Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 101: 101 beats


After washing and dressing in a hurry, Gu Huaizhong remembered that he had been complaining about illness, so someone turned his back on his back for a while, and finally painted his face a bit sallow, and then let Liu Yue support him tremblingly. flower hall.

Where has Liu Yue seen the eldest princess? Knowing that it was Princess Pinghu who was married, I also wanted to dress up a bit to show some face in front of Princess Pinghu, so that people would remember her.

Liang Huaiyu is gone, sooner or later the official wife of the Dingyuan Hou Mansion will fall on her head, and now it can be regarded as her first appearance among the ranks of noble ladies, so when Gu Huaizhong tossed herself, she was not idle, and changed one after another. Wearing several clothes. She also wears the footsteps that she thinks are the most handy on weekdays and shakes them out.

Supporting Gu Huaizhong all the way, she was still thinking about how to walk more gracefully, so as to leave a good impression on Her Highness the Eldest Princess.

When they arrived at the flower hall, she bowed down with Gu Huaizhong.

The eldest princess had been waiting in the flower hall for a long time, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Coupled with what Yun Ke said before, she was skeptical. So she didn't look good towards Gu Huaizhong.

"Get up." As soon as she called Pingshen, she caught a glimpse of the gorgeously dressed woman behind Gu Huaizhong, and she couldn't help frowning slightly.

When she came today, she was wearing a long lake blue dress, and the woman was actually wearing a dress of the same color as hers. Her cloak was blue with gold sprinkles, but the woman's cloak was golden, which made Princess Pinghu even more displeased.

"Princess Xie." Gu Huaizhong stood up pretending to be slow.

Liu Yue also wanted to stand up, but the eldest princess glanced away, "Wait a minute." She said in a calm voice. "Who is this?" She gently pointed at Liu Yue with her Dan Kou-painted finger and asked Gu Huaizhong.

"This is my concubine's room." Gu Huaizhong bowed and replied.

"Oh?" Princess Pinghu picked up the teacup on one table, lightly brushed the teacup's lid on the surface of the tea, brushed away the floating tea leaves, took a sip, and then said slowly, " Looking at her attire, I think she is the new Mrs. Dingyuan Hou?"

Gu Huai shuddered in the center. I couldn't help but glanced at Liu Yue with the tip of my eyes, and then quietly glanced at the eldest princess sitting on the grand teacher's chair, and felt a little bit in my heart, this prodigal old woman, what is wrong with wearing clothes, she is actually wearing the same color as the eldest princess of Pinghu Lake Dress! Isn't this a murder? He took another look at the radiant Seven Treasures Red Gold Phoenix Hairpin on Liu Yue's head, and his heart sank even more.

Princess Pinghu didn't come out wearing such a gorgeous headdress today, so how could she show off her status as a concubine in front of the Eldest Princess.

At that moment, Gu Huaizhong broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly gave Liu Yue a wink, telling her to back down quickly.

Liu Yue was laying on the ground, how could she see the look in Gu Huaizhong's eyes, her heart was also up and down, why did she listen to the meaning of what the eldest princess said

"Come on, raise your head. Show me." The eldest princess turned her eyes and said slowly.

Liu Yue did not doubt that there was him, and raised her head according to Princess Pinghu's order. The makeup on her face was carefully prepared, meticulous, real pink cheeks, flowing eyes, indescribable charm.

Princess Pinghu glanced at it, then snorted coldly, "It turns out that I have been sitting here for so long, just waiting for you to put on your makeup." After she finished speaking, she looked at Gu Huaizhong, "Your aunt is really good-looking, It's just that when you are sick, she doesn't serve tea in front of the bed, but puts on heavy makeup. Who is this for?"

No matter how stupid Liu Yue was, she could hear the blatant disgust in Princess Pinghu's words. Her small face turned slightly pale in an instant, and she hurriedly explained, "I don't dare."

"Yo, I don't know that the aunt of the Dingyuanhou's mansion has such a high status." Princess Pinghu sneered, and said to Gu Huaizhong, "Does this palace allow her to speak? It depends on whether you are worthy or not. It's just a concubine's room."

Since Liu Yue left Liang Huaiyu's residence, no one dared to show her embarrassment. She often showed others embarrassment. Today, she was choked up by Princess Pinghu several times. She was really wronged, and she couldn't stop crying. down.

