Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 109: 109 millennium ginseng


"The madam is in her room, sister Chun Xing has gone to ask the doctor to come and see." The servant was newly recruited from Kuizhou, and hurriedly saluted.

Gu Yuqi pushed him away, and without caring about her appearance, she picked up her skirt and quickly ran towards Liang Huaiyu's room. People who met Gu Yuqi on the road gave way one after another, leaving a passage for her to come out.

When she ran to the door of Liang Huaiyu's room, Gu Yuqi slowed down, suppressed her chaotic mind, and walked in.

Qiuyue and Dongmei waited inside, while Xia He was bringing a basin of bloody water to the outside. Looking at the basin of water that had been dyed red, Gu Yuqi felt dizzy again. She had never suffered from blood dizziness. But I really can't see my mother's blood.

"How is my mother?" Gu Yuqi walked in, tried her best to keep calm, and asked Qiuyue in a deep voice.

Qiuyue and Dongmei are simply cleaning Liang Huaiyu's wound. The faces of both of them were pale. Seeing Gu Yuqi coming in, they got up and saluted, and moved aside.

It was only then that Gu Yuqi saw Liang Huaiyu who was placed on the bed. She must have hit something hard on her head when she fell down. There was a bloody gash on her forehead, the left side of her face was scratched so quickly, and there was a gash at the corner of her eye. Qiuyue and Dongmei had already cleaned up the foreign matter from the wound, but the wound was still oozing blood. Blood snaked down her cheeks, staining half of her clothes. The clothes on her body had been scratched and some parts of her skin had been exposed.

Liang Huaiyu lay motionless. Like a rag doll, the color on his face was gone, his eyes were tightly closed, and his lips were slightly pale.

Gu Yuqi walked over, carefully sat down beside the bed, and raised her hand to check Liang Huaiyu's breath.

Her hands were trembling, and she was afraid that she would not be able to detect her mother's breath. Fortunately, when she felt a faint breath brushing her fingers, the heart she had been holding was slightly relieved.

"When will the doctor come?" Gu Yuqi tried her best to keep calm, she looked up at Qiuyue and Dongmei.

"Chun Xing has already gone, she should come soon." Qiuyue said softly.

"En." Gu Yuqi took the wet silk handkerchief from Qiuyue's hand, and took over from Qiuyue to clean up Liang Huaiyu's wound bit by bit.

She tried hard to keep her peace of mind. "What the hell is going on?"

"Return to Miss." Xia He poured the water and came back. She went out with Liang Huaiyu, and when she heard Gu Yuqi's question, she immediately said, "Madam's horse was frightened for some reason, and it galloped forward. Lord Hou chased after him first, and we and other guards followed behind. Lord Hou tried to hold Madam's horse, but the horse he was riding lost its front hoof, and Lord Hou fell off the horse. Madam's horse galloped all the way, In the end, she tripped over a wooden stake in the woods, and the lady rolled for a long distance with a human instead of a horse. The horse had already broken its neck and died on the spot, but the lady turned into this appearance. We dare not delay, and will soon The lady brought it back."

"Is the horse frightened?" Gu Yuqi turned her eyes, "Has the horse's body been brought back?"

"With such a big incident, Chun Xing and the maidservant were scared to death. They just brought Madam back, but no one cared about him. He should still be in the woods now." Xia He said.

"Take Zhang Lan and ask some people to bring that horse back." Gu Yuqi's subordinates didn't stop, her mind was also racing.

How can you be surprised? Liang Huaiyu's riding skills are really good, nothing to say, she saved the country at the Winter Hunting Festival a few years ago. Even if an ordinary horse is startled, she should be able to deal with it freely.

"Which horse in the mansion is Madam riding?" Gu Yuqi asked with a frown.

Back then, they bought horses as they walked along the road, and they bought horses with good endurance, not those horses that were known for their speed.

