Rebirth of the Evil Mother-In-Law

Chapter 114


"Mr. Fang, it's really thanks to your reminder this time, otherwise there may be a major accident."

Thinking of the results checked by those experts, Mayor Mo's cold sweat was about to come down on the spot. According to experts, there are already several mountains in danger of collapse. According to this rain, there is a real chance that there will be landslides.

He was still too careless and almost made a big mistake. His expression was a mixture of happiness, annoyance, and the gratitude of the other party Junrong.

Of course Fang Junrong would not take all the credit for himself. She smiled slightly, "Actually, he reminded me when my assistant and I were on the phone."

Yes, if it wasn't for Jiang Dexian's words this time, she really wouldn't remember it. It would be hard for her to forgive herself if this tragedy happened right under her nose. At this point, she would like to thank Jiang Dexian.

"Then remember to say thank you to me." Mayor Mo said, "I'll keep busy."

He had to be busy arranging for these people to move out of the village. Many people in Dingyang Village have gone out to work, and there are about 230 people left in the village. Even though these two hundred people may seem like a small number, it is not easy to settle down. Their town is too small, there is only one hotel and three hotels, and the scale is not large. If all arrangements are made, only half of the people can be accommodated at most. The other half was afraid to find another place to settle down.

Mayor Mo wanted to pull his hair in a hurry, and he didn't have time to drink water in the past two days. After he told him to evacuate first, not everyone in Dingyang Village was willing to cooperate. Many people felt that the government was making a fuss and wasting everyone's time. With this time, they might as well make up a few more baskets at home to buy some money.

Mayor Mo simply used his trump card and said that if he refused to evacuate, he would directly cancel the subsidy for this year's fruit tree project. Like the villagers who plant fruit trees, the local government will more or less give some subsidies.

As soon as these words came out, although there were complaints from the bottom, no one dared to stay away, so they could only obediently obey the instructions and evacuate.

Fang Junrong doesn't want to cause trouble for them either. She is not a professional in this field. So she simply wore a raincoat and held an umbrella and walked around the town. Even if you want to build a factory, you have to find a suitable location. Xinyun and Fang Tian were with her. Fang Tian originally wanted to take out her mobile phone to shoot, but the rain was so heavy that she was worried that the mobile phone would get water, so she had to give up this plan. Chen Mingzhu followed the car back to the village in the morning to help convince the villagers that it would take more than half an hour to take the bus from the town to the village. Because of the rain, it took more time for safety.

Fang Junrong roughly looked at a few recommended factory locations, weighed the pros and cons of these, and had some idea in mind.

"I think the most important thing is to repair the road." Li Xinyun said in a decent manner, "Didn't I say, to get rich, build the road first." She tilted her head and asked in confusion, "I see that town Chang is also a practical person, why hasn't the road up the mountain been repaired?"

She had heard Mingzhu say that there was a very narrow road for them to enter the village, so they could barely pass the bus.

Fang Junrong said: "The terrain is a problem, the road is probably not easy to expand over there. It costs a lot to build the road. You have seen the situation in this village, and you can't spend much money to build it. Now that the road can be built, it is still a good idea. The result of government subsidies.”

But local government money

It’s not too much. Every place needs money. If a lot of money is used to build the road leading to Dingyang Village, it is estimated that many people will have opinions. However, if they want to set up a factory in the town and buy lychees from the village, they can also repair the road. To put it in a bad way, Fang Junrong can be said to be a big benefactor in the village after building this road. At that time, whoever makes trouble in the factory may not be drowned by the villagers.

Every year, she spends at least 20 million yuan on charity, and the big deal is to use part of this year's charity funds to build this road.

After walking, they were a little tired, and the three of them simply went to dinner. The hotel did not provide three meals, and they usually had to eat in restaurants outside. Fang Junrong especially likes the local dried bamboo shoots, and the stewed meat is particularly delicious.

After she was full, she was ready to go back. Fang Tian and Xin Yun expressed their desire to buy some special products. Fang Junrong arranged a bodyguard beside them, and she and Jian Shao went back first.

The occupancy rate of this hotel may not be one-third in normal times, but today because there are many people in Dingyang Village, the originally empty hotel suddenly became crowded and noisy. The hotel has only three floors and no elevator. After all, it is a small county in the 18th tier, and the hotel conditions are far inferior to those in the first-tier and second-tier cities.

She had just gone upstairs when she heard a loud horn-like sound.

"Pearl, when you eat and drink spicy food, don't forget our neighbors who grew up watching you."

"You are really amazing. You can meet rich people when you go out. I heard that the big boss is planning to open a factory. You can say a few good words to your big Nan and arrange for him to come in. Me and What you said, you still have a good listen, I said, no matter how well you read, it is better to have a child while you are young and tie people up."

