Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 73: Misleading people


In the past two days, Lin Tianyi was really counting money until she was too weak.

As of this afternoon, her Philharmonic training has enrolled more than 3,000 students.

Lin Tianjie followed his sister and was so busy that he was often so busy that he couldn't even take time to smoke.

Around 4:40 in the afternoon, students in the junior class of Philharmonic Training began to come to the classroom one after another accompanied by their parents to prepare for the five o'clock class.

At this time, Hu Bingwen followed Xu Daqiang from the security team to Lin Tianyi's registration office.

"Hello, do you want to sign up your child to learn English?"

Lin Tianyi has a sales-like warm smile on her face. Now every adult who comes here is a walking RMB in her eyes.

At this time, Xu Daqiang spoke the lines that had been discussed in Yingzhou dialect: "There are several children at home who want to learn English. I heard that your teacher is very good, so I brought the old man over to find out more."

Lin Tianyi said with a smile: "Then you have found the right one. Our teacher is unparalleled in the entire Yingzhou. Her undergraduate and master's degrees were both studied at the best foreign language university in China. She is an absolute authority on English!"

At this time, Hu Bingwen had his hands behind his back, looking at a large number of graduation certificates and award certificates mounted on the wall, his face getting uglier and uglier.

In his opinion, this fraud was too low-level and even too audacious!

The graduation certificate with Ma Mingming's name and Ma Mingming's photo on it is not the same template as the current graduation certificate of China Overseas International Studies University!

Lin Tianyi didn't know Hu Bingwen's background, but still proudly introduced: "Our total enrollment has now exceeded 3,000, and there are not many places left. You must make a decision quickly."

"Breaking through three thousand people?"

Hu Bingwen was stunned.

You liar, you recruited more than 3,000 students under the name of China Overseas College? ! You are simply crazy!

At this time, Li Yunhui and others also walked in, pretending to take a casual look.

Lin Tianyi was about to greet them when Xu Daqiang hurriedly attracted her attention and said: "We have many children in our family. There are four in elementary school, three in junior high school and three in high school. The old man at home wants to The children all learn English well, so they want to learn more about it.”

After saying that, Xu Daqiang asked again: "By the way, are you going to class?"

Lin Tianyi nodded and said, "The junior class starts at five o'clock."

Xu Daqiang asked: "Can our old man listen in? He likes to do everything by himself. If he is satisfied, we will sign up directly."

Lin Tianyi didn't think much about it. His classroom was very big, so it wouldn't make any difference to move a chair for the old man to come in and listen.

After all, he is a big customer!

She didn't believe that this old man could hear anything good.

So she nodded and said, "Since the old gentleman wants to listen, I'll have someone move a chair for him!"

When Hu Bingwen sat down behind a group of primary school students, Ma Mingming was preparing lesson plans in the empty classroom next door.

She didn't know PPT, and she didn't know how to make courseware, so she wrote a rough lesson plan according to her usual way of teaching, and prepared it for use in lectures.

Ma Mingming’s English proficiency is limited, and his teaching skills are even more limited.

The school for children of state-owned enterprises that she attended before was generally very confusing and the teaching level was very low. The teachers only had a mixed job and had little motivation to improve.

Her school even sent a cripple to a children's school to become a primary school Chinese teacher in order to arrange re-employment for disabled employees who had suffered work-related injuries.

As for the teacher qualification certificate, it does not exist at all. Children's schools are now completely managed by state-owned enterprises and are not under the jurisdiction of the Education Bureau at all.

Moreover, state-owned enterprises do not see any problem in allowing a disabled employee to be a Chinese teacher.

Because they feel that primary school Chinese is so simple. As long as they are not illiterate and can teach pinyin, it is enough to follow the lesson plan for the rest of the class.

In the words of the school leaders, who teaches primary school Chinese

It is this kind of teaching atmosphere that makes Ma Mingming rather perfunctory about teaching work. Her previous work experience did not bring her anything useful, but instead gave her many bad habits.

At five o'clock sharp, more than a hundred children were seated in the classroom. Ma Mingming straightened up his appearance and walked into the classroom.

Entering the classroom, she found not only a group of children, but also an old man sitting in the last corner of the classroom.

She thought the old man might be the student's parent, so she didn't take it seriously.

When the class officially started, Ma Mingming introduced herself to everyone with a smile. She had just spoken two basic sentences in English when Hu Bingwen became furious.