"It was the mount brought by Master Hou. It was originally ridden by Master Hou, but Master Hou said that Madam's horse looked too simple and did not match Madam's temperament, so he exchanged his horse for Madam. He led a A guard's horse." Xia Heben had already walked to the door, and stopped and said after hearing Gu Yuqi's question.

Gu Yuqi's hand trembled slightly, and then she suppressed her rising anger and said to Xia He, "Understood, you can go."

"Yes." Xia He then walked out quickly, she walked in such a hurry that she almost collided with Chun Xing who was rushing towards her.

"The doctor is here?" Seeing that it was Chun Xing, Xia He immediately asked.

"En." Chun Xing pointed at an old man with white beard who was following behind, and without thinking about talking to Xia Heduo, she dragged the old doctor directly into the room.

"Miss." Seeing Gu Yuqi sitting in the room, Chun Xing looked ashamed, "The doctor is here."

"Thank you doctor." Gu Yuqi immediately got up and gave up her seat to the old man.

The old man didn't have much to say in the past, first he opened Liang Huaiyu's eyelids and took a look, then sat down and took her pulse.

Gu Yuqi and the others in the room didn't even dare to breathe, and waited quietly, holding their breath, for fear that their panting loudly would disturb the doctor's consultation.

After the old doctor finished calling for the pulse, he got up and said to Gu Yuqi, "Miss, this old man wants to see if Madam has any other injuries, maybe Madam Abrupt."

"Just do it, doctor." Gu Yuqi said hastily. She knew that the doctor wanted to see if Liang Huaiyu had any other injuries.

The old doctor made another accusation, and touched Liang Huaiyu's neck carefully. First, he touched the back of the cervical spine, and then checked whether there was any wound on the back of the head. He touched Liang Huaiyu's limbs, and then pressed on Liang Huaiyu's abdomen and Only then did he stand up straight with a solemn expression, turned around and cupped his hands at Gu Yuqi.

"Miss, madam fell quite badly, and the main reason for her unconsciousness was hitting her head. There were many bruises and abrasions on her body, and these were not major problems, but her two legs were fractured to varying degrees. "After the old doctor finished speaking, he sighed softly.

"Where's that person? Can you save him?" Before Gu Yuqi could speak, a man's voice came from the door.

The old doctor looked up, and saw two people dressed as guards walking in with the help of a tall man. The man was imposing, and he was dressed in black and golden clothes. He looked very imposing, but he was covered in dirty clothes. Xi Xi, the fine clothes were also covered with dust, and his leg must have been injured, one leg was bent almost uniformly, and he was standing on the other leg, and he was limping when he walked.

Gu Yuqi's heart trembled suddenly, she looked coldly at the man who came in at the door, but she held back her words.

"It's really hard to say." The old doctor's attitude was very sincere. He was interrupted by the man, and continued to say to Gu Yuqi, "Madam's fracture is not a serious problem, and she can recover as long as she rests, but she hit her head. I'm afraid..."

"Doctor." Gu Yuqi knew what the word "I'm afraid" in the doctor's mouth meant, "You just have to let go of the treatment, no matter what you want or how much it costs, I'm not afraid, as long as you can save people. "

"Alas." The old doctor naturally knows the mood of the patient's family members. What he said was very euphemistic. Liang Huaiyu's pupils did not respond to the light at all. Not only did she have a big gash on her forehead, but she also had a lump on the back of her head. There is little hope of recovery.

"This old man should try his best." The old doctor nodded, "May I ask if there is any thousand-year-old ginseng in the house? Slice it, put it under her tongue, and let it hang for a while."

A thousand-year-old ginseng... Gu Yuqi just arrived in Kuizhou, so where is that kind of thing on hand? Back then, she received a century-old ginseng in Jiangxia, but she had already sold it.

"Where can I buy it?" Gu Yuqi asked hastily.

"I'm afraid there is no such good ginseng in Kuizhou." The old doctor shook his head helplessly.

Gu Yuqi was sweating all over immediately, by the way, some officials from Kuizhou came outside.

