Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 129: 129 Two sets of ledgers


Yun Ke is a vigorous and resolute person, and he never delays in doing things. Not long after Gu Yuqi returned to the Hou's Mansion, he sent someone to park the carriage at the back door of the Hou's Mansion.

"Don't you, mine." Gu Yuqi smiled coldly and said to Daimei. "Go get the ledger out."

"Yes." Daimei trotted into the inner room, took out five booklets after a while, and handed them to Gu Yuqi, who threw the booklets in front of Gu Huaizhong, "You can see for yourself."

Gu Huaizhong turned over the ledger suspiciously, the more he read it, the paler his face became. The account book has been kept since four years ago, and all the expenses in the mansion are clearly recorded in the account book. The first three books are recorded by Qiuyue, while the latter two are recorded by the accountant in Fuzhong.

Comparing the two books, Gu Huaizhong's heart ached even more.

Liu Yue actually recorded his money in a mess, and the one-month fee alone was several hundred taels different from the account book provided by Gu Yuqi. This is just an ordinary cost. If you encounter a festival, you need to welcome and send it, and there are more differences. There are also several shops under the name of the Hou Mansion with huge differences in income. The difference between the number reported by Liu Yuebao and the number investigated by Gu Yuqi is thousands of taels per month, and this is not counting the income of the farm under the name of the Hou Mansion. That is more troublesome to check, so Gu Yuqi just mentioned it,

"Who in this mansion dumped the money. I believe you should have an idea." Seeing that Gu Huaizhong's face became increasingly ugly, Gu Yuqi said in a manly voice. "You have this world to question me, why don't you ask your Aunt Liu, where the money in the Hou's mansion has gone." Gu Yuqi paused and continued, "Since my mother and I came back from Kuizhou, this Danxia All the expenses in the courtyard are my own money, and have nothing to do with the Hou Fu." She winked at Daimei, who immediately took out another booklet and handed it to Gu Huaizhong.

"This is the monthly money that my good aunt of yours gave me. I remember it all." Gu Yuqi smiled lightly, asked Yan Zhi to take out twenty taels of silver, and put it in front of Gu Huaizhong, "I will pay it back to you now. Twenty taels Two taels of silver, Master Hou is really generous. There are so many people in my Danxia Courtyard, so I just spent twenty taels of monthly money. Even meals and water powder are included. If you know it, you will say Aunt Liu It's enough to save money, but what I don't know is that Master Hou is mean to me."

Gu Yuqi said it lightly, but Gu Huaizhong's face became increasingly ugly.

He looked at Gu Yuqi with deeper eyes. When did this girl start to pay attention to the affairs of the mansion? She can clearly understand all the affairs of the mansion. This thought really makes Gu Huaizhong feel chills just thinking about it. . He only thought that Gu Yuqi was just a girl who was a little smarter and harder than ordinary people, but he didn't expect her to be able to do this.

The things on the account book are written very clearly in black and white, he doesn't need to listen or believe, as long as he does a little research, he will know who Gu Yuqi or Liu Yue is lying to him.

In fact, there is no need to investigate, just based on Gu Yuqi's current expression, he has already guessed that even if he did, the results of the investigation would mostly match what was recorded in the ledger. What Liu Yue did really chilled him.

After thinking about it for so many years, the Hou's mansion was basically emptied by Liu Yue behind his back. There is only one word to describe it in his heart, and that is "cold".

"Actually, I'm already going to get married. What does it matter to me whether this house is good or bad?" Gu Yuqi looked at her neat nails and said in a calm voice, "But. I thought about it, and you can It's not easy, I've been Marquis of Dingyuan for so many years, if I don't even have any savings to the end, and instead is held in the hands of a woman, wouldn't it be a laughingstock." Gu Yuqi is not worrying about Gu Huaizhong's care? She deliberately wanted to add trouble to Gu Huaizhong.

Originally, she wanted to wait a few days before taking out the account book, but now that Liang Huaiyu is in Ximu Hutong, she has no scruples at all. She is very generous and only wants to live her own life, not revenge or anything. She is too tired, but now it seems that she does not cause trouble, but things will trouble her.

Some people are so cheap that if you ignore her, she will come over and make a cheap in front of you. Gu Yuqi feels that she doesn't have to bear it anymore.

Liu Yue tried to harm her mother over and over again, and it was right for her to take action now.

Gu Huaizhong snorted heavily, closed the ledger with a snap, and said to his confidants following him, "Take it." He will investigate the matter clearly.

A scornful smile flashed across Gu Yuqi's eyes.

For some things, she just needs to start at the beginning. As for the latter, it's better for Gu Huaizhong to investigate by himself. He might discover something else. Now that Gu Huaizhong has already started to investigate, most likely to ask about the whereabouts of the money, then most likely the house that Liu Yue bought outside and the silver stored in the bank will not be able to hide it.

