Rebirth of the Evil Mother-In-Law

Chapter 48: Chapter 48


Li Wangjin went home with a few boxes of peach blossom pills.

He has been in the company for the past few days, so busy that he has no time to come back and rest until now. The peach blossom pills in his hand were prepared for Wen Sixian. Wen Sixian stayed at home after recuperating from surgery.

His Peach Blossom Pill is not only the original formula, the Zhang family researched it, but also added some to it. Zhang Bi didn't say what was added. He only said that it has a good effect on scar removal, but it has not been officially carried out. Clinical Trials.

Li Wangjin remembered Wen Sixian, so he brought back a few boxes, just to give Wen Sixian a try. The Zhang family has inherited the medical family for hundreds of years, and the things they have tinkered with are definitely better than what Fang Junrong has at hand.

When he told Wen Sixian, Wen Sixian was really happy. She didn't know that she had become an experimental guinea pig, and showed a smile that she hadn't seen for a long time, "That's great."

"I'll try it right away." As long as she leaves the room now, she has to apply a thick foundation to cover the scars on her face, for fear of seeing the disgusted expression on Li Wangjin's face.

She took peach blossom pills in front of Li Wangjin. The taste after eating seems to be a little different from the beauty pills, more bitter. When I swallowed it, the bitter taste still lingered in my mouth, unlike the beauty pills that were slightly bitter and had a return to sweetness.

Isn't it the same recipe? Why does it taste different

She tentatively asked Li Wangjin.

Li Wangjin said confidently: "This is a new product developed by the Zhang family, which is better than beauty pills."

Wen Sixian has no doubts.

In the next few days, Li Wangjin was not at home, busy pulling investment and discussing cooperation. In front of people, he was as busy as a bee, and he regained his long-lost high spirits.

He also accepted other people's invitations, frequently attended various banquets, and felt everyone's praise for him. He actually wanted to meet Fang Junrong and asked her if she regretted it. It's a pity that Fang Junrong didn't know if it was because he was afraid of embarrassment. He was so low-key these days that he didn't even go out.

Forget it, although Fang Junrong could not be seen, he was still inflated by the praise of others.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed. Peach Blossom Pills are also basically delivered to every customer through logistics.

After being happy for a week, Li Wangjin suddenly thought of Wen Sixian, the guinea pig, so he came back again.

He asked straight to the point, "How do you use the peach blossom pills?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed on Wen Sixian's face, "Maybe it's because of just taking it, and the effect is relatively average."

The skin did turn white two days before I ate it, but it returned to its original color after that. As for the scar removal effect, it can only be imagined in a dream. She is someone who has experienced the efficacy of beauty pills firsthand, so she can feel the huge gap between the two. It's just that these words can't be said in front of Li Wangjin. His character is the most proud, and what he hates most is that others put Fang Junrong on his head.

Li Wangjin looked at her face and said after a while, "I think your skin has turned a lot whiter."

Wen Sixian wanted to say that she looked white with foundation. She has to apply multiple layers of foundation every day, who made Li Wangjin like fair skin.

Li Wangjin saw that she was silent, and there was a faint unease in his heart, "It may also be because you took too many beauty pills before, so the effect was not so significant." Well, it must be because of this!

Wen Sixian said with a gentle face, "you're right."

In her heart, she had already decided to secretly buy beauty pills and come back. The peach blossom pills had no effect at all, but instead made her stomach uncomfortable for the past few days.

The next second, the sound of puff sounded, bringing a burst of embarrassment. Accompanying the sound is a stench that is enough to stun people.

Wen Sixian's face was hot, she never thought that she would fart at this time.

Li Wangjin's face turned black, and he covered his nose with his hands. He was so smoked that he nearly vomited up his lunch. How does this fart stink like this

Wen Sixian could not wait to dig a hole in the ground to leave. The expression on her face couldn't hold up anymore, "I'll go back to the room to rest."

Then left in despair.

Li Wangjin ran to the balcony to blow the wind, and he felt that the stench remained on his body. This made him less throbbing when facing Wen Sixian, only impatient.

What he never expected was that this was just the beginning.

During dinner in the evening, Wen Sixian attacked again and again with stinky farts. The person sitting opposite her was going to be sick and vomited, and the candlelight dinner that had been good was forced to be interrupted.

It was rare for him to go home, not only did he not enjoy Wenrou Township, but only a series of stinky farts. Unable to bear it any longer, he threw his chopsticks, "When are you going to put it on? If you have a bad stomach, go to the hospital to see a doctor."

He can't stay in this house anymore.

He pinched his nose, his face ashen, "Can't you eat less messy things?"

Wen Sixian bit her lower lip, she didn't want it either. Li Wangjin rarely came back once, but when he encountered such a thing, I was afraid that her image in front of him had completely collapsed. Even if her face is repaired in the future, he will have a psychological shadow on her.

Obviously not her fault.

Wen Sixian had been under a lot of pressure during this period of time, and when he saw Li Wangjin's undisguised disgust in his eyes, he blurted out, "I haven't eaten anything except fruit these days, and it's the same as before, except for eating. The peach blossom pills you brought back."

