Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 68: Wealth and wealth are found in danger


The day Lin Tianyi put out the advertisement, she immediately experienced huge benefits.

Her advertisement hit the parents' psychology accurately, and the parents were completely attracted by Ma Mingming's excellent qualifications.

This allowed Lin Tianyi to recreate the spectacular scene when Xu Yiyang enrolled students. In one day, he recruited more than a thousand students!

There were more than a thousand students, corresponding to a tuition fee of more than 100,000 yuan. Lin Tianyi was extremely excited.

However, her cousin Ma Mingming was a little worried.

She originally didn't want to falsify her resume, but she couldn't stand her cousin's insistence. In addition, her cousin raised the basic salary to one thousand yuan, so she accepted this arrangement.

Seeing that she had already accepted more than a thousand students, and might receive more tomorrow, she began to feel a little panicked.

Privately, Ma Mingming asked Lin Tianyi: "Sister, what should I do if someone discovers that my resume is fake..."

Lin Tianyi smiled slightly and said confidently: "Do you think your sister is stupid? Yesterday afternoon, I had already called China Overseas Chinese Foreign Language School and the High School Affiliated to China Normal University. I said on the phone that I wanted to inquire about a student and a teacher, but they They don’t want to tell me at all, so if someone calls and asks, they won’t be able to find out anything.”

Ma Mingming asked in surprise: "Didn't they say anything?"

Lin Tianyi nodded and said: "They are very sensitive to this kind of thing, saying that this is private information. If you want to verify this information, you must first issue a letter of introduction from your unit, and the letter of introduction must clearly explain the motivation for querying this information." , and the official seal must be stamped, and then the school will evaluate whether to help verify it based on the situation."

Lin Tianyi said with a smile: "Do you think parents will spend so much effort to verify your resume for a hundred yuan tuition?"

Although Ma Mingming was slightly relieved, he still felt a little panicked.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Lin Tianyi took out two thousand yuan from today's income, handed it to her, and said: "Obviously, wealth is in danger. This is a red envelope from my sister. You can follow me with peace of mind. Sister I will definitely not treat you badly!"

Early on Monday morning, Xu Yiyang got up and continued to review his homework.

However, because he wanted to confirm Ma Mingming's resume, he called the external affairs office of COSCO at about eight o'clock.

Today is Monday, so the call goes through quickly.

On the phone, Xu Yiyang directly asked the other party if he could help check the information of students from the class of 1990 to see if there was a student named Ma Mingming among them.

Unexpectedly, the other party refused directly and said: "I'm sorry, our student information is confidential and cannot be leaked."

Xu Yiyang explained: "That's right, I suspect someone is pretending to be a graduate of your school, so I want to verify it with you."

The other party said impatiently: "We receive at least hundreds or thousands of similar requests every year, and each one requires us to check the school's student information. Some people even deliberately use this method to defraud our students. If everyone needs our help to check the information, we won’t have to carry out our normal work.”

Xu Yiyang couldn't help but ask: "Don't you care if someone pretends to be a student of your school and cheats?"

The other party said in a funny tone: "Sir, we are a school, not a public security bureau. Combating fraud is not part of our job. Do you know how many people pretend to be Tsinghua graduates every year? If Tsinghua has to take care of every one of them, then what will happen?" Ten thousand employees are not enough.”

Xu Yiyang asked helplessly: "Then under what circumstances will you cooperate with the investigation?"

The other party said: "If you are an employer, you can have your employer issue a letter of introduction with an official seal and mail it or fax it to us. However, it is limited to enterprises, institutions and government agencies. For private companies, we will not cooperate with inquiries for the time being."

When Xu Yiyang listened to the first half of the sentence, he also wanted to say that he happened to be registered with Jiayang Education and could open a letter of introduction at any time. However, he did not expect that it only helps enterprises and institutions to verify, so ordinary people can't make a fake one

He couldn't help but question the other party, but the other party told him coldly that this was the school's rule.

Seeing that this didn't make sense, Xu Yiyang contacted the High School Affiliated to China Normal University to confirm whether Ma Mingming's work history was authentic.

This time Xu Yiyang learned a lot. He told the other party that he wanted to find Teacher Ma Mingming from the other school. There was a major change in her family and she needed to rush back to her hometown immediately, but she couldn't contact her now and he was very anxious.

The other party felt that the matter was important, and after checking the personnel information, he replied: "Sorry, we checked and found that there is no teacher named Ma Mingming in the High School Affiliated to China Normal University. Did you remember the wrong name or workplace?"

"No, just call Ma Mingming!" Xu Yiyang said firmly, and then asked hurriedly: "Is it possible that he just resigned?"

The other party said: "No, there has never been a teacher named Ma Mingming in the High School Affiliated to China Normal University."

This phone call proved that Ma Mingming's resume was indeed fraudulent.

At least, her resume of working at the High School Affiliated to China Normal University was forged.