This Ma Mingming's English has a strong flavor of Qilu dialect, which sounds really sour.

The key is that there is a certificate of Ma Mingming’s first prize in the China Overseas English Speaking Competition hanging on the wall outside. Isn’t this too ironic

What Hu Bingwen couldn't accept even more was that Ma Mingming's lecture was so special that it was completely without focus and irrelevant, as if he was just coaxing children to play.

Hu Bingwen only listened for a few minutes, and his face was already livid.

This is simply misleading people!

Hu Bingwen stood up angrily and walked away directly.

Ma Mingming on the podium was a little confused. Why was the old man behind him gone? Does he not understand English

But forget it, I'd better deal with this lesson quickly first.

Hu Bingwen, who looked angry, had just come out of the classroom. Xu Daqiang hurriedly greeted him and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Hu, what's wrong with you?"

Hu Bingwen couldn't hide his anger, but he tried not to get angry. He waved his hand to Xu Daqiang and said one word: "Let's go."

Xu Daqiang nodded and followed Hu Bingwen down the stairs to leave.

Lin Tianyi hurriedly asked: "Old man, do you think the price is too expensive?"

Hu Bingwen ignored her and went down the stairs without looking back. Xu Daqiang hurriedly followed.

Lin Tianyi felt a little baffled and wanted to stop and try to stay, but Hu Bingwen had already gone downstairs.

He was so angry at this training institution that he had never seen someone so blatantly mislead his students in all his years of life.

And the most annoying thing is that they actually recruited more than 3,000 students!

With the level of garbage that Ma Mingming said was fake, wouldn't China Overseas International Studies University become a stinking piece of shit in the eyes of these more than 3,000 students in the future

After a while, Li Yunhui and others also came out. He hurriedly asked Hu Bingwen: "Mr. Hu, why did you leave suddenly?"

Hu Bingwen said angrily: "It's too much. I can tolerate selling dog meat on sheep's head, but I really can't stand it when they sell dog shit on sheep's head!"

As soon as Li Yunhui heard this, he knew that the quality of teaching there was definitely extremely poor.

So, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Hu, we have also taken photos and collected evidence of the fake academic qualifications they showed. Don't be too angry. Let's go directly to the media tomorrow to break the news!"

"Well..." Hu Bingwen sighed and said, "You guys go back to the hotel first, I'll go do some errands."

Li Yunhui asked curiously: "Are you going to find that genius?"

"Yes." Hu Bingwen nodded and said, "We must dig him out."

Li Yunhui was afraid that he was not familiar with Yingzhou and wanted Xu Daqiang to accompany him, but he refused.

Afterwards, Hu Bingwen went directly to the roadside, stopped a taxi, and went to Yingzhou No. 3 Middle School.

When he arrived at No. 3 Middle School, he first asked the doorman about the principal's office.

When the guard saw that he was an old gentleman and looked like a scholar, he not only didn't stop him, but also directly told him the location of the principal's office.

Hu Bingwen thanked him, walked quickly to the principal's office of No. 3 Middle School, and knocked on the door.

A middle-aged woman opened the door and asked him curiously: "Old sir, are you okay?"

Hu Bingwen asked politely: "Are you the principal of our No. 3 Middle School?"

The principal nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

Hu Bingwen hurriedly took out his ID and said, "Hello, excuse me for disturbing you. My name is Hu Bingwen, and I am the deputy dean of the School of English at China Overseas International Studies University."

The principal of No. 3 Middle School glanced at Hu Bingwen's ID and was completely confused.

211 The vice president of a key university comes to No. 3 Middle School. What will he do

She said nervously: "Oh, hello, Dean Hu, come in quickly, come in quickly!"

Hu Bingwen asked politely: "Hello, principal, may I ask what your last name is?"

"My surname is Huang. My name is Huang Ling. You can just call me Xiao Huang."

Hu Bingwen said: "Hello, Principal Huang."

Huang Ling waved her hand hurriedly: "You're welcome, but I wonder why you come to our Yingzhou No. 3 Middle School?"

When Huang Ling asked this question, she also speculated on several possibilities.

For example, could he be doing some student-aiding activities

Will there be some kind of support group with the No. 3 Middle School, and in the future, the No. 3 Middle School will arrange for some top students from China and abroad to come over for internships, or give lectures

At this time, Hu Bingwen said: "Principal Huang, the reason I came here this time is to ask you about a student in our school!"

(End of chapter)