic classroom one after another.

Many parents of students were standing guard in the corridor, and people were already standing in front of the two small glass windows.

Xu Yiyang's parents and sister also followed him because they were curious about how he taught students. They were also standing outside the window at the moment.

In front of Xu Yiyang, there was the courseware compiled last night.

Today is the first class for all classes.

He does not plan to teach too many knowledge points in the first class, but plans to use the first class to fully mobilize the students' enthusiasm for learning spoken English.

The first junior class to be taught is a group of children aged ten to twelve years old. This is mainly because the six-year primary school in Yingzhou starts learning English from the fifth grade, so the students in the junior class are all fifth and middle school students. Primary school students in grades six and two.

Children around ten years old are at the age when they are most energetic and least organized and disciplined. They are not as easy to discipline as junior high school students and high school students as a whole.

However, in Xu Yiyang's view, the comparison between primary school students, junior high school students, and high school students is actually very balanced.

Just like the three professions of warrior, mage, and Taoist priest in the legend.

Although the overall discipline of primary school students is relatively poor, their sense of resistance and destruction is not strong;

Although the overall discipline of junior high school students and high school students is a little higher, their self-awareness is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not easy to obey a person or a group from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, it is also easy for a small number of people to have a strong sense of resistance and destruction.

The classroom was very noisy at this time, so Xu Yiyang turned on the microphone and said into the microphone: "Please be quiet, students, we are going to class."

The most teacher-friendly aspect of the electronic classroom is the speaker system. The teacher's voice is amplified by the microphone, which has an overwhelming advantage over the noise produced by the students.

Xu Yiyang thought that these children needed some time to calm down, but he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, the whole classroom fell silent.

Each of these children sat in their seats, looking at Xu Yiyang with curiosity, awe, and admiration in their eyes.

Xu Yiyang suddenly realized that he was different from other training class teachers. He had been on TV and had the aura of an idol in front of these children.

Then, he asked with a smile: "Before the formal class, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what you are going to learn today?"

"learn English!"

The children below answered uniformly.

Xu Yiyang nodded with satisfaction and asked: "Do you know why we learn English?"

The children in the audience gave different answers. Some said it was to talk to foreigners, some said it was to go abroad, and some said it was for exams.

Xu Yiyang smiled slightly and said in a very serious tone: "We learn English in order to better integrate with the world. Our country is developing rapidly and has more and more cooperation with other countries. In the future, we will need a large number of people who are proficient in English. talents, if you learn English well now, you are laying a solid foundation for the country's future development, do you understand?"


Although the children barely understood Xu Yiyang's words, a lofty sense of mission suddenly arose in their hearts.

When she was doing training in her previous life, Gu Sijia once concluded: The best and most effective way to teach children is to first give them a strong sense of mission.

Xu Yiyang asked again: "Do you know which part of English we need to learn specifically?"

"Learn spoken English!"

As everyone knows, they are attending an oral English assault class, so naturally they focus on learning oral English.

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "Very good. Since everyone knows that you are learning spoken English, the first thing I want to emphasize to you is the key points of learning spoken English well."

After speaking, he turned around and wrote three key points on the blackboard:

1. Dare to speak;

2. Can speak;

3. Say yes.

Later, Xu Yiyang explained: "Dare to speak means that everyone must dare to speak. English is a language. If you don't speak it, you will lose the greatest meaning of learning it. Therefore, in our speaking class, Please feel free to speak out."

"Being able to speak means that everyone needs to learn the grammar, context, sentence structure and usage of words in English, and know how to say a sentence in English;"

"Say good, so that everyone can have correct English pronunciation. If the pronunciation is not standard, it will be difficult for others to understand what you are saying."

At this point, Xu Yiyang added: "Let me give you an analogy. We usually watch TV. When the foreigners on TV speak our Chinese, our pronunciation is very strange, right?"

"Yes!" the children answered in unison.

Xu Yiyang smiled and said, "I'll imitate it for everyone."

As he said that, he imitated the accent of foreigners speaking Chinese and said: "Hey, I'm a good guy, I'll take it from you, I'll give you hard nuts..."

A group of half-year-old children burst out laughing when they heard his vivid imitation. Many parents of students who listened to the clear amplification outside also couldn't help laughing.

After the children laughed, Xu Yiyang said seriously: "Actually, what this foreigner said was 'Hello everyone, my name is Jack, and I am an Englishman.' However, because his spoken Chinese is not standard, it sounds to all of us, not only I felt awkward, and I didn’t necessarily understand what he was saying, so I made a joke. This is the drawback of poor oral English.”

After a pause, Xu Yiyang added: "If you don't speak English well, then the foreigner sounds the same as the foreigner I just imitated. In this way, you will also make a joke. We We are all the flowers of the motherland, how can we let those foreigners laugh at us? We have to make them convinced and full of praise for us, right?"


This time, the children's enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

Xu Yiyang added: "Everyone should know Dashan, right? He is the foreigner who speaks Chinese very well."

"I know!" Everyone replied in unison.

In this era, Dashan was very well-known in the country and almost no one knew about him. He could be said to be the most famous foreigner.

