Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 41: Old fried dough sticks


Chen Xuefei said arrogantly, then laughed and said proudly: "When I asked you to borrow a car, several of my good friends were at the scene, and they will come over to testify for me soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, three panting girls ran in.

These three girls looked more like each other than the other. Almost every one of them had dyed hair, ranging from red to yellow to purple. When paired with Chen Xuefei, they looked like four colorful female gangsters.

The three girls who came here are all Chen Xuefei's followers. They usually do not do their jobs and hang out with Chen Xuefei all day long.

When the police went to the tea bar to arrest Chen Xuefei just now, they were nearby, so they rushed over to "testify" to Chen Xuefei.

as expected.

As soon as the three female gangsters came up, they chirped and said, "Uncle policemen, please don't accuse good people unjustly. We can testify that Xu Yishan voluntarily lent the car to Chen Xuefei!"

"Yes! At noon, Chen Xuefei saw that Xu Yishan's bicycle looked very good, so she politely asked her if she could borrow it to ride for two days. Xu Yishan agreed very readily!"

"Exactly! A person like Xu Yishan is too scheming! He lent his front foot to Chen Xuefei and then framed her for robbery. His character is really dirty!"

"You guys are talking nonsense!"

Xu Yishan's tears of grievance were welling up in her eyes, and she angrily scolded: "You are obviously all in the same group! You are all colluding to lie!"

At this time, Chen Xuefei said with a look of disdain: "Hey, hey, Xu Yishan, we have to talk about evidence in everything. You only have one mouth, why do you say that the four of us are lying? If you have the ability, you can find a few witnesses. come!"

At this time, a policewoman happened to come in. Seeing this scene, she said to Chen Xuefei: "Hey, Chen Xuefei?"

Chen Xuefei looked at her, rolled her eyes and said, "I can't remember clearly."

The policewoman said coldly: "Can't you learn a little better? You are always going in and out like this. Maybe you will fall in and be unable to get out."

"Tch." Chen Xuefei rolled her eyes and muttered, "Do you think I want to come? There are always people who want to frame me, and I can't do anything about it!"

After saying that, he sarcastically said: "You policemen are also stupid, can't you have a longer memory?"

Qiao Jianjun's face looked a little ugly.

However, facing this actual situation now, he had no good way to solve it.

The most troublesome thing is that there is no direct evidence. One person said they robbed it, and four people said they borrowed it. They were classmates, and the victim was not injured. It was difficult no matter what.

Moreover, if the bicycle involved in the case was sold by Chen Xuefei, it would be fine. The key is that it could be recovered easily.

With the current chain of evidence, it is indeed unrealistic to convict her of robbery.

The policewoman said to Qiao Jianjun: "Director, leave this girl to me. I've interrogated her several times and I'm familiar with her."

Qiao Jianjun nodded and said to the male policeman: "Xiao Zhao, take the person to the interrogation room first."

The male police officer called a colleague and took Chen Xuefei and her three companions to two different interrogation rooms.

Qiao Jianjun then asked the policewoman: "What's going on with Chen Xuefei?"

The female police officer said, "Hey, I'm just hanging out in school."

After saying that, the female police officer sighed again and said: "And the strange thing is that in the end, they will retract their confessions and withdraw the case on their own initiative, leaving us with nothing to do."

Xu Yiyang frowned slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect this Chen Xuefei.

Qiao Jianjun smacked his lips and said, "She said just now that she was borrowing it, but now I can only educate or scare her and let her go."

"There is nothing we can do, Director Qiao."

The female police officer said: "It's really hard to deal with a veteran like her. Unless there is direct evidence next time, with eyewitnesses, video surveillance, etc., there will be no way to convict her if she is arrested, and she will still have to be released."

Qiao Jianjun looked at Xu Yiyang and said helplessly: "Mr. Xu, you have also seen the situation. Now they insist that they borrowed it. It is difficult for me to move forward. If you don't have direct evidence, then we I can only give you the car, ask for it back, and let him go."

As he spoke, he added, "But Che Haolai is coming back. I believe she will not dare to think about this car next time. What do you think?"

Xu Yiyang couldn't accept such a solution.

What he wants is not the car, but that the person who robbed the car must pay a price.

However, the current situation is indeed a bit passive for me.

If you want to accuse the other party of robbery, you must have enough evidence, otherwise you will not be able to overturn the other party's excuse of "borrowing a car", and naturally you will not be able to convict her of robbery.

Is that all there is to it

Xu Yiyang was unwilling to accept it.

Seeing that Xu Yiyang seemed dissatisfied, Qiao Jianjun said, "Otherwise, let's go to the school and report it to the school leaders. At the same time, we'll also ask around the school to see if there are any witnesses. If we can find more witnesses who are willing to come forward, , proving that she indeed robbed the car rather than borrowed it, then with this case value, it is enough to file a case."

Xu Yiyang thought for a moment, knowing that he couldn't get a better solution here, so he nodded: "Thank you, Director Qiao, I will think of a solution."

Qiao Jianjun said: "Well, let your sister make a record first."

After Xu Yishan finished writing the transcript, Xu Yiyang said hello to Qiao Jianjun, then left the police station with his sister pushing her bicycle.

Although he got the bicycle back, Xu Yiyang felt very unhappy.

Therefore, as soon as he walked out of the police station, Xu Yiyang asked his sister: "Shanshan, can you find any witnesses to the incident where she robbed your car?"

Xu Yishan nodded and said, "You can find it if you look for it. It was just after school, and many people saw it."

Xu Yiyang asked again: "Then do you know these people?"

Xu Yishan said: "I know a few of them."

"Okay." Xu Yiyang said, "Then have a chat with them and see if they are willing to testify for you."

Xu Yishan said hesitantly: "They don't dare to mess with her..."

"Then I will give them money." Xu Yiyang said: "As long as they are willing to stand up and tell the truth, I will give them two thousand yuan each. I still don't believe it. I can't handle a yellow-haired girl!"

Xu Yishan nodded slightly and said, "Then I'll go to the school to ask about it in the afternoon."

As he was talking, someone suddenly shouted from behind: "Xu Yishan!"

The brother and sister both turned around, and it was Chen Xuefei who called her.

Chen Xuefei and her three followers had just finished recording their confessions. When they came out and saw Xu Yishan's back, Chen Xuefei shouted.

Immediately, Chen Xuefei ran a few steps and came to the two of them. She hugged her shoulders and looked at Xu Yishan, and sneered: "Xu Yishan, don't you see that you are really smart!?"

Xu Yiyang said coldly: "Don't think that everything will be fine just because you can come out of the police station now. Let me tell you, this matter is not over yet!"

Chen Xuefei looked at Xu Yiyang and said contemptuously: "Do you think you can bring me down by going to the police station to sue me?!"

As she spoke, she continued with great arrogance: "Also, what you just said was right!"

Then, she looked at Xu Yishan with a playful expression and threatened: "Xu Yishan, you must have heard of my brother's name, right?!"

Chen Xuefei's extremely vicious words made Xu Yiyang's anger surge up and burn all over his body.

Without thinking, he instantly raised his hand and slapped Chen Xuefei hard in the face!

(End of chapter)