She originally wanted to turn around and run out immediately, but when she saw Gu Huaizhong standing over there supported by someone, how dare she keep him here.

"Master Hou." Gu Yuqi walked up to Gu Huaizhong and bowed, "I also ask Lord Hou to help me. Ask the family of officials in Kuizhou, which mansion has a thousand-year-old ginseng? As long as they are willing to part with each other, how much is it?" willing to give.”

When Gu Huaizhong heard that Gu Yuqi called him Lord Hou, he felt upset.

He intentionally put on a heartbroken look, "Anan, do you even refuse to recognize your father?"

"Master Hou, now is not the time to talk about these things. If Master Hou doesn't go, then the girl will go by herself." Gu Yuqi's heart was full of sadness. It was already this time, and he didn't say to help her immediately, but he was still acting with her. For whom

"Okay, okay. Benhou will go and ask." Gu Huaizhong heard Gu Yuqi's displeasure, so he immediately changed his words.

He motioned to the guards to help him out again.

After leaving Liang Huaiyu's room, a sinister smile flashed across Gu Huaizhong's eyes.

Fight him? Little girl, you are still tender.

Gu Yuqi's defense against him is the same as that of an iron bucket. Naturally, he can't do anything in the mansion, but he has been married to Liang Huaiyu for many years, so why doesn't he know Liang Huaiyu's temperament

These days, he deliberately flattered and pretended to care about Liang Huaiyu carefully, because Liang Huaiyu still had a little friendship for him.

Women are meant to be coaxed. After being coaxed back and forth, Liang Huaiyu became less vigilant towards him.

As long as Liang Huaiyu is taken out of the house, once or twice, she and the people Gu Yuqi sent to guard her will slowly be paralyzed.

When did he fail to achieve what he wanted to achieve

It's a pity that Liang Huaiyu was not thrown to death on the spot, Gu Huaizhong repeatedly expressed regret in his heart.

Find a thousand-year-old ginseng for her? Don't dream, such rare things don't even have many aristocratic families in the capital. How can this little Kuizhou have such things

However, Gu Huaizhong still pretended to go to the front hall and questioned all the officials in Kuizhou.

He did a full set of acting, and the grief and heartbreak he showed in front of those officials made him give up his honor as Lord Marquis and kneel down to beg others.

The officials present shook their heads and regretted that there was really no such precious thing in the family. Everyone was expressing their opinions. If there was one, they would definitely take it out to save his wife's life. This will make Gu Huaizhong very happy.

Many officials in Kuizhou were also moved when they saw Gu Huaizhong's "deep affection". Just look at their feelings for his wife.

After the old man left in Gu Huaizhong, he wrote down a prescription and handed it to Gu Yuqi, "Miss first fry two pieces according to the medicine on this prescription, and give it to Madam to take it." The old doctor handed the prescription to Gu Yuqi. "Miss, the old man wants to set the bones of the madam. If the miss thinks it's not right, you can find a woman to come over, and the old man will guide her to do it."

"Old man, there is nothing wrong with it. Saving people is the most important thing." Gu Yuqi is naturally not such a pedantic person, and she doesn't worry about borrowing someone else's hands. She immediately said, "Please invite the old man to come in person."

"Okay. Miss, if this is the case, the old man will be accused." The old doctor said with his hands bowed.

He took a clean white cloth and a splint to straighten Liang Huaiyu's leg bones, and then straightened her ribs.

"Miss, Madam's fracture is very serious. I can't guarantee that Madam will return to her original appearance in the future." The old doctor said while tying up the white cloth. The premise is that she can survive.

"Understood, doctor, try your best." Gu Yuqi tried her best to suppress the tears that would well up at any time, and said in a deep voice. "If there is no thousand-year-old ginseng, can we use century-old ginseng instead?"

"The century-old old man has it over there. If the lady needs it, the old man is willing to take it out, but the effect of the thousand-year-old doctor is good." The old doctor said.

