Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 51: Don't be polite to me


That night, Xu Yiyang called the home of class teacher Zhang Aixue and roughly explained to him what happened today.

After Zhang Aixue heard this, he was shocked and frightened. Fortunately, Xu Yiyang was not injured at all, and all the suspects were captured, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, I wanted Xu Yiyang to rest at home for a day or two. After all, when a young man encounters such a big thing, he might not be able to recover for a while, but unexpectedly, Xu Yiyang said that he would be able to attend classes normally tomorrow.

Xu Yiyang really didn't dare to delay his studies any longer. He was already in a mess. If he didn't seize the time to catch up in this last semester, he would definitely lose the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination in Qilu Province is so intense that you have to pay a lot of money to get into a junior college.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yiyang put today's events behind him, found the final exam paper given by his class teacher, and tried to do it on the coffee table in the living room.

He wanted to see what level his current knowledge base was, especially mathematics, physics and chemistry.

So, he found the test papers for mathematics, physics and chemistry and started with mathematics.

He finished the three subject papers in less than an hour.

The reason why he is so fast is not because he is great, but because he doesn't know how to solve most of the questions, and he can tell that he can give up after just one look.

Most of the questions in the mathematics test paper are incomprehensible at all. There are 12 multiple-choice questions, each worth 5 points. There are only two questions that I can understand and feel confident about. The rest are all based on confusion. A total of four questions are correct, which is worth 20 points;

Fill in the blanks, if there is no question, you can only answer one question, 5 points;

Not even a big topic.

After all, I scored 25 points on the math test;

In the physics test paper, I still couldn’t understand any of the big questions, and I lost 30 points by relying on multiple-choice questions;

In the chemistry test paper, I lost 20 points by relying on multiple-choice questions;

The three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry add up to 75 points.


After finishing these three test papers, Xu Yiyang's heart had sunk to the bottom.

With this score, there is no need to talk about college entrance examination.

Even if he repeats his studies, it is impossible to get into the repeat class of No. 1 Middle School with this score. He can only find a township high school to repeat his studies for one year.

Just when Xu Yiyang was worried about the college entrance examination until he was bald, the fact that he put Chen Xuesong and others in prison was already spreading throughout Yingzhou.

Chen Xuesong is notorious in several middle schools in Yingzhou. Many students have been bullied, blackmailed or blackmailed by him. Many parents of students gnash their teeth with hatred when mentioning him.

It’s just that no one dared to provoke him in the past. They always felt that if they tolerate it for a while, the sea will be calm, and if they take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter. No matter what, you can’t mess with such a life-threatening person, otherwise if you hurt your child one day, you will regret it. .

When they heard that he and his accomplices had been arrested, everyone naturally applauded.

What surprised them even more was that the person who sent him and his accomplices to the criminal police team was actually the famous Xu Yiyang.

Overnight, multiple versions of the story about how he outsmarted gangsters have been quickly circulated in Yingzhou. Each version has a bit of a romantic flavor, which not only makes his reputation in Yingzhou even greater, but also makes him more famous in Yingzhou. It even made his image even more legendary in the eyes of students and parents.

Early the next morning, the news that Yingzhou police cracked a robbery case involving six people armed with knives was published in Yingzhou Daily. The TV station was also sorting out the material and preparing to broadcast it as a key news.

Xu Yiyang came to school. On the way to the class, there were always people giving him thumbs up.

As soon as he entered the class, a group of classmates gathered around him and excitedly asked him for more details.

There were even students who had been bullied by Chen Xuesong who took the lead in applauding.

Xu Yiyang finally got out of the siege and returned to his seat with difficulty.

As soon as he sat down, Shen Lele beside him asked him in a low voice: "Xu Yiyang, have you finished your test paper?"

Xu Yiyang nodded and said, "I did it."

Shen Lele asked with concern: "How is it? How many points?"

Xu Yiyang said: "I haven't finished it, it's too much."

Shen Lele asked: "How many pictures did you make in total?"

Xu Yiyang said: "Just do mathematics and physics."

"How many points did you get on the test?"

Xu Yiyang said vaguely: "It seems to be about the same as last time."

Shen Lele felt relieved and said, "That's pretty stable! I thought your performance would be affected if you held a training class!"

Xu Yiyang could only smile on the outside but feel bitter on the inside.

After morning reading, the first class was taught by the head teacher Zhang Aixue.

Zhang Aixue stepped in, glanced at Xu Yiyang first, nodded slightly to him, and then walked onto the podium.

When the students stood up to say hello, the classroom door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman said: "Hello, teacher, I would like to find Xu Yiyang, a classmate in your class."

Xu Yiyang looked up and saw Chen Xuesong's mother again, along with her husband.

The whole class looked at Xu Yiyang. Chen Xuefei's mother also followed everyone's gaze and found him. She immediately choked up and said, "Classmate Xu, my child can't forgive you. As a mother, I will apologize to you for both of them." Got it!"