"That peach blossom pill has no effect at all. You must have been deceived by the Zhang family."

Her voice couldn't help choking.

Li Wangjin seemed to be punched hard in his face, with a blank expression, "You said it was because of eating peach blossom pills?"

"That's right." Wen Sixian repeated again, "I can't find any other reason besides this."

"Impossible. The recipes are all the same, and what I brought back to you is even better."

Li Wangjin couldn't sit still, "It must be that you have just finished the operation, so it is not suitable to take this, and it will conflict with the medicine you are taking."

Yes, it must be so! There could be a problem with his peach blossom pills!

He stood up, made a fan and fanned it, fanning the stench that lingered on him, looking at Wen Sixian with a hint of disgust, then turned and left.

Wen Sixian couldn't help shedding tears when he heard the door slamming shut.

Like Wen Sixian, there are many people who have problems after taking it, such as Xu Yuqi, Yang Meihua's roommate. She grabbed two boxes of peach blossom pills on the day of the shopping festival, and usually avoided her roommate Yang Meihua to take them.

In the first two days after taking it, her skin did turn white, which made her extremely happy. It's just that her good days didn't last long. After eating a box, she found that the effect was not as good as expected, and side effects also appeared.

She started to fart, and it was the kind of fart that stinks and kills everyone. Put it several times a day.

Especially once she and her crush were in the same room, and the two chatted about the football game they watched recently. When the atmosphere was harmonious and there was hope for further progress, that stinky fart ended all the ambiguous feelings.

After that, Xu Yuqi basically stayed in the dormitory except during class time, and the dormitory had to open the doors and windows so that the smell could be dissipated at any time.

After farting again, Yang Meihua couldn't bear it any longer, "What have you eaten recently, why do you keep putting it away? Why don't I accompany you to the hospital?"

There are four people living in their dormitory, but the other two often go out to teach and participate in club activities. The ones who stay in the dormitory all day are Yang Meihua and Xu Yuqi.

Xu Yuqi was also very aggrieved, "No, I've been drinking porridge for several days."

Her family background is average, although the price of peach blossom pills is relatively cheap. But after two boxes came down, it also required her to shrink and diet for a while, so she basically ate porridge and mustard steamed buns for her three meals, which can be said to be very miserable.

She thought of a certain possibility, her face suddenly turned pale, and she stammered: "I, I bought two boxes of peach blossom pills, and just finished one box."

When Yang Meihua heard it, she was angry and distressed, "It must be the problem with the peach blossom pills. Don't eat them anymore. I suspect that his family cut corners, otherwise they would sell them so cheaply."

"You've been taking it for a week, and I haven't seen any effect."

Xu Yuqi had originally suspected that there was something wrong with Taohua Pills, but she was certain when she said so.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I want to return it!"

"No, I want them to pay me back!"

She not only lost money, but also lost the bud of love.

Under Yang Meihua's persuasion, Xu Yuqi really stopped taking the peach blossom pills. After she stopped, she also stopped farting continuously. This made her even more sure that the problem was the peach blossom pill.

She was so angry that she applied for a refund directly in the background. Simply applying for a refund could not alleviate her anger. She directly posted on Weibo online, angrily scolding one brand for selling fake and shoddy products. She not only circled the official WeChat account of Yifang's flagship store, but also circled Li Wangjin by the way.

Xu Yuqi is not an exception. The first batch of people who took it had problems one after another, and they denounced Li Wangjin on the Internet. Whoever made Li Wangjin dance the most has become the boss of this brand in the hearts of the public.

Others opened the topic directly, bringing all the victims together.

It started with just a few posts, and as the number of victims increased, so did the posts.

Li Wangjin couldn't even ignore it if he wanted to. He looked at the embarrassed manager, his voice seemed to come out of his teeth, "You said that many people are applying for refunds?"

The manager nodded with a bitter look on his face, "There are still a lot of bad reviews for us."

Originally, there were positive reviews, but after only a few days, the people who had given them positive reviews revised their reviews and changed them to negative reviews.

At first, the manager thought that a competitor maliciously gave one star. This kind of thing can be said to be commonplace in the shopping mall. However, as more and more people gave bad reviews, he could no longer comfort himself, so he could only hurriedly find Li Wangjin.

Li Wangjin paced back and forth, "It shouldn't be." How could the same formula be praised by the public on Fang Junrong's side, and there would be problems with him

He hurriedly searched for Taohua Pills on the Internet, but all he found were negative comments, making his eyes black. Many of them reported that they often fart after taking it, and they insisted that Li Wangjin get out and explain to them.

Li Wangjin's hands are shaking while holding the phone. Where is the mistake? He suddenly thought of Wen Sixian, who had had such a problem before.

He looked at Weibo again, and someone had already put "Peach Blossom Pills Fake" on the hot search, which made him upset. He suspects that there are many people here who are maliciously giving him rhythm, but they can't see him well.

He couldn't sit still any longer, and hurriedly called Zhang Bi. On the other hand, he also called the platform owner, spent a lot of money, was going to suppress the hot search, and deleted the articles that slandered him by the way. As a result, his behavior directly stabbed the hornet's nest, and netizens blew up on the spot.