Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 146: 146 Retire after success


Is the Gengzi Rebellion over? It was like experiencing a nightmare, short but unforgettable.

The Gengzi Rebellion in this life was even more unforgettable for Gu Yuqi than in the previous life. But the Gengzi Rebellion in the previous life lasted for several days, but in this life it only lasted for a short night, too. Yun Ke had already made preparations, so how could he give Yun Qing any chance to get there first. Before Jiang Xia's troops could arrive, he brought the troops from the Xiaoqi Battalion first. At this time in his last life, he didn't have the Xiaoqi Battalion in his hands. It seems that he also put in a lot of effort before. In his last life, he was trapped in the capital just like himself.

But this time, he first handed over the errand of the Ministry of War to Yun Yi, which paralyzed him, and then got a errand for training soldiers in the Xiaoqi Battalion. It seemed to be a disadvantage, but in fact it took a big advantage.

It's just that when Yun Yi in this life realized it, it was already too late.

Gu Yuqi stood behind the eldest princess with a spear in her hand, staring blankly at the palace gates that opened one after another, layer by layer. One after another, from near to far. And in the open palace gate, under the reflection of the rising sun, a man in black armor came out slowly on horseback, followed by thousands of troops, everything was in order under his leadership .

In the previous life, it was not that Gu Yuqi had never seen Yun Ke's heroic appearance on horseback.

It can be said that God really cared for this man, not only gave him a beautiful appearance, but also gave him the most honorable status in the world, but God is also relatively fair. I gave him everything, but I didn't give him any affection.

Gu Yuqi sighed a long time in her heart, the turmoil was over, and it was time for her to retire.

The eldest princess walked over to meet Yun Ke. Gu Yuqi backed away quietly.

By his side, whether in the previous life or the present, there will be no place for him. Gu Yuqi understood.

In the previous life, she tried her best to get his attention. But he still looks at himself coldly, coldly. Everything he did was probably nothing more than a joke in his eyes, no matter how sincere she was, she was still lying in his eyes.

The only one who caught his eyes was the white lotus-like Zhang Wanyi, even if she was already someone else's wife, he would reject all opinions and bring Zhang Wanyi into the palace after that person's death. Zhang Wanyi was his favorite, and she might just be a plaything.

But in this life, the relationship between her and him is just a relationship of mutual use, and she makes money for him. She also used his power to save her mother, in exchange for her mother's freedom and glory for the rest of her life.

So, in this moment of victory, what difference does it make if she is there or not.

Withdrew quietly, no one would care that there was a woman in red walking alone on the streets of the capital.

I don't know how far to go. Gu Yuqi suddenly discovered that the sky and the earth are so big that there is no place for her to go.

The world is Xiao Xiao, and people are also Xiao Xiao.

Gu Yuqi wanted to laugh, but also felt a little sad. She was like a passer-by, watching the capital gradually wake up, but she didn't know where to go. Low anti-spam.

Gu Yuqi looked back, but saw Wang Yan and Du Xia quietly following behind her.

"I... want to be alone for a while?" Gu Yuqi said with a slight sigh.

"My subordinates will not disturb Miss." Wang Yan and Du Xia said almost in unison.

Gu Yuqi could only smile helplessly, yes, they also have responsibilities. Their job is to protect themselves.

"How is my mother?" Gu Yuqi asked.

"Return to miss. Last night, my subordinates have gone to see madam. Madame is in the same place, don't worry, miss." Wang Yan replied.

"Thank you." Mother is naturally safe in Ximu Hutong, but it's still safe to ask.

"It's what the subordinates should do." Wang Yan said.

Gu Yuqi nodded, and continued to walk forward in a numb manner.

Du Xia's voice drifted over, "The capital city is still very dangerous, please don't wander around again, miss."

"Oh." Gu Yuqi stopped, she was not an awkward person, and she didn't want to cause trouble for others. Since they say it's not safe, let's go back, but where to go? Gu Yuqi took a deep breath, and turned to walk towards Dingyuan Hou's Mansion.

Anyway, this is still a place to stay.

Dingyuan Hou's Mansion was ransacked like other noble mansions, the gates were left open, and there were bloodstains and other stains on the walls. Walking in, the mansion was also in a mess, the maids were all gone, and there were still a few servants packing up their things with blank expressions. Seeing Gu Yuqi coming in, they reacted a little.

"Where are the others?" Gu Yuqi asked.

"Inside. Master Hou and Aunt Liu are safe, only the young master is slightly injured." The servant hurried over and said.

According to the servant's instructions, Gu Yuqi walked into the inner room, and saw Gu Huaizhong sitting blankly on the side in a daze, his hand was still holding a long gun, and there was blood on the gun, while Liu Yue was sitting on the side crying, Gu Siyang lying on the ground. On the bunk, bandages were wrapped around the legs.