As soon as Xu Yiyang saw them, he took out his mobile phone and said expressionlessly: "I will call the police if you don't leave."

Chen Xuesong's mother suddenly rushed into the classroom and knelt down on the podium.

She kowtowed to Xu Yiyang several times, crying and howling: "Classmate Xu, Ancestor Xu, I beg you to have mercy on us and my son and daughter. Please forgive them. I will kowtow to you." Got it!"

When she suddenly did this, everyone including the head teacher was stunned. Only Xu Yiyang looked at the other party's performance coldly.

At this time, Chen Xuesong's father also walked to the podium and knelt down in front of the whole class.

While kowtowing, he said: "Classmate Xu, with so many of your classmates watching, you can't force our family to die. We only have two children in our family. When the children's grandparents heard about this, they suddenly I have been sent to the hospital for heart disease. I will never see the child again. The two old people will not survive. The old man will not survive, and neither of us will survive. You have killed four lives..."

Chen Xuesong's mother said with runny nose and tears: "Classmate Xu, tell the police that what happened yesterday was just a joke between your friends. Then you have saved our family's life..."

As she spoke, she cried and told other students: "If this classmate Xu is not willing to show his kindness, our family will be ruined!"

Xu Yiyang dialed 110 directly and said calmly: "Don't show it to me, wait until you show it to the police."

When Chen Xuesong's mother saw that he refused to take any advice, she gritted her teeth and took out a bottle of pesticide from her pocket and threatened: "If you don't promise me today, I will drink the medicine and die here in front of you!"

Chen Xuesong's father also took out the same bottle of pesticide, unscrewed the cap, and said: "Xu, if you want to force us to death, then we will die in front of you!"

The strong smell of dichlorvos suddenly emerged, and even the class teacher panicked. He hurriedly said to a classmate sitting closest to the door: "Li Yiming, hurry up and defend the department!"

The classmate rushed out of the door, while Chen Xuesong's mother put the mouth of the pesticide bottle to her mouth, staring at Xu Yiyang with hatred in her eyes, crying at the top of her lungs: "Xu, are you going to recant your confession? If you don't recant your confession, I will." You really drank it! You forced me to death, but I have to be responsible!"

Xu Yiyang nodded: "Okay, if the law requires me to take responsibility, I will definitely take responsibility. Don't be polite to me."

After saying that, just as 110 was called, he turned on the loudspeaker and said: "Hello, I am a student in Class 6, Grade 3, Yingzhou No. 1 Middle School. Two people came to our class with pesticides to cause trouble. The whole class was very scared. , please come and deal with it quickly."

This was the first time the operator heard about this kind of thing. It happened on campus, which made him immediately nervous. He blurted out: "Please protect yourselves, we will arrange for the police to be dispatched immediately!"

Chen Xuesong's mother was stunned, why is Xu Yiyang so difficult to deal with? He even puts pesticides on his lips, but he doesn’t even buy it

Do you really have to force yourself to drink the medicine

But she doesn’t have the guts...

When the stalemate continued, Principal Lin rushed over with several members of the security team.

"What are you doing! Put down the medicine for me!" Principal Lin angrily yelled as soon as he arrived.

Chen Xuesong's mother looked at the principal and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm the principal of No. 1 Middle School!"

Principal Lin was furious. These two people actually ran into the school and made a fuss about drinking pesticides. If this spread, it would have a huge impact on the reputation of the school!

When Chen Xuesong's mother heard that she was the principal, she immediately started crying again: "Principal, you have to make the decision for us and our family. The good students you taught are going to force our family to death!"

The principal also knew what happened yesterday and guessed the identity of the other party at once, saying: "If you have anything to say, please tell me. Don't seek death with pesticides. Put it down first!"

Chen Xuesong's mother gritted her teeth and said, "If you ask your students to go to the police station to retract their confessions and release my son and daughter, I will put down the pesticide, otherwise I will drink the medicine and die!"

The principal felt confused and didn't know what to do.

He is different from Xu Yiyang.

First of all, Xu Yiyang didn't believe that these two people really knew how to drink pesticides.

Take a step back and say, if you really want to drink it, just drink it. What does it have to do with me? Did I force them to drink

Although Principal Lin didn't quite believe that these two people really knew how to drink, he was also afraid of what might happen.

If these two people drank the medicine and died, who would it be

As the principal, how can I escape involvement? Why can't I be punished

He looked at Xu Yiyang hurriedly and winked at Xu Yiyang, which meant: You have to find a way to relax. If something happens, I can't stand it.

Xu Yiyang didn't want to take this issue. He had called the police anyway. If something of this vile nature happened at school, the police would probably arrive in the blink of an eye. If she really wanted to drink, why bother to stop her

(End of chapter)