Of course Gu Yuqi knows that a thousand years is good, but there is nothing she can do without that. "Please give up, old man." She didn't expect Gu Huaizhong to find it for her, she was afraid that Gu Huaizhong was the one who hoped for Liang Huaiyu's death the most in this mansion.

It's better to top it first if it has a hundred years.

"En. After a while, the lady will send someone to go back with the old man to pick it up." The old doctor nodded in response.

Gu Yuqi waited for the old doctor to finish everything, and sent him out in person.

At this time, Gu Huaizhong was still crying in the flower hall with many officials in Kuizhou.

Gu Yuqi walked over coldly, not even wanting to look at him more.

If she found out that her mother's fall was not an accident, she swore that she would never let this heartless man go!

After Gu Yuqi sent the old doctor away, she immediately called Wang Yan over.

"I know that you will contact His Royal Highness An Wang every day." Gu Yuqi said quietly.

Wang Yan didn't defend himself, but just listened quietly.

"You should contact His Royal Highness King An as quickly as possible, and ask him to get me a thousand-year-old ginseng and send it to Kuizhou. My mother is waiting for help. As for the price, he can do whatever he wants," Gu Yuqi said.

The thousand-year-old ginseng should be available in the royal family. She was forced to do nothing, so she could only ask Yun Ke for help.

If possible, she would rather not see him for the rest of her life.

"Yes." Wang Yan didn't say much, he just answered and turned to leave.

Only then did Gu Yuqi slump down on the chair as if she had lost all her strength. She covered her face with her hands, her heart was chaotic and annoyed, she took a deep breath to calm down her chaotic mood , then stood up and returned to Liang Huaiyu's side.

Together with Qiuyue, she wiped Liang Huaiyu's body clean, and then changed into clean clothes for her. She sat quietly by the bed and watched Liang Huaiyu slightly dazed.

Qiuyue was by her side, and she didn't dare to disturb Gu Yuqi.

The room fell into silence, as if time had frozen here.

"Miss." Chun Xing's voice broke the silence here, Gu Yuqi suddenly came back to her senses, and looked outside.

Chun Xing quickly ran in from the outside, and knelt down in front of Gu Yuqi with a plop. Gu Yuqi was startled, "What are you doing?" She hurried to help Chun Xing.

Chun Xing refused to get up no matter what.

"Miss, it's all the slave's fault." She kept holding back the tears in her eyes, she raised her eyes to look at Gu Yuqi, her eyes were red, "If it weren't for the slave's carelessness, Madam might not have become like this Yes. This servant is entrusted by Miss Negative. If there is any trouble with Madam, this servant is willing to go with Madam."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Yuqi was really angry now. She pulled Chun Xing up from the ground with all her strength, and squeezed her arms tightly with both hands, "Don't talk nonsense in the future! Mother will be fine, she will definitely wake up, and you are not allowed to have those messy thoughts !Even if the mother can't wake up again, you can't commit suicide! I don't allow it!"

"Miss!" Chun Xing couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and ran out of her eyes, she burst into tears with a wow. "Miss, you just asked the servant to find the horse's body, but when the servant went, the Hou Ye's guards had already burned the horse's body before the servant!"

"What?" Gu Yuqi lost her voice, and immediately regained her composure.

She let go of the hand that was holding Chun Xing's arm, and walked slowly to Liang Huaiyu's side and sat down, "Where does Mother always keep her valuables?"

She thought for a while and asked.

"In Madam's small study." Chun Xing was already sobbing, and Qiu Yue went to hug her and said to Gu Yuqi.

"Take me there." Gu Yuqi took a deep breath, supported the bed frame and stood up again.

Why did Gu Huaizhong ask the guards to destroy the horse's body? He actually slapped his mother hard! Why? Before Gu Yuqi asked Chun Xing to guard against him, it was indeed because she was afraid that he would have some bad thoughts. But this is her idea of preventing trouble before it happens. In her heart, she didn't really realize that Gu Huaizhong would kill Liang Huaiyu! After all, in the previous life, it was not Gu Huaizhong who killed Liang Huaiyu, but Liu Yue.