Princess Pinghu punished her every word, all of which were on her sore spots, which made her feel resentful, but there was nothing she could do. She is a princess, even if she points at her nose and scolds her, she can only bear it.

"Don't hurry down?" Gu Huaizhong said to Liu Yue sharply, forgetting that he was still sick for a while, this roar was full of anger.

Liu Yue was so frightened that she kowtowed hurriedly and then exited the flower hall. When she got out of the door, her tears couldn't stop pouring out. What kind of bullshit princess is bullying people too much! She wholeheartedly flatters her, but treats her like dung, which is really chilling.

Princess Pinghu stared at Gu Huaizhong with wide-eyed eyes, and patted her chest with her slender and white hands, "Who are you scaring Dingyuan Hou? , Isn’t Marquis Ding Yuan sick?”

Although she teased like this, her heart sank. Most of what Yun Ke said was true, the illness of Marquis Ding Yuan was a fake.

It was only then that Gu Huaizhong realized that his tone was too much, he coughed twice as if trying to cover up, and cupped his hands to Princess Pinghu with a smile on his face, "I'm just in a hurry, please forgive me, princess."

"It's okay, it's okay." The princess waved her hand, "It's just a servant, even if I want to vent my anger, I don't want to do it with a servant."

Gu Huaizhong didn't know what to order, he kept blaming Liu Yue for being overbearing, but he had a smile on his face.

"That's right. I came here today to see you." The eldest princess winked at the maid standing beside her. The maid understood, and Ma Shan took out the gift she had brought and presented it to her.

Gu Huaizhong took a look, and found only old wild ginseng, probably hundreds of years old.

"The princess loves you so much, I'm ashamed and dare not be a minister." He immediately bowed his body and thanked her.

"You gave birth to a good daughter, found the prescription, and rescued the people of Daqi. This is nothing more than a wild ginseng, so there is nothing to be ashamed of." Princess Pinghu took the opportunity to strike.

Gu Huaizhong lowered his head, his expression changed slightly, but fortunately he was still bowing, so he would not be seen by the eldest princess. But Princess Pinghu could still tell that when she mentioned Gu Yuqi, Gu's arms stiffened obviously.

Princess Pinghu sighed silently from the bottom of her heart. If she was dubious about what she told Yun Ke at the beginning, then she has already believed it eighty percent now.

If there were no ghosts in Gu Huai Center, what father wouldn't want his daughter to return? Why does he feel uncomfortable when Gu Yuqi is mentioned

Princess Pinghu felt pity for Gu Yuqi and Liang Huaiyu. As a woman, it's not that she doesn't understand women's suffering. Previously, she complained a lot about their mother and daughter because Gu Yuqi deceived the city gate with the jade pendant she gave her and escaped from the capital. Now it seems that this is not the case. "I dare not." Gu Huaizhong held back for a long time before uttering a word, still bowed, not daring to raise his head to face Her Highness the Eldest Princess.

"You don't need to be so restrained." Princess Pinghu suppressed all kinds of thoughts in her heart, and smiled slowly, "This is your family. By the way, you have been ill for so many days, but I have heard the emperor mention it several times. The matter of your daughter. How can there be any overnight feud between father and daughter? Your daughter is a person who has made great achievements. The emperor wanted to reward her. But you just kicked her out of the house. What do you think about this one? Okay. In fact, she didn't make any heinous mistakes. Now that she has been living outside for so many days, if you say that punishment is enough, do you want to get her back?"

Gu Huaizhong's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

He had no choice but to not be worried. Originally, if the Reincarnation Pavilion had worked harder, Gu Yuqi and Liang Huaiyu would be dead now. Even if he pretended to find the bones of their mother and daughter back, it would be fine to set up a tombstone for them according to the rules. OK Anyway, I can't find anything wrong. It's all right now, Princess Pinghu has come to tell her about it, what else can he do? Dou He remembers his younger brother.

It's impossible to pretend to be stupid, Gu Huaizhong couldn't figure out whether it was her intention or His Majesty's intention that Princess Pinghu came today. But Princess Pinghu has always worn a pair of trousers with the emperor, and she probably came here on behalf of the emperor.

What a disaster!

It was because of Liang Huaiyu that Gu Yuqi left the Marquis Mansion by herself that night. If Gu Yuqi was brought back, she would have to ask Liang Huaiyu.

He still can't pull that face down now.

