Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 77: There is much to be done


As soon as he arrived at the station, Xu Yiyang saw Billy with blond hair, and beside him stood a young beauty with brown hair.

After meeting, Billy introduced to him the classmate he brought, Anna Berry from the UK.

Xu Yiyang was polite to the two of them, and instead of taking them to the Children's Palace at the first stop, he took them to a photo studio.

In later generations, it became very popular among workplace elites to take business photos and use them as WeChat avatars.

The two groups that like to take this kind of photos the most are real estate agents and training instructors.

This kind of business photos can give people a better and more professional impression, which is still necessary for the training industry.

The two of them heard Xu Yiyang say that taking photos was used for enrollment promotion, and they didn't have any objections.

Moreover, Xu Yiyang was also very generous. Before construction started, he gave each of them 2,000 yuan in image royalties for a period of two years.

In the photo studio, the two of them changed into the studio's black pants and white shirts, and each took a set of business photos and a group photo with a dark background.

Later, Xu Yiyang took the two of them to the Children's Palace and explained to them his current teaching situation and the course arrangements for them.

Xu Yiyang's idea is that since he doesn't have to review now, there is nothing that can delay him from making money, so he still maintains the rhythm of taking 22 classes a week.

At the same time, let Billy and Anna work with you.

The junior class has the most students, so he asked Anna to teach the junior class together with him, sharing half of the courses.

The combined number of the intermediate class and the advanced class was the same as that of the beginner class, so he asked Billy to cooperate with him.

In this way, it means that 44 classes can be held every week. I still take 22 classes, and Billy and Anna each take 11 classes.

Therefore, starting from Friday, he plans to directly add 22 classes, doubling the existing scale.

Xu Yiyang has full confidence in the English training market in Yingzhou. After all, Lin Tianyi alone has released more than 3,000 students.

What's more, the current trend of learning English in Yingzhou has a very strong influence, making Yingzhou parents flock to it.

After booking the course, Xu Yiyang arranged for the two of them to stay in a nearby hotel. He went to the newspaper office with the photos that had been developed in a hurry and bought another front page.

After returning, Xu Yiyang arranged his two classes at five o'clock and seven o'clock to give trial lessons to Billy and Anna.

Anna is beautiful, has an exotic face, and is very popular with children.

To the kids in the junior class, she looked like someone straight out of a movie.

When the children saw her coming to class, they could not suppress their excited screams.

Anna herself is also very talkative and approachable. In addition, she has Xu Yiyang's courseware as a reference, so the teaching quality in the first class is very high.

Billy's first lesson also went very well.

He brought his guitar into the classroom and played and sang "Take Me Home, Country Road" in English, which shocked the junior high school children beyond words.

Xu Yiyang even found that students were more motivated in taking these two people's classes than in his own class.

The next day, newspapers with photos of Billy and Anna hit the market.

Taking advantage of Lin Tianyi’s experience, parents in Yingzhou now have two characteristics.

First, they all want their children to learn English, and second, they only trust Xu Yiyang’s Jiayang education.

Now, Xu Yiyang's training class has two more foreign teachers. They pay 100 yuan for eight classes, four of which are learning English from foreigners. In the eyes of parents, this is like picking up for free.

Because people in Yingzhou nowadays really don’t have much chance to see foreigners in person.

Xu Yiyang even believes that if he finds two foreigners and sets up a tent to collect tickets, they can sell a lot of tickets for five yuan a ticket.

Therefore, with the blessing of many reasons, the Children's Palace was once again full on Friday morning.

Due to the large number of places added this time, registrations were made non-stop all day long on Friday, and only 2,000 people were registered.

Xu Yiyang simply handed over all Saturday classes to two foreign teachers, and then completed the registration for 22 classes.

This time, the 22 classes were still full, with a total of 3,520 additional students, tuition fees of NT$352,000, and pre-deposited cards of NT$280,000.

In two days, the income was 630,000.

Including the 500,000 in Xu Yiyang's hands, the total assets have exceeded 1.1 million.

However, there are still hundreds of thousands in deposits, and I have to pay for it slowly with goods in the coming time.

What forms a huge contrast with the popularity of Jiayang Education is Lin Tianyi’s Philharmonic Education.