Why did he do such a cruel thing to his former wife? If Gu Yuqi still had the idea that the horse's shock might just be an accident at the beginning, then now she really doesn't think there is such a coincidence in the world.

She sent Chun Xing to retrieve the dead horse in order to verify whether it was an accident or not, but Gu Huaizhong actually sent guards to destroy the horse's body. Is this a case of death?

Why did Gu Huaizhong kill Liang Huaiyu? Even though Liang Huaiyu and him and Li Shi slapped him in the face, they have already separated. In a capital city that is still far away, what kind of grievances are there that must be brought to the point of life and death

This is what Gu Yuqi was thinking about just now.

There is only one possibility, that is, there is something in Liang Huaiyu's hands that makes Gu Huaizhong afraid. He is afraid that it will be passed on through her mother's hands, so he will try every means to kill her. That's why there will be dead men on the road to assassinate them! Gu Yuqi's mind was completely opened up, and her eyes suddenly became clear. When the dead men appeared, she found it strange that the targets of those people were clearly her and her mother. She asked herself that she and her mother had never offended anyone serious. Now she has it all figured out.

Gu Yuqi and Qiuyue walked into mother's small study together, searched through the study, but found nothing.

She sat slumped on the chair in the study, thinking hard, but she couldn't think of anything special.

Yun Ke received Wang Yan's letter in three days. When the secret guard came to report that there was an urgent letter from Kuizhou, he couldn't help being shocked. The first reaction was that something happened to Kuizhou, otherwise Wang Yan would not use the channel of emergency letterhead to deliver the letter. This is the channel for the dark guards to transmit the most important information, and it is not usually used.

Yun Ke couldn't sit still after reading the letter. Douya died.

"Call Du Xia." Yun Ke said to the guards on duty.

After a while, Du Xia pushed the door open and came in, kneeling in front of Yun Ke.

"From now on, you pretend to be the king and go to Huzhou to inspect. Remember to report illness immediately when you arrive in Huzhou, and then close the door and see no one until the king returns to Huzhou." Yun Ke said.

"Yes." Du Xia took a deep glance at the urgent letter in Yun Ke's hand, and responded calmly.

"Don't show any cheating feet." Yun Ke's eyes flashed, and he said to Du Xia, "This king will send Li Meng to assist you in front of you."

"This subordinate understands." Du Xia replied with his heart sinking.

Yun Ke became suspicious of him. The last time he went to Kuizhou to meet Gu Yuqi, although the return time was not postponed, he could feel that Yun Ke had really noticed something. Du Xia silently sighed deeply in his heart, just when Yun Ke ordered him to pretend to be himself, Du Xia had already guessed that Yun Ke was going to Kuizhou.

The letter was sent all the way from Kuizhou with the fastest speed. If there was no accident in Kuizhou, how could Wang Yan use this special way.

What happened to her

After that night, Du Xia didn't know how he returned to the capital, he only knew that he fell asleep for two days after returning to his life.

He was so tired, physically exhausted, and deeply pained in his heart, that he really wanted to just sleep peacefully like this.

When he woke up, he took out a hairpin that was treasured in his bosom. The first time he didn't have the guts to give it away, the second time he didn't have the chance to give it to her and was blasted away .

He stared at the hairpin for a long time. He really wanted to destroy the hairpin. In fact, his hands had already bent the hairpin, but he was still reluctant. The sharp part at the bottom of the hairpin pierced into the hairpin. The pain in his palm made him wake up suddenly.

Yes, he couldn't bear it.

If she feels that he is not worthy to stand by her side, then he is willing to stand behind her.

He carefully straightened the hairpin again, treasured it in his arms, and pressed his hand on his heart, where there was a small jade pendant, which was tightly attached to his flesh.