"Osmanthus, is this picture stuffed with cow dung? Why is it so ugly to speak, Mingzhu has been very good since childhood, not that kind of person. If you are angry in your heart, you can sing at your husband, what do you do with yin and yang? You dare to talk nonsense and ruin Mingzhu. Fame, I will tear up your rotten mouth."

Fang Junrong heard something from the conversation. It is estimated that after the people from Dingyang Village came, they heard that Chen Mingzhu and a rich boss were getting close, so they were preconceived. She walked up and saw many people in the corridor. Seeing Fang Junrong, Chen Mingzhu's voice was grateful, "Mr. Fang."

Usually, because of Xin Yun, she would call her Aunt Fang directly, but now she suddenly calls Mr. Fang in front of people, which is nothing more than a counterattack for the slander she just slandered.

The sound of Mr. Fang made all the people in the corridor stunned, and they stared at Fang Junrong blankly.

Fang Junrong's raincoat had been taken off. Because of the umbrella and the raincoat, she was not very wet. Only a few strands of broken hair were wetted by the rain and stuck to her head, showing a rare charm. The skin is whiter than the snow, and the facial features are perfect. If you stop there, the somewhat dim corridor seems to be illuminated by her face, making them hold their breath. The elegant and awe-inspiring temperament made them dare not to make mistakes, and clearly realized that this was a person belonging to another world.

The woman who was still chattering almost squinted her eyes out, and patted her chest subconsciously. Is this the big boss who often eats with Mingzhu in the hotel? So young, so beautiful, like walking off the TV.

She remembered what she had just said, especially when the big boss swept over, her cheeks suddenly became hot. How did she know that the big boss who was going to invest in the town this time was actually such a character? All she remembered was old, potbellied soil.

rich man.

Fang Junrong's eyes fell on Chen Mingzhu, her eyes softened a lot, "Under this environment, Mingzhu can still be admitted to the best high school in town, which shows that you have a good talent for reading. Keep reading, and when you are admitted to university, your The future will be bright." Although it does not mean anything to be admitted to university now, no one knows what will happen in the future. But in front of people, Fang Junrong must be encouraging. She also believed that with the perseverance of this little girl, she would not be too bad in the future.

"Yes!" Chen Mingzhu's eyes were slightly red, she could not help straightening her back, and replied subconsciously.

Fang Junrong glanced at them and added, "After a few years, our factory will also give priority to recruiting junior high school graduates."

Fang Junrong's room was quite powerful. When she and the bodyguard passed by, everyone else subconsciously made way for them.

When she returned to the room, the people in the corridor seemed to have the switch pressed, and the ability to speak came back.

"This is the boss who has been with Mingzhu a lot these days. She's so beautiful. When she talks, I don't even dare to speak."

"Sister-in-law sweet-scented osmanthus, look at what you just said was human? Don't apologize to Mingzhu yet!"

"You still say that reading is useless all day long. The big bosses say that you have to study hard to have a future. Don't talk about the uselessness of reading all day long. You have long hair and short knowledge. It's you. Promising, if you have knowledge from the bottom of your heart, it must be very gratifying."

Chen Guihua seemed to be slapped severely, her cheeks were hot, and she forced herself to defend herself, "I haven't read books, how can I know these truths." Her thoughts also began to shake, or wait for the start of school, Just send the little girl to read a book? After all, he has to go to junior high school. The boss of Renfang said that his factory will give priority to recruiting junior high school diplomas in the future.

"If you don't understand, you can say less."

The existence of Fang Junrong made these villagers realize the gap between the two sides. In their hearts, they are undoubtedly successful people. Therefore, they will be more convinced of her words, and some people even think that as long as they study hard, they may be like her in the future.

There is no doubt that her few words finally planted the seeds in their hearts.

Fang Junrong was originally worried that these people would be noisy when they moved in, but apart from the first meeting, they didn't cause any trouble later, they were all as good as quails.

After talking to Chen Mingzhu, Chen Mingzhu said: "It may be because they see that the mayor's secretary is very polite in front of you, so don't dare. Besides, if you are going to build a factory here, you will not dare to offend you. already."

Who doesn't want to work directly in a factory

Fang Junrong didn't take this trivial matter to heart. It was better for them to be quiet than to make noises to harass her. Next, we only need to wait for the landslide... Speaking of which, many of their fruit trees are planted on the mountain. If there is a landslide, there will inevitably be a few heavy losses. But losing money is better than losing your life.

While waiting, time flows slowly. When the front desk called her and said that someone was looking for her, Fang Junrong was stunned. If it was a government department, they would have knocked on the door if they knew her room number.

She looked downstairs and was stunned when she saw the familiar figure. It was actually Jiang Dexian! Why did he come suddenly

"Did something happen to the company?" No, if something went wrong, he would definitely call him immediately, or send an email no matter how bad it was.

The rain slid down the trousers and formed a small pit at the foot. Jiang Dexian lowered his eyes and felt a rare anxiety in his heart. Even in the stock market that year, he was never so nervous when he was looking for the bottom.

"I just thought I should come and see you."