Not only did Aile Education have its business license revoked, but it was also imposed an administrative fine of 30,000 yuan. It took Lin Tianyi several days to refund all tuition fees to the students' parents.

Since the training class has been sealed, her venue rental and deposit have not been refunded. Adding in the loss of various hardware and fines, she lost hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop.

The more serious problem is that her reputation has been completely ruined, and the music store's business has plummeted, so she can only sell the music store at a low price.

However, in Yingzhou, as soon as she left her house, she was criticized and poked in the spine.

In desperation, she could only leave Yingzhou alone with the capital from the piano store and go to the south to work hard.

After a great harvest weekend, it’s time to rest on Monday again.

Xu Yiyang went to the post and telecommunications building and opened dial-up Internet service for his home.

At this stage, access to the Internet is still a very rare thing.

After all, there are only a few Internet cafes in Yingzhou that can access the Internet. Most computer rooms do not have access to the Internet and can only play stand-alone games, such as Red Alert 95 and StarCraft.

Therefore, what Yingzhou Telecom can currently apply for is narrowband dialing through telephone lines, and the most basic ADSL broadband has not yet been put into use.

However, although the Internet speed is slow and expensive, it is better than nothing.

Xu Yiyang's main purpose for installing network cables was to speculate in stocks. After the 519 market came, he didn't want to go to the securities hall every day.

Being able to operate the software at home is the most worry-free.

But there were still two months before the 519 market, so Xu Yiyang had nothing to do, so he took a look at the current Internet industry landscape.

First of all, Tengxun just released OICQ, the predecessor of QQ, two months ago. It is estimated that the number of users now is less than 10,000;

Secondly, Alibaba has not yet been established, but the domain names of 1688 and Alibaba have been registered overseas;

Thirdly, Google and Baidu are not online yet.

However, Sina has it, NetEase has it, and Sohu has it, but the page looks miserable.

Therefore, in Xu Yiyang's eyes, the world's Internet in 1999 was simply chaos.

At a certain moment, he also wanted to start an Internet business, but after thinking about it, he put it aside for the time being.

I don’t know any technology, and I can’t find suitable talents. Now I have no advantage in being a pioneer in the Internet.

It is better to make money first. Once you have made enough money, invest more in the early stage of the Internet market.

For example, Tengxun and Alibaba require financing in the early stages of starting a business. If you can get a sum of funds before they raise funds, you may invest in them.

Instead of working hard to make money yourself, it is better to let others work hard to make money for you.

On Wednesday, Jiayang Education’s 22 new classes officially started.

In order to ensure the quality of teaching, Xu Yiyang went to Quancheng to buy a laptop and a projector before the class started, and also equipped another classroom.

The two large classrooms in the Children's Palace were opened at the same time and suddenly became very lively.

After a week of classes, all the students liked Jiayang Education’s combined Chinese and Western teaching, and the parents were even more satisfied.

This not only brings the reputation of Jiayang Education to a higher level, but also makes Xu Yiyang full of expectations for the future.

Billy and Anna are so popular that they have proven they can take a back seat.

Once the core driving force of Jiayang Education is no longer himself, the lifespan of Jiayang Education can be extended forever and will not end just because he leaves Yingzhou.

In this way, Jiayang Education will become a long-term stable cash cow.

Moreover, the influence of offline industries is radial.

Jiayang Education is now popular in the urban area and suburbs of Yingzhou. Over time, it may become popular in all districts and counties in the city. In the next step, it will also be heard in several surrounding cities.

This also gives Jiayang Education an excellent development route.

Yingzhou is only a very small city in Qilu, and its population ranking is also at the bottom. Even so, it can recruit 7,000 students, and the development space of other cities will only be greater.

Thousands of students, taking classes and retailing in a year, can generate at least five to six million in revenue. If it can be expanded to 17 prefecture-level cities in the province, the annual revenue can reach 100 million.

It may seem out of reach, but it actually develops very quickly.

New Oriental is now focusing on first-tier cities, and other training institutions are insignificant. Now is a good opportunity to conquer cities in third- and fifth-tier cities.

Like Xu Yiyang, Xueersi, which focuses on teenagers, only started in 2003 and has achieved a market value of more than 30 billion US dollars in more than ten years.

Jiayang Education is already four years ahead of it. If we continue to do this in depth, we will definitely have great potential!

(End of chapter)