Gu Huaizhong is a very face-saving person, if these things are found out, there will inevitably be a gap in Liu Yue's heart, and then Gu Yuqi can implement the second step of the plan.

In the past and present, there are some things that she will slowly calculate.

"Let's not talk about that for now." Gu Huaizhong said coldly, "Did you have a conflict with Anlehou Shizi in the street today?"

"Yes." Gu Yuqi nodded and said without hesitation.

"You bastard!" Gu Huaizhong once again found the flash point of his anger, and slammed the table with a loud bang, causing the melon and fruit bowls on the table to fly away. "Do you know who is behind the Anlehou Mansion!"

"I can't control who it is." Gu Yuqi was not moved at all, but smiled lightly and said, "I only know. If I don't take action, your good son will be taken away by Prince An Lehou, locked up, eaten and wiped clean." Yes. Do you think your son's chastity is important, or is it important for me to hit someone?"

Gu Siyang heard that Gu Yuqi was back, and rushed to Danxia Courtyard excitedly to look for Gu Yuqi. He heard that his father was in the front hall, so he stopped first. He has no manners.

But just as he stopped, he heard the sound of Gu Huaizhong slapping the table, he hurriedly stopped the servant and stopped outside.

It wasn't that he listened to the corner on purpose, but he was a little afraid to see his father when his father was furious.

After hearing Gu Huaizhong's question about what happened during the day today, he couldn't help but prick up his ears.

Gu Yuqi's words blocked Gu Huaizhong again.

He just heard about Gu Yuqi beating the prince in the street, but he didn't come to remember to ask why. He just wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to ask. He couldn't ask others, why did my daughter beat up the boy of An Lehou's family? How could he ask that. Other people's daughters are either embroidering or playing the piano. His family is good, not to mention beating me, and going out to beat the family's heir to the point of being unable to get up. What is this called

But what does it mean to eat dry wipe clean? Although Gu Huaizhong didn't quite understand it, but thinking about it with his toes, he knew it was not a good thing...

He has also heard about the reputation of An Lehou Shizi, but it has nothing to do with him. He hangs it high, what does his son have to do with him, he never dreamed that one day Anlehou Shizi would offend his own son.

"Where's that rebellious son!" Gu Huaizhong was so blocked by Gu Yuqi that he couldn't speak, and he spit out on Gu Siyang in one breath. In fact, he just yelled like this, to find a way out for himself, take the opportunity to walk away, and then go to investigate the whole story clearly. How did you know that Gu Siyang was right outside the door.

Gu Siyang was still an honest child, when he heard his father roaring in the room, he immediately lowered his head and responded outside.

"Here is the baby." Gu Siyang opened the curtain and went in, lifted his clothes and knelt down, and immediately gave Gu Huaizhong a scorched inside and crispy outside.

Gu Yuqi couldn't help but feel happy. She didn't know what Gu Huaizhong was thinking. Seeing that her younger brother really came in, she endured it and endured it so that she didn't let herself burst out laughing. She felt so tired. Handsome and bloody.

"Nizi!!!!" Gu Huai could no longer utter the words out of anger, and it's not like he didn't miss Gu Yuqi's suppressed smile. Being deflated in front of Gu Yuqi one after another, Gu Huaizhong felt that he and this rebellious girl must have a natural conflict!

This day can't be passed!

He could only repeat these two words, trembling with anger.

Gu Yuqi calmed down, and looked coldly at Gu Huaizhong's furious state, and Gu Siyang who was kneeling on one side.

It's enough for Gu Huaizhong, it doesn't matter if he treats himself badly, he doesn't even ask about his only son. Does he really not understand what happened to his son outside? As parents, when their children encounter such things, shouldn't they first greet their children with care and comfort them softly? What's going on with his performance now

Gu Siyang was also extremely wronged, he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, why his father lost his temper so much.

"You say you! It's nothing to provoke An Lehou Shizi, what are you doing!" Gu Huaizhong held back for a long time before he could say this.

Gu Siyang raised his head in astonishment, looked at his father, and wanted to defend himself, "The boy didn't go to provoke him." Obviously, he bumped into him accidentally, and then a series of things happened, calling him to Still in a dream now.

He couldn't even imagine what would happen if he didn't meet his elder sister today.

"You still talk back?" Gu Huaizhong saw that a well-behaved son would talk back now, he must have been abducted by that disobedient woman! This anger does not come from one place.

Gu Siyang lowered his head aggrieved, not daring to speak any more.

"He's just telling the truth." Gu Yuqi really couldn't stand it any longer, and felt that her younger brother was just a bitch. She could see it too. Gu Huaizhong vented all the anger he received here on Gu Siyang, so he said, "If you don't believe me, you can send someone to Suzaku Street to ask the bosses and clerks of those shops, and then you will know the whole story."

"I'll check it myself!" Gu Huaizhong said angrily.