"I also want to, but I have this body." Gu Huaizhong sighed, then shook his head, "I am thinking about that rebellious girl, but I don't know where that rebellious girl is now."

"How about this, how about I send someone to help you find someone?" Princess Pinghu smiled, "Now your body really doesn't look good, so I will take the initiative to do it for you. Just wait for someone to come back Yes, just accept her and come back."

Although she used the words of discussion, her tone was firm with no resistance in her arms.

Gu Huaizhong only felt that his scalp was going numb, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only bite the bullet and nodded, "In this way, Her Royal Highness Princess Laochang will be here."

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Princess Pinghu stood up, "Okay, I won't bother you to rest now, you should cultivate yourselves well, wait for me to find your daughter back for you, and then wait for His Majesty's reward. "She deliberately emphasized the word "reward", which made Gu Huaizhong feel an inexplicable creep in his ears.

After His Royal Highness Princess left, Gu Huaizhong couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and paced back and forth in the flower hall.

Liu Yue walked in, "Master Hou." Just as she called out, she was yelled out by Gu Huaizhong, "Get out!"

Liu Yue was dumbfounded on the spot, Gu Huaizhong rarely lost her temper like this.

She was angry with Princess Pinghu before, and now she was yelled at by Gu Huaizhong for no reason, and the circles of her eyes turned red again.

"You have lost face in front of the princess, so what are you doing here?" Liu Yue cried and scolded, "I have been wronged enough today, why are you yelling? I'll just leave. Anyway, Liang Huaiyu has already been angered by you. You simply drove me away in anger, and you will be the only one left in this mansion, so it will be clean!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Huaizhong's brain ached from Liu Yue's words, and he cursed angrily, "Go as long as you want, no one will keep you!"

"If you tell me to go, I'll go!" Seeing that the momentum was not going well, Liu Yue threw herself on the ground and sat down on the floor of the flower hall, crying, "You are a heartless bastard! I will bear no complaints I have followed you for so many years, put you first in everything, endured humiliation for you, no name, no distinction, you are fine, now you will tell me to get out! Gu Huaizhong, do you still have a conscience. "

Seeing this posture, the servants who were waiting on the side stepped aside one after another, fearing that the quarrel between the husband and wife would harm Chi Yu.

The clever ones have already run to the back house to ask Gu Siyang to come over.

When Gu Siyang heard the sound and felt it, Liu Yue had already thrown herself on Gu Huaizhong, patted and cried and cursed.

If Gu Huaizhong wanted to fight back, Liu Yue had already been patted aside by him as meat sauce, so he endured it all the time.

Liu Yue had been with him at the border for so many years, yet he was tolerant towards her. It's just that I was really annoyed by her troubles in my heart. When I saw Gu Siyang coming, I immediately said to Gu Siyang, "Hurry up and take your mother away! What is it like!"

Gu Siyang took a deep look at the crying mother who was out of shape, sighed in his heart, walked to Liu Yue's side silently, and tore her off Gu Huaizhong's body, "Mother, go back." He slowly Said loudly.

"Siyang, you came just in time!" Liu Yue became more confident when she saw her son coming. She cried and pulled Gu Siyang's sleeve, and said with snot and tears, "I will judge your mother. Your father He was angry with the princess, and turned his head to vent his anger on me. What evil did I do!"

Gu Huaizhong pressed his fingers on his temples that were protruding outwards, he was so angry that he had nothing to say.

The woman who co-authored it still doesn't know where she went wrong.

He said he was sick at home, and as a concubine, he was wearing heavy makeup, didn't he hit him in the face in front of the eldest princess

Be restrained when you wear clothes of the same color as the eldest princess, and wear such a gorgeous step rock on your head. Is this a demonstration to the eldest princess

What kind of character is the eldest princess? When she is speaking, how can the next concubine interrupt her? She has offended His Royal Highness the eldest princess so much that she doesn't even know it!

For the first time, after Liang Huaiyu left, Gu Huaizhong felt that Liang Huaiyu was still rigorous in his handling of things, and had a certain amount of advance and retreat.

If Liang Huaiyu, not Liu Yue, followed him today, he would definitely not make such a low-level mistake.

But he found the man himself, so what else can he say? Just looking at his son to get his mother away quickly, his head will explode.

A pair of troubles were piled up in front of her eyes, but she was still crying and making noises. Ever since she came to Beijing, she always felt that she was going smoothly, but now she felt that her life was terrible.