Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 1: 01 Reborn back to ten years old


In the fifteenth year of Emperor Qi Jing, early winter.

The first clear snow of this winter has just fallen, and the inside and outside of the Hou Mansion has already been covered with a layer of light silver.

A shrill scream came from the pond in the backyard, and several women and servants in the house ran over when they heard the sound. It had only snowed, and the bluestone road was inevitably slippery, and some women staggered and almost fell. Then, there was a burst of low-pitched curses.

"What's the matter?" Nanny Zhang, who arrived first, scolded a little girl standing by the water in a hurry, "Little hoof, you are dying. Madam just took the medicine and fell asleep. Why are you screaming? If you disturb Madam, Take care of your skin."

The little girl's face turned white with fright, she was in a daze, and when she saw Nanny Zhang coming, she hurriedly grabbed Zhang Nanny's sleeve, and pointed to the water in horror, "Water... there are people in the water!"

A small figure in a light green shirt was half floating in the water, unable to move anymore, hanging as if dead, with his arms outstretched, black hair floating on the water, and a small face that complemented him. It was blue and white with a hint of purple, which was truly frightening.

"What?" Nanny Zhang looked in the direction of the servant girl's finger. Seeing that it didn't matter, she panicked, "Don't call for help!" The clever boy jumped into the icy water and dragged the unconscious little man ashore.

"Quickly report to Lord Hou, and let Lord Hou call for an imperial doctor!" Nanny Zhang touched the drenched little person who was almost out of temperature, and her heart beat like a drum. Can't stop being so frightened.

The little person who was held in her arms as if he was dead was the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion, Gu Yuqi, the first daughter.

There was a sudden burst of chaos in the Hou's mansion.

Gu Yuqi felt as if she had had a very long dream.

The dream was not a good one, and she still had a sharp pain in her heart that could not breathe, pressing against her heart and lungs, making her a little suffocated.

"Miss is awake!" A surprised and joyful voice came from next to my ear, "I will report to Lord Hou right now, servant girl."

Then, Gu Yuqi was pulled into a warm embrace in a ignorant manner, and a familiar voice sounded beside her ear, "Anan, you are trying to scare mother to death."

mother? Gu Yuqi felt a little strange, her mother had been dead for many years.

But the temperature of this embrace is really comfortable, and the breath coming from that embrace also makes her feel comfortable and familiar, as if she is really the mother in her memory.

Gu Yuqi slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a very ornately decorated room, with exquisitely carved octagonal windows, plain embroidered silk curtains, a round table with mahogany inlaid with precious stones, and a gilt eighth There is a small three-legged incense burner with incense burning in it. Curly green smoke slowly emerges from the animal head nose on the top cover of the stove and gradually diffuses in the air.


Gu Yuqi's eyes widened, she was so familiar with everything in front of her, it was unreal.

She sighed heavily, closed her eyes, and smiled wryly in her heart, afraid that she was really dreaming.

Sensing that the little person in her arms froze, Liang thought her daughter was in some discomfort, so she let go of her arms in fright, "What's wrong with my daughter? Tell mother!" She eagerly supported her. On her daughter's shoulders, her eyes went up and down to inspect her daughter's body, afraid to see that there was something wrong.

Gu Yuqi was pushed away by that warm embrace, and she opened her eyes again. The woman in front of her, with hibiscus face and almond eyes, was dignified and beautiful with a bit of heroism, but now she had a sickly look, full of concern. They were all piled up in her eyes, and her eyes made Gu Yuqi's heart ache, "Mother!" She couldn't help but shouted, opened her arms, and hugged the woman tightly, never letting go again. .

Really mother! It wasn't until Gu Yuqi embraced that warm and soft body that she realized this fact!

Tears couldn't help but flow wantonly, and she couldn't help crying out!

For more than ten years, she hasn't shed a single tear, but now, she feels that all her grievances will flow out along these tears.

"Good boy, don't be afraid, mother is here." Liang hugged her daughter and let her cry loudly. She only thought that the child was frightened and could only comfort her softly. "It's the same with you, the pond in the backyard is deep, it's snowed, and the sides are slippery, and you still want to come over to play, and you almost died. You really scared my mother to death. You are not allowed to go near there by yourself in the future." !Did you hear me!"

While comforting her daughter, Mrs. Liang couldn't help scolding her at the same time.

why? While weeping, Gu Yuqi's mind was racing. She looked around and her own short and fleshy arms, and was shocked.

She is obviously dead, and her mother passed away a long time ago, but she has to believe everything now, she seems to be back again, back to the year when she was ten years old, when she just crossed over that year, and was rescued after falling into the water, The original Gu Yuqi died, but she lived.

And now, she seemed to live again, as if rewinding the tape!

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