"Then hurry up." Gu Yuqi answered again.

Gu Huaizhong was at a loss for words, is this an order to evict the guest? That's okay, anyway, he can't sit still, this place is against him!

Standing up and shaking his sleeves, Gu Huaizhong left angrily, and the trusted followers behind him immediately followed him with the ledger in their hands.

"Get up." Seeing Gu Huaizhong going out, Gu Yuqi got up and walked in front of Gu Siyang, and bent down to help him up.

There was a slight chill on the back of her hand, Gu Yuqi looked down and saw that it was Gu Siyang's tears dripping from her drooping face onto the back of her hand. Gu Yuqi sighed silently, feeling a slight pain in her heart.

"You all go out and wait." Gu Yuqi said to the many maids and guards standing in the front hall.

It wasn't until the people in the room left completely that Gu Yuqi picked up the silk handkerchief, and gently lifted Gu Siyang's jaw with her hand, making him look at her.

The young man wanted to push his head away stubbornly, but was stopped by Gu Yuqi. He could only look at his eldest sister with tears in his eyes, and felt that his appearance was too shameful, but he was really wronged, tears seemed to fall The beads of the thread kept gushing out.

"Okay. There is nothing wrong with you." Gu Yuqi gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Gu Siyang's eyes with a silk handkerchief, and said softly.

"Sister." Gu Yuqi's gentle words were in stark contrast to Gu Huaizhong's tough attitude just now. Gu Siyang couldn't bear it anymore, and all the grievances poured out.

He was frightened outside today, if Gu Yuqi hadn't appeared, he wouldn't know where he is now. After he came back, he didn't dare to tell others, and could only hold back in his heart. Just now, after his father learned about the incident, he didn't have any words of comfort, but just blamed him blindly, which made him feel sad and uncomfortable.

In this family, the only one who really looks towards him and thinks about him is the elder sister.

The boy's shoulder was embraced into a warm embrace, he leaned on a thin but very strong shoulder and sobbed silently, a hand patted his back lightly, comforting him.

When he had cried enough, he stood up straight in embarrassment. I felt that I was really too cowardly to cry for such a long time leaning on a elder sister who was half a head shorter than me.

Gu Yuqi wiped away his tears for him, looked at his red rabbit-like eyes, couldn't help but raised her hand and scratched the tip of his nose, "You're so old, you still cry." Gu Yuqi's half-joking tone made Gu Siyang Feeling very cordial, looking at Gu Yuqi's gentle eyes, Gu Siyang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Eldest sister can joke!" Gu Siyang took a breath and laughed.

"I don't dare to joke with you." Gu Yuqi smiled, took his hand and made him sit next to her, "You are almost studying in elementary school. It's good to concentrate on studying, but you also have to think about it. If I didn't happen to pass by today, have you thought about how you are going to deal with yourself?"

Gu Yuqi's words made the smile on Gu Siyang's face gradually freeze, and he lowered his head in shame, "I'm really useless." He murmured.

"Okay, you just never encountered such a thing." Seeing his dejected look, Gu Yuqi encouraged, "Don't panic when encountering things in the future, think more, look more, observe the surroundings, and find out what is right for you. Support yourself with the most favorable conditions and reasons. Also, don’t support yourself, and try to ask for help when you can.”

"En." Gu Siyang nodded lightly, looking at his eldest sister with admiration, only feeling that he has the best sister in the world.

Gu Yuqi couldn't see the meaning in Gu Siyang's eyes, she couldn't help but blushed.

In fact, she was not prepared to help Gu Siyang at the beginning.

"By the way, elder sister, why did you ask An Lehou to donate money to Lushan Academy in my name?" Gu Siyang suddenly thought of this matter, and immediately asked.

"You, take care of yourself." Gu Yuqi raised her slender fingers and pointed at Gu Siyang's forehead, "In this mansion, I will get closer to you. Eldest sister will not be able to spend the rest of her life with you in the future. You have to rely on Your own ability stands in the sky and the earth. The family will gradually decline, relying on the power of the family alone is not enough to gain a foothold in the court, you need to rely on the strength of the poor family."

In fact, if Gu Siyang didn't pull her a little bit today and protect her behind her, she would never help Gu Siyang.

It was just that on the street just now, Gu Siyang mustered up the courage to give her a hand, and hugged her behind him, which made her feel compassionate.

Marquis of Dingyuan, Gu Huaizhong, Liu Yue, and Gu Yuqi will definitely not let them go.

Once Gu Huaizhong and Liu Yue fell, it would be Gu Siyang and Gu Siyu who would suffer.

Gu Huaizhong and Liu Yue, who had a grudge against her, were not these two children.

Anyway, what she can do to help Gu Siyang is limited, even if Gu Siyang may hate her in the future, she doesn't care.

"Elder sister's meaning..." Gu Siyang seemed to understand Gu Yuqi's meaning vaguely.