Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 85: Help him mount his horse


Early the next morning.

Zhang Aixuegan simply obtained the divorce certificate from Lu Pei.

When Lu Pei came out after receiving his certificate, he happily got into a Volkswagen Santana.

Zhang Aixue also felt relieved. He stepped on his big trousers and went directly to the Children's Palace and found a house near the Children's Palace.

Xu Yiyang called the seller of teaching aids early in the morning, purchased 40 sets of tables and chairs, and prepared a classroom for Zhang Aixue.

Two days later, Zhang Aixue, who had recovered a lot of energy, came over.

The school work has been handed over, the marriage has been divorced, the house has been rented, and the family has moved, so everything is settled.

When Xu Yiyang heard that he was divorced, he couldn't help but sigh that he was actually quite straightforward in doing things, but he had to figure it out first.

Later, Xu Yiyang took him on a general tour of the hardware facilities of Jiayang Education.

During the visit, Xu Yiyang could see that Zhang Aixue was very excited.

He should love his job as a teacher. Now that he has the opportunity to stand on the podium again, it is a kind of salvation for him.

Xu Yiyang took him to visit the small classroom prepared for him and introduced: "This classroom is configured for eighty people. It is similar to our Yingzhou No. 1 Middle School. I will prepare a computer for you later, so you can learn." How to use computers to make courseware.”

"Okay!" Zhang Aixue nodded, walked to the podium, touched the brand new green blackboard, and sighed: "I have only been away for a few days, and it feels like it has been several years..."

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "Teacher Zhang, let's make a reservation for the course. Once we've made the reservation, we'll start enrolling students. You can start taking classes as soon as possible."

After that, he asked him again: "Can you teach mathematics in junior high schools and high schools?"


Xu Yiyang nodded and said: "The demand for math tutoring is mainly concentrated among middle school students. So in the early stage, we will open one class each from the first year of junior high school to the third year of high school. What do you think?"

"Okay." Zhang Aixue said, "Then I will start preparing lesson plans after I go back."

Xu Yiyang said: "Then I will have people make posters and start recruiting students."


After confirming the course with Zhang Aixue, Xu Yiyang asked Li Nan from the advertising store to make several sets of roll-ups.

On the roll-up banner, in addition to stating the details of the math class, there is also Zhang Aixue’s resume.

Zhang Aixue was admitted to Qilu Normal University in 1988. After graduating in 1992, he entered Yingzhou No. 1 Middle School as a mathematics teacher and has 7 years of teaching experience.

However, although his teaching quality is very good and he is very serious, he has never been awarded an honorary title, probably because he is not good at managing interpersonal relationships.

The price of math tutoring classes is also tentatively set at 100 yuan for 8 classes, which is the market price.

Li Nan made the roll-ups and delivered them in person. Xu Yiyang placed the roll-ups at the entrance downstairs, the entrance upstairs, and the entrance to the parents' lounge.

Xu Yiyang felt that although Zhang Aixue's resume was nothing particularly outstanding, at least with the 7,000 students in the English class guarding the Children's Palace, recruiting students would not be too difficult.

However, the reality slapped Xu Yiyang in the face.

On the afternoon of the day when the roll-up banner was displayed, a total of 640 students from four classes came to the two classes. Many parents also came, but only 15 people signed up for the math training class.

640 people, 15 people converted, the conversion rate is only 2.3%...

Based on the current 44 classes and 7,040 students, a conversion rate of 2.3% can only admit 162 students at most.

In Xu Yiyang's view, this conversion rate is too low.

Moreover, they are divided into six classes, and each class only has an average of more than 20 people.

There are 160 people in the English class next to him, and there are more than 20 people in Zhang Ai's class. This must also be a blow to him.

Xu Yiyang was very puzzled by this extremely low conversion rate.

So he consulted some parents of students during breaks and after school.

After asking this question, I discovered that in fact, more than half of the middle school students in my English class were taking tutoring in mathematics.

Moreover, almost all of these students who are already taking tutoring in mathematics are taking tutoring classes with their own teachers at school.

From the parents’ narratives, Xu Yiyang learned one of the most important reasons:

Parents feel that allowing their children to take tutoring with school teachers can incidentally improve the teachers' attitude towards their children at school.

Because teachers generally take extra care of students who tutor with them after class.

This is understandable and can be regarded as an unspoken rule.

The teacher himself also knows very well that when opening a cram school, the best source of students is his own students.

Therefore, they are also actively developing parents of their students in private, and they have tried their best to develop what they can.

It is really rare for an idiot like Zhang Aixue to set up cram schools to avoid his own students.

Moreover, Xu Yiyang also knew that Zhang Aixue was incomparable to him.

I was considered an English genius at the beginning. By translating for foreign guests, I suddenly surpassed all the English teachers. This is the peak when I debut, and no one can compare with me.