As for her academic qualifications, Xu Yiyang does not have strong evidence yet.

If you want to crack down on counterfeiting, you must provide sufficient evidence.

Otherwise, if you just say it with one mouth, others may not believe it.

After much deliberation, Xu Yiyang felt that he had to find a way to force China Overseas to crack down on counterfeiting, because only they, Ma Mingming, were the most authoritative in cracking down on counterfeiting.

However, how can we get schools to actively crack down on holidays

Xu Yiyang carefully analyzed the mentality of the school and felt that the reason why the school staff were too lazy to deal with him was because they were used to pretending to be students of the school and they didn't want to bother.

However, from another perspective, they don't want to bother, and the main reason is because this kind of thing is not serious in their eyes.

Then let them see the reality clearly and know how serious the matter is.

Xu Yiyang did whatever he thought of.

He took out yesterday's newspaper, cut out the one with Lin Tianyi's advertisement on the front page, and then used his laptop to print out an explanatory material.

In the material, Xu Yiyang used the first-person tone to objectively state what happened.

"Hello to all the school leaders of China Overseas International Studies University, I am an ordinary citizen of Yingzhou. Currently, there is a training course teacher named Ma Mingming in Yingzhou. He claims that he graduated from China Overseas International Studies University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. This is a selling point. We advertised and recruited students in Yingzhou, and thousands of students were recruited in one day. The training class is still recruiting students from outside, and its influence is very great."

"Out of a responsible attitude towards thousands of students and out of protection of the reputation of your school, I kindly ask the school to help confirm whether the teacher's identity and academic qualifications are true;"

"If the situation is true, as a citizen of Yingzhou, on behalf of all Yingzhou people, I would like to thank the top students who graduated from your school for their efforts and contributions to the youth of Yingzhou;"

"If the situation is not true, I sincerely ask your school to intervene in time. This is not only for the reputation of your school, but also for the sake of the more than a thousand or even more young people in Yingzhou!"

Xu Yiyang did not add any fuel to the letter, and his tone and voice were very neutral and objective, so this letter was written with a clear conscience.

If Lin Tianyi had not lied on Ma Mingming’s resume, this letter would not have any negative impact on her;

But if she made a lie, then I'm sorry, she must give an explanation to the teenagers in Yingzhou and bear the consequences of her own actions.

Because there was no Internet access at home, Xu Yiyang came to the Children's Palace and printed out what he had written, preparing to fax it to China Overseas along with the newspaper.

As soon as he printed out the materials, his landlord Chen Dazhong called him and said anxiously: "Oh brother, I heard that Lin Tianyi recruited thousands of students yesterday, and there was a long queue of people to sign up this morning. You How can I make that stinky bitch Lin Tianyi turn around..."

Xu Yiyang smiled and said, "I found a great teacher."

Chen Dazhong blurted out: "Then you should find a more powerful teacher to confront her! You must not let such a woman turn over, otherwise there will be endless trouble!"

Xu Yiyang said: "I don't have any good teacher resources."

He had no intention of telling Chen Dazhong about Ma Mingming's falsified resume.

In his opinion, Chen Dazhong was too impulsive in his actions and lacked strong logic and organization. It was easy for him to break the bombs in Landlord into three and one.

Therefore, I have to argue with Lin Tianyi on this matter.

However, Chen Dazhong's words reminded him.

Since Lin Tianyi can find Ma Mingming, who doesn't know the truth, why can't he find a more authoritative English teacher to hold up the scene

Not only can you increase your income, but it can also help you reduce some stress.

After all, the Children's Palace still has three classrooms, one large, two small, and three unoccupied, so it's time to find a way to use them.

So what kind of English teacher is the most authoritative in the eyes of students and parents

There is no doubt that they are foreigners!

Look at those training institutions in later generations, such as New Oriental, Wall Street, and EF. Who doesn’t have a lot of foreign teachers

These days, most Yingzhou citizens have never seen a live foreigner with their own eyes. If they can find a way to get a foreign teacher to come over, it will definitely cause a sensation.

When the time comes, what if a master's student from China and overseas comes to study? Can his English be better than that of the British and Americans

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyang immediately decided that since there were no classes for the past two days, he had to go to the provincial capital tomorrow to search out all the good universities in the provincial capital, and he would definitely find a foreign teacher! By the way, I went to the provincial capital and faxed the information to China Overseas.

From Yingzhou to the provincial capital, the bus takes more than two hours and leaves every hour, which is very convenient.

Early the next morning, he took his computer and printed information and went straight to the truck station.

At nearly twelve o'clock, Xu Yiyang walked out of Quancheng Long-distance Bus Station.

He did not immediately go to the university to find a foreign teacher. Instead, he first found a printing company and faxed the letter he had written and the front page of Yingzhou Daily to the other party.

In order to make the other party pay more attention to it, he sent the same content three times in a row. I believe that the other party will take it seriously after seeing the content of his fax!

(End of chapter)