Rebirth Of The Entrepreneurship Era

Chapter 87: Borrow a chicken to lay an egg


Pay 2,000 to get 2,500 for pre-saved lecture cards, which is not Xu Yiyang’s real selling point.

In fact, he knew very well that not to mention paying 2,000 and getting 2,500, even if he got 3,000, not many people would be really interested.

Just like a barber shop charging 2,000 for 4,000, some even charge more, but most people are still not interested.

The real soul is the 100 yuan voucher and the 60-day hesitation period.

In short, he spared a lot of money and provided all the parents with an opportunity to take advantage, and then used the small profits to borrow a sum of money from the parents.

For parents, if you spend 2,000 yuan to purchase a pre-saved training card and get a 100 yuan voucher, you can sign up for Zhao Hansheng's master class at a price of 400 yuan.

Then wait patiently for the 60-day hesitation period to pass, and then you can ask Jiayang Education to refund the 2,000 yuan spent to apply for the card, which is a 100 yuan advantage.

If you deposit 2,000 yuan in the bank, the one-year regular interest rate will be around 3.5%. After one year of deposit, the interest will only be 70 yuan.

Now, as long as you buy a pre-deposited course card and get the money back after two months, you can actually save 100 yuan.

No matter how you calculate it, it’s a good deal!

As long as the parents feel that it is a good deal, Xu Yiyang can "borrow" a sum of money from the parents for 60 days in a reasonable, legal and reasonable manner.

There is still one month left in the 519 market, and 60 days are enough to complete the entire market.

Since the 519 market can generate at least 200% net profit, it is equivalent to borrowing 2,000 yuan from each parent at a cost of 100 yuan, and then throwing the 2,000 yuan into the stock market to turn it into 6,000 yuan.

After paying back the principal of 2,000 yuan and deducting the profit of 100 yuan, I still made 3,900 yuan.

Extremely cost-effective.

In the known stock market conditions, the only way to make as much money as possible is to bring more chips.

Although allocating funds for stock trading is a good way, there is no such method yet;

Although the loan seems reliable, the key point is that you don’t have any fixed assets and it is difficult to get it;

Borrowing is even more unreliable. I don’t know anyone who can lend me a large amount of money, and others may not believe me.

Another way to borrow money is to cast a wide net and offer high interest rates to attract them, such as borrowing tens of millions from 10,000 people in one go.

However, using high interest rates to absorb funds on a large scale is likely to violate laws and regulations on illegal fund-raising.

This is a high-voltage line, don't touch it!

Xu Yiyang thought about it before he came up with this idea.

What you pre-sell is a service, which is a sales act, not a fund-raising act.

As long as you can redeem services or refunds to consumers, there is no legal risk.

The 519 market is the general trend, and what is coming will definitely come. Therefore, there will be no financial risk if this money is invested in the stock market.

Xu Yiyang conservatively estimated that this method should be able to help raise seven to eight million in funds.

In this case, you can help yourself earn an extra fifteen million!

Early the next morning, a new issue of Yingzhou Daily was released.

All the parents of junior high school students in Yingzhou, especially the parents of junior high school students, were as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Zhao Hansheng, former leader of the mathematics group of the Basic Education Department of the Provincial Department, leader of the mathematics test paper group for high school entrance examinations for many years, and recognized as the master of mathematics in middle schools in the province, is actually coming to Jiayang Education in Yingzhou to start classes!

9 classes cost 500 yuan. Although Zhao Hansheng is only responsible for three classes, in the eyes of parents, this is already a great value!

Because no one knows the preferences of the test paper group better than Zhao Hansheng. Listening to his class will definitely inspire you and make you targeted during the review process. It is definitely worth the money!

If Zhao Hansheng can bet on a big question correctly, then the 500 yuan will have been earned!

Even mathematics teachers from several junior high schools, after seeing the newspaper, immediately suggested to students as soon as they arrived at school that if their families could afford it, they should sign up to listen.

As a result, the Children's Palace suddenly exploded.

At six or seven o'clock, countless parents swarmed in.

Even parents of students in surrounding suburbs rushed to the city after receiving the news.

The enthusiasm of students’ parents is unprecedentedly high.

Early in the morning, there was a long queue at the entrance of the Children's Palace.

The team snaked all the way down, completely surrounding the entrance of the Children's Palace.

Fortunately, Xu Yiyang learned well this time.

Yesterday, he went to the leader of the Construction Bank opposite and told him that he might collect more than tens of millions of tuition fees on the spot today.

You can deposit all the money in China Construction Bank, but the requirement is that China Construction Bank must send a few tellers with equipment to count banknotes and check them to the Children's Palace to collect the money for you.

Otherwise, I will cooperate with other banks.

How could the leaders of China Construction Bank watch tens of millions of savings pass by, so they immediately agreed.

According to Xu Yiyang's request, the bank arranged five tellers with banknote counting machines and banknote binding machines early in the morning to be responsible for collecting payments.

Five security guards were also lent to Xu Yiyang and rushed to the scene to maintain order.