Hearing the noise at the door, Gu Huaizhong subconsciously grasped the gun. Seeing that it was Gu Yuqi who came, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you... are you okay?" Gu Huaizhong hesitated for a moment and asked, his eyes also fell on Wang Yan and Du Xia, these two people should be protecting Gu Yuqi. But what about Gu Siyu? Gu Huaizhong jumped up, "Where's your sister! Where did you get her?"

Gu Huaizhong jumped, and Liu Yue also jumped up, walked quickly to Gu Yuqi's side, looked around, but there was no sign of Gu Siyu.

"Where is Siyu! How is she?" She grabbed Gu Yuqi's arm like crazy, and shook it vigorously, "Didn't she go to the princess mansion with you? Why didn't she come back together?"

"She's fine, she's fine." Gu Yuqi brushed Liu Yue away impatiently, and looked at Gu Siyang. She was already very tired, and she really didn't want to argue with Liu Yue anymore, she shouldn't have come back alone. Gu Yuqi sneered in her heart.

"Sister." Gu Siyang struggled to sit up, but was held down by Gu Yuqi. If there is one person in this family who truly accepts him, it is Gu Siyang. Gu Yuqi let out a long sigh.

"What happened to the leg?"

"It's okay, I was just chopped off." Gu Siyang forced a smile with a pale face.

"Still saying it's okay!" Liu Yue yelled again, Gu Yuqi had to look sideways slightly, her voice was so loud. "The hamstring is already broken! Whether you can walk in the future is a matter of two opinions!" After she finished speaking, she burst into tears again, hammering Gu Huaizhong, "It's all your fault! I told you to come back early, but I refused. It's all right now, my son That's it! The family's money has been robbed by others!"

"Okay! Are you annoying, what time is it, and you are still thinking about money and money." Gu Huaizhong couldn't stand Liu Yue's fuss, so he yelled and pushed her aside, "Take care of your wife!" He was irritated Said to the maid in the room, and walked out with a gun.

Looking at Gu Siyang's dimming eyes, Gu Yuqi said softly, "Don't be afraid, let's find the imperial physician and come back again."

"Doctor?" Liu Yue's sharp voice rang in Gu Yuqi's ear again, causing her to frown. Why are you talking so loudly? She is not deaf.

"Do you know that the imperial physician is almost busy now! Where can I find the imperial physician?" After Liu Yue finished speaking, she grabbed Gu Yuqi's arm again, "By the way, aren't you the side concubine of King An? His Royal Highness King An led the troops to solve the difficulties in the capital, you go to His Highness King An and beg him to send an imperial doctor! Hurry up!"

Gu Yuqi's arm hurt from being scratched by Liu Yue's nails. She really wanted to kick Liu Yue away, but she couldn't do that in front of Gu Siyang.

Even Gu Siyang, who was lying down, felt that his mother was a bit too much. Gu Yuqi's eyes were slightly black and she looked very tired. He also killed the enemy. Gu Siyang suddenly envied the eldest sister, she can serve the country as a woman, but he has studied for so many years, but it is useless in front of the vicious bandits. "Mother, don't be like this. Eldest sister is already very tired!" Gu Siyang said displeased.

"She's so tired!" Liu Yue really couldn't stand her son, what time did she still talk to Gu Yuqi, could it be that she didn't want this leg? "Stay well in the princess mansion, what's so tiring! There are many people who protect her."

"Okay. I'll just go." Gu Yuqi was too lazy to say more. If Liu Yue was injured, she could leave immediately, but now it is Gu Siyang who is injured. She still stood up and walked outside.

"I just said she has a solution." Liu Yue was overjoyed, and sat down beside her son, holding his hand, "Don't worry, your eldest sister will definitely invite the imperial physician to show you your legs."

"Mother, you're really over." Gu Siyang shook his head helplessly, watching Gu Yuqi's lonely back leave, a trace of indescribable sadness rose from the bottom of his heart. The elder sister's back is so thin and thin.

Du Xia and Wang Yan naturally saw everything in their eyes, they glanced at each other, they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Du Xia knew that Gu Yuqi didn't get along well with her family, but she didn't know how bad it was. It's a pity that he is just a small guard, he can only look at Gu Yuqi silently, but he can't do anything for her. From seeing her again at the princess mansion until now, a deep sense of powerlessness has been lingering in Du Xia's heart.

He really wanted to pull the person who was walking in front of him into his arms, and tell her softly that everything will be with him in the future. But what qualifications does he have? He has no power, no power, nothing...

"If you are tired, take a short rest. This subordinate can go and bring the imperial physician." Du Xia hesitated for a moment and said.

Gu Yuqi's footsteps stopped, and she looked back at Du Xia. The young man's eyes were full of sincerity, sincerity and deep concern, which made Gu Yuqi's almost cold heart feel a little warmth again.

"En. Thank you very much." Gu Yuqi nodded.

Anyway, she doesn't want to see Yun Ke, so let Du Xia go. I believe that Du Xia will definitely bring the imperial physician back.

Du Xia still turned around and left, that's all he can do for Gu Yuqi... But in the future, he will definitely be able to do more.