The reason why he is so famous is because he speaks Chinese very well.

Xu Yiyang nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Da Shan speaks Chinese very well, so more than a billion people across the country know him. If everyone speaks English well enough, when they go abroad in the future, they will most likely be seen by foreigners. The mountains inside.”

These words immediately gave the children a strong sense of expectation.

Seeing that the warm-up was almost done, Xu Yiyang asked with a smile: "Everyone has learned some basic English in school. I believe everyone can do the most basic self-introduction in English, right?"

As soon as they heard that they had to introduce themselves, the children became shy.

Xu Yiyang understands this feeling very well. When he was in school, he was also a very shy and introverted person. He didn't like to talk. What he was most afraid of was that the teacher asked him to introduce himself.

As soon as he introduced himself in public, he was so nervous that he couldn't even speak properly. Even if he went to college, he would still be nervous when introducing himself to the class.

However, learning spoken English is to break this shyness and introversion. If you don't dare to speak when you meet people, it's impossible to practice speaking well. Even if you practice speaking well, it's useless if you don't dare to speak.

So he said with a very easy-going smile: "Let's start with me. I will introduce myself to everyone first. Please pay attention to my pronunciation. When everyone introduces themselves later, try to follow my pronunciation." ,OK?"

When they heard that the teacher did it first, the children were relieved and nodded in agreement.

Xu Yiyang spoke in the simplest English in a slow and clear voice: "Hello everyone, my name is Xu Yiyang. I'm glad to meet you."

Since many fifth-grade children here have only studied for half a semester, they have only learned the alphabet and a few basic English words, and have not even been exposed to whole sentences, so Xu Yiyang wrote down everything he said. on the blackboard.

Then he patiently explained the sentence to them, and then said: "Okay, everyone, try reading it with me first. Remember to read it slowly, clearly, and find the right pronunciation."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yiyang read it aloud to everyone in standard pronunciation.

The children below also read it again after him, but when he observed carefully, he found that many children only opened their mouths without making a sound, and some even started to mumble as soon as they opened their mouths.

So he said: "I think everyone seems not confident enough. Come on, let's stand up in rows and read. Students in the first row please stand up first."

If you let one person stand up, he may not dare to speak in front of everyone, but if you let a small group of people come together, it will be less stressful for everyone.

The eight primary school students in the first row stood up, and Xu Yiyang led them to read aloud again.

When the number of people decreases sharply, it is easier to focus on the problem.

In this group, three children made no sound, and two children were confused. They may not even know what they were reading.

So Xu Yiyang specially selected the three silent children and said, "Come, these three students will read it again after me."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yiyang slowed down a little so that the three children could hear more clearly.

When it was their turn, the three children did not dare to remain silent any longer, so they all tried to read out.

Because the sentences were already very basic, and Xu Yiyang demonstrated it several times, they were able to speak it in a general way, but their voices were a bit soft, and it seemed they still couldn't let it go.

After they finished speaking, Xu Yiyang immediately applauded: "Well said, great performance! But I believe you can be louder! Otherwise, when the children representing our country communicate with foreigners in the future, they may be confused. I can’t hear clearly what you said, come on, let the other students applaud them and cheer them on!”

Children themselves are a group that is easily inspired.

After the applause, Xu Yiyang gave them another reading demonstration. As a result, the voices of the three children were obviously much louder, and the accuracy of their pronunciation was further improved.

Xu Yiyang repeated his old tricks and led other students to continue to encourage them and ask them to speak louder.

By this time, they had spoken loudly and accurately, and their previous shyness and nervousness were thrown out of the window in this warm atmosphere.

After a few simple back and forths, these three children, who had never dared to speak English, were brought on board by Xu Yiyang, and the other children also received great encouragement.

When they discovered that reading English was not as scary as they imagined and that there was nothing they could do, they were particularly excited.

The parents of the three children outside the window were also very pleased to see it. One of them sighed: "My son is usually a chatterbox. As soon as he was asked to speak English, he immediately fell silent and couldn't even open his mouth to make a sound. I didn’t expect that I would dare to speak today, this teacher Xiao Xu’s teaching methods are really extraordinary!”

They are also aware of the problem that children are afraid to speak English.

But in schools, teachers’ main tasks and energy are on the textbook syllabus.

Speaking is not a very important part of the syllabus, and it is a part that cannot be quantified in exams. Therefore, it is difficult for teachers to pay attention to each student's speaking performance. Even if they pay attention to the problem, it is difficult to have enough energy to help them correct it. .

Xu Yiyang is different. He teaches spoken English, so he directly abandons the school's syllabus and starts directly from spoken English. He can easily discover the students' problems and guide them to solve the problems step by step.

In one fell swoop, you can achieve immediate results.

Xu's father, Xu's mother and Xu Yishan were listening to Xu Yiyang's lecture outside. When they heard the words of this student's parents, they felt full of pride in their hearts.

At this time, Xu Yishan suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the crowd. She hurriedly waved to him and said in surprise: "Sister Lele, why are you here too!"

It’s a new week again, please vote for more recommendations!

(End of chapter)