At the same time, the bank also removed a group of people from its cash transport team. Their task is to transport cash to the bank whenever the cash on site reaches a certain size.

After Zhang Aixue sent his children to school early in the morning, he immediately ran over to help.

Counting Xu Yiyang, Xu Ma, Du Wenjuan and Zhang Ning, there are exactly five people responsible for registration.

Five people registered, five tellers collected money, and one-on-one cooperation greatly improved efficiency.

Moreover, most of the parents who signed up today brought enough cash.

They had long seen the bug Xu Yiyang left in the advertisement, and most people wanted to take advantage of it.

Before starting the registration, Xu Yiyang first spent 500 yuan out of his own pocket and wrote the name of his sister Xu Yishan at the first place on the registration form.

Even Xu Yiyang, the man behind the scenes and the instigator, felt that with such a good opportunity, the little girl must come to hear about it, not to mention the other parents of the students.

At eight o'clock sharp, registration for the training class officially started.

From the fourth floor to the first floor to downstairs and outdoors, more than a thousand parents lined up to sign up. The event was unprecedented.

A large number of people poured in. Fortunately, there were five security guards sent by the bank to help maintain order at the stairs to the fourth floor.

Security guards blocked the flow of people at the entrance on the fourth floor, allowing registered parents to line up in an orderly manner.

In this way, the registration work upstairs can also be carried out in an orderly manner.

The five people were busy all the time. They were busy until 5 pm before the registration of 3,700 people was completed.

Xu Yiyang starts class at five o'clock and the bank closes, so registration is suspended.

Registration continued at 8 a.m. the next day.

After another day of hard work, before 5 p.m. the next day, all 30 classes and 7,200 people had registered!

At this time, there were still a large number of parents waiting anxiously outside.

Zhang Aixue went downstairs and came back to tell Xu Yiyang that there were at least a thousand parents waiting in line.

Many of them came from surrounding towns and villages, and many came from neighboring cities. Now I heard that the registration is full, and they are reluctant to leave no matter what.

Xu Yiyang said: "Let the security tell them. There are indeed no quotas. There is no point in being blocked here. Tell them that if we have any enrollment expansion activities, we will publish them in Yingzhou Daily, so that they can pay more attention to the information."

After Zhang Aixue and the bank security guards finally persuaded the unwilling parents to leave, Xu Yiyang's revenue data was also taken into account.

The tuition income from the entire master class is close to 3 million!

In fact, based on a tuition fee of 500 yuan per person, 7,200 people should receive a tuition fee of 3.6 million yuan.

The reason why only 3 million yuan was collected is because 6,012 parents of these 7,200 people applied for pre-deposited lesson cards worth 2,000 yuan, so the tuition fee was reduced by 601,200 yuan.

Correspondingly, the income from pre-saved lecture cards exceeded 12 million!

There is also retail deposit income of 530,000;

After checking, all the money was deposited into CCB, totaling 15.55 million.

After getting this data, the young Xu Yiyang was as excited as a Parkinson's patient!

He himself never thought that he could "borrow" so much money from parents with pre-deposited lesson cards.

With the extra 12 million chips in hand, when 519 comes, I can easily earn 25 million for myself.

He couldn't help but sigh that he invited Zhao Hansheng to come and take him for a ride in order to help Zhang Ai learn to ride a horse, but in the end he got such a great opportunity from it!

This is really in line with the old saying, but do good deeds without worrying about the future.

While Xu Yiyang was excited about his income, everyone except him felt sorry for him.

Because in their opinion, Xu Yiyang suffered a big loss this time.

They all concluded that all the more than 12 million pre-deposited course cards would be refunded by the parents of the students in two months.

When the time comes, Xu Yiyang will not only return the twelve million in full, but will also actually lose more than 600,000 in tuition income.

Xu's mother hesitated again and again, and finally said to Xu Yiyang: "Son, I think in two months, most of the lecture cards will be returned. By then, thousands of people will be queuing up for refunds, and a lot of people will be busy. Go, what are you doing by tossing this back and forth?"

Zhang Ning nodded and blurted out: "Yes, boss, you shouldn't have told them that they can return it after 60 days. They bought the pre-stored card just for the 100 yuan discount, and they will definitely return it then."

Zhang Aixue also felt that the loss was a bit too great, and he really couldn't understand why Xu Yiyang did this. Logically speaking, Xu Yiyang was a smart man, how could he make such an obvious mistake.

After all, if more than 10 million were put into the bank, the interest would only be several hundred thousand a year, not to mention that the money could only be kept in Xu Yiyang's account for two months.

Xu Yiyang just smiled and said nothing.

He didn't dare to say that he would make great use of the money.

Otherwise, if my mother knew that she was planning to misappropriate the money, she would be frightened.

He calculated that his original funds, plus this income, plus the new tuition fee for the English class that will be collected this month, minus the 1.8 million to be donated to the Hope Project on behalf of Zhao Hansheng, should be able to bring a Fifteen to six million admissions.

These 15 to 6 million will lock in a net profit of at least 30 million for himself.

As the saying goes, borrowing a chicken to lay an egg is basically like this!

(End of chapter)