But Zhang Aixue didn't have this opportunity.

There are at least dozens of math teachers like him in Yingzhou, some of whom have more experience than him and hold various honorary titles.

Therefore, Zhang Aixue has no advantage.

Although having more than 100 students would allow Zhang Aixue to earn much more than at school, Xu Yiyang still felt that it was almost boring.

He felt that his English class was galloping wildly. If Zhang Ai had learned the lesson and could only trot all the way, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, I have to find a way to help him get on the horse!

However, how can we help when there is no advantage

Thinking about it now, the troubles Lin Tianyi faced back then should be the same as he is now.

Her solution at the time was to forge Ma Mingming's resume, but she certainly couldn't do that.

Thinking of this, Xu Yiyang suddenly thought that he might as well recruit a more famous mathematics teacher first and bundle Zhang Aixue with him for sales. After Zhang Aixue made his name known, he could be on his own.

In my previous life, many famous teacher classes operated in this way.

For example, a well-known pianist's master class has 20 lessons per session and a tuition fee of 30,000. The famous pianist may teach only one class himself, and the rest will be replaced by capable but unknown teachers.

In this way, famous teachers save trouble and make a lot of money, and unknown teachers also have the opportunity to show their faces. After the famous teacher class is over, some of the students in the famous teacher class can be transformed into themselves.

So, he found Zhang Aixue and asked him a question: "Teacher Zhang, in Qilu, which mathematics teacher has the most influence?"

Zhang Aixue said without thinking: "It must be Professor Zhao Hansheng."

Xu Yiyang asked: "Who is this person from?"

Zhang Aixue immediately introduced him.

Zhao Hansheng was born in 1937 in Quancheng. He was admitted to East China Normal University in 1957 and has been engaged in middle school education in Qilu since graduation.

Zhao Hansheng has been working on the front line of middle school education for most of his life, and has won almost every honor a middle school teacher can get.

It was not until the age of fifty-five that he retired from the front line of education due to physical reasons and worked in the Basic Education Department of the Provincial Department as the leader of the middle school mathematics group. He also served as a visiting professor at Qilu Normal University. Zhang Aixue became a mathematician at that time. Attended his class.

The rules of the Qilu High School Entrance Examination have gone through many reforms. Before 2000, the three key subjects of Chinese and Mathematics used the unified test papers for the whole province.

Moreover, Zhao Hansheng has been participating in and leading the proposition work of the mathematics proposition papers of the province's high school entrance examination since more than ten or twenty years ago and until the past two years. He has served as the leader of the mathematics proposition group and has even participated in the proposition of the national college entrance examination mathematics papers many times.

Therefore, Zhao Hansheng is definitely the authority on middle school mathematics education in the entire Qilu Province.

Even the mathematics textbooks he compiled are the best-selling in the province, except for Huanggang and Haidian textbooks.

Moreover, Zhang Aixue heard that Zhao Hansheng just retired last year and is no longer responsible for the mathematics proposition of the high school entrance examination this year.

Xu Yiyang was overjoyed, wasn't this the famous teacher he was looking for

Not to mention anything else, his years of experience in leading the mathematics test papers for high school entrance exams are enough to make the parents of junior high school students regard him as a great master!

After all, he must know the question-taking habits of high school entrance examination mathematics better than anyone else.

Such a great master, let alone 100 yuan per session, even 100 yuan per class would be popular!

Because even if you can get one big question right, it’s worth the price of admission!

We have to think of a way to invite him over! Let him help Zhang Aixue open up the situation!

So, he immediately called the Department of Education and the publishing house to ask for Zhao Hansheng's contact information.

However, neither party disclosed any information to him.

Xu Yiyang was at a loss. He wanted to go to Quancheng to find Zhao Hansheng, but he didn't know where to start.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Hu Bingwen.

Zhao Hansheng graduated from China Normal University, so he is an alumnus of Hu Bingwen!

Maybe, Hu Bingwen might know him!

So, he avoided Zhang Aixue and called Hu Bingwen.

As soon as the phone call came through, Xu Yiyang smiled and said, "Hello, Professor Hu!"

Hu Bingwen smiled and said: "Xiao Xu, you called, didn't you want to regret it?"

Xu Yiyang smiled and said: "Of course not. Don't worry, I will report to school on time in early September! Personality guarantee!"

Hu Bingwen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I have dreamed several times that you would break your appointment, which makes me worried all day long."

Xu Yiyang chuckled and said, "Actually, I'm calling you because I want to ask you about someone."

Hu Bingwen asked curiously: "Who do you want to inquire about?"

Xu Yiyang said: "Do you know an old man named Zhao Hansheng from our Qiluji Teaching Office? He seems to be a college alumnus of yours!"

Hu Bingwen said with a smile: "He is my senior brother at China Normal University! We have been old friends for decades, why do you want to ask about him?"

(End of chapter)